Latynynho 0 Postado Novembro 24, 2011 Share Postado Novembro 24, 2011 Obrigado a quem responder ae Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
fredpadua 65 Postado Novembro 24, 2011 Share Postado Novembro 24, 2011 Se nao me engano isso você muda no script, só postando o script poderão te ajudar.. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Latynynho 0 Postado Novembro 24, 2011 Autor Share Postado Novembro 24, 2011 dofile("./_woe.lua") local config = woe_config local reward = 1000000 -- 1kk local function EndWoe() Woe.getInfo() setGlobalStorageValue(stor.Started, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(stor.WoeTime, 0) Woe.expulsar(infoLua[2], Castle.salas.a.fromx, Castle.salas.a.tox, Castle.salas.a.fromy, Castle.salas.a.toy, Castle.salas.a.z, Castle._exit) Woe.expulsar(infoLua[2], Castle.salas.b.fromx, Castle.salas.b.tox, Castle.salas.b.fromy, Castle.salas.b.toy, Castle.salas.b.z, Castle._exit) Woe.expulsar(infoLua[2], Castle.salas.c.fromx, Castle.salas.c.tox, Castle.salas.c.fromy, Castle.salas.c.toy, Castle.salas.c.z, Castle._exit) doBroadcastMessage("WoE is finished", config.bcType) doBroadcastMessage("The castle " .. .. " is owned by ".. Woe.guildName() ..".", config.bcType) if isCreature(getThingFromPos(Castle.empePos).uid) then doRemoveCreature(getThingFromPos(Castle.empePos).uid) end Woe.removePre() Woe.removePortals() doRemoveItem(getThingFromPos(Castle.desde).uid) for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if infoLua[2] == getPlayerGuildId(cid) and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 100 then doPlayerAddMoney(cid, reward) end end Woe.remove() setGlobalStorageValue(24503, -1) end function onThink(interval, lastExecution) Woe.getInfo() if Woe.isTime() then if not Woe.isStarted() then doSummonCreature("empe", Castle.empePos) doSummonCreature("pre1", Castle.PreEmpes[1]) doSummonCreature("pre2", Castle.PreEmpes[2]) doBroadcastMessage("War has started...", config.bcType) setGlobalStorageValue(stor.Started, 1) Woe.updateInfo({os.time(), infoLua[2], infoLua[3], infoLua[4]}) doCreateTeleport(1387, Castle.pos, Castle.desde) addEvent(EndWoe, config.timeToEnd * 60 * 1000) end end return true end dofile("./_woe.lua") function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if item.actionid == Castle.tiles then Woe.getInfo() if isPlayer(cid) then if Woe.isTime() then if getPlayerGuildId(cid) ~= 0 then if Woe.isRegistered(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Good Luck ".. getCreatureName(cid) .."!.") else Woe.moveBack(cid, fromPosition, "you are not registered use !guild, to register example !guild chaito") end else Woe.moveBack(cid, fromPosition, "only players with guild can enter.") end elseif getPlayerGuildId(cid) == infoLua[2] then if Woe.isRegistered(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "wellcome ".. getCreatureName(cid) ..".") else Woe.moveBack(cid, fromPosition, "you are not registered use !guild") end else Woe.moveBack(cid, fromPosition, "its not woe time and you are not member of ".. Woe.guildName() ..".") end end elseif item.actionid == Castle.portals then doTeleportThing(cid, Castle.PreToPos[math.random(1, 2)], false) elseif item.actionid == Castle.bases then if isPlayer(cid) then Woe.moveBack(cid, fromPosition, "you cant step there.") end end return true end function onAddItem(moveitem, tileitem, position) doRemoveItem(moveitem.uid, moveitem.type > 0 and moveitem.type or 1) return true end dofile("./_woe.lua") local delays = 60 local guards_price = 30000 --30k function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) Woe.getInfo() if item.actionid == Castle.banderas then if Woe.isTime() then if Woe.isStarted() then if infoLua[2] == getPlayerGuildId(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, Castle.guildEntry, false) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not member of ".. Woe.guildName() ..".") end end else if infoLua[2] == getPlayerGuildId(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, Castle.guildEntry, false) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not member of ".. Woe.guildName() ..".") end end elseif (item.uid == 3134) then if not Woe.isStarted() or (infoLua[2] ~= getPlayerGuildId(cid)) or (getPlayerGuildLevel(cid) ~= GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) then return true end if (getPlayerMoney(cid) < guards_price) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Not enough money.") end local varDelay = getGlobalStorageValue(24503) if (varDelay < 0) or ((os.time() - varDelay) >= delays) then if Woe.check() then Woe.summon() doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, guards_price) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "There are still guards alive.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Delay no listo.") end end return true end dofile("./_woe.lua") local config = woe_config function isInTable(t, val) if (type(t) == "table") then for k, v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then return true end end end return false end local lastDay = false function onThink(interval, lastExecution) local day = string.lower("%A", os.time())) if isInTable(config.dias, day) == true and lastday ~= day then local Hora = tonumber("%H", os.time())) if Hora == config.horaPartida then if not Woe.isTime() then doBroadcastMessage("War of Emperium will start in next 5 minutes...", config.bcType) doBroadcastMessage("will have a duration of " .. config.timeToEnd .. " minutes.", config.bcType) setGlobalStorageValue(stor.WoeTime, 1) lastDay = day end end end return true end dofile("./_woe.lua") local config = woe_config function onSay(cid, words, param) if words == "/woe" and param == "/!/SETUP" then Woe.setup() return true end Woe.getInfo() local myTable = {} for _, i in ipairs({"%d", "%B", "%Y", "%X"}) do table.insert(myTable,, infoLua[4])) end if Woe.isStarted() then text = "time left = " .. Woe.timeToEnd().mins .. ":" .. Woe.timeToEnd().secs .. "\nActually the castle " .. .. " is owned by " .. Woe.guildName() .. ".\n" .. Woe.breakerName() .. " broke the empe at "..myTable[1].." / "..myTable[2].." / "..myTable[3].." at time "..myTable[4].."." else text = "the last woe was won by " .. Woe.guildName() .. ".\n" .. Woe.breakerName() .. " broke the empe at "..myTable[1].." / "..myTable[2].." / "..myTable[3].." at time "..myTable[4].."." end if words == "/woe" then if getPlayerAccess(cid) >= config.accessToStar then if param == "on" then if Woe.isTime() ~= true then doBroadcastMessage("War of Emperium will start in next 5 minutes...", config.bcType) doBroadcastMessage("will have a duration of " .. config.timeToEnd .. " Minutes.", config.bcType) setGlobalStorageValue(stor.WoeTime, 1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "WoE is already running.") end elseif param == "off" then if Woe.isTime() == true then doBroadcastMessage("WoE was canceled...", config.bcType) setGlobalStorageValue(stor.WoeTime, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(stor.Started, 0) if isCreature(getThingFromPos(Castle.empePos).uid) == TRUE then doRemoveCreature(getThingFromPos(Castle.empePos).uid) end if getThingFromPos(Castle.desde).itemid > 0 then doRemoveItem(getThingFromPos(Castle.desde).uid) end Woe.removePre() Woe.removePortals() else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "WoE is not running.") end elseif param == "empe" then doSummonCreature("empe", Castle.empePos) elseif param == "go" then local newPos = Castle.empePos newPos.y = newPos.y + 1 doTeleportThing(cid, newPos, FALSE) elseif param == "info" then doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, text) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "not valid param.") end elseif getPlayerAccess(cid) < config.accessToStar then if param == "info" then doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, text) end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "not possible.") end elseif words == "!recall" then if Woe.isStarted() == true then if getPlayerGuildLevel(cid) == GUILDLEVEL_LEADER then if Woe.isInCastle(cid) == true then local members = Woe.getGuildMembers(getPlayerGuildId(cid)) if #members > 1 then if(exhaust(cid, stor.recall, config.recallTime) == 1) then for _, i in ipairs(members) do if getPlayerGuildLevel(i) ~= GUILDLEVEL_LEADER then local pos = getClosestFreeTile(cid, getCreaturePosition(cid), FALSE, TRUE) doTeleportThing(i, pos, FALSE) end end doCreatureSay(cid, "Emergency Recall", TALKTYPE_SAY) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "you can only use this every " .. config.recallTime / 60 .. " minutes.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "no members online.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "only can be used in the castle.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "you are not the leader.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "woe is not running.") end end return true end dofile("./_woe.lua") function onSay(cid, words, param) if not Woe.isRegistered(cid) then if getPlayerGuildId(cid) > 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, stor.register, 1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "no guild.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "already registered.") end return true end todas as coias de woe que tem no meu server... obrigado a quem ajudar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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