Volksz 0 Postado Setembro 27, 2009 Share Postado Setembro 27, 2009 (editado) EU já pedi uma vez e ja me deram uma action que mudava outfit, mas infelizmente nao funcionou. Entao venho pedir NPC ou Moveevents ou Talkaction que muda a outfit atual do player, permanentemente. Vlew. E Tambem um Phoda, desse video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1-DUWq_0Uc Editado Setembro 27, 2009 por Volksz Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Volksz 0 Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Autor Share Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Alguem? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Henrique Moura 193 Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Share Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Entendo o seu desespero em relação á ser respondido, porém cometer double post não ajudará. O double post neste fórum é considerado flood, no qual acarretará em um alerta. Se você não compreendeu a explicação acima, leia as regras do fórum. Abraços. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
rockstar96 4 Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Share Postado Setembro 28, 2009 data/global.lua: function isWalkable(cid,pos) local aux = pos aux.stackpos = 253 if doTileQueryAdd(cid, pos) == 1 and getTilePzInfo(pos) == FALSE and isCreature(getThingFromPos(aux).uid) == FALSE then return TRUE end return FALSE end function getWeaponDistanceEffect(uid) local WeaponType = getItemWeaponType(uid) if WeaponType == WEAPON_CLUB then return CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDCLUB elseif WeaponType == WEAPON_SWORD then return CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDSWORD elseif WeaponType == WEAPON_AXE then return CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDAXE else return CONST_ANI_NONE end end function getOppositeSidePos(cid,centerPos) local otherSideDirTable = { {SOUTH,SOUTHWEST,SOUTHEAST}, --NORTH {WEST,SOUTHWEST,NORTHWEST}, --EAST {NORTH,NORTHWEST,NORTHEAST}, --SOUTH {EAST,SOUTHEAST,NORTHEAST}, --WEST {NORTH,EAST,NORTHEAST}, --SOUTHWEST {NORTH,WEST,NORTHWEST}, --SOUTHEAST {SOUTH,EAST,SOUTHEAST}, --NORTHWEST {SOUTH,WEST,SOUTHWEST} --NORTHEAST } local PlayerDirection = (getDirectionTo(centerPos,getCreaturePosition(cid)))+1 local newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][math.random(1,3)] local newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,getPosByDir(centerPos,newPos)) then return newPos end if newDirection == 1 then local rand = math.random(2,3) newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][5-rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end elseif newDirection == 2 then local rand = math.random(1,2) if rand == 2 then rand = 3 end newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][4-rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end elseif newDirection == 3 then local rand = math.random(1,2) newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][3-rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end end otherSideDirTable = { {EAST,WEST}, --NORTH {NORTH,SOUTH}, --EAST {EAST,WEST}, --SOUTH {NORTH,SOUTH}, --WEST {SOUTHEAST,NORTHWEST}, --SOUTHWEST {SOUTHWEST,NORTHEAST}, --SOUTHEAST {SOUTHWEST,NORTHEAST}, --NORTHWEST {SOUTHEAST,NORTHWEST} --NORTHEAST } local rand = math.random(1,2) newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][3-rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end otherSideDirTable = { {NORTHWEST,NORTHEAST}, --NORTH {SOUTHEAST,NORTHEAST}, --EAST {SOUTHWEST,SOUTHEAST}, --SOUTH {SOUTHWEST,NORTHWEST}, --WEST {SOUTH,WEST}, --SOUTHWEST {EAST,SOUTH}, --SOUTHEAST {NORTH,WEST}, --NORTHWEST {NORTH,EAST} --NORTHEAST } local rand = math.random(1,2) newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][math.random(1,2)] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end newDirection = otherSideDirTable[PlayerDirection][3-rand] newPos = getPosByDir(centerPos,newDirection) if isWalkable(cid,newPos) then return newPos end return getPosByDir(centerPos,PlayerDirection-1) end data/spells/spells.xml: <instant name="Omnislash" words="Omnislash" lvl="50" mana="200" prem="1" range="1" needtarget="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="0" needlearn="0" event="script" value="Omnislash.lua"> <vocation id="4"/> <vocation id="8"/> </instant> data/spells/scripts/Omnislash.lua: local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_USECHARGES, true) setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_SKILL, 1.0, -0, 1.0, -0) function OmnislashStrike(cid,combat,var,times,opos,Target) if not isCreature(cid) or not isCreature(Target) then doCreatureSetNoMove(Target, false) doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false) return true end doCreatureSetNoMove(Target, true) doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true) local newPos = getOppositeSidePos(cid,getCreaturePosition(Target)) if times == 15 then if not doComparePositions(getCreaturePosition(cid),opos) then doTeleportThing(cid,opos) doSendDistanceShoot(newPos, opos, getWeaponDistanceEffect(getPlayerWeapon(cid).uid)) end doCreatureSetNoMove(Target, false) doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false) return doCombat(cid, combat, var) else if isWalkable(cid,newPos) and newPos ~= getCreaturePosition(cid) then local fromPos = getCreaturePosition(cid) doTeleportThing(cid,newPos) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, newPos, getWeaponDistanceEffect(getPlayerWeapon(cid).uid)) end doCombat(cid, combat, var) return addEvent(OmnislashStrike,333,cid,combat,var,times+1,opos,Target) end end function onCastSpell(cid, var) return addEvent(OmnislashStrike,0,cid,combat,var,0,getCreaturePosition(cid),getCreatureTarget(cid)) end Créditos: Quetzalma (da otf***) Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
helinholima 13 Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Share Postado Setembro 28, 2009 Volksz, esse tipo de comentário é considerado flood e além disso é double post. Isso é um alerta verbal, se acontecer novamente sera alertado em 10%. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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