Muvuka 1 Postado Abril 18, 2024 Share Postado Abril 18, 2024 (editado) Como faço para usar o Soul System para usar auras sem precisar capturar monstros, basta digitar o nome da aura e atacar os monstros e jogadores com a aura Auras.lua Creaturescript.lua Soul System.xml Soul.lua Action.lua Editado Abril 19, 2024 por Muvuka Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
1 El Rusher 37 Postado Abril 22, 2024 Share Postado Abril 22, 2024 function checkDam(uid, AurAz, st) if (isCreature(uid)) and (os.time() - st < L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration) then local p = getThingPos(uid) local poz = { {x = p.x, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x - 2, y = p.y, z = p.z}, {x = p.x, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x + 2, y = p.y, z = p.z} } -- Verifica se a tile está protegida if (getTileInfo(p).protection) then st = st - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration end local function getBest(a) local pz = poz[1] for i, v in pairs(poz) do if (getDistanceBetween(v, getThingPos(a)) < getDistanceBetween(pz, getThingPos(a))) then pz = v end end return pz end local creat = getUidsInArea({x = p.x - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, y = p.y - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, z = p.z}, {x = p.x + L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, y = p.y + L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, z = p.z}) local target = ((isCreature(getCreatureTarget(uid))) and getCreatureTarget(uid)) or 0 local cs = {} if (target == 0) then for _, v in pairs(creat) do -- Verifica se a criatura é um monstro ou se tem um alvo válido if ((getCreatureTarget(v) == uid) or (isMonster(v) or ((getCreatureSkullType(v) > 2) and (getCreatureTarget(v) == uid))) and (v ~= uid)) then table.insert(cs, v) end end target = (#cs > 0 and cs[math.random(#cs)]) or 0 end -- Verifica se o ataque foi feito pelo jogador if (isPlayer(uid)) then target = uid end if (target ~= 0) then doSendDistanceShoot(getBest(target), getThingPos(target), L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.distance) doTargetCombatHealth(uid, target, L_Soul.souls[AurAz].combat, -L_Soul.auras[AurAz].damage[1], -L_Soul.auras[AurAz].damage[2], 255) end addEvent(checkDam, L_Soul.auras[AurAz].interval, uid, AurAz, st) end end function sendEffect(uid, interval, at, st, AurAz) local at = at or 1 if (isCreature(uid)) then local p = getThingPos(uid) if (getTileInfo(p).protection) then st = st - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration end local poz = { {x = p.x, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x - 2, y = p.y, z = p.z}, {x = p.x, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x + 2, y = p.y, z = p.z} } if (os.time() - st > L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration) then for i, v in ipairs(poz) do doSendDistanceShoot(v, p, L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.distance) end setPlayerStorageValue(uid, L_Soul.auras_sto, -1) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 250, p, L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.eff) return true end local next = poz[at + 1] and at + 1 or 1 doSendDistanceShoot(poz[at], poz[next], L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.distance) addEvent(sendEffect, interval, uid, interval, next, st, AurAz) end return true end function onSay(cid, words, param) domodlib("Soul System[LIB]") local lan = L_Soul.lang[L_Soul.language] local AurAz = words:explode(" ")[1] -- Verifica se a aura é válida if not (L_Soul.auras[AurAz]) then return false end -- Verifica se o jogador possui pedras de alma suficientes para ativar a aura if (#getPlayerSoulStonesByType(cid, AurAz) < L_Soul.auras[AurAz].stones_n) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[19], AurAz, L_Soul.auras[AurAz].stones_n)) end -- Verifica se o jogador já está sob efeito de uma aura if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto) > 0) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[20], math.floor(L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration / 60))) end -- Verifica se o jogador está em uma área protegida if (getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).protection) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, lan[21]) end -- Define a aura que será ativada quando o jogador atacar setPlayerStorageValue(cid, "current_aura", AurAz) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, string.format("Agora você pode atacar para ativar a aura '%s'.", AurAz)) return true end function onCreatureHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) local auraName = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, "current_aura") -- Verifica se o ataque foi feito por um jogador e se uma aura está definida para ser ativada if isPlayer(attacker) and auraName then -- Ativa a aura quando o jogador atacar um monstro ou outro jogador sendEffect(attacker, L_Soul.auras[auraName].speed, nil, os.time(), auraName) checkDam(attacker, auraName, os.time()) setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, "current_aura", nil) -- Limpa a aura após ser ativada end end --[[ System developed by MaXwEllDeN[] Version 1.0 ]] function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) if (getPlayerStorageValue(target, 7148) ~= -1) then doCreatureSetDropLoot(target, {}) end return registerCreatureEvent(target, "SoulD") end function onLogin(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SoulATK") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto, -1) return registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SoulKill") end local function TransformAMerda(cas) for a = 0, 255 do local pos = cas.pos pos.stackpos = a local item = getThingFromPos(pos) if (item.uid > 0) and (item.itemid == and (cas.n == getItemAttribute(item.uid, "criaturaS")) and (not getItemAttribute(item.uid, "M_Time")) then return doTransformItem(item.uid, cas.nid) end end return false end function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "criaturaS", getCreatureName(cid):formal()) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7148) ~= -1) then addEvent(TransformAMerda, 1, {pos = getThingPos(cid), it = corpse, n = getCreatureName(cid), nid = getMonsterInfo(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7148)).lookCorpse}) return true end doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "M_Time", os.clock()) return doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "M_Soul", getCreatureName(cid):formal()) end local function Atacar(cid) if (not isCreature(cid)) then return false elseif (not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid))) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) return false end local target = getCreatureTarget(cid) local enc = isWithEnchantedW(cid) if (enc) then if (isWeapon(enc.arma.uid)) and (getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureTarget(cid)), getThingPos(cid)) > 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) return false end local typ, enchant = L_Soul.souls[L_Soul.creatures[getItemAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Type")].type:lower()], L_Soul.creatures[getItemAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Type")].enchant doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, typ.combat, -enchant.min, -enchant.max, typ.effects.eff) doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(cid), getThingPos(target), typ.effects.distance) if ( == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, string.format(lan[17], getItemNameById(enc.arma.itemid))) doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "description", false) doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Charges", false) else doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "description", string.format(lan[16], getItemAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Type"), - 1, enchant.charges)) doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Charges", - 1) end addEvent(Atacar, enchant.attack_speed, cid) else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) end end function onAttack(cid, target) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126) < 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, 5) Atacar(cid) end return true end function isWithEnchantedW(uid) for a = 5, 6 do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(uid, a) if (item.uid > 2) and (getItemAttribute(item.uid, "ES_Charges")) then return {arma = item, at = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "ES_Charges")} end end return false end L_Soul = { souls = { ["dark"] = {effects = {distance = 31, eff = 17}, combat = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}, ["flame"] = {effects = {distance = 3, eff = 15}, combat = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE}, ["frozen"] = {effects = {distance = 36, eff = 43}, combat = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE}, ["holy"] = {effects = {distance = 37, eff = 39}, combat = COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE}, ["electric"] = {effects = {distance = 35, eff = 11}, combat = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE}, }, creatures = { ["Necromancer"] = {chance = 50, type = "dark", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 100, min = 10, max = 60, attack_speed = 250}, }, ["Dragon Lord"] = {chance = 100, type = "flame", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 150, attack_speed = 1000}, }, ["Frost Dragon"] = {chance = 100, type = "frozen", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 160, attack_speed = 1500}, }, ["Wyrm"] = {chance = 100, type = "electric", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 160, attack_speed = 550}, }, ["Monk"] = {chance = 150, type = "holy", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 160, attack_speed = 550}, }, }, ids = {8300}, max_distance = 5, language = "en", auras_sto = 77143, soul_t = 10, -- Em Minutos } ---------------------- A U R A S ---------------------------- L_Soul.auras = { ["dark"] = {stones_n = 7, damage = {25, 250}, interval = 1200, duration = 120, raio = 4, speed = 150}, ["flame"] = {stones_n = 5, damage = {250, 650}, interval = 500, duration = 60, raio = 7, speed = 75}, ["frozen"] = {stones_n = 2, damage = {150, 350}, interval = 750, duration = 60, raio = 2, speed = 150}, ["electric"] = {stones_n = 5, damage = {150, 350}, interval = 750, duration = 60, raio = 2, speed = 150}, ["holy"] = {stones_n = 0, damage = {150, 350}, interval = 750, duration = 60, raio = 7, speed = 150}, } ------------------- E N C A N T A M E N T O ----------------- L_Soul.enchant = { weapons = { [2408] = {"dark", "flame", "frozen"}, -- Warlord Sword [2190] = {"dark", "holy"}, -- Wand of Vortex [2456] = {"dark", "holy"}, -- Bow [2400] = {"dark", "holy", "frozen", "flame", "electric"}, -- Magic Sword(SOV) }, } ------------------ L I N G U A G E M ------------------------ L_Soul.lang = { ["en"] = { "This soul stone is filled with a %s's %s soul!", "This soul stone must be near the creature's corpse.", "There's no soul!", "Your soul stone didn't supported the soul and broke! This %s's %s soul escaped!", "Congratulations, you caught a %s's soul[%s]!", "Filled with a %s's %s soul.", "This item can't be enchanted.", "To summon a %s you must have at least %d soul points.", "You can't summon a %s there.", "To summon a %s you must have at least %d mana points.", "To summon a %s you must have at least %d health points.", "The soul stone broke and the corpse was possessed by %s's %s soul!", "This corpse doesn't support this %s's powerful %s soul. The soul has escaped and is roaming the world and tormenting people.", "A body can't have two souls.", "The %s's soul was aprisioned in weapon.", "This weapon is enchanted with a %s's soul. Charges: %d/%d.", "Your %s lost charm.", "This weapon already is enchanted with a soul!", -- 18 --> AURAS <-- "You haven't enought %s souls[%d].", "You need wait %d minutes to use an aura protection again.", "You can't use an aura protection on protected zones.", { "Alive again!? How!? AH! It doesn't matter, i just want to get my revenge! MUHAUHAUHUAUA!", "OH how is sweet live!", }, } } function isWeapon(uid) -- Function by Mock the bear. local uid = uid or 0 local f = getItemWeaponType(uid) return (f == 1 or f == 2 or f == 3) or false end function string:formal() local self = self:sub(1, 1):upper() .. self:sub(2, #self) while (self:find(" (%l)")) do local a = self:find(" (%l)") self = self:sub(1, a) .. self:sub(a + 1, a + 1):upper() .. self:sub(a + 2, #self) end return self end function getUidsInArea(ext1, ext2) local uids = {} for a = 0, ext2.x-ext1.x do for b = 0, ext2.y-ext1.y do local pos = {x = ext1.x+a, y = ext1.y+b, z = ext1.z, stackpos = 255} local cid = getTopCreature(pos).uid if (isCreature(cid)) then table.insert(uids, cid) end end end return uids end function getItemsInContainerById(container, itemid) -- Function By Kydrai local items = {} if isContainer(container) and getContainerSize(container) > 0 then for slot = 0, getContainerSize(container) - 1 do local item = getContainerItem(container, slot) if isContainer(item.uid) then for i, v in ipairs (getItemsInContainerById(item.uid, itemid)) do table.insert(items, v) end elseif itemid == item.itemid then table.insert(items, item) end end end return items end function getAllPlayerItemsById(uid, itemid) local items = {} for a = CONST_SLOT_FIRST, CONST_SLOT_LAST do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(uid, a) if ((item.uid > 0) and (item.itemid == itemid)) then table.insert(items, item) end if ((isContainer(item.uid)) and (getContainerSize(item.uid) > 0)) then for i, v in ipairs(getItemsInContainerById(item.uid, itemid)) do table.insert(items, v) end end end return items end function getAllPlayerSoulStones(uid, empty) local stones = {} for _, s in ipairs(L_Soul.ids) do for _, v in pairs(getAllPlayerItemsById(uid, s)) do if not ((empty) and (not getItemAttribute(v.uid, "Soul"))) then table.insert(stones, v) end end end return stones end function getPlayerSoulStonesByType(uid, type) local stones = {} for _, v in pairs(getAllPlayerSoulStones(uid)) do if ((getItemAttribute(v.uid, "Soul")) and (L_Soul.creatures[getItemAttribute(v.uid, "Soul")].type:lower() == type:lower())) then table.insert(stones, v) end end return stones end function doPlayerRemoveSoulStoneByType(uid, type, ammount) local stones = getPlayerSoulStonesByType(uid, type) local ammount = ammount or 1 if (#stones < ammount) then return false end local a = 0 for _, v in pairs(stones) do if (a ~= ammount) then a = a + 1 doRemoveItem(v.uid, 1) else break end end return true end function getPlayerSoulStonesCount(uid, type) return #getPlayerSoulStonesByType(uid, type) end function onCreatureHealthChange(creature, attacker, attackerName, damage, damType, damMsg) if isPlayer(attacker) and isCreature(creature) and attackerName ~= creature then local auraName = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, "current_aura") if auraName then local AuraAz = auraName:lower() if L_Soul.auras[AuraAz] and os.time() - creature:getStorageValue("last_hit_" .. AuraAz) > L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].interval then doCreatureSetStorageValue(creature, "last_hit_" .. AuraAz, os.time()) doSendDistanceShoot(creature:getPosition(), creature:getPosition(), L_Soul.souls[AuraAz].effects.distance) doTargetCombatHealth(attacker, creature, L_Soul.souls[AuraAz].combat, -L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].damage[1], -L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].damage[2], 255) end end end end function onSay(cid, words, param) domodlib("Soul System[LIB]") local lan = L_Soul.lang[L_Soul.language] local AuraAz = words:explode(" ")[1] if not (L_Soul.auras[AuraAz]) then return false end if (#getPlayerSoulStonesByType(cid, AuraAz) < L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].stones_n) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[19], AuraAz, L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].stones_n)) end if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto) > 0) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[20], math.floor(L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].duration/60))) end if (getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).protection) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, lan[21]) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto, os.time()) doPlayerRemoveSoulStoneByType(cid, AuraAz, L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].stones_n) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, "current_aura", AuraAz) -- Armazena a aura atual do jogador return true end Muvuka reagiu a isso 1 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Muvuka 1
Como faço para usar o Soul System para usar auras sem precisar capturar monstros, basta digitar o nome da aura e atacar os monstros e jogadores com a aura
Auras.lua Creaturescript.lua Soul System.xml Soul.lua Action.lua
Editado por MuvukaLink para o comentário
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