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<?php require_once 'engine/init.php'; include 'layout/overall/header.php'; protect_page();admin_only($user_data);// Encryption (if select field has $key 0, it will return false, so add $enc + $key will return 100, subtract and you get 0, not false). $enc = 100;// Don't bother to think about cross site scripting here, since they can't access the page unless they are admin anyway.// startif (empty($_POST) === false) {	// BAN system!	if (!empty($_POST['ban_char']) && !empty($_POST['ban_type']) && !empty($_POST['ban_action']) && !empty($_POST['ban_reason']) && !empty($_POST['ban_time']) && !empty($_POST['ban_comment'])) {		if (user_character_exist($_POST['ban_char'])) {						// Decrypt and store values			$charname = $_POST['ban_char'];			$typeid = (int)$_POST['ban_type'] - $enc;			$actionid = (int)$_POST['ban_action'] - $enc;			$reasonid = (int)$_POST['ban_type'] - $enc;			$time = (int)$_POST['ban_time'] - $enc;			$comment = $_POST['ban_comment'];			//var_dump($charname, $typeid, $actionid, $reasonid, $time, $comment);						if (set_rule_violation($charname, $typeid, $actionid, $reasonid, $time, $comment)) {				$errors[] = 'Violation entry has been set for '. $charname .'.';			} else {				$errors[] = 'Website character name: '. $config['website_char'] .' does not exist. Create this character name or configure another name in config.php';				$errors[] = 'Website failed to recognize a character it can represent while inserting a rule violation.';			}					} else {			$errors[] = 'Character '. getValue($_POST['ban_char']) .' does not exist.';		}	}			// delete character:	if (empty($_POST['del_name']) === false) {		if (user_character_exist($_POST['del_name'])) {			user_delete_character(user_character_id($_POST['del_name']));			$errors[] = 'Character '. getValue($_POST['del_name']) .' permanently deleted.';		} else {			$errors[] = 'Character '. getValue($_POST['del_name']) .' does not exist.';		}	}		// Reset password for char name	if (empty($_POST['reset_pass']) === false && empty($_POST['new_pass']) === false) {		// reset_pass = character name		if (user_character_exist($_POST['reset_pass'])) {			$acc_id = user_character_account_id($_POST['reset_pass']);						if ($acc_id != $session_user_id) {				if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_02' || $config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_10') {					user_change_password($acc_id, $_POST['new_pass']);				} else if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_03') {					user_change_password03($acc_id, $_POST['new_pass']);				}				$errors[] = 'The password to the account of character name: '. getValue($_POST['reset_pass']) .' has been set to: '. getValue($_POST['new_pass']) .'.';			} else {				header('Location: changepassword.php');				exit();			}		}	}	// Give points to character	if (empty($_POST['points_char']) === false && empty($_POST['points_value']) === false) {		$char = sanitize($_POST['points_char']);		$points = (int)$_POST['points_value'];		data_dump($_POST, false, "post data");		$account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `account_id` FROM `players` WHERE `name`='$char' LIMIT 1;");		data_dump($account, false, "fetching account id from players table");		$znote_account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `id`, `points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='". $account['account_id'] ."';");		data_dump($znote_account, false, "Fetching existing points from znote_accounts");		data_dump(			array(				'Old:' => $znote_account['points'], 				'New:' => $points, 				'Total:' => ($znote_account['points'] + $points)				),			false,			"Points calculation:");		$points += $znote_account['points'];		mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='$points' WHERE `account_id`='". $account['account_id'] ."';");	}		// Set character position	if (empty($_POST['position_name']) === false && empty($_POST['position_type']) === false) {		if (user_character_exist($_POST['position_name'])) {			if (array_key_exists($_POST['position_type'], $config['ingame_positions'])) {				if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_02' || $config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_10') {					set_ingame_position($_POST['position_name'], $_POST['position_type']);				} else if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_03') {					set_ingame_position03($_POST['position_name'], $_POST['position_type']);				}				$pos = 'Undefined';				foreach ($config['ingame_positions'] as $key=>$value) {					if ($key == $_POST['position_type']) {						$pos = $value;					}				}				$errors[] = 'Character '. getValue($_POST['position_name']) .' recieved the ingame position: '. $pos .'.';			}		} else {			$errors[] = 'Character '. getValue($_POST['position_name']) .' does not exist.';		}	}		// Teleport Player// If empty post}// Display whatever output we figure out to addif (empty($errors) === false){	echo '<font color="red"><b>';	echo output_errors($errors);	echo '</b></font>';}// end?><h1>Admin Page.</h1><p><?php$basic = user_znote_data('version', 'installed', 'cached');if ($basic['version'] !== $version) {	mysql_update("UPDATE `znote` SET `version`='$version';");	$basic = user_znote_data('version', 'installed', 'cached');}echo "Running Znote AAC Version: ". $basic['version'] .".<br>";echo "Last cached on: ". getClock($basic['cached'], true) .".<br>";?></p><ul>	<li>		<b>Permanently delete/erase character from database:</b> 		<form type="submit" action="" method="post">			<input type="text" name="del_name" placeholder="Character name...">		</form>	</li>	<li>		<b>Ban character and/or account:</b>		<form action="" method="post">			<table style="background-color:lightblue;">				<!-- row 1 -->				<tr>					<td>						<input type="text" name="ban_char" placeholder="Character name...">					</td>				</tr>								<!-- row 2 -->				<tr>					<td>						<select name="ban_type">							<?php							foreach ($config['ban_type'] as $key=>$value) {								echo "<option value=\"". ($enc + $key) ."\">". $value ."</option>";							}							?>						</select>						<select name="ban_action">							<?php							foreach ($config['ban_action'] as $key=>$value) {								echo "<option value=\"". ($enc + $key) ."\">". $value ."</option>";							}							?>						</select>						<select name="ban_time">							<?php							foreach ($config['ban_time'] as $key=>$value) {								echo "<option value=\"". ($enc + $key) ."\">". $value ."</option>";							}							?>						</select>					</td>				</tr>								<!-- row 3 -->				<tr>					<td>						Ban reason: 						<select name="ban_reason">							<?php							foreach ($config['ban_reason'] as $key=>$value) {								echo "<option value=\"". ($enc + $key) ."\">". $value ."</option>";							}							?>						</select>					</td>				</tr>								<!-- row 4 -->				<tr>					<td>						Violation comment: (max 60 cols).						<input type="text" name="ban_comment" maxlength="60" placeholder="Ban for botting rotworms.">						<input type="submit" value="Set Violation">					</td>				</tr>			</table>		</form>	</li>	<li>		<b>Reset password to the account of character name:</b>		<form action="" method="post">			<input type="text" name="reset_pass" placeholder="Character name">			<input type="text" name="new_pass" placeholder="New password">			<input type="submit" value="Change Password">		</form>	</li>	<li>		<b>Set character name to position:</b>		<?php		if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_03' && count($config['ingame_positions']) == 5) {			?>			<font color="red">ERROR: You forgot to add (Senior Tutor) rank in config.php!</font>			<?php		}		?>		<form action="" method="post">			<input type="text" name="position_name" placeholder="Character name">			<select name="position_type">				<?php				foreach ($config['ingame_positions'] as $key=>$value) {					echo "<option value=\"". $key ."\">". $value ."</option>";				}				?>			</select>			<input type="submit" value="Set Position">		</form>	</li>	<li>		<b>Give shop points to character:</b>		<form action="" method="post">			<input type="text" name="points_char" placeholder="Character name">			<input type="text" name="points_value" placeholder="Points">			<input type="submit" value="Give Points">		</form>	</li>	<li>		<b>Teleport Player</b>		<form action="" method="post">			<table>				<tr>					<td>Type:</td>					<td>						<select name="from">							<option value="all">All</option>							<option value="only">Only</option>						</select>					</td>				</tr>				<tr>					<td>Player</td>					<td><input type="text" name="player_name" placeholder="Player Name"></td>				</tr>				<tr>					<td>To</td>					<td>						<select name="to">							<option value="home">Hometown</option>							<option value="town">Specific Town</option>							<option value="xyz">Specific Position</option>						</select>					</td>				</tr>				<tr>					<td>Town</td>					<td>					<select name="town">						<?php							foreach($config['towns'] as $townId => $townName) {								echo '<option value="' . $townId . '">' . $townName . '</option>';							}						?>					</select>					</td>				</tr>				<tr>					<td>Position</td>					<td>						<input type="text" name="x" placeholder="Position X">						<input type="text" name="y" placeholder="Position Y">						<input type="text" name="z" placeholder="Position Z">					</td>				</tr>				<tr>					<td></td>					<td><input type="submit" value="teleport"></td></td>				</tr>				</tr>			</table>		</form>	</li></ul><?php include 'layout/overall/footer.php'; ?>


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