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Encontrado 1 registro

  1. Comando Online modificado para Mostrar Max Health Max Mana E Premium days dos Players! local config = { showGamemasters = getBooleanFromString(getConfigValue('displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand')) } function getResets(cid) resets = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,2310) if resets < 0 then resets = 0 end return resets end function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local players = getPlayersOnline() local strings = {""} local i, position = 1, 1 local added = false for _, pid in ipairs(players) do if(added) then if(i > (position * 7)) then strings[position] = strings[position] .. "•" position = position + 1 strings[position] = "" else strings[position] = i == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. "• " end end if((config.showGamemasters or getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_GAMEMASTERPRIVILEGES) or not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(pid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_GAMEMASTERPRIVILEGES)) and (not isPlayerGhost(pid) or getPlayerGhostAccess(cid) >= getPlayerGhostAccess(pid))) then strings[position] = strings[position] .. getCreatureName(pid) .. " HP: ".. getCreatureMaxHealth(pid) .." MP: ".. getCreatureMaxMana(pid) .." Vip Days: ".. getPlayerPremiumDays(pid) .." \n" i = i + 1 added = true else added = false end end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, (i - 1) .. " On:") for i, str in ipairs(strings) do if(str:sub(str:len()) ~= ",") then str = str .. "" end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, str) end return true end Créditos: Subwat
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