naocega 0 Postado Fevereiro 8, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 8, 2019 não aparece as mortes nos perfis dos persoangens, só aparece na página inicial o lastkills de todos os personagens juntos, o que devo fazer para aparecer as mortes de cada personagem no perfil? characters.php <?php /** * Characters * * @package MyAAC * @author Gesior <> * @author Slawkens <> * @copyright 2017 MyAAC * @link */ defined('MYAAC') or die('Direct access not allowed!'); $title = 'Characters'; require_once(SYSTEM . 'item.php'); $groups = new OTS_Groups_List(); function generate_search_form($autofocus = false) { global $config, $twig; return $twig->render('characters.form.html.twig', array( 'link' => getLink('characters'), 'autofocus' => $autofocus )); } function retrieve_former_name($name) { global $oldName, $db; if(tableExist('player_namelocks') && fieldExist('name', 'player_namelocks')) { $newNameSql = $db->query('SELECT `name`, `new_name` FROM `player_namelocks` WHERE `name` = ' . $db->quote($name)); if($newNameSql->rowCount() > 0) // namelocked { $newNameSql = $newNameSql->fetch(); $oldName = ' (<small><b>Former name:</b> ' . $newNameSql['name'] . '</small>)'; return $newNameSql['new_name']; } } return ''; } $name = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $name = urldecode(stripslashes(ucwords(strtolower($_REQUEST['name'])))); if(empty($name)) { $tmp_link = getPlayerLink($name); echo 'Here you can get detailed information about a certain player on ' . $config['lua']['serverName'] . '.<BR>'; echo generate_search_form(true); return; } $name = str_replace('/', '', $name); $oldName = ''; $player = new OTS_Player(); $player->find($name); if(!$player->isLoaded()) { $tmp_zmienna = ""; $tmp_name = retrieve_former_name($name); while(!empty($tmp_name)) { $tmp_zmienna = $tmp_name; $tmp_name = retrieve_former_name($tmp_zmienna); } if(!empty($tmp_zmienna)) $player->find($tmp_zmienna); } if($player->isLoaded() && !$player->isDeleted()) { $title = $player->getName() . ' - ' . $title; $account = $player->getAccount(); $rows = 0; if($config['characters']['outfit']) $outfit = $config['outfit_images_url'] . '?id=' . $player->getLookType() . (fieldExist('lookaddons', 'players') ? '&addons=' . $player->getLookAddons() : '') . '&head=' . $player->getLookHead() . '&body=' . $player->getLookBody() . '&legs=' . $player->getLookLegs() . '&feet=' . $player->getLookFeet(); $flag = ''; if($config['account_country']) $flag = getFlagImage($account->getCustomField('country')); $player_sex = 'Unknown'; if(isset($config['genders'][$player->getSex()])) $player_sex = strtolower($config['genders'][$player->getSex()]); $marriage = new OTS_Player(); $marriage->load($player->getMarriage()); $marital_status = 'single'; if($marriage->isLoaded()) $marital_status = 'married to ' . getPlayerLink($marriage->getName()); $frags_enabled = tableExist('player_killers') && $config['characters']['frags']; $frags_count = 0; if($frags_enabled) { $query = $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(`player_id`) as `frags`' . 'FROM `player_killers`' . 'WHERE `player_id` = ' .$player->getId() . ' ' . 'GROUP BY `player_id`' . 'ORDER BY COUNT(`player_id`) DESC'); if($query->rowCount() > 0) { $query = $query->fetch(); $frags_count = $query['frags']; } } $town_field = 'town'; if(fieldExist('town_id', 'houses')) $town_field = 'town_id'; else if(fieldExist('townid', 'houses')) $town_field = 'townid'; else if(!fieldExist('town', 'houses')) $town_field = false; if(fieldExist('name', 'houses')) { $house = $db->query('SELECT `id`, `paid`, `name`' . ($town_field != false ? ', `' . $town_field . '` as `town`' : '') . ' FROM `houses` WHERE `owner` = '.$player->getId())->fetch(); if(isset($house['id'])) { $add = ''; if($house['paid'] > 0) $add = ' is paid until '.date("M d Y", $house['paid']); } } $rank_of_player = $player->getRank(); if($rank_of_player->isLoaded()) { $guild = $rank_of_player->getGuild(); if($guild->isLoaded()) { $guild_name = $guild->getName(); } } $comment = $player->getComment(); if($config['characters']['skills']) { if(fieldExist('skill_fist', 'players')) {// tfs 1.0+ $skills_db = $db->query('SELECT `skill_fist`, `skill_club`, `skill_sword`, `skill_axe`, `skill_dist`, `skill_shielding`, `skill_fishing` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = ' . $player->getId())->fetch(); $skill_ids = array( POT::SKILL_FIST => 'skill_fist', POT::SKILL_CLUB => 'skill_club', POT::SKILL_SWORD => 'skill_sword', POT::SKILL_AXE => 'skill_axe', POT::SKILL_DIST => 'skill_dist', POT::SKILL_SHIELD => 'skill_shielding', POT::SKILL_FISH => 'skill_fishing', ); $skills = array(); foreach($skill_ids as $skillid => $field_name) { $skills[] = array('skillid' => $skillid, 'value' => $skills_db[$field_name]); } } else { $skills_db = $db->query('SELECT `skillid`, `value` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `player_id` = ' . $player->getId() . ' LIMIT 7'); $skills = $skills_db->fetchAll(); } foreach($skills as &$skill) { $skill['name'] = getSkillName($skill['skillid']); } } $quests_enabled = $config['characters']['quests'] && !empty($config['quests']); if($quests_enabled) { $quests = $config['quests']; $sql_query_in = ''; $i = 0; foreach($quests as $quest_name => $quest_storage) { if($i != 0) $sql_query_in .= ', '; $sql_query_in .= $quest_storage; $i++; } $storage_sql = $db->query('SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = '.$player->getId().' AND `key` IN (' . $sql_query_in . ')'); $player_storage = array(); foreach($storage_sql as $storage) $player_storage[$storage['key']] = $storage['value']; foreach($quests as &$storage) { $storage = isset($player_storage[$storage]) && $player_storage[$storage] > 0; } } if($config['characters']['equipment']) { global $db; $eq_sql = $db->query('SELECT `pid`, `itemtype` FROM player_items WHERE player_id = '.$player->getId().' AND (`pid` >= 1 and `pid` <= 10)'); $equipment = array(); foreach($eq_sql as $eq) $equipment[$eq['pid']] = $eq['itemtype']; $empty_slots = array("", "no_helmet", "no_necklace", "no_backpack", "no_armor", "no_handleft", "no_handright", "no_legs", "no_boots", "no_ring", "no_ammo"); for($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { if(!isset($equipment[$i]) || $equipment[$i] == 0) $equipment[$i] = $empty_slots[$i]; } for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { if(Validator::number($equipment[$i])) $equipment[$i] = getItemImage($equipment[$i]); else $equipment[$i] = '<img src="images/items/' . $equipment[$i] . '.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0" alt=" ' . $equipment[$i] . '" />'; } $skulls = array( 1 => 'yellow_skull', 2 => 'green_skull', 3 => 'white_skull', 4 => 'red_skull', 5 => 'black_skull' ); } $dead_add_content = ''; $deaths = array(); if(tableExist('killers')) { $player_deaths = $db->query('SELECT `id`, `date`, `level` FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = '.$player->getId().' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0,10;')->fetchAll(); if(count($player_deaths)) { $number_of_rows = 0; foreach($player_deaths as $death) { $killers = $db->query("SELECT AS monster_name, AS player_name, players.deleted AS player_exists FROM killers LEFT JOIN environment_killers ON = environment_killers.kill_id LEFT JOIN player_killers ON = player_killers.kill_id LEFT JOIN players ON = player_killers.player_id WHERE killers.death_id = '".$death['id']."' ORDER BY killers.final_hit DESC, ASC")->fetchAll(); $description = ''; $i = 0; $count = count($killers); foreach($killers as $killer) { $i++; if($killer['player_name'] != "") { if($i == 1) $description .= "Killed at level <b>".$death['level']."</b>"; else if($i == $count) $description .= " and"; else $description .= ","; $description .= " by "; if($killer['monster_name'] != "") $description .= $killer['monster_name']." summoned by "; if($killer['player_exists'] == 0) $description .= getPlayerLink($killer['player_name']); else $description .= $killer['player_name']; } else { if($i == 1) $description .= "Died at level <b>".$death['level']."</b>"; else if($i == $count) $description .= " and"; else $description .= ","; $description .= " by ".$killer['monster_name']; } } $deaths[] = array('time' => $death['date'], 'description' => $description . '.'); } } } else { $mostdamage = ''; if(fieldExist('mostdamage_by', 'player_deaths')) $mostdamage = ', `mostdamage_by`, `mostdamage_is_player`, `unjustified`, `mostdamage_unjustified`'; $deaths_db = $db->query('SELECT `player_id`, `time`, `level`, `killed_by`, `is_player`' . $mostdamage . ' FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = ' . $player->getId() . ' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 10;')->fetchAll(); if(count($deaths_db)) { $number_of_rows = 0; foreach($deaths_db as $death) { $lasthit = ($death['is_player']) ? getPlayerLink($death['killed_by']) : $death['killed_by']; $description = 'Killed at level ' . $death['level'] . ' by ' . $lasthit; if($death['unjustified']) { $description .= " <font color='red' style='font-style: italic;'>(unjustified)</font>"; } $mostdmg = ($death['mostdamage_by'] !== $death['killed_by']) ? true : false; if($mostdmg) { $mostdmg = ($death['mostdamage_is_player']) ? getPlayerLink($death['mostdamage_by']) : $death['mostdamage_by']; $description .= ' and by ' . $mostdmg; if ($death['mostdamage_unjustified']) { $description .= " <font color='red' style='font-style: italic;'>(unjustified)</font>"; } } else { $description .= " <b>(soloed)</b>"; } $deaths[] = array('time' => $death['time'], 'description' => $description); } } } $frags = array(); $frag_add_content = ''; if($config['characters']['frags']) { //frags list by Xampy $i = 0; $frags_limit = 10; // frags limit to show? // default: 10 $player_frags = $db->query('SELECT `player_deaths`.*, `players`.`name`, `killers`.`unjustified` FROM `player_deaths` LEFT JOIN `killers` ON `killers`.`death_id` = `player_deaths`.`id` LEFT JOIN `player_killers` ON `player_killers`.`kill_id` = `killers`.`id` LEFT JOIN `players` ON `players`.`id` = `player_deaths`.`player_id` WHERE `player_killers`.`player_id` = '.$player->getId().' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0,'.$frags_limit.';')->fetchAll(); if(count($player_frags)) { $row_count = 0; foreach($player_frags as $frag) { $description = 'Fragged <a href="' . getPlayerLink($frag['name'], false) . '">' . $frag['name'] . '</a> at level ' . $frag['level']; $frags[] = array('time' => $frag['date'], 'description' => $description, 'unjustified' => $frag['unjustified'] != 0); } } } // signature if($config['signature_enabled']) { $signature_url = BASE_URL . ($config['friendly_urls'] ? '' : '?') . urlencode($player->getName()) . '.png'; } $hidden = $player->getCustomField('hidden'); if($hidden != 1) { // check if account has been banned $bannedUntil = ''; $banned = array(); if(tableExist('account_bans')) $banned = $db->query('SELECT `expires_at` as `expires` FROM `account_bans` WHERE `account_id` = ' . $account->getId() . ' and (`expires_at` > ' . time() . ' OR `expires_at` = -1);'); else if (tableExist('bans')) { if (fieldExist('expires', 'bans')) $banned = $db->query('SELECT `expires` FROM `bans` WHERE (`value` = ' . $account->getId() . ' or `value` = ' . $player->getId() . ') and `active` = 1 and `type` != 2 and `type` != 4 and (`expires` > ' . time() . ' OR `expires` = -1);'); else $banned = $db->query('SELECT `time` as `time` FROM `bans` WHERE (`account` = ' . $account->getId() . ' or `player` = ' . $player->getId() . ') and `type` != 2 and `type` != 4 and (`time` > ' . time() . ' OR `time` = -1);'); } foreach($banned as $ban) { $bannedUntil = $ban['expires']; } $account_players = $account->getPlayersList(); $account_players->orderBy('name'); } echo $twig->render('characters.html.twig', array( 'outfit' => isset($outfit) ? $outfit : null, 'player' => $player, 'account' => $account, 'flag' => $flag, 'oldName' => $oldName, 'sex' => $player_sex, 'marriage_enabled' => $config['characters']['marriage_info'] && fieldExist('marriage', 'players'), 'marital_status' => $marital_status, 'vocation' => $player->getVocationName(), 'frags_enabled' => $frags_enabled, 'frags_count' => $frags_count, 'town' => isset($config['towns'][$player->getTownId()]) ? $config['towns'][$player->getTownId()] : null, 'house' => array( 'found' => isset($house['id']), 'add' => isset($house['id']) ? $add : null, 'name' => isset($house['id']) ? (isset($house['name']) ? $house['name'] : $house['id']) : null, 'town' => isset($house['town']) ? ' (' . $config['towns'][$house['town']] . ')' : '' ), 'guild' => array( 'rank' => isset($guild_name) ? $rank_of_player->getName() : null, 'link' => isset($guild_name) ? getGuildLink($guild_name) : null ), 'comment' => !empty($comment) ? wordwrap(nl2br($comment), 60, "<br/>", true) : null, 'skills' => isset($skills) ? $skills : null, 'quests_enabled' => $quests_enabled, 'quests' => isset($quests) ? $quests : null, 'equipment' => isset($equipment) ? $equipment : null, 'skull' => $player->getSkullTime() > 0 && ($player->getSkull() == 4 || $player->getSkull() == 5) ? $skulls[$player->getSkull()] : null, 'deaths' => $deaths, 'frags' => $frags, 'signature_url' => isset($signature_url) ? $signature_url : null, 'player_link' => getPlayerLink($player->getName(), false), 'hidden' => $hidden, 'bannedUntil' => isset($bannedUntil) ? $bannedUntil : null, 'characters_link' => getLink('characters'), 'account_players' => isset($account_players) ? $account_players : null, 'search_form' => generate_search_form() )); } else { $search_errors[] = 'Character <b>' . $name . '</b> does not exist or has been deleted.'; echo $twig->render('error_box.html.twig', array('errors' => $search_errors)); $search_errors = array(); $promotion = ''; if(fieldExist('promotion', 'players')) $promotion = ', `promotion`'; $deleted = 'deleted'; if(fieldExist('deletion', 'players')) $deleted = 'deletion'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `name`, `level`, `vocation`' . $promotion . ' FROM `players` WHERE `name` LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $name . '%') . ' AND ' . $deleted . ' != 1;'); if($query->rowCount() > 0) { echo 'Did you mean:<ul>'; foreach($query as $player) { if(isset($player['promotion'])) { if((int)$player['promotion'] > 0) $player['vocation'] += ($player['promotion'] * $config['vocations_amount']); } echo '<li>' . getPlayerLink($player['name']) . ' (<small><strong>level ' . $player['level'] . ', ' . $config['vocations'][$player['vocation']] . '</strong></small>)</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } echo generate_search_form(true); } if(!empty($search_errors)) echo $twig->render('error_box.html.twig', array('errors' => $search_errors)); Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 20, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 20, 2019 A questão neste suporte foi encerrada por falta de respostas. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. + Caso a dúvida não tenha sido resolvida você poderá criar outro tópico solicitando ajuda. * Lembre-se que é permitido dar UP no tópico a cada 24 horas para assim o destacar e manter movimentado. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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