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[duvida] Linguagem



Olá, eu achei num site, um arquivo com o nome de

Não consegui identificar qual lingagem é...

Estou desconfiada de que seja perl ou pascal devido a estenção e a data do arquivo :S

Se alguem souber qual linguagem é, eu agradeço


require '';

require 'sys/';


# modify these for your particular network


@exclude_ports = (80, 113); # www, ident

$net = "134.114.84"; # ignore SYNs from this subnet, but

# watch SYNs to this subnet


# number of repeated connects from a host during a timestamp period (1 second)

# to be considered a portscan/port flood


$srcmax = "3";

$dstmax = "3";


# build tcpdump command line


@ex = @exclude_ports;



while (@ex) {

$port = shift @ex;

$line="$line and not port $port";



#$tcpdump = "tcpdump -n -q -l 'tcp[13] & 2 != 0' or 'udp[13] & 2 != 0' and src net not $net $excludes 2> /dev/null";

$tcpdump = "tcpdump -n -q -l 'tcp[13] & 2 != 0' or 'udp[13] & 2 != 0' and src net not $net $line";


$stamp = &timestamp();

print "$stamp -- monitoring network $net\n";

print "$stamp -- ignoring ports [@exclude_ports]\n";

print "$stamp -- [$tcpdump]\n";

print "$stamp -- logging started\n";




open (TCPDUMP, "$tcpdump |") || die "couldn't launch tcpdump: $!\n";

while ($line = <TCPDUMP>) {


$timestamp = &timestamp();


# extract the output from tcpdump


($gmttime, $src, $whoot, $dst, $type, $blah) = split (/ /, $line);


($one, $two, $three, $four, $port) = split (/\./, $src);

$srcip = "$one.$two.$three.$four";

$srcport = $port;

$srcname = &get_host_name($srcip);

$dst =~ s/://g;

($one, $two, $three, $four, $port) = split (/\./, $dst);

$dstip = "$one.$two.$three.$four";

$dstport = $port;

$dstname = &get_host_name($dstip);


# - compare $network_filter to dstip -- useful if we're on a gateway net

# (this will ignore all packets with a destination net other than our own --

# you can prolly do this in tcpdump, but I couldn't figure it out :-)

# - ignore all broadcast packets (dst ip x.x.x.255 or x.x.x.0)



if ((index($dstip, $net) >= 0) && ($fouffr ne "255")) {

$flags = "";


if ($srcname eq $osrcname) { $srchits++ }

if ($dstname eq $odstname) { $dsthits++ }


if ($mytime ne $otime) { $srchits=0; $dsthits=0; }


if ($srchits >= $srcmax) {




if ($dsthits >= $dstmax) {





print "$mytime $type $srcname:$srcport -> $dstname:$dstport $flags\n";

$osrcname = $srcname;

$odstname = $dstname;

$otime = $mytime;








# simple routine to pad numbers w/ zeros


sub pad


$what = shift @_;

$countn = shift @_;

$pad = "";


$size = length ($what);

$count = $countn - length ($what);

$padded = "";

for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {



$padded = "$padded$what";

return $padded;




# this code snagged from satan-1.0 (zen & wzv)


# Lookup the FQDN for a host name or address with cacheing.


sub get_host_name {

local($host) = @_;

local($aliases, $type, $len, @ip, $a,$b,$c,$d);


$orig = $host;


# do cache lookup first

if (exists($host_name_cache{$host})) {




# if host is ip address

if ($host =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/) {

($a,$b,$c,$d) = split(/\./, $host);

@ip = ($a,$b,$c,$d);

($host) = gethostbyaddr(pack("C4", @ip), &AF_INET);


# if host is name, not ip address

else {

($host, $aliases, $type, $len, @ip) = gethostbyname($host);

($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack('C4',$ip[0]);



# success:

if ($host eq "") {

$host = $orig;


if ($host && @ip) {

$host =~ tr /A-Z/a-z/;

return $host_name_cache{$host} = $host;


# failure:

else {

return $host_name_cache{$host} = "";




sub timestamp {


($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);

$mday = &pad($mday,2);

$mon = &pad($mon, 2);

$hour = &pad($hour, 2);

$min = &pad($min, 2);

$sec = &pad($sec, 2);

$mytime = "$mon/$mday $hour:$min:$sec";


return $mytime;



Editado por Gofaia
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Vi o script que você postou, pra mim não é boa coisa =/

$net = "134.114.84"; # ignore SYNs from this subnet, but


é um script que ignora um tal IP!

Editado por GathHell
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Se voce olhar o nome do arquivo, da para ver que é um sniffer de pacotes SYN


O ip é do site onde estava hospedado. é um site em ftp, eu nao tinha nada pra fazer, e fui fuçar, e achei uma porrada de sources. Todas estã oem SHELL ou C, menos esta.

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