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Posts postados por Enebege

  1. man + isso nao tem nada Haver pq o outro PDA o lek que voce me passou pegou perfeitamente + só o seu que fica dando essa drogas de error e eu consigo logar + no jogo nao entra e tb Fiz download de varios outros PDA e Todos Funcionaram perfeitamente


    Alguém alem de mim, ta com Esse error no PDA do stigal?


    Clique com o botão direito no config.lua selecione editar e altere "ip" para





    Como o Poyrgon evolui?


    Quando um char desloga surfando não da pra logar mais, alguem sabe como resolver?

  2. Como faço para alterar a chance de aparecer shiny? sei que é no spawn.lua mais qual valor devo mudar? E quando um char desloga usando surf não consegue logar denovo, alguem sabe como resolver isso? Obrigado!

    Abra "Pasta servidor > data > Creaturesscript > spaw.lua" retire tudo dela e adicione:


    local shinys = {
    "Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise",
    "Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Beedrill", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Pidgeot", "Rattata",
    "Raticate", "Spearow", "Fearow", "Ekans", "Arbok", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Nidoran Female",
    "Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidoran Male", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Clefairy", "Clefable", "Vulpix", "Ninetales",
    "Jigglytuff", "Wigglytuff", "Zubat", "Golbat", "Odish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Paras", "Parasect", "Venonat", "Venomoth",
    "Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Mewoth", "Persian", "Psyduck", "Golduck", "Mankey", "Primeape", "Growlithe", "Arcanine",
    "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Poliwrath", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Bellsprout",
    "Weepinbell", "Victreebel", "Tentacool", "Tentacruel", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Slowpoke",
    "Slowbro", "Magnamite", "Magneton", "Farfetch'd", "Doduo", "Dodrio", "Seel", "Dewgong", "Grimer", "Muk", "Shellder",
    "Cloyster", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Onix", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Voltorb", "Electrode",
    "Exeggcute", "Exeggutor", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Lickitung", "Koffing", "Weezing", "Rhyhorn",
    "Rhydon", "Chansey", "Tangela", "Kangaskhan", "Horsea", "Seadra", "Goldeen", "Seaking", "Staryu", "Starmie", "Mr. Mime",
    "Scyther", "Jynx", "Electabuzz", "Magmar", "Pinsir", "Tauros", "Magikarp", "Gyarados", "Lapras", "Ditto", "Eevee", "Vaporeon",
    "Jolteon", "Flareon", "Porygon", "Omanyte", "Omastar", "Kabuto", "Kabutops", "Snorlax", "Porygo Z", "Dragonair", "Dratini"
    local raros = {"Dragonite", "Aerodactyl"}							  --alterado v1.5
    local function ShinyName(cid)
    if isCreature(cid) then
      if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then
      local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)")			
      doCreatureSetNick(cid, newName)
      if isMonster(cid) then
    	 doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false)
    local function doSetRandomGender(cid)
    if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
    if isSummon(cid) then return true end
    local gender = 0
    local name = getCreatureName(cid)
    if not newpokedex[name] then return true end
    local rate = newpokedex[name].gender
     if rate == 0 then
      gender = 3
     elseif rate == 1000 then
      gender = 4
     elseif rate == -1 then
      gender = 0
     elseif math.random(1, 1000) <= rate then
      gender = 4
      gender = 3
    doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender)
    local function doShiny(cid)
    if isCreature(cid) then
      if isSummon(cid) then return true end
      if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469) >= 1 then return true end
      if isNpcSummon(cid) then return true end
    if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
      transform = math.random(1, 500000)	--5.0% chance	  
    elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then
      transform = math.random(1, 500000)   --5.0% chance	  
    elseif not isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) and not isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
      return true
    if transform == 10 then
      doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 18)
      local shi = doCreateMonster("Shiny ".. getCreatureName(cid) .."", getThingPos(cid))
      setPlayerStorageValue(shi, 74469, 1)
      setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
       setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
    return true
    function onSpawn(cid)
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Experience")
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "GeneralConfiguration")
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "DirectionSystem")
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "CastSystem")
    if isSummon(cid) then
     registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SummonDeath")
    return true
    addEvent(doSetRandomGender, 5, cid)
    addEvent(doShiny, 10, cid)
    addEvent(ShinyName, 15, cid)
    addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 5, cid)
    return true



    oque modificar:

    local function doShiny(cid)
    if isCreature(cid) then
      if isSummon(cid) then return true end
      if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469) >= 1 then return true end
      if isNpcSummon(cid) then return true end
    if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
      transform = math.random(1, 500000)	--5.0% chance	  
    elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then
      transform = math.random(1, 500000)   --5.0% chance	  
    elseif not isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) and not isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
      return true


    Como Modificar:

      transform = math.random(1, 500000)	--5.0% chance

      transform = math.random(1, 500000)   --5.0% chance	

    1000 = 0,1%

    500000 = 5% (+/-)


    espero ter ajudado ;3


    Vlws!! REP+

  3. No Caso Fui Entrar Com o Client,1.6 Slicer,Mas Server Off Sabe Arrumar?

    Problema nao e no meu servidor e sim na sua conexao

    verefique seu molden e os procedimentos para deixar online



    Sim Estou Ciente Disto,Mas Falo So Pra Entrar em Locahost Msm?Nao Para Outras Entrarem...

    Meio Que Nao Vi Seu Server Ainda...


    Também tive esse problema amigo, consegui solucionar alterando o config.lua...


    Altere "ip" para




    Espero te-lo ajudado, abraço!

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