Sorokaba 0 Postado Maio 3, 2009 Share Postado Maio 3, 2009 As alavancas são boas mas nada melhor q o sistema do npc de comprar por bps. Pq com as alavancas os players podem jogar varios items emcima impossibilitando de alguem comprar as runas ou pots...Então se puderem me ajudar.. Grato Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Darkanso 1 Postado Maio 4, 2009 Share Postado Maio 4, 2009 Tá ai o Npc : >> Vá na pasta data/npc e copie qualquer arquivo xml e apague o conteúdo dentro dele e renomeio para Vendendor de Potions e adicione isso ao conteúdo : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><npc name="Vendendor de Potions" script="data/npc/scripts/bpdepotions.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="145" head="94" body="114" legs="94" feet="94" addons="3"/> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Ola |PLAYERNAME|. Eu vendo potions. Diga {trade}."/> <parameter key="message_decline" value="Is |TOTALCOST| gold coins too much for you? Get out of here!"/> </parameters> </npc> >> Depois va na pasta data/npc/script e copie qualquer arquivo do bloco de notas e renomeio para bpdepotions e depois apague seu conteúdo e adicione isso : local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end local shopModule = ShopModule:new() npcHandler:addModule(shopModule) shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp slhp'}, 2000, 8704, 400, 1, 'backpack of small health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp hp'}, 2000, 7618, 900, 1, 'backpack of health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp mp'}, 2001, 7620, 1000, 1, 'backpack of mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp shp'}, 2000, 7588, 2000, 1, 'backpack of strong health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp smp'}, 2001, 7589, 1600, 1, 'backpack of strong mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ghp'}, 2000, 7591, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gmp'}, 2001, 7590, 2400, 1, 'backpack of great mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gsp'}, 1999, 8472, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great spirit potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uhp'}, 2000, 8473, 6200, 1, 'backpack of ultimate health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ap'}, 2002, 8474, 2000, 1, 'backpack of antidote potions') npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) Se seu pedido tiver sido sanado post aqui. Espero ter ajudado. Atensiosamente, Darkanso. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Sorokaba 0 Postado Maio 4, 2009 Autor Share Postado Maio 4, 2009 num deu nao digo trade e ele diz "Sorry, I'm not offering anything." oq eu queria era que quando escolhesse a opçao "buy with backpack" comprasse com a bp mesmo, = no global. Creio eu que terá que mudar algo la na pasta lib...obs de novo: TFS 0.2 Grato Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Darkanso 1 Postado Maio 4, 2009 Share Postado Maio 4, 2009 Mais só que nessa versão do TFS ja vem o Npc q vende Bps de potion e bps de runa. >> Abaixo o script do Npc do meu TFS que ja vem >>(arquivo .lua chamado "runes" q se localiza em data/npc/script) local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end local shopModule = ShopModule:new() npcHandler:addModule(shopModule) shopModule:addBuyableItem({'spellbook'}, 2175, 150, 'spellbook') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic lightwand'}, 2163, 400, 'magic lightwand') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'small health'}, 8704, 20, 1, 'small health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'health potion'}, 7618, 45, 1, 'health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'mana potion'}, 7620, 50, 1, 'mana potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong health'}, 7588, 100, 1, 'strong health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'strong mana'}, 7589, 80, 1, 'strong mana potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great health'}, 7591, 190, 1, 'great health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great mana'}, 7590, 120, 1, 'great mana potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great spirit'}, 8472, 190, 1, 'great spirit potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate health'}, 8473, 310, 1, 'ultimate health potion') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'antidote potion'}, 8474, 50, 1, 'antidote potion') shopModule:addSellableItem({'normal potion flask', 'normal flask'}, 7636, 5, 'empty small potion flask') shopModule:addSellableItem({'strong potion flask', 'strong flask'}, 7634, 10, 'empty strong potion flask') shopModule:addSellableItem({'great potion flask', 'great flask'}, 7635, 15, 'empty great potion flask') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'instense healing'}, 2265, 95, 1, 'intense healing rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'ultimate healing'}, 2273, 175, 1, 'ultimate healing rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'magic wall'}, 2293, 350, 3, 'magic wall rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'destroy field'}, 2261, 45, 3, 'destroy field rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'light magic missile'}, 2287, 40, 10, 'light magic missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'heavy magic missile'}, 2311, 120, 10, 'heavy magic missile rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'great fireball'}, 2304, 180, 4, 'great fireball rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'explosion'}, 2313, 250, 6, 'explosion rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'sudden death'}, 2268, 350, 3, 'sudden death rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'death arrow'}, 2263, 300, 3, 'death arrow rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'paralyze'}, 2278, 700, 1, 'paralyze rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'animate dead'}, 2316, 375, 1, 'animate dead rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'convince creature'}, 2290, 80, 1, 'convince creature rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'chameleon'}, 2291, 210, 1, 'chameleon rune') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'desintegrate'}, 2310, 80, 3, 'desintegreate rune') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp slhp'}, 2000, 8704, 400, 1, 'backpack of small health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp hp'}, 2000, 7618, 900, 1, 'backpack of health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp mp'}, 2001, 7620, 1000, 1, 'backpack of mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp shp'}, 2000, 7588, 2000, 1, 'backpack of strong health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp smp'}, 2001, 7589, 1600, 1, 'backpack of strong mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ghp'}, 2000, 7591, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gmp'}, 2001, 7590, 2400, 1, 'backpack of great mana potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp gsp'}, 1999, 8472, 3800, 1, 'backpack of great spirit potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp uhp'}, 2000, 8473, 6200, 1, 'backpack of ultimate health potions') shopModule:addBuyableItemContainer({'bp ap'}, 2002, 8474, 2000, 1, 'backpack of antidote potions') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 500, 'wand of vortex') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 1000, 'wand of dragonbreath') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 5000, 'wand of decay') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 7500, 'wand of draconia') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 10000, 'wand of cosmic energy') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'}, 2187, 15000, 'wand of inferno') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 18000, 'wand of starstorm') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 22000, 'wand of voodoo') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 500, 'snakebite rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 1000, 'moonlight rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 5000, 'necrotic rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 7500, 'northwind rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 10000, 'terra rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 15000, 'hailstorm rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 18000, 'springsprout rod') shopModule:addBuyableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 22000, 'underworld rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of vortex', 'vortex'}, 2190, 250, 'wand of vortex') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of dragonbreath', 'dragonbreath'}, 2191, 500, 'wand of dragonbreath') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of decay', 'decay'}, 2188, 2500, 'wand of decay') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of draconia', 'draconia'}, 8921, 3750, 'wand of draconia') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of cosmic energy', 'cosmic energy'}, 2189, 5000, 'wand of cosmic energy') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of inferno', 'inferno'},2187, 7500, 'wand of inferno') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of starstorm', 'starstorm'}, 8920, 9000, 'wand of starstorm') shopModule:addSellableItem({'wand of voodoo', 'voodoo'}, 8922, 11000, 'wand of voodoo') shopModule:addSellableItem({'snakebite rod', 'snakebite'}, 2182, 250,'snakebite rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'moonlight rod', 'moonlight'}, 2186, 500, 'moonlight rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'necrotic rod', 'necrotic'}, 2185, 2500, 'necrotic rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'northwind rod', 'northwind'}, 8911, 3750, 'northwind rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra rod', 'terra'}, 2181, 5000, 'terra rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'hailstorm rod', 'hailstorm'}, 2183, 7500, 'hailstorm rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'springsprout rod', 'springsprout'}, 8912, 9000, 'springsprout rod') shopModule:addSellableItem({'underworld rod', 'underworld'}, 8910, 11000, 'underworld rod') function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid local items = {[1] = 2190, [2] = 2182, [5] = 2190, [6] = 2182} if(msgcontains(msg, 'first rod') or msgcontains(msg, 'first wand')) then if(isSorcerer(cid) or isDruid(cid)) then if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002) == -1) then selfSay('So you ask me for a {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '} to begin your advanture?', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 1 else selfSay('What? I have already gave you one {' .. getItemNameById(items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) .. '}!', cid) end else selfSay('Sorry, you aren\'t a druid either a sorcerer.', cid) end elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) then if(talkState[talkUser] == 1) then doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[getPlayerVocation(cid)], 1) selfSay('Here you are young adept, take care yourself.', cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 30002, 1) end talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif(msgcontains(msg, 'no') and isInArray({1}, talkState[talkUser]) == TRUE) then selfSay('Ok then.', cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) Em azul ta ai as bps. O script funciono normal aqui no meu ot o que eu fiz e t mandei. Bom, tentei lhe ajudar. Tenta colocar esse script no seu ot ou tenta ter uma base ai. OBS: No global não se vende Bp de potions. Atensiosamente, Darkanso. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Sorokaba 0 Postado Maio 5, 2009 Autor Share Postado Maio 5, 2009 num deu ainda...ele compra de 2 mesmo selecionando 1, assim como as wands e rods, mas nao vem na bp Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Darkanso 1 Postado Maio 8, 2009 Share Postado Maio 8, 2009 Eh só você pronunciar a mensagem ao Npc "bp hp", "bp mp", "bp ap" e etc... Atensiosamente, Darkanso. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Triibal 0 Postado Maio 8, 2009 Share Postado Maio 8, 2009 Não sei que é essa função não, mas se eu souber posto aqui... Bjsmeligaflws :* Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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