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Tudo que Kubciox postou

  1. Editado por Kubciox Mapa convertido por: LeozeraRox Editado com RmE 1.1.5 map editor -ZORZIN OT 8.4- - Hotkeys Bug Fixed [Zorzin] - Ground Randomizer only if the ground has actionID 0 and UID 0 [Zorzin] - Hicks! Message fixed [Zorzin] - Fixed division by zero crash on Randomizer [Zorzin] - SQL database fixed [Zorzin] - Actions remaded [ta4e] - Added cake, bread and pumpkin system [ta4e] - Added Quest of HOTA (Helmet of the Ancient) [ta4e] - 2 changes in map (hota's room and blessing house in Folda) [ta4e] - Added oven in vega that if the player has gingebredman recipe he can make cookies there [ta4e] - Added Soft boots [ta4e] - Item.otb fixed - dead monsters and names [ta4e] - Monsters fixed (now they are more real) [ta4e] - Torch bug fixed [ta4e] - Bug of corpses of new monsters can't be moved fixed [ta4e] - Fixes in item.xml [ta4e] - Added exausted system in lua [frerety] - Manafluid with exausted [ta4e] - Fix in spells.xml [ta4e] - Fix in monsters spells [ta4e] - Fix in mass healing [ta4e] - Added all addons that were missing in npc Mark (addons) [Zorzin] - Fixed summons bug that could crash the server [Zorzin] - Fixed another bug that monsters didn't attack summons of players [Zorzin] - GMs, Senior Gamemasters and GODs can kill Summons even if in Config.lua: can_attack_summons = "no" [Zorzin] - Fixed some bugs in SQL Version [Zorzin] - Fixed the database.sql [Zorzin] - Fixed the Account Manager for SQL [Zorzin] - Fixed one bug in data/movements/manager_add_items.lua [Zorzin] - Fixed an issue that could crash the server [SVN Team] - Changed so that doMoveCreature cant fail because of blocking obstacles [SVN Team] - Fix a crash when a summon loses his master [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue where monster summons would keep being active even if there was no players around. [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug where monster summon that where inactive due to the master is out of reach and the master died the summons would become zombies (0 hp). [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug with spells using parameter with player name that where working even when they where not on the same floor (special case). [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue where you could use actions through walls [SVN Team] - Added a missing animation for monster spells "greenbubble". [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug where you could get 2 unjustified kills from 1 kill [SVN Team] - Monster summons will now drop to the ground instead of poffing when the master dies. [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug with convince creature [SVN Team] - Monsters now update look direction before casting spells [SVN Team] ~ SVN Fixes and Updates ~ - Fixed an issue with luaGetPlayerDepotItems [SVN Team] - Monsters destroyed by another monster will not drop loot [SVN Team] - Masterpos for monster is now the spawning position instead of the center of the spawn to prevent dispawning due to a very large spawn zone. [SVN Team] - Npcs will respond only to player events [SVN Team] - New random function, should work in windows and linux [SVN Team] - Added mutex in Spawn::checkSpawn() [SVN Team] - Fixed compiler warnings and move some functions to headers [SVN Team] - Fixed division by zero crash [SVN Team] - Fixed random_range for negative values [SVN Team] - Show lua script loading errors [SVN Team] - Fix Actions::useItemEx return value [SVN Team] - Recode random_range to make it more simple [SVN Team] - Minor changes [SVN Team] - Added a new experimental Map::getPathTo algorithm which should prevent monsters from destroying other monsters unless they have to [SVN Team] - monster will now try push blocking monsters or items before destroying them [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue where monsters in spawn would despawn if they where far away from the center pos [SVN Team] - cleanup of random_range() [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue where the max summons would not be checked correctly if there was several summons with the same interval and chance [SVN Team] - Fixed so that health/mana gain is correctly adjusted when changing vocation [SVN Team] - Distance attacks will now add 2 skillpoint with blood hits and only 1 skillpoint for puff/spark hits (melee attacks will still only gain 1 skillpoint regardless of block type) [SVN Team] - Changed so that armor reducation is always working regardless how many that attacks you (but only 2 hits / round will be counted towards shielding advance) [SVN Team] - Changed decaying system again to fix an issue with rings/torches being able to turn them brand-new under certain conditions. [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances a player could get 2 unjustified kills from a single kill. [SVN Team] - Fixed an autowalking issue where the character would become stuck. [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue where player info was sent a bit to late when using spells/weapons. [SVN Team] - "canDecay" is now depricated both in the otb and items.xml, the new attribute to make an item being able to stop a decaying item is "stopduration", these affects rings, torches, magic light wands, lamps and some other items (all of them are included in the updated items.xml) [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue with ConditionSpeed deserialization which could make a player walk really fast/slow [SVN Team] - Fix so now is loaded fist skill [SVN Team] - Added comments to ItemAttributes class and some fixes [SVN Team] - Remove compiler warnings [SVN Team] - Added check player access to FindPerson [SVN Team] - Added boundaries checks for animation effects. [SVN Team] - Added 3 new optional attributes to monster loot items, "text", "subtype" and "actionId". [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue with pushItem/pushCreature. [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue with loot items with charges would always have 1 charge. [SVN Team] - Added "drunk" spell in monster spell xml configuration. [SVN Team] - "Drunk" added to reserved list to not use in spells.xml [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug in pushCreature/pushItem that could crash the server [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue with items loaded from map where always having 1 charge instead of default from items.xml [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug in random_range() which would only return (min, max - 1) which would make monsters tend to prefer going left. [SVN Team] - If its not possible to place a creature at centerPos in placeCreature() the next attempts will be random around the centerPos instead of starting from top-left->bottom->right. [SVN Team] - Cleanup of some excessive code [SVN Team] - Check that a player only creates one private channel [SVN Team] - Change unsigned long to uint32_t in autoid [SVN Team] - Remove compiler warnings [SVN Team] - Added a new function findItemOfType() for future usage. [SVN Team] - Added new attributes to to items.xml "name", "description", "weight", "decayTo", "decayTime", "rotateto", "armor", "defense" , "attack", "maxitems", "textMaxLen", "textReadOnlyId", "ammoType", "shootType", "weaponType", "slotType" and a new attribute for magic fields "replaceable" that can be set to 1/0 (true/false) if you want a field to be replaceable (such as fields loaded from map). [SVN Team] - Included all magic fields into the items.xml and movements.xml and set decayTo=0 for wild growth and magic walls. [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue with DamageCondition where min/max values where not configured correctly (thanks LooSik). [SVN Team] - Fixed a bug in decaying (thanks LooSik). [SVN Team] - Fixed an issue with magic field that crashed the server [SVN Team] - Fixed a small issue when loading weights lower than 1.00 oz [SVN Team] Zorzin Ot 8.4
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