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  1. Upvote
    kkkkkk recebeu reputação de Luquinh4 em Erro War System Rep++   
    Vei tava com o msm problema aki e resolvir assim.
    adicione isso na sua database.

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_wars` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `enemy_id` INT NOT NULL, `begin` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `end` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `frags` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `payment` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `guild_kills` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `enemy_kills` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `status` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `status` (`status`), KEY `guild_id` (`guild_id`), KEY `enemy_id` (`enemy_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `guild_wars` ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_wars_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_wars_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`enemy_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `guilds` ADD `balance` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `motd`; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_kills` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `war_id` INT NOT NULL, `death_id` INT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `guild_kills` ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_kills_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`war_id`) REFERENCES `guild_wars` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_kills_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`death_id`) REFERENCES `player_deaths` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_kills_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `killers` ADD `war` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    colok esse em data/talkactions/script com o nome de war.lua

    function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local guild = getPlayerGuildId(cid) if(not guild or getPlayerGuildLevel(cid) < GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "You cannot execute this talkaction.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local t = string.explode(param, ",") if(not t[2]) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Not enough param(s).", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local enemy = getGuildId(t[2]) if(not enemy) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Guild \"" .. t[2] .. "\" does not exists.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end if(enemy == guild) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "You cannot perform war action on your own guild.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local enemyName, tmp = "", db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. enemy) if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then enemyName = tmp:getDataString("name") tmp:free() end if(isInArray({"accept", "reject", "cancel"}, t[1])) then local query = "`guild_id` = " .. enemy .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. guild if(t[1] == "cancel") then query = "`guild_id` = " .. guild .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. enemy end tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `begin`, `end`, `payment` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE " .. query .. " AND `status` = 0") if(tmp:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Currently there's no pending invitation for a war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end if(t[1] == "accept") then local _tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `balance` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. guild) local state = _tmp:getID() < 0 or _tmp:getDataInt("balance") < tmp:getDataInt("payment") _tmp:free() if(state) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Your guild balance is too low to accept this invitation.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end db.query("UPDATE `guilds` SET `balance` = `balance` - " .. tmp:getDataInt("payment") .. " WHERE `id` = " .. guild) end query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET " local msg = "accepted " .. enemyName .. " invitation to war." if(t[1] == "reject") then query = query .. "`end` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 2" msg = "rejected " .. enemyName .. " invitation to war." elseif(t[1] == "cancel") then query = query .. "`end` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 3" msg = "canceled invitation to a war with " .. enemyName .. "." else query = query .. "`begin` = " .. os.time() .. ", `end` = " .. (tmp:getDataInt("end") > 0 and (os.time() + ((tmp:getDataInt("begin") - tmp:getDataInt("end")) / 86400)) or 0) .. ", `status` = 1" end query = query .. " WHERE `id` = " .. tmp:getDataInt("id") if(t[1] == "accept") then doGuildAddEnemy(guild, enemy, tmp:getDataInt("id"), WAR_GUILD) doGuildAddEnemy(enemy, guild, tmp:getDataInt("id"), WAR_ENEMY) end tmp:free() db.query(query) doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has " .. msg, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end if(t[1] == "invite") then local str = "" tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `guild_id`, `status` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild_id` IN (" .. guild .. "," .. enemy .. ") AND `enemy_id` IN (" .. enemy .. "," .. guild .. ") AND `status` IN (0, 1)") if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then if(tmp:getDataInt("status") == 0) then if(tmp:getDataInt("guild_id") == guild) then str = "You have already invited " .. enemyName .. " to war." else str = enemyName .. " have already invited you to war." end else str = "You are already on a war with " .. enemyName .. "." end tmp:free() end if(str ~= "") then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", str, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local frags = tonumber(t[3]) if(frags ~= nil) then frags = math.max(10, math.min(1000, frags)) else frags = 100 end local payment = tonumber(t[4]) if(payment ~= nil) then payment = math.max(100000, math.min(1000000000, payment)) tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `balance` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. guild) local state = tmp:getID() < 0 or tmp:getDataInt("balance") < payment tmp:free() if(state) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Your guild balance is too low for such payment.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end db.query("UPDATE `guilds` SET `balance` = `balance` - " .. payment .. " WHERE `id` = " .. guild) else payment = 0 end local begining, ending = os.time(), tonumber(t[5]) if(ending ~= nil and ending ~= 0) then ending = begining + (ending * 86400) else ending = 0 end db.query("INSERT INTO `guild_wars` (`guild_id`, `enemy_id`, `begin`, `end`, `frags`, `payment`) VALUES (" .. guild .. ", " .. enemy .. ", " .. begining .. ", " .. ending .. ", " .. frags .. ", " .. payment .. ");") doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has invited " .. enemyName .. " to war till " .. frags .. " frags.", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end if(not isInArray({"end", "finish"}, t[1])) then return false end local status = (t[1] == "end" and 1 or 4) tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. guild .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. enemy .. " AND `status` = " .. status) if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then local query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET `end` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 5 WHERE `id` = " .. tmp:getDataInt("id") tmp:free() doGuildRemoveEnemy(guild, enemy) doGuildRemoveEnemy(enemy, guild) db.query(query) doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has " .. (status == 4 and "mend fences" or "ended up a war") .. " with " .. enemyName .. ".", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end if(status == 4) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Currently there's no pending war truce from " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `end` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. enemy .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. guild .. " AND `status` = 1") if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then if(tmp:getDataInt("end") > 0) then tmp:free() doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "You cannot request ending for war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET `status` = 4, `end` = " .. os.time() .. " WHERE `id` = " .. tmp:getDataInt("id") tmp:free() db.query(query) doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has signed an armstice declaration on a war with " .. enemyName .. ".", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Currently there's no active war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end
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  2. Upvote
    kkkkkk recebeu reputação de eduardosm14 em Erro War System Rep++   
    Vei tava com o msm problema aki e resolvir assim.
    adicione isso na sua database.

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_wars` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `enemy_id` INT NOT NULL, `begin` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `end` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `frags` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `payment` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `guild_kills` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `enemy_kills` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `status` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `status` (`status`), KEY `guild_id` (`guild_id`), KEY `enemy_id` (`enemy_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `guild_wars` ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_wars_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_wars_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`enemy_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `guilds` ADD `balance` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `motd`; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_kills` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `guild_id` INT NOT NULL, `war_id` INT NOT NULL, `death_id` INT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `guild_kills` ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_kills_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`war_id`) REFERENCES `guild_wars` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_kills_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`death_id`) REFERENCES `player_deaths` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_kills_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `killers` ADD `war` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    colok esse em data/talkactions/script com o nome de war.lua

    function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local guild = getPlayerGuildId(cid) if(not guild or getPlayerGuildLevel(cid) < GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "You cannot execute this talkaction.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local t = string.explode(param, ",") if(not t[2]) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Not enough param(s).", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local enemy = getGuildId(t[2]) if(not enemy) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Guild \"" .. t[2] .. "\" does not exists.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end if(enemy == guild) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "You cannot perform war action on your own guild.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local enemyName, tmp = "", db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. enemy) if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then enemyName = tmp:getDataString("name") tmp:free() end if(isInArray({"accept", "reject", "cancel"}, t[1])) then local query = "`guild_id` = " .. enemy .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. guild if(t[1] == "cancel") then query = "`guild_id` = " .. guild .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. enemy end tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `begin`, `end`, `payment` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE " .. query .. " AND `status` = 0") if(tmp:getID() == -1) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Currently there's no pending invitation for a war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end if(t[1] == "accept") then local _tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `balance` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. guild) local state = _tmp:getID() < 0 or _tmp:getDataInt("balance") < tmp:getDataInt("payment") _tmp:free() if(state) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Your guild balance is too low to accept this invitation.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end db.query("UPDATE `guilds` SET `balance` = `balance` - " .. tmp:getDataInt("payment") .. " WHERE `id` = " .. guild) end query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET " local msg = "accepted " .. enemyName .. " invitation to war." if(t[1] == "reject") then query = query .. "`end` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 2" msg = "rejected " .. enemyName .. " invitation to war." elseif(t[1] == "cancel") then query = query .. "`end` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 3" msg = "canceled invitation to a war with " .. enemyName .. "." else query = query .. "`begin` = " .. os.time() .. ", `end` = " .. (tmp:getDataInt("end") > 0 and (os.time() + ((tmp:getDataInt("begin") - tmp:getDataInt("end")) / 86400)) or 0) .. ", `status` = 1" end query = query .. " WHERE `id` = " .. tmp:getDataInt("id") if(t[1] == "accept") then doGuildAddEnemy(guild, enemy, tmp:getDataInt("id"), WAR_GUILD) doGuildAddEnemy(enemy, guild, tmp:getDataInt("id"), WAR_ENEMY) end tmp:free() db.query(query) doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has " .. msg, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end if(t[1] == "invite") then local str = "" tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `guild_id`, `status` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild_id` IN (" .. guild .. "," .. enemy .. ") AND `enemy_id` IN (" .. enemy .. "," .. guild .. ") AND `status` IN (0, 1)") if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then if(tmp:getDataInt("status") == 0) then if(tmp:getDataInt("guild_id") == guild) then str = "You have already invited " .. enemyName .. " to war." else str = enemyName .. " have already invited you to war." end else str = "You are already on a war with " .. enemyName .. "." end tmp:free() end if(str ~= "") then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", str, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local frags = tonumber(t[3]) if(frags ~= nil) then frags = math.max(10, math.min(1000, frags)) else frags = 100 end local payment = tonumber(t[4]) if(payment ~= nil) then payment = math.max(100000, math.min(1000000000, payment)) tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `balance` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. guild) local state = tmp:getID() < 0 or tmp:getDataInt("balance") < payment tmp:free() if(state) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Your guild balance is too low for such payment.", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end db.query("UPDATE `guilds` SET `balance` = `balance` - " .. payment .. " WHERE `id` = " .. guild) else payment = 0 end local begining, ending = os.time(), tonumber(t[5]) if(ending ~= nil and ending ~= 0) then ending = begining + (ending * 86400) else ending = 0 end db.query("INSERT INTO `guild_wars` (`guild_id`, `enemy_id`, `begin`, `end`, `frags`, `payment`) VALUES (" .. guild .. ", " .. enemy .. ", " .. begining .. ", " .. ending .. ", " .. frags .. ", " .. payment .. ");") doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has invited " .. enemyName .. " to war till " .. frags .. " frags.", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end if(not isInArray({"end", "finish"}, t[1])) then return false end local status = (t[1] == "end" and 1 or 4) tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. guild .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. enemy .. " AND `status` = " .. status) if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then local query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET `end` = " .. os.time() .. ", `status` = 5 WHERE `id` = " .. tmp:getDataInt("id") tmp:free() doGuildRemoveEnemy(guild, enemy) doGuildRemoveEnemy(enemy, guild) db.query(query) doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has " .. (status == 4 and "mend fences" or "ended up a war") .. " with " .. enemyName .. ".", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end if(status == 4) then doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Currently there's no pending war truce from " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end tmp = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `end` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. enemy .. " AND `enemy_id` = " .. guild .. " AND `status` = 1") if(tmp:getID() ~= -1) then if(tmp:getDataInt("end") > 0) then tmp:free() doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "You cannot request ending for war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end local query = "UPDATE `guild_wars` SET `status` = 4, `end` = " .. os.time() .. " WHERE `id` = " .. tmp:getDataInt("id") tmp:free() db.query(query) doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerGuildName(cid) .. " has signed an armstice declaration on a war with " .. enemyName .. ".", MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return true end doPlayerSendChannelMessage(cid, "", "Currently there's no active war with " .. enemyName .. ".", TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, 0) return true end
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