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Sobre noobaoestadevolta


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  2. simples: td mundo sabe aqui q eu nao vou fazer flood a toa. eu crio um topico c uma musica pra mostrar pra tds meus amgs daqui de 1x só, ja sabendo q ngm vai ver um topico escondido e nego fecha cara, sério. olha p mim e diz: qual a minha vantagem de ficar enxendo seu saco? nenhum. eu só to enxendo saco pq se tá enxendo o meu. pare de enxer o meu q eu paro de enxer o seu. nao vou fazer nenhuma merda aqui
  3. Career [edit]Formation and early years ‘Crystal Fighters' are Sebastian Pringle (lead vocals, guitar), Gilbert Vierich (electronics, guitars, txalaparta, percussion) and Graham Dickson (guitar/ txalaparta), with Laure Stockley, Mimi Borrelli and Eleanor Fletcher (vocals). Pringle and Vierich were old friends, while Vierich and Dickson met through various parties before Vierich "forced [Graham] to move to London and start to make music." [3] The three then began making music under various guises before being joined by Stockley and Borrelli.[4] The band now play with a live drummer, Andrea Marongiu.[5] The group took their name ‘Crystal Fighters’ from an unfinished opera which Stockley’s grandfather had penned during his final months of insanity. Stockley came across the manuscript while clearing out the reclusive old man’s remote home in theBasque countryside. She quickly became obsessed by the intriguing scrawls within it and shared it with the others. Captivated by its seemingly prophetic contents, the band took on the name and formed in an attempt to expand upon the wild and deranged spirit of the old man’s writings.[6] "We started writing music around the book and learning about Basque culture and how the music and history has evolved. From there we decided we wanted to finish the opera and do a live show that would get across some of the amazing, crazy...stuff that was in this book. So we crafted this live show around the book and wrote new music based on its directions and looking at Basque music as a whole."[7] explains Vierich.
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