sidneivascao 1 Postado Julho 15, 2018 Share Postado Julho 15, 2018 Então é o seguinte kk , no meu servidor está dando um erro na distro quando pokemon mata um player , ou quando noPVP um player mata o outro , o erro é o seguinte .. Print do player morrendo e ali a corpse , ai ele desloga >> e enbaixo o erro [Error - CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/exp2.0.lua:onStatsChange Description: (luaDoCreatureAddHealth) Creature not found Isso no exp2.0 , irei deixar aqui ele exp2.0 Spoiler local combats = { [PSYCHICDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC}, [GRASSDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [POISONEDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [FIREDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [BURNEDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_BURN}, [WATERDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_WATER}, [ICEDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_ICE}, [NORMALDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_NORMAL}, [FLYDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FLYING}, [GHOSTDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GHOST}, [GROUNDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GROUND}, [ELECTRICDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_ELECTRIC}, [ROCKDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_ROCK}, [BUGDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_BUG}, [FIGHTDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FIGHTING}, [DRAGONDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_DRAGON}, [POISONDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_POISON}, [DARKDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_DARK}, [STEELDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_STEEL}, [MIRACLEDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC}, [DARK_EYEDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GHOST}, [SEED_BOMBDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [SACREDDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [MUDBOMBDAMAGE] = {cor = COLOR_GROUND}, --alterado v1.9 } local function sendPlayerDmgMsg(cid, text) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, text) end local races = { [4] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [6] = {cor = COLOR_WATER}, [7] = {cor = COLOR_NORMAL}, [8] = {cor = COLOR_FIRE2}, [9] = {cor = COLOR_FIGHTING}, [10] = {cor = COLOR_FLYING}, [11] = {cor = COLOR_GRASS}, [12] = {cor = COLOR_POISON}, [13] = {cor = COLOR_ELECTRIC}, [14] = {cor = COLOR_GROUND}, [15] = {cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC}, [16] = {cor = COLOR_ROCK}, [17] = {cor = COLOR_ICE}, [18] = {cor = COLOR_BUG}, [19] = {cor = COLOR_DRAGON}, [20] = {cor = COLOR_GHOST}, [21] = {cor = COLOR_STEEL}, [22] = {cor = COLOR_DARK}, [1] = {cor = 180}, [2] = {cor = 180}, [3] = {cor = 180}, [5] = {cor = 180}, } local damages = {GROUNDDAMAGE, ELECTRICDAMAGE, ROCKDAMAGE, FLYDAMAGE, BUGDAMAGE, FIGHTINGDAMAGE, DRAGONDAMAGE, POISONDAMAGE, DARKDAMAGE, STEELDAMAGE} local fixdmgs = {PSYCHICDAMAGE, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, GRASSDAMAGE, FIREDAMAGE, WATERDAMAGE, ICEDAMAGE, NORMALDAMAGE, GHOSTDAMAGE} local ignored = {POISONEDDAMAGE, BURNEDDAMAGE} local cannotkill = {BURNEDDAMAGE, POISONEDDAMAGE} local centropokemon = {x=1050, y=1053, z=7} -- Coordenadas para onde o player irá ser teleportado. function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if combat == FLYSYSTEMDAMAGE then return false end if isPlayer(cid) and getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 814 then return false end -- TV if not isCreature(attacker) then if not isInArray(fixdamages, combat) and combats[combat] then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), value, combats[combat].cor) end return true end local damageCombat = combat -------------------------------------------------- if type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHGAIN then if cid == attacker then return true end if isSummon(cid) and isSummon(attacker) and canAttackOther(cid, attacker) == "Cant" then return false end return true end -------------------------------------------------- if isMonster(cid) then local valor = value if not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] and damageCombat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then valor = getOffense(attacker) * playerDamageReduction doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -math.abs(valor), 3, races[7].cor) return false elseif not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] and damageCombat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -math.abs(valor), 3, combats[damageCombat].cor) return false end end -------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(attacker) then local valor = value if valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then valor = getCreatureHealth(cid) end if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then return false end if combat == PHYSICALDAMAGE then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 3) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), valor, races[getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).race].cor) end if combats[damageCombat] and not isInArray(fixdmgs, damageCombat) then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), valor, combats[damageCombat].cor) end if #getCreatureSummons(attacker) >= 1 and not isInArray({POISONEDDAMAGE, BURNEDDAMAGE}, combat) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, "Your "..getPokeName(getCreatureSummons(attacker)[1]).." dealt "..valor.." damage to "..getSomeoneDescription(cid)..".") end return true end -------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(cid) and #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then return false end -------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(cid) and #getCreatureSummons(cid) <= 0 and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then if isSummon(attacker) or isPlayer(attacker) then if canAttackOther(cid, attacker) == "Cant" then return false end end local valor = 0 if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then valor = getOffense(attacker) else valor = getSpecialAttack(attacker) end valor = valor * playerDamageReduction valor = valor * math.random(83, 117) / 100 if valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then valor = getCreatureHealth(cid) end valor = math.floor(valor) if valor >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755, -1) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doTeleportThing(cid, posBackPVP, false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) return false --alterado v1.8 end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215, -1) doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, ? local btype = getPokeballType(item.itemid) if #getCreatureSummons(cid) <= 0 then if isInArray(pokeballs[btype].all, item.itemid) then doTransformItem(item.uid, pokeballs[btype].off) doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "hp", 0) end end end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545) == 1 then if getGlobalStorageValue(22550) == 1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "You are the last survivor of the golden arena! Take your reward!") doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22551)*2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545, -1) doTeleportThing(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, posBackGolden)), false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid)) setPlayerRecordWaves(cid) endGoldenArena() return false --alterado v1.8 else setGlobalStorageValue(22550, getGlobalStorageValue(22550)-1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545, -1) doTeleportThing(cid, getClosestFreeTile(cid, posBackGolden), false) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid)) setPlayerRecordWaves(cid) return true end end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 98796) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 98796, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 98797, -1) --alterado v1.8 doTeleportThing(cid, SafariOut, false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 21) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You die in the saffari... Best luck in the next time!") return false --alterado v1.8 end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoIni) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoIni) <= 10 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoIni, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoRec, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoPer, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoEni, -1) --alterado v1.9 agatha quest setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Agatha.stoRes, -1) end doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), 3, 180) if getTileZoneInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)) == 2 then updateLevel(cid, math.ceil(getPlayerLevel(cid) / 100 * 9), "nao") else updateLevel(cid, math.ceil(getPlayerLevel(cid) / 100 * 9), "sim") end end doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -valor, 3, 180) if not isPlayer(cid) then addEvent(sendPlayerDmgMsg, 5, cid, "You lost "..valor.." hitpoints due to an attack from "..getSomeoneDescription(attacker)..".") end return false end -------------------------------------------------- if isMonster(attacker) and getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 201) ~= -1 then if isPlayer(cid) then return false end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(cid), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 201)].storage) ~= 1 then return false end end -------------------------------------------------- if isMonster(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201) ~= -1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(attacker), ginasios[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 201)].storage) ~= 1 then return false end end -------------------------------------------------- if ehMonstro(cid) and ehMonstro(attacker) and not isSummon(cid) and not isSummon(attacker) then return false --alterado v1.9 /\ end -------------------------------------------------- --------------------REFLECT----------------------- if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21099) >= 1 and combat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if not isInArray({"Team Claw", "Team Slice"}, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102)) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), 135) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "REFLECT", COLOR_GRASS) addEvent(docastspell, 100, cid, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102)) if getCreatureName(cid) == "Wobbuffet" then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21099, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21100, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21101, attacker) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21103, getTableMove(attacker, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102)).f) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21104, getCreatureOutfit(attacker).lookType) return false end end ------------------------------------------------- local multiplier = 1 if isCreature(cid) then poketype1 = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type poketype2 = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type2 end if not poketype1 or not poketype2 then return false end if getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INVISIBLE) then return false end if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if isGhostPokemon(cid) then if not isInArray(specialabilities["foresight"], getCreatureName(attacker)) then --passiva Foresight!! doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 3) return false end end local cd = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Miss"]) local cd2 = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Confusion"]) local cd3 = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Stun"]) if cd >= 0 or cd2 >= 0 or cd3 >= 0 then if math.random(1, 100) > 50 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 211) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "MISS", 215) return false end end end -------------------------------------------------- local valor = value if multiplier < 1.5 and poketype2 == "no type" then multiplier = 2 elseif multiplier == 1.5 and poketype2 ~= "no type" then multiplier = 1.75 elseif multiplier == 2.20 then multiplier = 3 end -------------------------------------------------- if isSummon(cid) and isSummon(attacker) then if getCreatureMaster(cid) == getCreatureMaster(attacker) then return false end if canAttackOther(cid, attacker) == "Cant" then return false end end valor = valor * multiplier if isSummon(attacker) then valor = valor * getHappinessRate(attacker) else valor = valor * summonReduction end valor = math.floor(valor) if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then local value = getOffense(attacker) > 1000 and 3 or 2 block = 1 - (getDefense(cid) / (getOffense(attacker) + getDefense(cid))) --alterado v1.9 testem essa nova formula plzzz '--' valor = (getOffense(attacker)/value) * block if valor <= 0 then valor = math.random(5, 10) --alterado v1.9 end if isInArray(specialabilities["counter"], getCreatureName(cid)) then if math.random(1, 100) <= 10 then doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, -valor, 3, 180) valor = 0 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "COUNTER", 215) end end else if valor <= 0 then valor = math.random(5, 10) --alterado v1.9 end valor = valor / getDefense(cid) end -------------------------Edited CLAN SYSTEM----------------------------------- if isSummon(attacker) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(attacker), 86228) >= 1 then valor = valor*getClanPorcent(getCreatureMaster(attacker), combat, "atk") elseif isSummon(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(cid), 86228) >= 1 then valor = valor - (valor*getClanPorcent(getCreatureMaster(cid), combat, "def", pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].type2)) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- FEAR / ROAR ------------------------------------ if getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, conds["Fear"]) >= 1 then return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if damageCombat == GROUNDDAMAGE then if isInArray(specialabilities["levitate"], getCreatureName(cid)) then valor = 0 end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = getThingPos(cid) if p.x == 1 and p.y == 1 and p.z == 10 then return false end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 9658783) == 1 then return false --imune end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- FIGHT MODE ----------------------- if useOTClient then if isSummon(cid) then local master = getCreatureMaster(cid) if getPlayerStorageValue(master, 248759) == 1 then valor = valor * 1.1 elseif getPlayerStorageValue(master, 248759) == 3 then valor = valor * 0.9 end end if isSummon(attacker) then local master = getCreatureMaster(attacker) if getPlayerStorageValue(master, 248759) == 1 then valor = valor * 1.1 elseif getPlayerStorageValue(master, 248759) == 3 then valor = valor * 0.9 end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ SKILLs Q CURAM O ATTACKER --------------------------------- local function doHeal(cid, amount) if (getCreatureHealth(cid) + amount) >= getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) then amount = math.abs(getCreatureHealth(cid)-getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) end if getCreatureHealth(cid) ~= getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, amount) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosWithDebug(cid), "+"..amount.."", 65) end end if damageCombat == PSYCHICDAMAGE or damageCombat == MIRACLEDAMAGE then if getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 95487) >= 1 then doHeal(attacker, valor) setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 95487, -1) end elseif damageCombat == SEED_BOMBDAMAGE then doHeal(attacker, valor) end -------------------------------------------- ----------SACRED FIRE----------------------- if combat == SACREDDAMAGE and not ehNPC(cid) then local ret = {} = cid = 9 ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Silence"]) ret.eff = 39 ret.cond = "Silence" doCondition2(ret) elseif combat == MUDBOMBDAMAGE and not ehNPC(cid) then local ret = {} = cid = 9 ret.eff = 34 ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Miss"]) ret.spell = "Mud Bomb" --alterado v1.9 ret.cond = "Miss" doCondition2(ret) end --------------------------------------------- --------------Passiva Lifesteal Clobat------------ if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if getCreatureName(attacker) == "Crobat" then doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, math.floor(valor)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), "+ "..math.floor(valor), 30) end end -------------------------------------------- valor = math.abs(valor) --alterado v1.9 if isSummon(attacker) then if combat == COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, PHYSICALDAMAGE, -valor, -valor, 255) addEvent(doDoubleHit, 1000, attacker, cid, valor, races) else doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, damageCombat, -valor, -valor, 255) end else if combat ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -valor, 3, combats[damageCombat].cor) else doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -valor, 3, races[getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).race].cor) addEvent(doDoubleHit, 1000, attacker, cid, valor, races) end if isSummon(cid) and valor ~= 0 then addEvent(sendPlayerDmgMsg, 5, getCreatureMaster(cid), "Your "..getCreatureName(cid).." lost "..valor.." hitpoints due to an attack from "..getSomeoneDescription(attacker)..".") end end if damageCombat == FIREDAMAGE and not isBurning(cid) then local ret = {} = cid = math.random(5, 12) ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Burn"]) ret.damage = isSummon(attacker) and getPokemonBoost(attacker) or getPokemonLevel(attacker) ret.cond = "Burn" doCondition2(ret) elseif damageCombat == POISONDAMAGE and not isPoisoned(cid) then local ret = {} = cid = math.random(6, 15) ret.check = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, conds["Poison"]) local lvl = isSummon(attacker) and getPokemonBoost(attacker) or getPokemonLevel(attacker) ret.damage = math.floor((getPokemonLevel(attacker)+lvl)/2) ret.cond = "Poison" doCondition2(ret) end --[[---------------CD BAR----------------------- if isSummon(cid) then doCreatureExecuteTalkAction(getCreatureMaster(cid), "/pokeread") end ]] ------------------------------------POTIONS------------------------------------------- if isSummon(cid) and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 173) >= 1 then if damageCombat ~= BURNEDDAMAGE and damageCombat ~= POISONEDDAMAGE then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 173, -1) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "Lost Heal", 144) end end end ----------------------------------------PASSIVAS------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------Counter Helix------------------------------------ if passivesChances["Helix"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Helix"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Counter Helix") end -------------------------------------------Lava Counter/Electricity---------------------------- if passivesChances["Fire_Thunder"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Fire_Thunder"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Lava-Electricity") end ---------------------------------------Stunning Confusion----------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Stunning"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Stunning"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Stunning Confusion") end -----------------------------------------Groundshock----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------Stunning Confusion----------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Invisible Passive"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Invisible Passive"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Invisible Passive") end -----------------------------------------Groundshock----------------------------------- if passivesChances["Groundshock"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Groundshock"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Groundshock") end --------------------------------------Electric Charge--------------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Electric Charge"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Electric Charge"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Electric Charge", 0, 0) end -------------------------------------Melody------------------------------------ if passivesChances["Melody"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Melody"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Melody") end ------------------------------------- Dragon Fury / Fury --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Dragon Fury"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Dragon Fury"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Dragon Fury", 0, 0) end ------------------------------------- Mega Drain --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Mega Drain"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Mega Drain"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Mega Drain") end ------------------------------------- Spores Reaction --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Spores Reaction"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Spores Reaction"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Spores Reaction") end ------------------------------------ Amnesia ---------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Amnesia"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Amnesia"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Amnesia", 0, 0) end ----------------------------------- Zen Mind ----------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Zen Mind"][getCreatureName(cid)] and isWithCondition(cid) and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Zen Mind"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Zen Mind", 0, 0) end ---------------------------------- Mirror Coat --------------------------------------- if passivesChances["Mirror Coat"][getCreatureName(cid)] and math.random(1, 100) <= passivesChances["Mirror Coat"][getCreatureName(cid)] then docastspell(cid, "Mirror Coat", 0, 0) end --------------------------------- Illusion ----------------------------------------- return false end Ai eu fiz um teste , peguei um exp de outro serve lenda , msm distro e tal , testei , até então nao da erro quando morre , ou quando mata alguem no pvp , print de como fica quando morre >> aqui o link exp Spoiler local expcond = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(expcond, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 4500) function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, enps, combatee, value) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 33) >= 1 then if isCreature(attacker) then return false end return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 34) >= 1 then if combatee ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if isCreature(attacker) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 135) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(attacker), 3) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "REFLECT", 215) doCreatureAddHealth(attacker, -value) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 34, 0) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(attacker), -value, 191) return false end end end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 35) >= 1 then if combatee ~= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE then if isCreature(attacker) then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "MISS", 215) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 35, 0) return false end end end if not isCreature(attacker) then return true end if isPlayer(attacker) then return true end if enps == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHGAIN then return true end if enps == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then if getCreatureHealth(cid) <= value then if isPlayer(cid) then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then return true end return false end if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(attacker)) then doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, combatee, -(getCreatureHealth(cid)), -(getCreatureHealth(cid)), 3) return false end return true end if isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid)) then doAddCondition(getCreatureMaster(cid), expcond) end if not isPlayer(cid) then if combatee == ELECTRICDAMAGE then if isInArray(electric2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(electric1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(electric0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == WATERDAMAGE then if isInArray(water2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(water1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(water0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == GRASSDAMAGE then if isInArray(grass2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(grass1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(grass0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == FLYDAMAGE then if isInArray(flying2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(flying1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(flying0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == FIREDAMAGE then if isInArray(fire2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(fire1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(fire0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == ROCKDAMAGE then if isInArray(rock2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(rock1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(rock0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == GROUNDDAMAGE then if isInArray(ground2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(ground1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(ground0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == GHOSTDAMAGE then if isInArray(ghost2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(ghost1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(ghost0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == BUGDAMAGE then if isInArray(bug2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(bug1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(bug0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == NORMALDAMAGE then if isInArray(normal2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(normal1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(normal0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == FIGHTDAMAGE then if isInArray(fighting2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(fighting1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(fighting0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == POISONDAMAGE then if isInArray(poison2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(poison1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(poison0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == PSYCHICDAMAGE then if isInArray(psychic2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(psychic1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(psychic0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == ICEDAMAGE then if isInArray(ice2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(ice1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(ice0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end elseif combatee == DRAGONDAMAGE then if isInArray(dragon2, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 2 elseif isInArray(dragon1, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0.5 elseif isInArray(dragon0, getCreatureName(cid)) then x = 0 else x = 1 end else x = 1 end else x = 1 end local xx = x if combatee == PSYCHICDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_PSYCHIC elseif combatee == GRASSDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_GRASS elseif combatee == FIREDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_FIRE2 elseif combatee == WATERDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_WATER elseif combatee == ICEDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_ICE elseif combatee == NORMALDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_NORMAL elseif combatee == FLYDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_FLYING elseif combatee == GHOSTDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_GHOST elseif combatee == GROUNDDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_GROUND elseif combatee == ELECTRICDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_ELECTRIC elseif combatee == ROCKDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_ROCK elseif combatee == BUGDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_BUG elseif combatee == FIGHTDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_FIGHTING elseif combatee == DRAGONDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_DRAGON elseif combatee == POISONDAMAGE then cor = COLOR_POISON elseif getCreatureName(cid) == "Kakuna" or getCreatureName(cid) == "Metapod" then cor = COLOR_BUG elseif getCreatureName(cid) == "Golem" or getCreatureName(cid) == "Graveler" or getCreatureName(cid) == "Geodude" then cor = COLOR_ROCK else cor = NONE end local cores = cor if not isSummon(attacker) then if not isPlayer(cid) and not isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(cid)) then return false end if isSummon(cid) and getCreatureHealth(cid) <= (getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)*0.15) and not exhaustion.get(getCreatureMaster(cid), 88726) then exhaustion.set(getCreatureMaster(cid), 88726, 6) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 178) end if isPlayer(cid) then if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then return false end doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -value) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), value, 180) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 3) return false end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 4) >= 1 then local damage = value doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 2) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -((math.floor(damage/2))*xx)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), (math.floor((damage)/2)*xx), cores) else local damage = value if cor == NONE then return true end doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -((math.floor(damage/1))*xx)) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), (math.floor((damage)/1)*xx), cores) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 3) return false end return false end if isSummon(attacker) then if isSummon(cid) then return false end combatx = combatee valor = value if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 4) >= 1 then doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, combatx, -((valor / 2)*x), -(((valor / 2)+10)*x), 255) else doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureMaster(attacker), cid, combatx, -((valor)*x), -((valor+10)*x), 255) end end end end Então eu queria coloca esse sistema da morte de cima , pois ele nao deu nenhum erro no meu servidor kk , se alguem tiver como ajuda , ja mexi em tudo , e o erro persiste .. 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Benny 735 Postado Fevereiro 20, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 20, 2019 A questão neste suporte foi encerrada por falta de respostas. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. + Caso a dúvida não tenha sido resolvida você poderá criar outro tópico solicitando ajuda. * Lembre-se que é permitido dar UP no tópico a cada 24 horas para assim o destacar e manter movimentado. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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