SidSjn 0 Postado Fevereiro 2, 2011 Share Postado Fevereiro 2, 2011 Esse são os codigos dos pokemons dento da BOX , e assim foi o unico jeito q consegui criar o pokemon dentro da pokebola. Se tiver jeito mais facil por favor me falem ,pois sou novo como ADM em um OT pokemon! Vai minha dica: box +4 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'venusaur Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'charizard Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'blastoise Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'pidgeot Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'nidoqueen Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'nidoking Pokeball'}, [7] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'ninetales Pokeball'}, [8] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'arcanine Pokeball'}, [9] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'poliwrath Pokeball'}, [10] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'alakazam Pokeball'}, [11] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'machamp Pokeball'}, [12] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'tentacruel Pokeball'}, [13] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'golem Pokeball'}, [14] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'dewgong Pokeball'}, [15] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'gengar Pokeball'}, [16] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'rhydon Pokeball'}, [17] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'scyther Pokeball'}, [18] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'jynx Pokeball'}, [19] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'electabuzz Pokeball'}, [20] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'magmar Pokeball'}, [21] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'gyarados Pokeball'}, [22] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'lapras Pokeball'}, [23] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'omastar Pokeball'}, [24] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'kabutops Pokeball'}, [25] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'aerodactyl Pokeball'}, [26] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'snorlax Pokeball'}, [27] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'dragonair Pokeball'}, [28] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'dragonite Pokeball'} box +3 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'ivysaur Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'charmeleon Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'wartortle Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'raichu Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'fearow Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'vileplume Pokeball'}, [7] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'venomoth Pokeball'}, [8] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'parasect Pokeball'}, [9] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'clefable Pokeball'}, [10] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'wigglytuff Pokeball'}, [11] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'sandslash Pokeball'}, [12] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'dugtrio Pokeball'}, [13] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'golduck Pokeball'}, [14] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'primeape Pokeball'}, [15] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'kadabra Pokeball'}, [16] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'machoke Pokeball'}, [17] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'victreebel Pokeball'}, [18] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'graveler Pokeball'}, [19] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'rapidash Pokeball'}, [20] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'slowbro Pokeball'}, [21] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'magnemite Pokeball'}, [22] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'farfetchd Pokeball'}, [23] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'dodrio Pokeball'}, [24] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'cloyster Pokeball'}, [25] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'haunter Pokeball'}, [26] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'onix Pokeball'}, [27] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'hypno Pokeball'}, [28] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'kingler Pokeball'}, [29] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'voltorb Pokeball'}, [30] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'exeggutor Pokeball'}, [31] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'marowak Pokeball'}, [32] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'hitmonlee Pokeball'}, [33] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'hitmonchan Pokeball'}, [34] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'lickitung Pokeball'}, [35] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'chansey Pokeball'}, [36] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'tangela Pokeball'}, [37] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'kangaskhan Pokeball'}, [38] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'seadra Pokeball'}, [39] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'starmie Pokeball'}, [40] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'mr.mime Pokeball'}, [41] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'pinsir Pokeball'}, [42] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'tauros Pokeball'}, [43] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'ditto Pokeball'}, [44] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'vaporeon Pokeball'}, [45] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'jolteon Pokeball'}, [46] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'flareon Pokeball'}, [47] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'porygon Pokeball'}, box +2 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'bulbasaur Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'squirtle Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'charmander Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'pidgeotto Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'raticate Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'pikachu Pokeball'}, [7] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'butterfree Pokeball'}, [8] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'beedrill Pokeball'}, [9] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'ekans Pokeball'}, [10] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'arbok Pokeball'}, [11] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'gloom Pokeball'}, [12] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidoran f Pokeball'}, [13] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidorina Pokeball'}, [14] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidoran m Pokeball'}, [15] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidorino Pokeball'}, [16] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'golbat Pokeball'}, [17] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'jigglypuff Pokeball'}, [18] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'clefairy Pokeball'}, [19] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'venonat Pokeball'}, [20] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'sandshrew Pokeball'}, [21] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'vulpix Pokeball'}, [22] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'meowth Pokeball'}, [23] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'persian Pokeball'}, [24] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'psyduck Pokeball'}, [25] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'mankey Pokeball'}, [26] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'growlithe Pokeball'}, [27] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'poliwhirl Pokeball'}, [28] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'abra Pokeball'}, [29] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'machop Pokeball'}, [30] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'weepinbell Pokeball'}, [31] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'tentacool Pokeball'}, [32] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'geodude Pokeball'}, [33] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'ponyta Pokeball'}, [34] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'slowpoke Pokeball'}, [35] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'doduo Pokeball'}, [36] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'seel Pokeball'}, [37] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'grimer Pokeball'}, [38] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'muk Pokeball'}, [39] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'gastly Pokeball'}, [40] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'drowzee Pokeball'}, [41] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'voltorb Pokeball'}, [42] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'cubone Pokeball'}, [43] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'koffing Pokeball'}, [44] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'weezing Pokeball'}, [45] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'rhyhorn Pokeball'}, [46] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'seaking Pokeball'}, [47] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'staryu Pokeball'}, [48] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'eevee Pokeball'}, [49] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'omanyte Pokeball'}, [50] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'kabuto Pokeball'}, [51] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'dratini Pokeball'}, box +1 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'caterpie Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'rattata Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'zubat Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'nidoran f Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'nidoran m Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'bellsprout Pokeball'}, Como usar: 1passo: digite /i n° box,n°pokemomn n° das boxes box4=7891 box3=7888 box2=7887 box1=7886 ex: /i 7891,26 (você criara o Snorlax dentro da pokebola) Obs: naum sei se o ID muda de OT para OT Acho q criei o topico no lugar erradao malz ae sou novo aqui! 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leandro600 0 Postado Dezembro 19, 2011 Share Postado Dezembro 19, 2011 lol Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
japavrb15 29 Postado Dezembro 19, 2011 Share Postado Dezembro 19, 2011 (editado) é amigo topico no lugar errado^^ vou pedir pra moverem Editado Dezembro 19, 2011 por XxJapanxX Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Gabriel Couto 293 Postado Abril 15, 2012 Share Postado Abril 15, 2012 Olá XTibiano! Infelizmente, seu tutorial reprovado. Procure por ajuda na seção de como formular um bom tutorial. Grato pela atenção. Movido. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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