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Abra o config.php.

Procure por $cfg['gm_access']

Provavelmente estará assim $cfg['gm_access'] = 6;

Coloque assim $cfg['gm_access'] = 2;

Salve o config.php


Obs: O número 2 significa que players com acesso acima de 2 não iram aparecer no HighScores.

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#                 CONFIGURATION                  #
# Congratulations on finding configuration file. #
# This is very simililar to config.lua as it     #
# follows same basic principles. Text in between #
# /* */ or starting with # is ignored. Text      #
# values must be 'qouted'. Logical values are    #
# true/false. All statements end with ;          #

# Set data directory of your OT server
$cfg['dirdata'] = '\Minhas imagens\Anderson\Arquivos Que Eu Mais Uso\The End V0.6\The End V0.6\data';

$cfg['house_file'] = 'world\slayer1-house.xml';

# MySQL server settings
$cfg['SQL_Server'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['SQL_User'] = 'root';
$cfg['SQL_Password'] = '980125';
$cfg['SQL_Database'] = 'theforgottenserver';

# Must correspond to your OTServ configuration
# Options: plain, md5, sha1
$cfg['password_type'] = 'plain';

# Not currently supported by OTServ, leave empty
$cfg['password_salt'] = '';

* Look skins/ to find out which skins you have
* Available skins:
* default - First skin ever created, white
* swamp - Green skin with swamp theme
* swamp-mini - Same as swamp.css, but with compact menu
* dark - Dark version of default.css
* conquest - Customized skin, renaissance theme
* essense - Clean skin with green/blue motives
* inferno - Darker skin with menu on the right
* silica - Green skin, technology theme
* Need more? Look and
$cfg['skin'] = 'essense';

# In case you want to upload skins somewhere else
$cfg['skin_url'] = 'skins/';

* Captcha is used to prevent automated software from
* flooding server with accounts
* GD2 PHP extension is required
$cfg['use_captcha'] = true;

# Secure session will disable 'remember me' box
$cfg['secure_session'] = false;

# Seconds until session expires
$cfg['timeout_session'] = 15*60;

# Maximum number of characters on account
$cfg['maxchars'] = 10;

# Players per highscore page
$cfg['ranks_per_page'] = 50;

# This access and above will not be in highscores
$cfg['ranks_access'] = 2;

# Home page
$cfg['start_page'] = 'news.php';

# Name shown in window title
$cfg['server_name'] = 'Nicaw SQL';

# Server ip and port for getting status. 
# In most cases localhost should be used
$cfg['server_ip'] = '';
$cfg['server_port'] = 7171;

# Allow teleportation to temple?
$cfg['char_repair'] = false;

# Force users to validate their emails when registering?
# For email functions to work, SMTP server must be configured correctly
$cfg['Email_Validate'] = false;

# Allow email based account recovery?
$cfg['Email_Recovery'] = false;

# SMTP server configuration, use this to send emails
$cfg['SMTP_Host'] = '';
$cfg['SMTP_Port'] = 25;
$cfg['SMTP_Auth'] = false;
$cfg['SMTP_User'] = '';
$cfg['SMTP_Password'] = 'user';
$cfg['SMTP_From'] = '';

# Example configuration for gmail
# Don't forget to enable extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini
$cfg['SMTP_Host'] = 'ssl://';
$cfg['SMTP_Port'] = 465;
$cfg['SMTP_Auth'] = true;
$cfg['SMTP_User'] = '';
$cfg['SMTP_Password'] = 'user';
$cfg['SMTP_From'] = '';

# Whether to show skills in character search
$cfg['show_skills'] = true;

# Whether to show deathlist in character search
$cfg['show_deathlist'] = true;

$cfg['skill_names'] = array('fist', 'club', 'sword', 'axe', 'distance', 'shielding', 'fishing');

# Banned names
$cfg['invalid_names'] = array('^gm','^god','admin','fuck','gamemaster', 'owner');

# Accounts that are allowed to access admin panel
# Example: array('account1', 'account2');
$cfg['admin_accounts'] = array();

# Listed IPs always allowed to access admin panel, no matter if it has account or not
$cfg['admin_ip'] = array('');

# Player can only delete himself after specified inactivitiy time (seconds)
$cfg['player_delete_interval'] = 24*3600;

# Minimum level to create own guild. Cannot be lower than $cfg['guild_level']
$cfg['guild_leader_level'] = 20;

# Please disable guild manager if your server features guild editing
$cfg['guild_manager_enabled'] = true;

# Online status update interval (seconds). Should match statustimeout in your otserv configuration
$cfg['status_update_interval'] = 5*60;

# Shows more informatin when exception occurs. WARNING! Can reveal sensitive information.
$cfg['debug_backtrace'] = false;

# Schema control override. Disables/enables compatibility check for OTServ schema version.
$cfg['schema_check'] = false;

* This will affect date displaying
* Look for supported timezones.
$cfg['timezone'] = 'UTC';

#                 Town Config                    #
Town IDs must be correct and match those in your map
# Town names
$cfg['temple'][1]['name'] = 'Devland';
$cfg['temple'][2]['name'] = 'Forgotten';
$cfg['temple'][3]['name'] = 'Evolutions';
$cfg['temple'][4]['name'] = 'Thais';
$cfg['temple'][5]['name'] = 'Ab\'Dendriel';
$cfg['temple'][6]['name'] = 'Kazordoon';
$cfg['temple'][7]['name'] = 'Something else?';
$cfg['temple'][8]['name'] = 'Darashia';
$cfg['temple'][9]['name'] = 'Port Hope';
$cfg['temple'][10]['name'] = 'Liberty Bay';

# Now set which town(s) you want to use in character making
$cfg['temple'][1]['x'] = 410;
$cfg['temple'][1]['y'] = 573;
$cfg['temple'][1]['z'] = 7;
$cfg['temple'][1]['enabled'] = true;

$cfg['temple'][2]['x'] = 50;
$cfg['temple'][2]['y'] = 50;
$cfg['temple'][2]['z'] = 7;
$cfg['temple'][2]['enabled'] = false;

$cfg['temple'][3]['x'] = 1000;
$cfg['temple'][3]['y'] = 1000;
$cfg['temple'][3]['z'] = 7;
$cfg['temple'][3]['enabled'] = true;

#                 Vocation Config                #
It's only one item per slot. You need to script special onLogin
event in OTServ to add more items to new players. Look
for more information.

################# No Vocation ####################
$id = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'No Vocation';
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 150;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 400;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = false;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 138;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 130;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 1;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 3939;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2650;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][5] = 2382;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][10] = 2050;

################# Sorcerer #######################
$id = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Sorcerer';
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = true;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 138;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 130;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;

################# Druid ##########################
$id = 2;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Druid';
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = true;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 138;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 130;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;

################# Paladin #######################
$id = 3;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Paladin';
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = true;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 137;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 129;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;

################# Knight #########################
$id = 4;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['name'] = 'Knight';
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['level'] = 8;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['group'] = 1;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['maglevel'] = 0;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['health'] = 185;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['mana'] = 35;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['cap'] = 470;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['enabled'] = true;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][0] = 139;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['look'][1] = 131;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][0] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][1] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][2] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][3] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][4] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][5] = 10;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['skills'][6] = 10;

$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][1] = 2480;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][2] = 2172;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][3] = 2000;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][4] = 2464;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][6] = 2530;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][7] = 2468;
$cfg['vocations'][$id]['equipment'][8] = 2643;

################# Other IDs ######################

$cfg['vocations'][5]['name'] = 'Master Sorcerer';
$cfg['vocations'][6]['name'] = 'Elder Druid';
$cfg['vocations'][7]['name'] = 'Royal Paladin';
$cfg['vocations'][8]['name'] = 'Elite Knight';

plz quero mto issu pq os god e gms tao no rank

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