gutaxavier 0 Postado Março 11, 2020 Share Postado Março 11, 2020 Olá, estou com esses erros e não sei como arrumar Meu pokeexp.lua Citar local function playerAddExp(cid, exp) local Tiers = { [71] = {bonus = Exp1}, } local exx = exp local bonusvip = getConfigValue("BonusXpVip") local msg = "" local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx") if isPremium(cid) then exx = math.floor((exx / 100) * (100 + bonusvip)) end if Tier and Tier > 70 and Tier < 78 then exx = math.floor(exx * Tiers[Tier].bonus) end if getGlobalStorageValue(8445641) > os.time() then exx = math.floor(exx * 2) end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 8445642) > os.time() then exx = math.floor(exx * 1.5) end doPlayerAddExp(cid, exx) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), exx, 215) end function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return true end --alterado v1.8 -------------Edited Golden Arena------------------------- --alterado v1.7 \/\/ if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setGlobalStorageValue(22548, getGlobalStorageValue(22548)-1) if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "golden", 1) end --alterado v1.8 end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 and getGlobalStorageValue(22548) == 0 then local wave = getGlobalStorageValue(22547) for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545) == 1 then if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) < #wavesGolden+1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!") doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 28, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!") addEvent(creaturesInGolden, 100, GoldenUpper, GoldenLower, false, true, true) addEvent(doWave, timeToWaves*1000) elseif getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "You have win the golden arena! Take your reward!") doPlayerAddItem(sid, 2152, getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22551)*2) --premio setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545, -1) doTeleportThing(sid, getClosestFreeTile(sid, posBackGolden), false) setPlayerRecordWaves(sid) end end end if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then endGoldenArena() end end --------------------------------------------------- /\/\ local givenexp = getWildPokemonExp(cid) if givenexp > 0 then for a = 1, #deathList do local pk = deathList[a] --- local list = getSpectators(getThingPosWithDebug(pk), 30, 30, false) if isCreature(pk) then local expTotal = math.floor(givenexp)--playerExperienceRate * givenexp * getDamageMapPercent(pk, cid)) local party = getPartyMembers(pk) if isInParty(pk) and getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 4875498) <= -1 then expTotal = math.floor(expTotal/#party) --alterado v1.6.1 for i = 1, #party do if isInArray(list, party) then playerAddExp(party, expTotal) end end else playerAddExp(pk, expTotal) end end end end if isNpcSummon(cid) then local master = getCreatureMaster(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10000)) doCreatureSay(master, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10001), 1) doRemoveCreature(cid) return false end if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then --alterado v1.8 doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "level", getPokemonLevel(cid)) doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getPokemonGender(cid)) end return true end Meu level system.lua Citar function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) end adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- -- Haste -- local hastespeed = {} local Tiers3 = { [99] = {bonus = Hasteadd1}, } if Tier and Tier > 98 and Tier < 106 then hastespeed = Tiers3[Tier].bonus else hastespeed = 0 end -- Haste -- -- Vitality -- local vitapoint = {} local Tiers4 = { [92] = {bonus = Vitality1}, } if Tier and Tier > 91 and Tier < 99 then vitapoint = Tiers4[Tier].bonus else vitapoint = 1 end -- Vitality -- setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (((getMasterLevel(pk) / 100) * 80) + getPokemonBoost(pk)) + bonusboost) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * bonusdef + bonusboost) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility + hastespeed) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (((getMasterLevel(pk) / 100) * 80) + getPokemonBoost(pk)) + bonusboost) * vitapoint) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (((getMasterLevel(pk) / 100) * 80) + getPokemonBoost(pk)) + bonusboost) if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end if string.find(tostring(nick), "Shiny") then nick = tostring(nick):match("Shiny (.*)") end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end local boostnick = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") if boostnick then nick = nick.." [+"..boostnick.."]" end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if not getItemAttribute(item, "happy") then doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", 120) end if not getItemAttribute(item, "hunger") then doItemSetAttribute(item, "hunger", 5) end local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy") if happy < 0 then happy = 1 end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1008, happy) local hunger = getItemAttribute(item, "hunger") setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1009, hunger) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) return true end return false end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
gutaxavier 0
Olá, estou com esses erros e não sei como arrumar
Meu pokeexp.lua
Meu level system.lua
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