higorroque 0 Postado Novembro 24, 2018 Share Postado Novembro 24, 2018 Gente, estou com um problema! Eu coloquei um EXP HIT no meu otserver, mudei meu config.lua para FALSE/TRUE E EXP 0, adicionei em cima de return true do "login.lua" > registerCreatureEvent(cid, "exphit"), porém o exp hit ainda não está funcionando! Alguem me ajuda? Código: Citar -- CONFIGURACOES DE EXPERIENCIA -- useStages = true premiumMultipliqueExp = 2 local stages = { -- ["DELEVEL-ATELEVEL"] ["1-50"] = 100, ["51-100"] = 70, ["101-150"] = 50, ["151-200"] = 10, ["201-250"] = 7, ["251-300"] = 5, ["351-400"] = 3, } ultimateExp = 1 -- CONFIGURAÇÕES DA PARTY partyPorcent = 40 levelBlockParty = 1000 expShareRadiusX = 30 expShareRadiusY = 30 expShareRadiusZ = 1 -- CONFIGURACOES DE RINGS -- local rings = { -- [ID DO ANEL] [3048] = 2, [3049] = 4, [3050] = 6, } -- FIM DAS CONFIGURACOES -- function CalculeExp(monsterhp, exptotal, hit) hit = hit <= monsterhp and math.ceil(exptotal * hit / monsterhp) or 0 return hit < 0 and 0 or hit end function isSummon(uid) return uid ~= getCreatureMaster(uid) or false end function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if getCreatureStorage(cid, 50001) ~= 1 then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, 50002, getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).experience * rateExp) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, 50001, 1) end if type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then if isMonster(cid) then if isCreature(attacker) then local _cid = isSummon(attacker) and getCreatureMaster(attacker) or attacker if isPlayer(_cid) then if useStages then for strstage, experience in pairs(stages) do tabstage = string.explode(strstage, "-") if getPlayerLevel(_cid) >= tonumber(tabstage[1]) and getPlayerLevel(_cid) <= tonumber(tabstage[2]) then ultimateExp = experience end end experienceRate = ultimateExp else experienceRate = rateExp end local expgain = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).experience * experienceRate, value) if getCreatureStorage(cid, 50002) > 0 then if getCreatureStorage(cid, 50002) - expgain < 0 then expgain = getCreatureStorage(cid, 50002) end doCreatureSetStorage(cid, 50002, getCreatureStorage(cid, 50002) - expgain) local ringexp = 1 for idring, expring in pairs(rings) do if getPlayerSlotItem(_cid, 9).itemid == idring then ringexp = expring break end end local premiumMultipliqueExp = isPremium(_cid) and premiumMultipliqueExp or 1 expgain = expgain * ringexp * premiumMultipliqueExp local party = false if isInParty(_cid) then local partyMembers, expParty = getPartyMembers(getPartyLeader(_cid)), expgain / 100 * partyPorcent for indice, partyMember in pairs(partyMembers) do attackerLevel, partyLevel = getPlayerLevel(_cid), getPlayerLevel(partyMember) attackerPos, partyPos = getThingPos(_cid), getThingPos(partyMember) x = false if math.abs(attackerLevel - partyLevel) > levelBlockParty then x = true elseif math.abs(attackerPos.x - partyPos.x) > expShareRadiusX then x = true elseif math.abs(attackerPos.y - partyPos.y) > expShareRadiusY then x = true elseif attackerPos.z ~= partyPos.z then x = true elseif _cid == partyMember then x = true end if x then partyMembers[indice] = nil end end if #partyMembers ~= 0 then expParty = math.ceil(expgain / 100 * partyPorcent) expmember = math.ceil(expParty / #partyMembers) for _, member in pairs(partyMembers) do if member ~= _cid then doPlayerSendTextMessage(member, 12, "You received "..expmember.." party exp.") doPlayerAddExp(member, expmember) end end doPlayerSendTextMessage(_cid, 12, "You gain "..expgain.." exp. (" ..partyPorcent.."% send to party)") doPlayerAddExp(_cid, expgain - expParty) party = true else party = false end end if not party then doPlayerSendTextMessage(_cid, 12, "You gain "..expgain.." exp.") doPlayerAddExp(_cid, expgain) end end end end end end return true end function onCombat(cid, target) if isMonster(target) and not isSummon(target) and not isPlayer(target) then registerCreatureEvent(target, "ExpGain") end return true end Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Benny 735 Postado Fevereiro 20, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 20, 2019 A questão neste suporte foi encerrada por falta de respostas. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. + Caso a dúvida não tenha sido resolvida você poderá criar outro tópico solicitando ajuda. * Lembre-se que é permitido dar UP no tópico a cada 24 horas para assim o destacar e manter movimentado. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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