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olha só idle.lua no creaturescripts


local config = {
idleWarning = getConfigValue('idleWarningTime'),
idleKick = getConfigValue('idleKickTime')

function onThink(cid, interval)
if(getTileInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)).nologout or getCreatureNoMove(cid) or
	getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_ALLOWIDLE)) then
	return true

local idleTime = getPlayerIdleTime(cid) + interval
doPlayerSetIdleTime(cid, idleTime)
if(config.idleKick > 0 and idleTime > config.idleKick) then
elseif(config.idleWarning > 0 and idleTime == config.idleWarning) then
	local message = "You have been idle for " .. math.ceil(config.idleWarning / 60000) .. " minutes"
	if(config.idleKick > 0) then
		message = message .. ", you will be disconnected in "
		local diff = math.ceil((config.idleWarning - config.idleKick) / 60000)
		if(diff > 1) then
			message = message .. diff .. " minutes"
			message = message .. "one minute"

		message = message .. " if you are still idle"

	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, message .. ".")

return true

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olha só idle.lua no creaturescripts


local config = {
idleWarning = getConfigValue('idleWarningTime'),
idleKick = getConfigValue('idleKickTime')

function onThink(cid, interval)
if(getTileInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)).nologout or getCreatureNoMove(cid) or
	getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_ALLOWIDLE)) then
	return true

local idleTime = getPlayerIdleTime(cid) + interval
doPlayerSetIdleTime(cid, idleTime)
if(config.idleKick > 0 and idleTime > config.idleKick) then
elseif(config.idleWarning > 0 and idleTime == config.idleWarning) then
	local message = "You have been idle for " .. math.ceil(config.idleWarning / 60000) .. " minutes"
	if(config.idleKick > 0) then
		message = message .. ", you will be disconnected in "
		local diff = math.ceil((config.idleWarning - config.idleKick) / 60000)
		if(diff > 1) then
			message = message .. diff .. " minutes"
			message = message .. "one minute"

		message = message .. " if you are still idle"

	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, message .. ".")

return true


Não vi nenhum erro no script.


No seu config.lua está assim??

idleWarningTime = 14 * 60 * 1000
idleKickTime = 15 * 60 * 1000 

Editado por Sukx
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