bfs102030 0 Postado Abril 27, 2017 Share Postado Abril 27, 2017 Ola galera boa tarde, estou precisando de uma ajudinha em alguns scripts do meu servidor 8,60 TFS 0,4 Bom os scripts estão funcionando porem da um erro no TFS quando são usados. gostaria de arrumar pois pode vir a se tornar bug, sei la. 1º script Spell: Exori Stun >> quando um personagem usa essa spell o player que a recebe fica imóvel por alguns segundos. ela esta funcionando porem da esse ero no TFS Spoiler local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TARGETCASTERORTOPMOST, true) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_BLOCKARMOR, 1) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_BLOCKSHIELD, 1) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_STUN) setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_SKILL, 0, 0, 1.0, 0) function onCastSpell(cid, var) local storage = 302020 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) < 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Desculpe, Você tem que Fazer a [The Destyne Quest] para usar está magia.") return false end local target = variantToNumber(var) doTargetCombatCondition(0, target, exhausted, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) local exhausted = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST) setConditionParam(exhausted, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS,6000) doCreatureSetNoMove(target, true) addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, 6000, target, false) return doCombat(cid, combat, var) end <instant name="stun rox" words="exori stun" lvl="270" mana="1700" prem="1" range="4" needtarget="1" exhaustion="4500" blockwalls="1" needlearn="0" event="script" value="pbot/exori stun.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="11"/> </instant> local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TARGETCASTERORTOPMOST, true) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_BLOCKARMOR, 1) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_BLOCKSHIELD, 1) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_STUN) setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_SKILL, 0, 0, 1.0, 0) function onCastSpell(cid, var) local storage = 302020 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) < 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Desculpe, Você tem que Fazer a [The Destyne Quest] para usar está magia.") return false end local target = variantToNumber(var) doTargetCombatCondition(0, target, exhausted, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) local exhausted = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST) setConditionParam(exhausted, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS,6000) doCreatureSetNoMove(target, true) addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, 6000, target, false) return doCombat(cid, combat, var) end <instant name="stun rox" words="exori stun" lvl="270" mana="1700" prem="1" range="4" needtarget="1" exhaustion="4500" blockwalls="1" needlearn="0" event="script" value="pbot/exori stun.lua"> <vocation id="3"/> <vocation id="7"/> <vocation id="11"/> </instant> erro [17:57:36.414] [Error - Spell Interface][17:57:36.415] data/spells/scripts/stun/exori stun.lua:onCastSpel[17:57:36.421] Description:[17:57:36.423] (luaDoTargetCombatCondition) Condition not found 2º Monster Revive >> criei uma spell que sumona um monster (Teen Wolf), quando alguém mata esse meu SUMON nasce outro mais forte (Werewoolf) estou usando um script hamado Monster Revive pra que o sumon reviva sobre meu comando assim como o 1º que morreu. O script funciona porem da esse erro no TFS script function onPrepareDeath(cid, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)local area = 18 ------- A area que o efeito vai alcançar----local effect = 23 --- Id do efeito de área para deixar mais bonito escolha um vibrante e colorido--------local creature = "werewoolf" -- Monstro que revive ---function doSendDistanceEffectAround(cid, position, AreaNumber, type) local numberInArea = tonumber(AreaNumber)local distance0 = {x=position.x, y=position.y-numberInArea, z=position.z}local distance1 = {x=position.x+numberInArea, y=position.y, z=position.z}local distance2 = {x=position.x, y=position.y+numberInArea, z=position.z}local distance3 = {x=position.x-numberInArea, y=position.y, z=position.z}return doSendDistanceShoot(position, distance0, type) and doSendDistanceShoot(position, distance1, type) and doSendDistanceShoot(position, distance2, type) and doSendDistanceShoot(position, distance3, type)end doSendDistanceEffectAround(cid, getCreaturePosition(cid), area, effect)doConvinceCreature(getCreatureMaster(cid), doCreateMonster(creature, getCreaturePosition(cid)))return doRemoveCreature(cid)end <event type="preparedeath" name= "revive" event="script" value="monsterevive.lua"/> erro [18:11:47.996] [Error - CreatureScript Interface][18:11:47.997] data/creaturescripts/scripts/killinginthenameof.lua:onKill[18:11:47.999] Description:[18:11:48.001] (luaGetCreatureMaster) Creature not found [18:11:48.003] [Error - CreatureScript Interface][18:11:48.005] function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)[18:11:48.007] if(getCreatureName(target) == 'Shard Of Corruption') the[18:11:48.008] doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, 7343, 11)[18:11:48.010] doCreatureSay(cid, "Done", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)[18:11:48.012] end[18:11:48.013] return TRUE[18:11:48.015] end:onKill[18:11:48.026] Description:[18:11:48.028] (luaGetCreatureName) Creature not found 3º Sacre Annihilator >> e uma anihilator de 4 players, so pode 1 vocação de cada, cada player tem seu SQM especifico e cada player tem que levar um sacrifício (ITEM) que é colocado logo ao lado, o script funciona porem esta dando erro no TFS quando : apenas 1 player puxar a alavanca sem mais ninguém encima Script function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) -- Item ID and Uniqueid -- switchUniqueID = 1913 switchID = 1945 switch2ID = 1946 axeID = 7434 bowID = 8855 rodID = 8910 wandID = 8922 -- Level to do the quest -- questlevel = 30 piece1pos = {x=33225, y=31681, z=13, stackpos=1} -- Where the first piece will be placed getpiece1 = getThingfromPos(piece1pos) piece2pos = {x=33224, y=31681, z=13, stackpos=1} -- Where the second piece will be placed getpiece2 = getThingfromPos(piece2pos) piece3pos = {x=33223, y=31681, z=13, stackpos=1} -- Where the third piece will be placed getpiece3 = getThingfromPos(piece3pos) piece4pos = {x=33222, y=31681, z=13, stackpos=1} -- Where the fourth piece will be placed getpiece4 = getThingfromPos(piece4pos) player1pos = {x=33225, y=31682, z=13, stackpos=253} -- Where player1 will stand before pressing lever player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos) player2pos = {x=33224, y=31682, z=13, stackpos=253} -- Where player2 will stand before pressing lever player2 = getThingfromPos(player2pos) player3pos = {x=33223, y=31682, z=13, stackpos=253} -- Where player3 will stand before pressing lever player3 = getThingfromPos(player3pos) player4pos = {x=33222, y=31682, z=13, stackpos=253} -- Where player4 will stand before pressing lever player4 = getThingfromPos(player4pos) knightvoc = getPlayerVocation(player1.uid) -- The vocation of player1 paladinvoc = getPlayerVocation(player2.uid) -- The vocation of player2 druidvoc = getPlayerVocation(player3.uid) -- The vocation of player3 sorcerervoc = getPlayerVocation(player4.uid) -- The vocation of player4 nplayer1pos = {x=33239, y=31682, z=13} -- The new position of player1 nplayer2pos = {x=33238, y=31682, z=13} -- The new position of player2 nplayer3pos = {x=33237, y=31682, z=13} -- The new position of player3 nplayer4pos = {x=33236, y=31682, z=13} -- The new position of player4 player1level = getPlayerLevel(player1.uid) -- Checking the level of player1 player2level = getPlayerLevel(player2.uid) -- Checking the level of player2 player3level = getPlayerLevel(player3.uid) -- Checking the level of player3 player4level = getPlayerLevel(player4.uid) -- Checking the level of player4 -- Check if all players has the correct vocation if knightvoc == 4 or knightvoc == 8 or knightvoc == 12 and paladinvoc == 3 or paladinvoc == 7 or paladinvoc == 11 and druidvoc == 2 or druidvoc == 6 or druidvoc == 10 and sorcerervoc == 1 or sorcerervoc == 5 or sorcerervoc == 9 then -- Check if all players are standing on the correct positions if player1.itemid > 0 and player2.itemid > 0 and player3.itemid > 0 and player4.itemid > 0 then if player1level >= questlevel and player2level >= questlevel and player3level >= questlevel and player4level >= questlevel then if item.uid == switchUniqueID and item.itemid == switchID and getpiece1.itemid == axeID and getpiece2.itemid == bowID and getpiece3.itemid == rodID and getpiece4.itemid == wandID then doSendMagicEffect(player1pos,2) doTeleportThing(player1.uid,nplayer1pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer1pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece1.uid,1) doSendMagicEffect(player2pos,2) doTeleportThing(player2.uid,nplayer2pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer2pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece2.uid,1) doSendMagicEffect(player3pos,2) doTeleportThing(player3.uid,nplayer3pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer3pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece3.uid,1) doSendMagicEffect(player4pos,2) doTeleportThing(player4.uid,nplayer4pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer4pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece4.uid,1) doTransformItem(item.uid,item.itemid+1) elseif item.uid == switchUniqueID and item.itemid == switch2ID then doTransformItem(item.uid,item.itemid-1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Desculpe, você precisa colocar os itens corretos nos locais corretos.") end else return 0 end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Desculpe, todos os jogadores na sua equipe devem ser de nível " .. questlevel .. ".") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Desculpe, todos os 4 jogadores devem estar nas posições de corretas.") end return 1end erro [18:22:11.891] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.892] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.892] Description:[18:22:11.893] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #6 [18:22:11.894] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.894] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.895] Description:[18:22:11.896] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #6 [18:22:11.897] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.898] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.898] Description:[18:22:11.899] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #6 [18:22:11.900] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.904] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.906] Description:[18:22:11.908] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #6 [18:22:11.910] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.913] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.915] Description:[18:22:11.917] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #3 [18:22:11.919] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.921] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.923] Description:[18:22:11.926] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #3 [18:22:11.929] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.931] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.932] Description:[18:22:11.933] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #3 [18:22:11.936] [Error - Action Interface][18:22:11.938] data/actions/scripts/quests/superanih.lua:onUse[18:22:11.940] Description:[18:22:11.942] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #3 Desde já agradeço a quem puder ajudar e REP+ Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
bfs102030 0 Postado Abril 29, 2017 Autor Share Postado Abril 29, 2017 up Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Stigal 584 Postado Novembro 29, 2017 Share Postado Novembro 29, 2017 A questão neste tópico de suporte foi encerrada por falta de resposta. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Stigal 584 Postado Novembro 29, 2017 Share Postado Novembro 29, 2017 A questão neste tópico de suporte foi encerrada por falta de resposta. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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