sloanbr 0 Postado Junho 29, 2010 Share Postado Junho 29, 2010 Tipo quando vo la no Locahost e importo pra la a forgotennserver nao funfa e da esse seguinte erro Erro consulta SQL: ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `marrystatus` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `marriage` ; Mensagens do MySQL : #1146 - Table 'striker.players' doesn't exist Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
afffffffff 2 Postado Junho 29, 2010 Share Postado Junho 29, 2010 Tipo quando vo la no Locahost e importo pra la a forgotennserver nao funfa e da esse seguinte erro Erro consulta SQL: ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `marrystatus` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `marriage` ; Mensagens do MySQL : #1146 - Table 'striker.players' doesn't exist Esse erro pode-ser pois ele ta tentando injetar algo na row player antes de criar tecnicamente ira dar erro, você tem que inverter, colocar o ALTER TABLE para injetar dados depois da criação da row players. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
lukinhox 0 Postado Julho 4, 2010 Share Postado Julho 4, 2010 seu ot precisa de Mysql ? se precisar tenta criar o site com o xammp mais se for SQL é só você ir em config.lua e procurar aonde ta Type="Mysql" se muda pra sql Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
tyuahoi 80 Postado Julho 5, 2010 Share Postado Julho 5, 2010 apague tudo q tem dentro do mysql e cole isso e tente importar novamente DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_players`;DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `oncreate_guilds`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_players`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_guilds`; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `ondelete_accounts`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_depotitems`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tile_items`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiles`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bans`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `house_lists`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `houses`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_items`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_namelocks`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_skills`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_storage`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_viplist`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_spells`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_deaths`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `environment_killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_killers`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_ranks`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guilds`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_invites`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `global_storage`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `players`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `accounts`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_record`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_motd`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_reports`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_config`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_viplist`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `poll_votes`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `polls`; CREATE TABLE `accounts` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL/* VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'MD5'*//* VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL COMMENT 'SHA1'*/, `premdays` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastday` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `key` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `blocked` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT 'internal usage', `warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `vip_time` INT(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1, '1', '1', 65535, 0, '', '0', 0, 0, 1, 0); CREATE TABLE `players` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `group_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `account_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `level` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `vocation` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `health` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150, `healthmax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 150, `experience` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookbody` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookfeet` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lookhead` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `looklegs` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `looktype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 136, `lookaddons` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `maglevel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `manamax` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `manaspent` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `soul` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `town_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `conditions` BLOB NOT NULL, `cap` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sex` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastlogin` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `save` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `skull` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `skulltime` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rank_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guildnick` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `lastlogout` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `blessings` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `balance` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `stamina` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 151200000 COMMENT 'stored in miliseconds', `direction` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, `loss_experience` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_mana` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_skills` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_containers` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `loss_items` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, `premend` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'NOT IN USE BY THE SERVER', `online` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `marriage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `marrystatus` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `promotion` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `description` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `deleted`), KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`group_id`), KEY (`online`), KEY (`deleted`), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `players` VALUES (1, 'Account Manager', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32360, 31782, 7, '', 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, ''); CREATE TABLE `account_viplist` ( `account_id` INT NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`world_id`), UNIQUE (`account_id`, `player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`) REFERENCES `accounts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_deaths` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `date` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `level` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX (`date`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_depotitems` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `sid` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'any given range, eg. 0-100 is reserved for depot lockers and all above 100 will be normal items inside depots', `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_items` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_namelocks` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `new_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `date` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY (`player_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_skills` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `skillid` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `skillid`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_spells` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `name`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_storage` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', KEY (`player_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `key`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_viplist` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `vip_id` INT NOT NULL, KEY (`player_id`), KEY (`vip_id`), UNIQUE (`player_id`, `vip_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`vip_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `killers` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `death_id` INT NOT NULL, `final_hit` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `unjustified` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`death_id`) REFERENCES `player_deaths`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `player_killers` ( `kill_id` INT NOT NULL, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `environment_killers` ( `kill_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`kill_id`) REFERENCES `killers`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `houses` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `owner` INT NOT NULL, `paid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `warnings` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lastwarning` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `town` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `size` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `price` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rent` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `doors` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `beds` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `tiles` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guild` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, `clear` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_auctions` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL, `bid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `limit` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `endtime` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_lists` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `listid` INT NOT NULL, `list` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`, `listid`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `house_data` ( `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `data` LONGBLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`house_id`, `world_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `tiles` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `house_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `x` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `y` INT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `z` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`), KEY (`x`, `y`, `z`), FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses`(`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `tile_items` ( `tile_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `sid` INT NOT NULL, `pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `itemtype` INT NOT NULL, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `attributes` BLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`tile_id`, `world_id`, `sid`), KEY (`sid`), FOREIGN KEY (`tile_id`) REFERENCES `tiles`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guilds` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ownerid` INT NOT NULL, `creationdata` INT NOT NULL, `motd` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guild_invites` ( `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (`player_id`, `guild_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `guild_ranks` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `level` INT NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - leader, 2 - vice leader, 3 - member', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `bans` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - ip banishment, 2 - namelock, 3 - account banishment, 4 - notation, 5 - deletion', `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip address (integer), player guid or account number', `param` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 4294967295 COMMENT 'used only for ip banishment mask (integer)', `active` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, `expires` INT NOT NULL, `added` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `admin_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `comment` TEXT NOT NULL, `reason` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `action` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `statement` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `type` (`type`, `value`), KEY `active` (`active`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `global_storage` ( `key` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', UNIQUE (`key`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `server_config` ( `config` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `value` INT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`config`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_config` VALUES ('db_version', 23); CREATE TABLE `server_motd` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `text` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`, `world_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_motd` VALUES (1, 0, 'Welcome to The Forgotten Server!'); CREATE TABLE `server_record` ( `record` INT NOT NULL, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`record`, `world_id`, `timestamp`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `server_record` VALUES (0, 0, 0); CREATE TABLE `server_reports` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `world_id` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `player_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `posx` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posy` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `posz` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `report` TEXT NOT NULL, `reads` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`world_id`), KEY (`reads`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `polls` ( `id` INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `poll` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `options` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`player_id`) REFERENCES `players`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `poll_votes` ( `poll_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `votes` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `account_id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`poll_id`) REFERENCES `polls` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB; DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_accounts` BEFORE DELETE ON `accounts` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (3, 4) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; END| CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_guilds` AFTER INSERT ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Leader', 3, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Vice-Leader', 2, NEW.`id`); INSERT INTO `guild_ranks` (`name`, `level`, `guild_id`) VALUES ('Member', 1, NEW.`id`); END| CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_guilds` BEFORE DELETE ON `guilds` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE `players` SET `guildnick` = '', `rank_id` = 0 WHERE `rank_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `guild_id` = OLD.`id`); END| CREATE TRIGGER `oncreate_players` AFTER INSERT ON `players` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 0, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 1, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 2, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 3, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 4, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 5, 10); INSERT INTO `player_skills` (`player_id`, `skillid`, `value`) VALUES (NEW.`id`, 6, 10); END| CREATE TRIGGER `ondelete_players` BEFORE DELETE ON `players` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `type` IN (2, 5) AND `value` = OLD.`id`; UPDATE `houses` SET `owner` = 0 WHERE `owner` = OLD.`id`; END| DELIMITER ; Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Stigal 584 Postado Abril 19, 2018 Share Postado Abril 19, 2018 A questão neste tópico de suporte foi encerrada por falta de respostas. Este tópico está fechado e foi movido para Suporte - Tópicos Sem Resposta. + Caso a dúvida não tenha sido resolvida você poderá criar outro tópico solicitando ajuda. * Lembre-se que é permitido dar UP no tópico a cada 24 horas para assim o destacar e manter movimentado. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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