Boa noite meu servidor começou a crashar o real server me passaram que é erro no config.lua
>> Loading config (config.lua)
> Using plaintext encryption
>> Checking software version... error : No such file or directory
I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""
failed - could not parse remote file (are you connected to the internet?)
>> Fetching blacklist
error : No such file or directory
I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""
Unable to fetch blacklist! Continue? (y/N)
kedlei 0
Boa noite meu servidor começou a crashar o real server me passaram que é erro no config.lua
>> Loading config (config.lua)
> Using plaintext encryption
>> Checking software version... error : No such file or directory
I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""
failed - could not parse remote file (are you connected to the internet?)
>> Fetching blacklist
error : No such file or directory
I/O warning : failed to load external entity ""
Unable to fetch blacklist! Continue? (y/N)
Meu config.lua
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