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Sobre maynoth


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  1. To com o mesmo problema se alguem puder ajudar eu agradeço.
  2. Muito obrigado,me ajudou muito. REP+
  3. maynoth

    [Ajuda] Guild Gesior

    Vou tentar explicar, um player cria uma guild no meu site,blza tudo certo...mais quando ele clica em guild denovo, ele nao tem acesso ao manager,tipo nao pode invitar ninguem, etc.. Vou tentar explicar melhor, o dono da guild quando clica em guild fica como se fosse um membro normal e nao tem acesso ao manager da guild. alguem pode me ajudar?
  4. Eu uso o realserver 3.6 8.60 do doidin e o site Gesior ACC 0.3.8 Venho aqui pedir se possivel os arquivos characters.php , OTS_Account.php e accountmanagement.php que esteja funcionando corretamente. ja fiz de tudo pra configurar esses arquivos mais continuam dando erro no meu site, ja troquei o sitema vip, ja baxei outras websites e troquei esses arquivos mais nao adiantou.
  5. Venho aki pedir um script deathlist.lua que esteja funcionando perfeitamente, eu uso o realserver 3.6 ot8.60 e o !death list ta derrubando meu ot.
  6. Como estalar o sqlite3? ja procurei em tudo aki e nao axei ,aguardo resposta.
  7. local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end local shopModule = ShopModule:new() npcHandler:addModule(shopModule) shopModule:addBuyableItem({'spellbook'}, 2175, 150, 'spellbook') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'small health'}, 8704, 20, 'small health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'health potion'}, 7618, 45, 'health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'mana potion'}, 7620, 50, 'mana potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong health'}, 7588, 100, 'strong health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong mana'}, 7589, 80, 'strong mana potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great health'}, 7591, 190, 'great health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great mana'}, 7590, 120, 'great mana potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great spirit'}, 8472, 190, 'great spirit potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate health'}, 8473, 310, 'ultimate health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'antidote potion'}, 8474, 50, 'antidote potion') shopModule:addSellableItem({'normal potion flask', 'normal flask'}, 7636, 5, 'empty small potion flask') shopModule:addSellableItem({'strong potion flask', 'strong flask'}, 7634, 10, 'empty strong potion flask') shopModule:addSellableItem({'great potion flask', 'great flask'}, 7635, 15, 'empty great potion flask') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'blank rune'}, 2260, 10, 'blank rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'animate dead'}, 2316, 375,1, 'animate dead rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'antidote'}, 2266, 65,1, 'antidote rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'avalanche'}, 2274, 180,4, 'avalanche rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'chameleon'}, 2291, 210,1, 'chameleon rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'convince creature'}, 2290, 80,1, 'convince creature rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'desintegrate'}, 2310, 80,3, 'desintegrate rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'destroy field'}, 2261, 45,3, 'destroy field') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'energy bomb'}, 2262, 325,2, 'energy bomb rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'energy field'}, 2277, 115,3, 'energy field') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'energy wall'}, 2279, 340,4, 'energy wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'explosion'}, 2313, 190,6, 'explosion rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'fire bomb'}, 2305, 235,2, 'fire bomb rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'fire field'}, 2301, 85,3, 'fire field rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'fire wall'}, 2303, 245,4, 'fire wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'fireball'}, 2302, 150,5, 'fire ball') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great fireball'}, 2304, 180,4, 'great fireball rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'heavy magic missile'}, 2311, 120,10, 'heavy magic missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'holy missile missile'}, 2295, 80,5, 'holy missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'icicle'}, 2271, 150,5, 'icicle rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'intense healing'}, 2265, 95,1, 'intense healing rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'light magic missile'}, 2287, 40,10, 'light magic missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic wall'}, 2293, 350,10, 'magic wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'paralyze'}, 2278, 700,3, 'paralyze rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'poison bomb'}, 2286, 170,2, 'poison bomb rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'poison field'}, 2285, 65,3, 'poison field') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'poison wall'}, 2289, 210,4, 'poison wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'soulfire'}, 2308, 140,3, 'soulfire rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'stalagmite'}, 2292, 120,10, 'stalagmite rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'stone shower'}, 2288, 150,4, 'stoneshower rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'sudden death'}, 2268, 325,50, 'sudden death rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'thunderstorm'}, 2315, 150,4, 'thunderstorm rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate healing'}, 2273, 175,50, 'ultimate healing rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wild growth'}, 2269, 320,5, 'wild growth rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp blank'}, 1998, 2260, 220, 1, 'bp blank rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp animate dead'}, 1998, 2316, 7520, 1, 'bp animate dead rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp antidote'}, 2003, 2266, 1320, 1, 'bp antidote rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp avalanche'}, 2002, 2274, 3620,4, 'bp avalanche rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp chameleon'}, 1998, 2291, 4220,1, 'bp chameleon rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp convince creature'}, 1998, 2290, 1620,1, 'bp convince creature rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp desintegrate'}, 2001, 2310, 1620,3, 'bp desintegrate rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp destroy field'}, 2003, 2261, 920,3, 'bp destroy field') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp energy bomb'}, 2003, 2262, 6520,2, 'bp energy bomb rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp energy field'}, 1998, 2277, 2320,3, 'bp energy field') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp energy wall'}, 2002, 2279, 6820,4, 'bp energy wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp explosion'}, 2001, 2313, 3820,6, 'bp explosion rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp fire bomb'}, 2000, 2305, 4720,2, 'bp fire bomb rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp fire field'}, 2000, 2301, 1720,3, 'bp fire field rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp fire wall'}, 2000, 2303, 4920,4, 'bp fire wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp fireball'}, 2000, 2302, 3020,5, 'bp fire ball') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp great fireball'}, 2000, 2304, 3620,4, 'bp great fireball rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp heavy magic missile'}, 2001, 2311, 2420,10, 'bp heavy magic missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp holy missile'}, 1999, 2295, 1600,5, 'bp holy missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp icicle'}, 2002, 2271, 3020,5, 'bp icicle rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp intense healing'}, 2003, 2265, 1920,1, 'bp intense healing rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp light magic missile'}, 1998, 2287, 820,10, 'bp light magic missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp magic wall'}, 1999, 2293, 7020,3, 'bp magic wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp paralyze'}, 2002, 2278, 1420,1, 'bp paralyze rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp poison bomb'}, 1998, 2286, 3420,2, 'bp poison bomb rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp poison field'}, 1998, 2285, 1320,3, 'bp poison field') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp poison wall'}, 1998, 2289, 4220,4, 'bp poison wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp soulfire'}, 2000, 2308, 2820,3, 'bp soulfire rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp stalagmite'}, 1998, 2292, 2400,10, 'bp stalagmite rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp stone shower'}, 1999, 2288, 3020,4, 'bp stoneshower rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp sudden death'}, 2003, 2268, 6520,3, 'bp sudden death rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp thunderstorm'}, 1999, 2315, 3020,4, 'bp thunderstorm rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ultimate healing'}, 2002, 2273, 3520,3, 'bp ultimate healing rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp wild growth'}, 2002, 2269, 6420,2, 'bp wild growth rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp slhp'}, 2000, 8704, 400, 1, 'backpack of small health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp hp'}, 2000, 7618, 900, 1, 'backpack of health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp mp'}, 2001, 7620, 1000, 1, 'backpack of mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp shp'}, 2000, 7588, 2000, 1, 'backpack of strong health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp smp'}, 2001, 7589, 1600, 1, 'backpack of strong mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ghp'}, 2000, 7591, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gmp'}, 2001, 7590, 2400, 1, 'backpack of great mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gsp'}, 1999, 8472, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great spirit potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uhp'}, 2000, 8473, 6200, 1, 'backpack of ultimate health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ap'}, 2002, 8474, 2000, 1, 'backpack of antidote potions') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000, 'underworld rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 250, 'wand of vortex') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 500, 'wand of dragonbreath') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 2500, 'wand of decay') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 3750, 'wand of draconia') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 5000, 'wand of cosmic energy') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'},2187, 7500, 'wand of inferno') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 9000, 'wand of starstorm') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 11000, 'wand of voodoo') shopModule:addSellableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 250,'snakebite rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 500, 'moonlight rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 2500, 'necrotic rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 3750, 'northwind rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 5000, 'terra rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 7500, 'hailstorm rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 9000, 'springsprout rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 11000, 'underworld rod') npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new())
  8. maynoth

    Duvida - Npc Eryn

    Ae galera. To com um problema, quando vou comprar uma bp de hp ou mf a bp vem vazia, e se eu não tiver bp eu compro uma bp e aparece a ultima bp que eu tinha usado( tipo duplicando). Alguem sabe arrumar?
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