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  1. miupinho

    [Gesior AAC] Thora Layout

    ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Download: CLICA AQUI!
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  2. Frenvius

    [MyAAC] v0.7.10

    MyAAC MyAAC é um Criador de Conta Automático (AAC) gratuito, open source e escrito em PHP. Este AAC é baseado no Gesior, o que significa que possui todos os recursos do Gesior, e um pouco mais! Requisitos: - PHP 5.3.0 ou superior; - Database MySQL; - Extensão PDO PHP; - Extensão XML PHP; - Extensão ZIP PHP; - (Opcional) Mod_rewrite para urls amigáveis. Imagens: Como instalar? Baixe os arquivos necessários, navegue em seu navegador para o local onde você carregou seus arquivos - normalmente http: // localhost. Siga as etapas de instalação para instalar o AAC. É possível migrar do GesiorAAC para o MyAAC? Sim! É possível, graças ao script de instalação, que automaticamente detecta o esquema de banco de dados existente e faz a atualização. Basta fazer o upload do MyAAC para a pasta raiz da web e seguir as etapas de instalação. Nenhuma etapa adicional precisa ser feita! Seu banco de dados será convertido de Gesior para MyAAC, e você não perderá nada! Tão simples! Demo: Visualize uma demonstração do site no link abaixo: Download: Site oficial: Créditos: slawkens
    1 ponto
  3. Halfie

    OTRealm Server List v2.0

    OTRealm , besides other things, also hosts it's own serverlist, where you can advertise your servers for free . It's located at , or . Feel free to post feedback or suggestions in this thread. Features added in last update: Added Markdown: You can now use an markdown editor to write server description, for example you can use bold / italic text aswell as color . Signatures: All servers got two diffrent signatures you can use, they provide information about your server such as: online players, record player, servername and server status. ' Minimap Image : You can now upload your own minimap image for your server. Option to set PvP type: Possible to set what kind of PvP type your server is, eg: Optional-PvP, PvP, Hardcore-PvP. Sort by PvP type: This is exactly what it sounds like, you can now sort server for some kind of PvP type aswell, just like when you sort it out for client or map. OTRealm Auth: You can now login using your OTRealm account instead of having seperate accounts. Serverlist Profile: Your former profile on the serverlist now redirects you to your forum profile so you can easily find the owners forum profile. Ability to set 'Last Wipe': You can now set a date when your server was last wiped / reseted to show the players that the server is fresh. Changed Add Server: It should now be much easier to add your server to the list. FAQ: Changed the information in FAQ to be more accurate. Server Checker: The server checker should now gather information from the server better. Coming in the next few updates: Graphs: For each server to view both server rank and players. Any suggestions of features you would like to see on the serverlist?
    1 ponto
  4. o npc que você fala seria um npc agressivo igual o da brotherhood?
    1 ponto
  5. Sammy

    [Znote AAC] Advanced Spells

    Este script carrega Spells.xml quando solicitado pelo usuário no painel admin, e cria um arquivo php salvando todas as magias em arrays. Ele tem opções de classificação exatamente como a página do Tibia. Ele funciona com ambas as distribuições 0.2 e 0.3. Preview: Vamos ao tutorial: Configuração: engine/function/general.php Em ?> Adicione function build_spells($xml, $display_groups) { $t_count = 0; $rune = array(); $string = '<?php'."\n".'#Generated spells file from admin panel'."\n".'#Edit at your own risk!'; $string .= "\n".'$show_spells_groups = '.($display_groups ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\n".'$spells = array('; foreach($xml as $key => $value) { if($value['lvl']) { if($key == 'rune') { if($display_groups) { if($value['group'] == NULL) { echo '<span style="color:orange;font-weight:bold">WARNING: Group not found at spell "'.$value['name'].'", set to "Attack".</span><br>'; } $rune[(string)$value['name']] = ($value['group'] == NULL) ? 'Attack' : $value['group']; } continue; } $t_count++; $string .= "\n\t".'array('; if($display_groups) { $string .= "\n\t\t".'"group" => '; { if($value['function'] == 'conjureRune') { $string .= '\''.ucfirst($rune[(string)$value['name']]).'\''; } else { if($value['group'] == NULL) { echo '<span style="color:orange;font-weight:bold">WARNING: Group not found at spell "'.$value['name'].'", set to "Attack".</span><br>'; } $string .= '\''.ucfirst(($value['group'] == NULL) ? 'Attack' : $value['group']).'\''; } } $string .= ','; } $string .= "\n\t\t".'"type" => '; if(config('TFSVersion') == 'TFS_02') { $string .= (($value['function'] == 'conjureRune') ? '\'Rune\'' : '\'Instant\''); } if(config('TFSVersion') == 'TFS_03') { $string .= (($value['value'] == 'conjureRune') ? '\'Rune\'' : '\'Instant\''); } $string .= ','; $string .= "\n\t\t".'"name" => "'.$value['name'].'",'; $string .= "\n\t\t".'"words" => \''.$value['words'].'\','; $string .= "\n\t\t".'"level" => '.$value['lvl'].','; $string .= "\n\t\t".'"mana" => '; $string .= (($value['mana'] == NULL) or ($value['mana'] == '')) ? '\'Var.\'' : $value['mana']; $string .= ','; $string .= "\n\t\t".'"premium" => '; if($value['prem']) { $string .= ($value['prem'] == 1) ? '\'yes\'' : '\'no\''; } else { $string .= '\'no\''; } $string .= ','; $vocs = array(); $string .= "\n\t\t".'"vocation" => array('; foreach($value->vocation as $vocation) { if(config('TFSVersion') == 'TFS_02') { $vocs[] = '\''.$vocation[0]['name'].'\''; } elseif(config('TFSVersion') == 'TFS_03') { if(strpos($vocation[0]['id'], ';') !== FALSE) { $array = explode(';', $vocation[0]['id']); foreach($array as $voc) { $vocs[] = '\''.vocation_id_to_name($voc).'\''; } } else { $vocs[] = '\''.vocation_id_to_name((int)$vocation[0]['id']).'\''; } } } if(count($vocs) < 1) foreach(config('vocations') as $id => $name) if($id > 0) $vocs[] = '\''.$name.'\''; $string .= implode(', ',$vocs).')'."\n\t".'),'; } } $string .= "\n".'); ?>'; echo('Loaded '. $t_count .' spells!<br>'); echo 'File "spell.php" '.(file_exists('spell.php') ? 'updated' : 'created').'!<br>'; $file = fopen('spell.php', 'w'); fwrite($file, $string); fclose($file); } admin.php Antes </ul> <?php include 'layout/overall/footer.php'; ?> Adicione <li> <b>Update spells from file:</b><br> <?php if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { $_POST['action'] = 'undefine'; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'upload') { $xml = $_FILES['file']; $_POST['action'] = 'undefine'; if($xml['tmp_name']) { if($xml['name'] == 'spells.xml') { $groups = (isset($_POST['show_groups']) && $_POST['show_groups'] == 'yes') ? true : false; echo 'Successfully fetched spells.xml!<br>'; echo 'Using temporal file: '. $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] .'<br>'; build_spells(simplexml_load_file($xml['tmp_name']), $groups); } else { echo '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">ERROR: File "spells.xml" not found.</span>'; } } else { echo '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">ERROR: Upload failed.</span>'; } } ?> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' method='POST'> <input type='checkbox' name='show_groups' value='yes'> Show spells groups (Only for TFS 0.2.9+)<br> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='upload' /> <input type='file' name='file' /> <input type='submit' value='Submit' /> </form> </li> Crie o arquivo Spell.php e adicione dentro: <?php require_once 'engine/init.php'; include 'layout/overall/header.php'; echo '<h1>Spells</h1>'; if(file_exists('spell.php')) { require_once 'spell.php'; ?> <table> <tr class="yellow"> <td><b>Name</b></td> <?php if($show_spells_groups) echo '<td><b>Group</b></td>'; ?> <td><b>Type</b></td> <td><b>Exp Lvl</b></td> <td><b>Mana</b></td> <td><b>Premium</b></td> </span> </tr> <?php @$sort = $_REQUEST['sort']; if(!isset($sort)) $sort = 'name'; @$vocation = $_REQUEST['vocation']; if(!isset($vocation)) $vocation = 'vall'; if($show_spells_groups) { @$group = $_REQUEST['_group']; if(!isset($group)) $group = 'gall'; } @$type = $_REQUEST['_type']; if(!isset($type)) $type = 'tall'; @$premium = $_REQUEST['_premium']; if(!isset($premium)) $premium = 'pall'; $order = array(); foreach($spells as $key => $row) { $order[$key] = $row[$sort]; } array_multisort($order, SORT_ASC, $spells); foreach($spells as $spell) { if($vocation != 'vall') { if(!in_array($vocation, $spell['vocation'])) continue; } if($show_spells_groups && $group != 'gall') { if($spell['group'] != $group) continue; } if($type != 'tall') { if($spell['type'] != $type) continue; } if($premium != 'pall') { if($spell['premium'] != $premium) continue; } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo '<b>'.$spell['name'].'</b> ('.$spell['words'].')'; ?></td> <?php if($show_spells_groups) echo '<td>'.$spell['group'].'</td>'; ?> <td><?php echo $spell['type']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $spell['level']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $spell['mana']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $spell['premium']; ?></td> </tr> <?php } echo '</table>'; ?> <form action='spells.php' method='post'> <table> <tr class="yellow"> <td colspan=4><b>Spell Search</b></td></tr> <tr class="yellow"> <?php if($show_spells_groups) { echo'<td width=25%><b>vocation</b></td> <td width=25%><b>group</b></td> <td width=25%><b>type</b></td> <td width=25%><b>premium</b></td>';} else { echo'<td width=40%><b>vocation</b></td> <td width=30%><b>type</b></td> <td width=30%><b>premium</b></td>';}?> </tr> <tr> <td valign='top'> <input type='radio' name='vocation' value='vall' checked> all<br> <?php foreach(config('vocations') as $id => $vocation) { if($id > 0) { echo "<input type='radio' name='vocation' value='".$vocation."'> ".$vocation."<br>"; } } ?> </td> <?php if($show_spells_groups) echo" <td valign='top'> <input type='radio' name='_group' value='gall' checked> all<br> <input type='radio' name='_group' value='Attack'> attack<br> <input type='radio' name='_group' value='Healing'> healing<br> <input type='radio' name='_group' value='Support'> support</td>"; ?> <td valign='top'> <input type='radio' name='_type' value='tall' checked> all<br> <input type='radio' name='_type' value='Instant'> instant<br> <input type='radio' name='_type' value='Rune'> rune </td> <td valign='top'> <input type='radio' name='_premium' value='pall' checked> all<br> <input type='radio' name='_premium' value='no'> no<br> <input type='radio' name='_premium' value='yes'> yes </td> </tr> <tr> <td>sort by: <select name='sort'> <option value='name' selected>name <option value='words'>words <?php if($show_spells_groups) echo "<option value='group' >group"; ?> <option value='type' >type <option value='level' >exp lvl <option value='mana' >mana <option value='premium' >premium </select> </td> <td colspan='3'> <input type='submit' name='submit'> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } else { echo 'This page has not been configured yet.'; }; include 'layout/overall/footer.php'; ?> Depois Adicionar o link da página ao seu layout layout padrão: /layout/menu.php Adicione na lista de páginas: <li><a href="spells.php">Spells</a></li> Fim do Tutorial ? Eu não posso garantir que ele vai trabalhar com todas as distros TFS. Lembre-se que você pode editar seu arquivo spell.php, principalmente necessário se você usar spells personalizadas. Créditos: cbrm(otland)
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