Muvuka 1 Postado Abril 25 Share Postado Abril 25 (editado) PRA ONDE VAI O DIRETORIO DO CTRL + Z & CTRL + J EU USO ESSES COMANDOS EXTERNOS NO MEU OT E NAO APARECE A ESCRITA EM LOGS EM LUGAR ALGUEM POR FAVOR ME AJUDA? @HologramaME AJUDA TFS 0.3.6 8.60 Editado Abril 25 por Muvuka Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 El Rusher 37 Postado Abril 26 Share Postado Abril 26 Se eu não estiver errado quando a gente utiliza atalhos do sistema operacional só é constado nos Logs do próprio SO e nao no servidor de jogo, por exemplo, no Linux, você pode verificar os logs do sistema em '/var/log' e no Windows varia um pouco conforme a versão (desorganizado pra variar), mas geralmente é em 'C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles' ou em Win+R e em seguida no arquivo eventvwr.msc. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Muvuka 1 Postado Abril 26 Autor Share Postado Abril 26 (editado) tem como meche na source pra ve onde que player possa aperta ctrl + z ele ja pode reporta bugs ctrl + z no meu servidor pq customizei no flag custom flag do playermais nai manda no log nem no ctrl + J <group id="1" name="Player" flags="17592186044416" customFlags="2051"/> ele aperta ctrl + z e reporta no ctrl + j mais nao manda na pasta logs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include "resources.h" #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <iostream> #include "protocolgame.h" #include "textlogger.h" #include "waitlist.h" #include "player.h" #include "connection.h" #include "networkmessage.h" #include "outputmessage.h" #include "iologindata.h" #include "ioban.h" #include "items.h" #include "tile.h" #include "house.h" #include "actions.h" #include "creatureevent.h" #include "quests.h" #include "chat.h" #include "configmanager.h" #include "game.h" #if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__) #include "gui.h" #endif extern Game g_game; extern ConfigManager g_config; extern Actions actions; extern CreatureEvents* g_creatureEvents; extern Chat g_chat; template<class FunctionType> void ProtocolGame::addGameTaskInternal(uint32_t delay, const FunctionType& func) { if(delay > 0) Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(delay, func)); else Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(func)); } #ifdef __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ uint32_t ProtocolGame::protocolGameCount = 0; #endif void ProtocolGame::setPlayer(Player* p) { player = p; } void ProtocolGame::releaseProtocol() { if(player && player->client == this) player->client = NULL; Protocol::releaseProtocol(); } void ProtocolGame::deleteProtocolTask() { if(player) { g_game.freeThing(player); player = NULL; } Protocol::deleteProtocolTask(); } bool ProtocolGame::login(const std::string& name, uint32_t id, const std::string& password, OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem, uint16_t version, bool gamemaster) { //dispatcher thread PlayerVector players = g_game.getPlayersByName(name); Player* _player = NULL; if(!players.empty()) _player = players[random_range(0, (players.size() - 1))]; if(!_player || name == "Account Manager" || g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CLONES) > (int32_t)players.size()) { player = new Player(name, this); player->addRef(); player->setID(); if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadPlayer(player, name, true)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your character could not be loaded."); return false; } Ban ban; ban.value = player->getID(); ban.param = PLAYERBAN_BANISHMENT; ban.type = BAN_PLAYER; if(IOBan::getInstance()->getData(ban) && !player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeBanned)) { bool deletion = ban.expires < 0; std::string name_ = "Automatic "; if(!ban.adminId) name_ += (deletion ? "deletion" : "banishment"); else IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid(ban.adminId, name_, true); char buffer[500 + ban.comment.length()]; sprintf(buffer, "Your character has been %s at:\n%s by: %s,\nfor the following reason:\n%s.\nThe action taken was:\n%s.\nThe comment given was:\n%s.\nYour %s%s.", (deletion ? "deleted" : "banished"), formatDateShort(ban.added).c_str(), name_.c_str(), getReason(ban.reason).c_str(), getAction(ban.action, false).c_str(), ban.comment.c_str(), (deletion ? "character won't be undeleted" : "banishment will be lifted at:\n"), (deletion ? "." : formatDateShort(ban.expires, true).c_str())); disconnectClient(0x14, buffer); return false; } if(IOBan::getInstance()->isPlayerBanished(player->getGUID(), PLAYERBAN_LOCK) && id != 1) { if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::NAMELOCK_MANAGER)) { player->name = "Account Manager"; player->accountManager = MANAGER_NAMELOCK; player->managerNumber = id; player->managerString2 = name; } else { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your character has been namelocked."); return false; } } else if(player->getName() == "Account Manager" && g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ACCOUNT_MANAGER)) { if(id != 1) { player->accountManager = MANAGER_ACCOUNT; player->managerNumber = id; } else player->accountManager = MANAGER_NEW; } if(gamemaster && !player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "You are not a gamemaster! Turn off the gamemaster mode in your IP changer."); return false; } if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CanAlwaysLogin)) { if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_CLOSING) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is just going down, please come back later."); return false; } if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_CLOSED) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is currently closed, please come back later."); return false; } } if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ONE_PLAYER_ON_ACCOUNT) && !player->isAccountManager() && !IOLoginData::getInstance()->hasCustomFlag(id, PlayerCustomFlag_CanLoginMultipleCharacters)) { bool found = false; PlayerVector tmp = g_game.getPlayersByAccount(id); for(PlayerVector::iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getName() != name) continue; found = true; break; } if(tmp.size() > 0 && !found) { disconnectClient(0x14, "You may only login with one character\nof your account at the same time."); return false; } } if(!WaitingList::getInstance()->login(player)) { if(OutputMessage_ptr output = OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->getOutputMessage(this, false)) { TRACK_MESSAGE(output); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Too many players online.\n" << "You are "; int32_t slot = WaitingList::getInstance()->getSlot(player); if(slot) { ss << "at "; if(slot > 0) ss << slot; else ss << "unknown"; ss << " place on the waiting list."; } else ss << "awaiting connection..."; output->AddByte(0x16); output->AddString(ss.str()); output->AddByte(WaitingList::getTime(slot)); OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->send(output); } getConnection()->close(); return false; } if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadPlayer(player, name)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your character could not be loaded."); return false; } player->setOperatingSystem(operatingSystem); player->setClientVersion(version); if(!g_game.placeCreature(player, player->getLoginPosition()) && !g_game.placeCreature(player, player->getMasterPosition(), false, true)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Temple position is wrong. Contact with the administration."); return false; } player->lastIP = player->getIP(); player->lastLoad = OTSYS_TIME(); player->lastLogin = std::max(time(NULL), player->lastLogin + 1); m_acceptPackets = true; return true; } else if(_player->client) { if(m_eventConnect || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::REPLACE_KICK_ON_LOGIN)) { //A task has already been scheduled just bail out (should not be overriden) disconnectClient(0x14, "You are already logged in."); return false; } g_chat.removeUserFromAllChannels(_player); _player->disconnect(); _player->isConnecting = true; addRef(); m_eventConnect = Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask( 1000, boost::bind(&ProtocolGame::connect, this, _player->getID(), operatingSystem, version))); return true; } addRef(); return connect(_player->getID(), operatingSystem, version); } bool ProtocolGame::logout(bool displayEffect, bool forceLogout) { //dispatcher thread if(!player) return false; if(!player->isRemoved()) { if(!forceLogout) { if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->hasCustomFlag(player->getAccount(), PlayerCustomFlag_CanLogoutAnytime)) { if(player->getTile()->hasFlag(TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT)) { player->sendCancelMessage(RET_YOUCANNOTLOGOUTHERE); return false; } if(player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) { player->sendCancelMessage(RET_YOUMAYNOTLOGOUTDURINGAFIGHT); return false; } if(!g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(player, false)) //let the script handle the error message return false; } else g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(player, false); } else if(!g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(player, true)) return false; } else displayEffect = false; if(displayEffect && !player->isGhost()) g_game.addMagicEffect(player->getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_POFF); if(Connection_ptr connection = getConnection()) connection->close(); return g_game.removeCreature(player); } bool ProtocolGame::connect(uint32_t playerId, OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem, uint16_t version) { unRef(); m_eventConnect = 0; Player* _player = g_game.getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!_player || _player->isRemoved() || _player->client) { disconnectClient(0x14, "You are already logged in."); return false; } player = _player; player->addRef(); player->isConnecting = false; player->client = this; player->sendCreatureAppear(player); player->setOperatingSystem(operatingSystem); player->setClientVersion(version); player->lastIP = player->getIP(); player->lastLoad = OTSYS_TIME(); player->lastLogin = std::max(time(NULL), player->lastLogin + 1); m_acceptPackets = true; return true; } void ProtocolGame::disconnect() { if(getConnection()) getConnection()->close(); } void ProtocolGame::disconnectClient(uint8_t error, const char* message) { if(OutputMessage_ptr output = OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->getOutputMessage(this, false)) { TRACK_MESSAGE(output); output->AddByte(error); output->AddString(message); OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->send(output); } disconnect(); } void ProtocolGame::onConnect() { if(OutputMessage_ptr output = OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->getOutputMessage(this, false)) { TRACK_MESSAGE(output); enableChecksum(); output->AddByte(0x1F); output->AddU16(random_range(0, 0xFFFF)); output->AddU16(0x00); output->AddByte(random_range(0, 0xFF)); OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->send(output); } } void ProtocolGame::onRecvFirstMessage(NetworkMessage& msg) { parseFirstPacket(msg); } bool ProtocolGame::parseFirstPacket(NetworkMessage& msg) { if( #if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__) !GUI::getInstance()->m_connections || #endif g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN) { getConnection()->close(); return false; } OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem = (OperatingSystem_t)msg.GetU16(); uint16_t version = msg.GetU16(); if(!RSA_decrypt(msg)) { getConnection()->close(); return false; } uint32_t key[4] = {msg.GetU32(), msg.GetU32(), msg.GetU32(), msg.GetU32()}; enableXTEAEncryption(); setXTEAKey(key); bool gamemaster = msg.GetByte(); std::string name = msg.GetString(), character = msg.GetString(), password = msg.GetString(); msg.SkipBytes(6); //841- wtf? if(version < CLIENT_VERSION_MIN || version > CLIENT_VERSION_MAX) { disconnectClient(0x14, CLIENT_VERSION_STRING); return false; } if(name.empty()) { if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ACCOUNT_MANAGER)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Invalid account name."); return false; } name = "1"; password = "1"; } if(g_game.getGameState() < GAME_STATE_NORMAL) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is just starting up, please wait."); return false; } if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_MAINTAIN) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is under maintenance, please re-connect in a while."); return false; } if(ConnectionManager::getInstance()->isDisabled(getIP(), protocolId)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Too many connections attempts from your IP address, please try again later."); return false; } if(IOBan::getInstance()->isIpBanished(getIP())) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your IP is banished!"); return false; } uint32_t id = 1; if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->getAccountId(name, id)) { ConnectionManager::getInstance()->addAttempt(getIP(), protocolId, false); disconnectClient(0x14, "Invalid account name."); return false; } std::string hash; if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->getPassword(id, hash, character) || !encryptTest(password, hash)) { ConnectionManager::getInstance()->addAttempt(getIP(), protocolId, false); disconnectClient(0x14, "Invalid password."); return false; } Ban ban; ban.value = id; ban.type = BAN_ACCOUNT; if(IOBan::getInstance()->getData(ban) && !IOLoginData::getInstance()->hasFlag(id, PlayerFlag_CannotBeBanned)) { bool deletion = ban.expires < 0; std::string name_ = "Automatic "; if(!ban.adminId) name_ += (deletion ? "deletion" : "banishment"); else IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid(ban.adminId, name_, true); char buffer[500 + ban.comment.length()]; sprintf(buffer, "Your account has been %s at:\n%s by: %s,\nfor the following reason:\n%s.\nThe action taken was:\n%s.\nThe comment given was:\n%s.\nYour %s%s.", (deletion ? "deleted" : "banished"), formatDateShort(ban.added).c_str(), name_.c_str(), getReason(ban.reason).c_str(), getAction(ban.action, false).c_str(), ban.comment.c_str(), (deletion ? "account won't be undeleted" : "banishment will be lifted at:\n"), (deletion ? "." : formatDateShort(ban.expires, true).c_str())); disconnectClient(0x14, buffer); return false; } ConnectionManager::getInstance()->addAttempt(getIP(), protocolId, true); Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(boost::bind( &ProtocolGame::login, this, character, id, password, operatingSystem, version, gamemaster))); return true; } void ProtocolGame::parsePacket(NetworkMessage &msg) { if(!player || !m_acceptPackets || g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN || msg.getMessageLength() <= 0) return; uint8_t recvbyte = msg.GetByte(); //a dead player cannot performs actions if(player->isRemoved() && recvbyte != 0x14) return; if(player->isAccountManager()) { switch(recvbyte) { case 0x14: parseLogout(msg); break; case 0x96: parseSay(msg); break; default: sendCancelWalk(); break; } } else { switch(recvbyte) { case 0x14: // logout parseLogout(msg); break; case 0x1E: // keep alive / ping response parseReceivePing(msg); break; case 0x64: // move with steps parseAutoWalk(msg); break; case 0x65: // move north case 0x66: // move east case 0x67: // move south case 0x68: // move west parseMove(msg, (Direction)(recvbyte - 0x65)); break; case 0x69: // stop-autowalk addGameTask(&Game::playerStopAutoWalk, player->getID()); break; case 0x6A: parseMove(msg, NORTHEAST); break; case 0x6B: parseMove(msg, SOUTHEAST); break; case 0x6C: parseMove(msg, SOUTHWEST); break; case 0x6D: parseMove(msg, NORTHWEST); break; case 0x6F: // turn north case 0x70: // turn east case 0x71: // turn south case 0x72: // turn west parseTurn(msg, (Direction)(recvbyte - 0x6F)); break; case 0x78: // throw item parseThrow(msg); break; case 0x79: // description in shop window parseLookInShop(msg); break; case 0x7A: // player bought from shop parsePlayerPurchase(msg); break; case 0x7B: // player sold to shop parsePlayerSale(msg); break; case 0x7C: // player closed shop window parseCloseShop(msg); break; case 0x7D: // Request trade parseRequestTrade(msg); break; case 0x7E: // Look at an item in trade parseLookInTrade(msg); break; case 0x7F: // Accept trade parseAcceptTrade(msg); break; case 0x80: // close/cancel trade parseCloseTrade(); break; case 0x82: // use item parseUseItem(msg); break; case 0x83: // use item parseUseItemEx(msg); break; case 0x84: // battle window parseBattleWindow(msg); break; case 0x85: //rotate item parseRotateItem(msg); break; case 0x87: // close container parseCloseContainer(msg); break; case 0x88: //"up-arrow" - container parseUpArrowContainer(msg); break; case 0x89: parseTextWindow(msg); break; case 0x8A: parseHouseWindow(msg); break; case 0x8C: // throw item parseLookAt(msg); break; case 0x96: // say something parseSay(msg); break; case 0x97: // request channels parseGetChannels(msg); break; case 0x98: // open channel parseOpenChannel(msg); break; case 0x99: // close channel parseCloseChannel(msg); break; case 0x9A: // open priv parseOpenPriv(msg); break; case 0x9B: //process report parseProcessRuleViolation(msg); break; case 0x9C: //gm closes report parseCloseRuleViolation(msg); break; case 0x9D: //player cancels report parseCancelRuleViolation(msg); break; case 0x9E: // close NPC parseCloseNpc(msg); break; case 0xA0: // set attack and follow mode parseFightModes(msg); break; case 0xA1: // attack parseAttack(msg); break; case 0xA2: //follow parseFollow(msg); break; case 0xA3: // invite party parseInviteToParty(msg); break; case 0xA4: // join party parseJoinParty(msg); break; case 0xA5: // revoke party parseRevokePartyInvite(msg); break; case 0xA6: // pass leadership parsePassPartyLeadership(msg); break; case 0xA7: // leave party parseLeaveParty(msg); break; case 0xA8: // share exp parseSharePartyExperience(msg); break; case 0xAA: parseCreatePrivateChannel(msg); break; case 0xAB: parseChannelInvite(msg); break; case 0xAC: parseChannelExclude(msg); break; case 0xBE: // cancel move parseCancelMove(msg); break; case 0xC9: //client request to resend the tile parseUpdateTile(msg); break; case 0xCA: //client request to resend the container (happens when you store more than container maxsize) parseUpdateContainer(msg); break; case 0xD2: // request outfit if((!player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges) || !g_config.getBool( ConfigManager::DISABLE_OUTFITS_PRIVILEGED)) && (g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEOUTFIT) || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGECOLORS) || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEADDONS))) parseRequestOutfit(msg); break; case 0xD3: // set outfit if((!player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges) || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::DISABLE_OUTFITS_PRIVILEGED)) && (g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGECOLORS) || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEOUTFIT))) parseSetOutfit(msg); break; case 0xDC: parseAddVip(msg); break; case 0xDD: parseRemoveVip(msg); break; case 0xE6: parseBugReport(msg); break; case 0xE7: parseViolationWindow(msg); break; case 0xE8: parseDebugAssert(msg); break; case 0xF0: parseQuests(msg); break; case 0xF1: parseQuestInfo(msg); break; default: { if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::BAN_UNKNOWN_BYTES)) { int64_t banTime = -1; ViolationAction_t action = ACTION_BANISHMENT; Account tmp = IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadAccount(player->getAccount(), true); tmp.warnings++; if(tmp.warnings >= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WARNINGS_TO_DELETION)) action = ACTION_DELETION; else if(tmp.warnings >= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WARNINGS_TO_FINALBAN)) { banTime = time(NULL) + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::FINALBAN_LENGTH); action = ACTION_BANFINAL; } else banTime = time(NULL) + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BAN_LENGTH); if(IOBan::getInstance()->addAccountBanishment(tmp.number, banTime, 13, action, "Sending unknown packets to the server.", 0, player->getGUID())) { IOLoginData::getInstance()->saveAccount(tmp); player->sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, "You have been banished."); g_game.addMagicEffect(player->getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_WRAPS_GREEN); Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask(1000, boost::bind( &Game::kickPlayer, &g_game, player->getID(), false))); } } std::stringstream hex, s; hex << "0x" << std::hex << (int16_t)recvbyte << std::dec; s << player->getName() << " sent unknown byte: " << hex << std::endl; LOG_MESSAGE(LOGTYPE_NOTICE, s.str(), "PLAYER") Logger::getInstance()->eFile(getFilePath(FILE_TYPE_LOG, "bots/" + player->getName() + ".log").c_str(), "[" + formatDate() + "] Received byte " + hex.str(), false); break; } } } } void ProtocolGame::GetTileDescription(const Tile* tile, NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { if(!tile) return; int32_t count = 0; if(tile->ground) { msg->AddItem(tile->ground); count++; } const TileItemVector* items = tile->getItemList(); const CreatureVector* creatures = tile->getCreatures(); ItemVector::const_iterator it; if(items) { for(it = items->getBeginTopItem(); (it != items->getEndTopItem() && count < 10); ++it, ++count) msg->AddItem(*it); } if(creatures) { for(CreatureVector::const_reverse_iterator cit = creatures->rbegin(); (cit != creatures->rend() && count < 10); ++cit) { if(!player->canSeeCreature(*cit)) continue; bool known; uint32_t removedKnown; checkCreatureAsKnown((*cit)->getID(), known, removedKnown); AddCreature(msg, (*cit), known, removedKnown); count++; } } if(items) { for(it = items->getBeginDownItem(); (it != items->getEndDownItem() && count < 10); ++it, ++count) msg->AddItem(*it); } } void ProtocolGame::GetMapDescription(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t width, int32_t height, NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { int32_t skip = -1, startz, endz, zstep = 0; if(z > 7) { startz = z - 2; endz = std::min((int32_t)MAP_MAX_LAYERS - 1, z + 2); zstep = 1; } else { startz = 7; endz = 0; zstep = -1; } for(int32_t nz = startz; nz != endz + zstep; nz += zstep) GetFloorDescription(msg, x, y, nz, width, height, z - nz, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); //cc += skip; } } void ProtocolGame::GetFloorDescription(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t offset, int32_t& skip) { Tile* tile = NULL; for(int32_t nx = 0; nx < width; nx++) { for(int32_t ny = 0; ny < height; ny++) { if((tile = g_game.getTile(Position(x + nx + offset, y + ny + offset, z)))) { if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } skip = 0; GetTileDescription(tile, msg); } else { ++skip; if(skip == 0xFF) { msg->AddByte(0xFF); msg->AddByte(0xFF); skip = -1; } } } } } void ProtocolGame::checkCreatureAsKnown(uint32_t id, bool& known, uint32_t& removedKnown) { // loop through the known creature list and check if the given creature is in for(std::list<uint32_t>::iterator it = knownCreatureList.begin(); it != knownCreatureList.end(); ++it) { if((*it) != id) continue; // know... make the creature even more known... knownCreatureList.erase(it); knownCreatureList.push_back(id); known = true; return; } // ok, he is unknown... known = false; // ... but not in future knownCreatureList.push_back(id); // too many known creatures? if(knownCreatureList.size() > 250) { // lets try to remove one from the end of the list Creature* c = NULL; for(int32_t n = 0; n < 250; n++) { removedKnown = knownCreatureList.front(); if(!(c = g_game.getCreatureByID(removedKnown)) || !canSee(c)) break; // this creature we can't remove, still in sight, so back to the end knownCreatureList.pop_front(); knownCreatureList.push_back(removedKnown); } // hopefully we found someone to remove :S, we got only 250 tries // if not... lets kick some players with debug errors :) knownCreatureList.pop_front(); } else // we can cache without problems :) removedKnown = 0; } bool ProtocolGame::canSee(const Creature* c) const { return !c->isRemoved() && player->canSeeCreature(c) && canSee(c->getPosition()); } bool ProtocolGame::canSee(const Position& pos) const { return canSee(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } bool ProtocolGame::canSee(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t z) const { #ifdef __DEBUG__ if(z < 0 || z >= MAP_MAX_LAYERS) std::cout << "[Warning - ProtocolGame::canSee] Z-value is out of range!" << std::endl; #endif const Position& myPos = player->getPosition(); if(myPos.z <= 7) { //we are on ground level or above (7 -> 0), view is from 7 -> 0 if(z > 7) return false; } else if(myPos.z >= 8 && std::abs(myPos.z - z) > 2) //we are underground (8 -> 15), view is +/- 2 from the floor we stand on return false; //negative offset means that the action taken place is on a lower floor than ourself int32_t offsetz = myPos.z - z; return ((x >= myPos.x - 8 + offsetz) && (x <= myPos.x + 9 + offsetz) && (y >= myPos.y - 6 + offsetz) && (y <= myPos.y + 7 + offsetz)); } //********************** Parse methods *******************************// void ProtocolGame::parseLogout(NetworkMessage& msg) { Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(boost::bind(&ProtocolGame::logout, this, true, false))); } void ProtocolGame::parseCreatePrivateChannel(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCreatePrivateChannel, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseChannelInvite(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string name = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerChannelInvite, player->getID(), name); } void ProtocolGame::parseChannelExclude(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string name = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerChannelExclude, player->getID(), name); } void ProtocolGame::parseGetChannels(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestChannels, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseOpenChannel(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint16_t channelId = msg.GetU16(); addGameTask(&Game::playerOpenChannel, player->getID(), channelId); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseChannel(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint16_t channelId = msg.GetU16(); addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseChannel, player->getID(), channelId); } void ProtocolGame::parseOpenPriv(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string receiver = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerOpenPrivateChannel, player->getID(), receiver); } void ProtocolGame::parseProcessRuleViolation(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string reporter = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerProcessRuleViolation, player->getID(), reporter); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseRuleViolation(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string reporter = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseRuleViolation, player->getID(), reporter); } void ProtocolGame::parseCancelRuleViolation(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCancelRuleViolation, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseNpc(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseNpcChannel, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseCancelMove(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCancelAttackAndFollow, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseReceivePing(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerReceivePing, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseAutoWalk(NetworkMessage& msg) { // first we get all directions... std::list<Direction> path; size_t dirCount = msg.GetByte(); for(size_t i = 0; i < dirCount; ++i) { uint8_t rawDir = msg.GetByte(); Direction dir = SOUTH; switch(rawDir) { case 1: dir = EAST; break; case 2: dir = NORTHEAST; break; case 3: dir = NORTH; break; case 4: dir = NORTHWEST; break; case 5: dir = WEST; break; case 6: dir = SOUTHWEST; break; case 7: dir = SOUTH; break; case 8: dir = SOUTHEAST; break; default: continue; } path.push_back(dir); } addGameTask(&Game::playerAutoWalk, player->getID(), path); } void ProtocolGame::parseMove(NetworkMessage& msg, Direction dir) { addGameTask(&Game::playerMove, player->getID(), dir); } void ProtocolGame::parseTurn(NetworkMessage& msg, Direction dir) { addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerTurn, player->getID(), dir); } void ProtocolGame::parseRequestOutfit(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestOutfit, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseSetOutfit(NetworkMessage& msg) { Outfit_t newOutfit = player->defaultOutfit; if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEOUTFIT)) newOutfit.lookType = msg.GetU16(); else msg.SkipBytes(2); if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGECOLORS)) { newOutfit.lookHead = msg.GetByte(); newOutfit.lookBody = msg.GetByte(); newOutfit.lookLegs = msg.GetByte(); newOutfit.lookFeet = msg.GetByte(); } else msg.SkipBytes(4); if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEADDONS)) newOutfit.lookAddons = msg.GetByte(); else msg.SkipBytes(1); addGameTask(&Game::playerChangeOutfit, player->getID(), newOutfit); } void ProtocolGame::parseUseItem(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); uint8_t index = msg.GetByte(); bool isHotkey = (pos.x == 0xFFFF && !pos.y && !pos.z); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerUseItem, player->getID(), pos, stackpos, index, spriteId, isHotkey); } void ProtocolGame::parseUseItemEx(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position fromPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t fromSpriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t fromStackpos = msg.GetByte(); Position toPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t toSpriteId = msg.GetU16(); int16_t toStackpos = msg.GetByte(); bool isHotkey = (fromPos.x == 0xFFFF && !fromPos.y && !fromPos.z); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerUseItemEx, player->getID(), fromPos, fromStackpos, fromSpriteId, toPos, toStackpos, toSpriteId, isHotkey); } void ProtocolGame::parseBattleWindow(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position fromPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t fromStackpos = msg.GetByte(); uint32_t creatureId = msg.GetU32(); bool isHotkey = (fromPos.x == 0xFFFF && !fromPos.y && !fromPos.z); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerUseBattleWindow, player->getID(), fromPos, fromStackpos, creatureId, spriteId, isHotkey); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseContainer(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t cid = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseContainer, player->getID(), cid); } void ProtocolGame::parseUpArrowContainer(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t cid = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerMoveUpContainer, player->getID(), cid); } void ProtocolGame::parseUpdateTile(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); //addGameTask(&Game::playerUpdateTile, player->getID(), pos); } void ProtocolGame::parseUpdateContainer(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t cid = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerUpdateContainer, player->getID(), cid); } void ProtocolGame::parseThrow(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position fromPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t fromStackpos = msg.GetByte(); Position toPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint8_t count = msg.GetByte(); if(toPos != fromPos) addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerMoveThing, player->getID(), fromPos, spriteId, fromStackpos, toPos, count); } void ProtocolGame::parseLookAt(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerLookAt, player->getID(), pos, spriteId, stackpos); } void ProtocolGame::parseSay(NetworkMessage& msg) { std::string receiver; uint16_t channelId = 0; SpeakClasses type = (SpeakClasses)msg.GetByte(); switch(type) { case SPEAK_PRIVATE: case SPEAK_PRIVATE_RED: case SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER: receiver = msg.GetString(); break; case SPEAK_CHANNEL_Y: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RN: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RA: channelId = msg.GetU16(); break; default: break; } const std::string text = msg.GetString(); if(text.length() > 255) //client limit { std::stringstream s; s << text.length(); Logger::getInstance()->eFile("bots/" + player->getName() + ".log", "Attempt to send message with size " + s.str() + " - client is limited to 255 characters.", true); return; } addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerSay, player->getID(), channelId, type, receiver, text); } void ProtocolGame::parseFightModes(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t rawFightMode = msg.GetByte(); //1 - offensive, 2 - balanced, 3 - defensive uint8_t rawChaseMode = msg.GetByte(); //0 - stand while fightning, 1 - chase opponent uint8_t rawSecureMode = msg.GetByte(); //0 - can't attack unmarked, 1 - can attack unmarked chaseMode_t chaseMode = CHASEMODE_STANDSTILL; if(rawChaseMode == 1) chaseMode = CHASEMODE_FOLLOW; fightMode_t fightMode = FIGHTMODE_ATTACK; if(rawFightMode == 2) fightMode = FIGHTMODE_BALANCED; else if(rawFightMode == 3) fightMode = FIGHTMODE_DEFENSE; secureMode_t secureMode = SECUREMODE_OFF; if(rawSecureMode == 1) secureMode = SECUREMODE_ON; addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerSetFightModes, player->getID(), fightMode, chaseMode, secureMode); } void ProtocolGame::parseAttack(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t creatureId = msg.GetU32(); msg.GetU32(); msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerSetAttackedCreature, player->getID(), creatureId); } void ProtocolGame::parseFollow(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t creatureId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerFollowCreature, player->getID(), creatureId); } void ProtocolGame::parseTextWindow(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t windowTextId = msg.GetU32(); const std::string newText = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerWriteItem, player->getID(), windowTextId, newText); } void ProtocolGame::parseHouseWindow(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint8_t doorId = msg.GetByte(); uint32_t id = msg.GetU32(); const std::string text = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerUpdateHouseWindow, player->getID(), doorId, id, text); } void ProtocolGame::parseLookInShop(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint16_t id = msg.GetU16(); uint16_t count = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerLookInShop, player->getID(), id, count); } void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerPurchase(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint16_t id = msg.GetU16(); uint16_t count = msg.GetByte(); uint16_t amount = msg.GetByte(); bool ignoreCap = msg.GetByte(); bool inBackpacks = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerPurchaseItem, player->getID(), id, count, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks); } void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerSale(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint16_t id = msg.GetU16(); uint16_t count = msg.GetByte(); uint16_t amount = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerSellItem, player->getID(), id, count, amount); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseShop(NetworkMessage &msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseShop, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseRequestTrade(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); uint32_t playerId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestTrade, player->getID(), pos, stackpos, playerId, spriteId); } void ProtocolGame::parseAcceptTrade(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerAcceptTrade, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseLookInTrade(NetworkMessage& msg) { bool counter = msg.GetByte(); int32_t index = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerLookInTrade, player->getID(), counter, index); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseTrade() { addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseTrade, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseAddVip(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string name = msg.GetString(); if(name.size() > 32) return; addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestAddVip, player->getID(), name); } void ProtocolGame::parseRemoveVip(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t guid = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestRemoveVip, player->getID(), guid); } void ProtocolGame::parseRotateItem(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerRotateItem, player->getID(), pos, stackpos, spriteId); } void ProtocolGame::parseDebugAssert(NetworkMessage& msg) { if(m_debugAssertSent) return; std::stringstream s; s << "----- " << formatDate() << " - " << player->getName() << " (" << convertIPAddress(getIP()) << ") -----" << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << std::endl; m_debugAssertSent = true; Logger::getInstance()->iFile(LOGFILE_CLIENT_ASSERTION, s.str(), false); } void ProtocolGame::parseBugReport(NetworkMessage& msg) { std::string comment = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerReportBug, player->getID(), comment); } void ProtocolGame::parseInviteToParty(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerInviteToParty, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parseJoinParty(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerJoinParty, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parseRevokePartyInvite(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerRevokePartyInvitation, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parsePassPartyLeadership(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerPassPartyLeadership, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parseLeaveParty(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerLeaveParty, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseSharePartyExperience(NetworkMessage& msg) { bool activate = msg.GetByte(); uint8_t unknown = msg.GetByte(); //TODO: find out what is this byte addGameTask(&Game::playerSharePartyExperience, player->getID(), activate, unknown); } void ProtocolGame::parseQuests(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerQuests, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseQuestInfo(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint16_t questId = msg.GetU16(); addGameTask(&Game::playerQuestInfo, player->getID(), questId); } void ProtocolGame::parseViolationWindow(NetworkMessage& msg) { std::string target = msg.GetString(); uint8_t reason = msg.GetByte(); ViolationAction_t action = (ViolationAction_t)msg.GetByte(); std::string comment = msg.GetString(); std::string statement = msg.GetString(); uint32_t statementId = (uint32_t)msg.GetU16(); bool ipBanishment = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerViolationWindow, player->getID(), target, reason, action, comment, statement, statementId, ipBanishment); } //********************** Send methods *******************************// void ProtocolGame::sendOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string& receiver) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAD); msg->AddString(receiver); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureOutfit(const Creature* creature, const Outfit_t& outfit) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x8E); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); AddCreatureOutfit(msg, creature, outfit); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureLight(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureLight(msg, creature); } } void ProtocolGame::sendWorldLight(const LightInfo& lightInfo) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddWorldLight(msg, lightInfo); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureShield(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x91); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte(player->getPartyShield(creature)); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureSkull(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x90); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte(player->getSkullClient(creature)); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureSquare(const Creature* creature, SquareColor_t color) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x86); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte((uint8_t)color); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTutorial(uint8_t tutorialId) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xDC); msg->AddByte(tutorialId); } } void ProtocolGame::sendAddMarker(const Position& pos, MapMarks_t markType, const std::string& desc) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xDD); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(markType); msg->AddString(desc); } } void ProtocolGame::sendReLoginWindow() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x28); } } void ProtocolGame::sendStats() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddPlayerStats(msg); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTextMessage(MessageClasses mClass, const std::string& message) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTextMessage(msg, mClass, message); } } void ProtocolGame::sendClosePrivate(uint16_t channelId) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(channelId == CHANNEL_GUILD || channelId == CHANNEL_PARTY) g_chat.removeUserFromChannel(player, channelId); msg->AddByte(0xB3); msg->AddU16(channelId); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatePrivateChannel(uint16_t channelId, const std::string& channelName) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB2); msg->AddU16(channelId); msg->AddString(channelName); } } void ProtocolGame::sendChannelsDialog() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAB); ChannelList list = g_chat.getChannelList(player); msg->AddByte(list.size()); for(ChannelList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if(ChatChannel* channel = (*it)) { msg->AddU16(channel->getId()); msg->AddString(channel->getName()); } } } } void ProtocolGame::sendChannel(uint16_t channelId, const std::string& channelName) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAC); msg->AddU16(channelId); msg->AddString(channelName); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRuleViolationsChannel(uint16_t channelId) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAE); msg->AddU16(channelId); for(RuleViolationsMap::const_iterator it = g_game.getRuleViolations().begin(); it != g_game.getRuleViolations().end(); ++it) { RuleViolation& rvr = *it->second; if(rvr.isOpen && rvr.reporter) AddCreatureSpeak(msg, rvr.reporter, SPEAK_RVR_CHANNEL, rvr.text, channelId, rvr.time); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveReport(const std::string& name) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAF); msg->AddString(name); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRuleViolationCancel(const std::string& name) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB0); msg->AddString(name); } } void ProtocolGame::sendLockRuleViolation() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB1); } } void ProtocolGame::sendIcons(int32_t icons) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xA2); msg->AddU16(icons); } } void ProtocolGame::sendContainer(uint32_t cid, const Container* container, bool hasParent) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x6E); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddItemId(container); msg->AddString(container->getName()); msg->AddByte(container->capacity()); msg->AddByte(hasParent ? 0x01 : 0x00); msg->AddByte(std::min(container->size(), (uint32_t)255)); ItemList::const_iterator cit = container->getItems(); for(uint32_t i = 0; cit != container->getEnd() && i < 255; ++cit, ++i) msg->AddItem(*cit); } } void ProtocolGame::sendShop(const ShopInfoList& shop) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7A); msg->AddByte(std::min(shop.size(), (size_t)255)); ShopInfoList::const_iterator it = shop.begin(); for(uint32_t i = 0; it != shop.end() && i < 255; ++it, ++i) AddShopItem(msg, (*it)); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCloseShop() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7C); } } void ProtocolGame::sendGoods(const ShopInfoList& shop) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7B); msg->AddU32(g_game.getMoney(player)); std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> goodsMap; if(shop.size() >= 5) { for(ShopInfoList::const_iterator sit = shop.begin(); sit != shop.end(); ++sit) { if(sit->sellPrice < 0) continue; int8_t subType = -1; if(sit->subType) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[sit->itemId]; if(it.hasSubType() && !it.stackable) subType = sit->subType; } uint32_t count = player->__getItemTypeCount(sit->itemId, subType); if(count > 0) goodsMap[sit->itemId] = count; } } else { std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> tmpMap; player->__getAllItemTypeCount(tmpMap); for(ShopInfoList::const_iterator sit = shop.begin(); sit != shop.end(); ++sit) { if(sit->sellPrice < 0) continue; int8_t subType = -1; if(sit->subType) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[sit->itemId]; if(it.hasSubType() && !it.stackable) subType = sit->subType; } if(subType != -1) { uint32_t count = player->__getItemTypeCount(sit->itemId, subType); if(count > 0) goodsMap[sit->itemId] = count; } else goodsMap[sit->itemId] = tmpMap[sit->itemId]; } } msg->AddByte(std::min(goodsMap.size(), (size_t)255)); std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it = goodsMap.begin(); for(uint32_t i = 0; it != goodsMap.end() && i < 255; ++it, ++i) { msg->AddItemId(it->first); msg->AddByte(std::min(it->second, (uint32_t)255)); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendTradeItemRequest(const Player* player, const Item* item, bool ack) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(ack) msg->AddByte(0x7D); else msg->AddByte(0x7E); msg->AddString(player->getName()); if(const Container* container = item->getContainer()) { msg->AddByte(container->getItemHoldingCount() + 1); msg->AddItem(item); for(ContainerIterator it = container->begin(); it != container->end(); ++it) msg->AddItem(*it); } else { msg->AddByte(1); msg->AddItem(item); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendCloseTrade() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7F); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCloseContainer(uint32_t cid) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x6F); msg->AddByte(cid); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureTurn(const Creature* creature, int16_t stackpos) { if(stackpos >= 10 || !canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x6B); msg->AddPosition(creature->getPosition()); msg->AddByte(stackpos); msg->AddU16(0x63); /*99*/ msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte(creature->getDirection()); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureSay(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text, Position* pos/* = NULL*/) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureSpeak(msg, creature, type, text, 0, 0, pos); } } void ProtocolGame::sendToChannel(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text, uint16_t channelId, uint32_t time /*= 0*/) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureSpeak(msg, creature, type, text, channelId, time); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCancel(const std::string& message) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTextMessage(msg, MSG_STATUS_SMALL, message); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCancelTarget() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xA3); msg->AddU32(0); } } void ProtocolGame::sendChangeSpeed(const Creature* creature, uint32_t speed) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x8F); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddU16(speed); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCancelWalk() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB5); msg->AddByte(player->getDirection()); } } void ProtocolGame::sendSkills() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddPlayerSkills(msg); } } void ProtocolGame::sendPing() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x1E); } } void ProtocolGame::sendDistanceShoot(const Position& from, const Position& to, uint8_t type) { if(type > SHOOT_EFFECT_LAST || (!canSee(from) && !canSee(to))) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddDistanceShoot(msg, from, to, type); } } void ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(const Position& pos, uint8_t type) { if(type > MAGIC_EFFECT_LAST || !canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddMagicEffect(msg, pos, type); } } void ProtocolGame::sendAnimatedText(const Position& pos, uint8_t color, std::string text) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddAnimatedText(msg, pos, color, text); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureHealth(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureHealth(msg, creature); } } void ProtocolGame::sendFYIBox(const std::string& message) { if(message.empty() || message.length() > 1018) //Prevent client debug when message is empty or length is > 1018 (not confirmed) { std::cout << "[Warning - ProtocolGame::sendFYIBox] Trying to send an empty or too huge message." << std::endl; return; } NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x15); msg->AddString(message); } } //tile void ProtocolGame::sendAddTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); UpdateTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateTile(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x69); msg->AddPosition(pos); if(tile) { GetTileDescription(tile, msg); msg->AddByte(0x00); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } else { msg->AddByte(0x01); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendAddCreature(const Creature* creature, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(!msg) return; TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(creature != player) { AddTileCreature(msg, pos, stackpos, creature); return; } msg->AddByte(0x0A); msg->AddU32(player->getID()); msg->AddU16(0x32); msg->AddByte(player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CanReportBugs)); if(Group* group = player->getGroup()) { int32_t reasons = group->getViolationReasons(); if(reasons > 1) { msg->AddByte(0x0B); for(int32_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { if(i < 4) msg->AddByte(group->getNameViolationFlags()); else if(i < reasons) msg->AddByte(group->getStatementViolationFlags()); else msg->AddByte(0x00); } } } AddMapDescription(msg, pos); for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i) AddInventoryItem(msg, (slots_t)i, player->getInventoryItem((slots_t)i)); AddPlayerStats(msg); AddPlayerSkills(msg); //gameworld light-settings LightInfo lightInfo; g_game.getWorldLightInfo(lightInfo); AddWorldLight(msg, lightInfo); //player light level AddCreatureLight(msg, creature); player->sendIcons(); for(VIPListSet::iterator it = player->VIPList.begin(); it != player->VIPList.end(); it++) { std::string vipName; if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid((*it), vipName)) { Player* tmpPlayer = g_game.getPlayerByName(vipName); sendVIP((*it), vipName, (tmpPlayer && player->canSeeCreature(tmpPlayer))); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveCreature(const Creature* creature, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos); } } void ProtocolGame::sendMoveCreature(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos, uint32_t newStackpos, const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos, bool teleport) { if(creature == player) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(teleport || oldStackpos >= 10) { RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); AddMapDescription(msg, newPos); } else { if(oldPos.z != 7 || newPos.z < 8) { msg->AddByte(0x6D); msg->AddPosition(oldPos); msg->AddByte(oldStackpos); msg->AddPosition(newPos); } else RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); if(newPos.z > oldPos.z) MoveDownCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos); else if(newPos.z < oldPos.z) MoveUpCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos); if(oldPos.y > newPos.y) // north, for old x { msg->AddByte(0x65); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } else if(oldPos.y < newPos.y) // south, for old x { msg->AddByte(0x67); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, newPos.y + 7, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } if(oldPos.x < newPos.x) // east, [with new y] { msg->AddByte(0x66); GetMapDescription(newPos.x + 9, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); } else if(oldPos.x > newPos.x) // west, [with new y] { msg->AddByte(0x68); GetMapDescription(newPos.x - 8, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); } } } } else if(canSee(oldPos) && canSee(newPos)) { if(!player->canSeeCreature(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(!teleport && (oldPos.z != 7 || newPos.z < 8) && oldStackpos < 10) { msg->AddByte(0x6D); msg->AddPosition(oldPos); msg->AddByte(oldStackpos); msg->AddPosition(newPos); } else { RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); AddTileCreature(msg, newPos, newStackpos, creature); } } } else if(canSee(oldPos)) { if(!player->canSeeCreature(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); } } else if(canSee(newPos) && player->canSeeCreature(creature)) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTileCreature(msg, newPos, newStackpos, creature); } } } //inventory void ProtocolGame::sendAddInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddInventoryItem(msg, slot, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); UpdateInventoryItem(msg, slot, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveInventoryItem(slots_t slot) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveInventoryItem(msg, slot); } } //containers void ProtocolGame::sendAddContainerItem(uint8_t cid, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddContainerItem(msg, cid, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateContainerItem(uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); UpdateContainerItem(msg, cid, slot, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveContainerItem(uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveContainerItem(msg, cid, slot); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTextWindow(uint32_t windowTextId, Item* item, uint16_t maxLen, bool canWrite) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x96); msg->AddU32(windowTextId); msg->AddItemId(item); if(canWrite) { msg->AddU16(maxLen); msg->AddString(item->getText()); } else { msg->AddU16(item->getText().size()); msg->AddString(item->getText()); } const std::string& writer = item->getWriter(); if(writer.size()) msg->AddString(writer); else msg->AddString(""); time_t writtenDate = item->getDate(); if(writtenDate > 0) msg->AddString(formatDate(writtenDate)); else msg->AddString(""); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTextWindow(uint32_t windowTextId, uint32_t itemId, const std::string& text) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x96); msg->AddU32(windowTextId); msg->AddItemId(itemId); msg->AddU16(text.size()); msg->AddString(text); msg->AddString(""); msg->AddString(""); } } void ProtocolGame::sendHouseWindow(uint32_t windowTextId, House* _house, uint32_t listId, const std::string& text) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x97); msg->AddByte(0x00); msg->AddU32(windowTextId); msg->AddString(text); } } void ProtocolGame::sendOutfitWindow() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xC8); AddCreatureOutfit(msg, player, player->getDefaultOutfit(), true); std::list<Outfit> outfitList; for(OutfitMap::iterator it = player->outfits.begin(); it != player->outfits.end(); ++it) { if(player->canWearOutfit(it->first, it->second.addons)) outfitList.push_back(it->second); } if(outfitList.size()) { msg->AddByte((size_t)std::min((size_t)OUTFITS_MAX_NUMBER, outfitList.size())); std::list<Outfit>::iterator it = outfitList.begin(); for(int32_t i = 0; it != outfitList.end() && i < OUTFITS_MAX_NUMBER; ++it, ++i) { msg->AddU16(it->lookType); msg->AddString(it->name); if(player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_CanWearAllAddons)) msg->AddByte(0x03); else if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ADDONS_PREMIUM) || player->isPremium()) msg->AddByte(it->addons); else msg->AddByte(0x00); } } else { msg->AddByte(1); msg->AddU16(player->getDefaultOutfit().lookType); msg->AddString("Outfit"); msg->AddByte(player->getDefaultOutfit().lookAddons); } player->hasRequestedOutfit(true); } } void ProtocolGame::sendQuests() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xF0); msg->AddU16(Quests::getInstance()->getQuestCount(player)); for(QuestList::const_iterator it = Quests::getInstance()->getFirstQuest(); it != Quests::getInstance()->getLastQuest(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isStarted(player)) continue; msg->AddU16((*it)->getId()); msg->AddString((*it)->getName()); msg->AddByte((*it)->isCompleted(player)); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendQuestInfo(Quest* quest) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xF1); msg->AddU16(quest->getId()); msg->AddByte(quest->getMissionCount(player)); for(MissionList::const_iterator it = quest->getFirstMission(); it != quest->getLastMission(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isStarted(player)) continue; msg->AddString((*it)->getName(player)); msg->AddString((*it)->getDescription(player)); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendVIPLogIn(uint32_t guid) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xD3); msg->AddU32(guid); } } void ProtocolGame::sendVIPLogOut(uint32_t guid) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xD4); msg->AddU32(guid); } } void ProtocolGame::sendVIP(uint32_t guid, const std::string& name, bool isOnline) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xD2); msg->AddU32(guid); msg->AddString(name); msg->AddByte(isOnline ? 1 : 0); } } ////////////// Add common messages void ProtocolGame::AddMapDescription(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos) { msg->AddByte(0x64); msg->AddPosition(player->getPosition()); GetMapDescription(pos.x - 8, pos.y - 6, pos.z, 18, 14, msg); } void ProtocolGame::AddTextMessage(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, MessageClasses mclass, const std::string& message) { msg->AddByte(0xB4); msg->AddByte(mclass); msg->AddString(message); } void ProtocolGame::AddAnimatedText(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint8_t color, const std::string& text) { msg->AddByte(0x84); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(color); msg->AddString(text); } void ProtocolGame::AddMagicEffect(NetworkMessage_ptr msg,const Position& pos, uint8_t type) { msg->AddByte(0x83); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(type + 1); } void ProtocolGame::AddDistanceShoot(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& from, const Position& to, uint8_t type) { msg->AddByte(0x85); msg->AddPosition(from); msg->AddPosition(to); msg->AddByte(type + 1); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, bool known, uint32_t remove) { if(!known) { msg->AddU16(0x61); msg->AddU32(remove); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddString(creature->getHideName() ? "" : creature->getName()); } else { msg->AddU16(0x62); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); } if(!creature->getHideHealth()) msg->AddByte((int32_t)std::ceil(((float)creature->getHealth()) * 100 / std::max(creature->getMaxHealth(), (int32_t)1))); else msg->AddByte(0x00); msg->AddByte((uint8_t)creature->getDirection()); AddCreatureOutfit(msg, creature, creature->getCurrentOutfit()); LightInfo lightInfo; creature->getCreatureLight(lightInfo); msg->AddByte(player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HasFullLight) ? 0xFF : lightInfo.level); msg->AddByte(lightInfo.color); msg->AddU16(creature->getStepSpeed()); msg->AddByte(player->getSkullClient(creature)); msg->AddByte(player->getPartyShield(creature)); if(!known) msg->AddByte(0x00); // war emblem msg->AddByte(!player->canWalkthrough(creature)); } void ProtocolGame::AddPlayerStats(NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { msg->AddByte(0xA0); msg->AddU16(player->getHealth()); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAXHEALTH)); msg->AddU32(uint32_t(player->getFreeCapacity() * 100)); uint64_t experience = player->getExperience(); if(experience > 0x7FFFFFFF) // client debugs after 2,147,483,647 exp msg->AddU32(0x7FFFFFFF); else msg->AddU32(experience); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_LEVELPERCENT)); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MANA)); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAXMANA)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVELPERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_SOUL)); msg->AddU16(player->getStaminaMinutes()); } void ProtocolGame::AddPlayerSkills(NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { msg->AddByte(0xA1); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_AXE, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_AXE, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SHIELD, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SHIELD, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FISH, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FISH, SKILL_PERCENT)); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureSpeak(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, std::string text, uint16_t channelId, uint32_t time/*= 0*/, Position* pos/* = NULL*/) { msg->AddByte(0xAA); if(creature) { const Player* speaker = creature->getPlayer(); if(speaker) { msg->AddU32(++g_chat.statement); g_chat.statementMap[g_chat.statement] = text; } else msg->AddU32(0x00); if(creature->getSpeakType() != SPEAK_CLASS_NONE) type = creature->getSpeakType(); switch(type) { case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RA: msg->AddString(""); break; case SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER: msg->AddString("Gamemaster"); break; default: msg->AddString(!creature->getHideName() ? creature->getName() : ""); break; } if(speaker && type != SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER && !speaker->isAccountManager() && !speaker->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HideLevel)) msg->AddU16(speaker->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_LEVEL)); else msg->AddU16(0x00); } else { msg->AddU32(0x00); msg->AddString(""); msg->AddU16(0x00); } msg->AddByte(type); switch(type) { case SPEAK_SAY: case SPEAK_WHISPER: case SPEAK_YELL: case SPEAK_MONSTER_SAY: case SPEAK_MONSTER_YELL: case SPEAK_PRIVATE_NP: { if(pos) msg->AddPosition(*pos); else if(creature) msg->AddPosition(creature->getPosition()); else msg->AddPosition(Position(0,0,7)); break; } case SPEAK_CHANNEL_Y: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RN: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RA: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_O: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_W: msg->AddU16(channelId); break; case SPEAK_RVR_CHANNEL: { msg->AddU32(uint32_t(OTSYS_TIME() / 1000 & 0xFFFFFFFF) - time); break; } default: break; } msg->AddString(text); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureHealth(NetworkMessage_ptr msg,const Creature* creature) { msg->AddByte(0x8C); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); if(!creature->getHideHealth()) msg->AddByte((int32_t)std::ceil(((float)creature->getHealth()) * 100 / std::max(creature->getMaxHealth(), (int32_t)1))); else msg->AddByte(0x00); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureOutfit(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, const Outfit_t& outfit, bool outfitWindow/* = false*/) { if(outfitWindow || !creature->getPlayer() || (!creature->isInvisible() && (!creature->isGhost() || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::GHOST_INVISIBLE_EFFECT)))) { msg->AddU16(outfit.lookType); if(outfit.lookType) { msg->AddByte(outfit.lookHead); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookBody); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookLegs); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookFeet); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookAddons); } else if(outfit.lookTypeEx) msg->AddItemId(outfit.lookTypeEx); else msg->AddU16(outfit.lookTypeEx); } else msg->AddU32(0x00); } void ProtocolGame::AddWorldLight(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const LightInfo& lightInfo) { msg->AddByte(0x82); msg->AddByte((player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HasFullLight) ? 0xFF : lightInfo.level)); msg->AddByte(lightInfo.color); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureLight(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature) { LightInfo lightInfo; creature->getCreatureLight(lightInfo); msg->AddByte(0x8D); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte((player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HasFullLight) ? 0xFF : lightInfo.level)); msg->AddByte(lightInfo.color); } //tile void ProtocolGame::AddTileItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6A); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::AddTileCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Creature* creature) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6A); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); bool known; uint32_t removedKnown; checkCreatureAsKnown(creature->getID(), known, removedKnown); AddCreature(msg, creature, known, removedKnown); } void ProtocolGame::UpdateTileItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6B); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::RemoveTileItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6C); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); } void ProtocolGame::MoveUpCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos) { if(creature != player) return; msg->AddByte(0xBE); //floor change up if(newPos.z == 7) //going to surface { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 5, 18, 14, 3, skip); //(floor 7 and 6 already set) GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 4, 18, 14, 4, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 3, 18, 14, 5, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 2, 18, 14, 6, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 1, 18, 14, 7, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 0, 18, 14, 8, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } else if(newPos.z > 7) //underground, going one floor up (still underground) { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, oldPos.z - 3, 18, 14, 3, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } //moving up a floor up makes us out of sync //west msg->AddByte(0x68); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y + 1 - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); //north msg->AddByte(0x65); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } void ProtocolGame::MoveDownCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos) { if(creature != player) return; msg->AddByte(0xBF); //floor change down if(newPos.z == 8) //going from surface to underground { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 14, -1, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 1, 18, 14, -2, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 2, 18, 14, -3, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } else if(newPos.z > oldPos.z && newPos.z > 8 && newPos.z < 14) //going further down { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 2, 18, 14, -3, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } //moving down a floor makes us out of sync //east msg->AddByte(0x66); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x + 9, oldPos.y - 1 - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); //south msg->AddByte(0x67); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y + 7, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } //inventory void ProtocolGame::AddInventoryItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, slots_t slot, const Item* item) { if(item) { msg->AddByte(0x78); msg->AddByte(slot); msg->AddItem(item); } else RemoveInventoryItem(msg, slot); } void ProtocolGame::RemoveInventoryItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, slots_t slot) { msg->AddByte(0x79); msg->AddByte(slot); } void ProtocolGame::UpdateInventoryItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, slots_t slot, const Item* item) { AddInventoryItem(msg, slot, item); } //containers void ProtocolGame::AddContainerItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, uint8_t cid, const Item* item) { msg->AddByte(0x70); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::UpdateContainerItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot, const Item* item) { msg->AddByte(0x71); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddByte(slot); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::RemoveContainerItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot) { msg->AddByte(0x72); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddByte(slot); } void ProtocolGame::sendChannelMessage(std::string author, std::string text, SpeakClasses type, uint8_t channel) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAA); msg->AddU32(0x00); msg->AddString(author); msg->AddU16(0x00); msg->AddByte(type); msg->AddU16(channel); msg->AddString(text); } } void ProtocolGame::AddShopItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const ShopInfo item) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[item.itemId]; msg->AddU16(it.clientId); if(it.isSplash() || it.isFluidContainer()) msg->AddByte(fluidMap[item.subType % 8]); else if(it.stackable || it.charges) msg->AddByte(item.subType); else msg->AddByte(0x01); msg->AddString(item.itemName); msg->AddU32(uint32_t(it.weight * 100)); msg->AddU32(item.buyPrice); msg->AddU32(item.sellPrice); } MEAJUDA ACHA CTRL + Z CTRL + J A LINHA PRA MIM EDITA PROTOCOLGAME.CPP EU USO WINDOWS 10 Editado Abril 26 por Muvuka Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Muvuka 1
@HologramaME AJUDA TFS 0.3.6 8.60
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