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[URL=https://datingnow.site]Find Beautiful Womans in your city for night[/URL] -
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[URL=https://datingnow.site]Search Pretty Womans in your city for night[/URL] -
atualiza o video o tfs que vc fez foi 1.1
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OTX 2.9 - 7.72 Preciso de ajudar para adicionar uma script na source alguém poderia me ajudar a colocar essa função na minha source? //doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, message) lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerPopupFYI", LuaInterface::luaDoPlayerPopupFYI);
pode me ajudar a colocar este scrip no otx 2.9 7.72 ? da esse erro ao tentar adicionar o item: a unica coisa que ta funcionando é coletar gold [7/8/2019 22:57:23] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [7/8/2019 22:57:23] local cid = 268451960 [7/8/2019 22:57:23] local words = "!autoloot" [7/8/2019 22:57:23] local param = "club" [7/8/2019 22:57:23] local channel = 65534 [7/8/2019 22:57:23] domodlib('Loot_func') [7/8/2019 22:57:23] local param, slots = param:lower(), isPremium(cid) and info.Max_Slots.premium or info.Max_Slots.free [7/8/2019 22:57:23] if not param or param == "" then [7/8/2019 22:57:23] ShowItemsTabble(cid) return true [7/8/2019 22:57:23] elseif tonumber(param) then [7/8/2019 22:57:23] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "enter commands: !autoloot item name [+] !autoloot clean [+] !autoloot money [+] !autoloot on/off") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:23] elseif isInArray({"clean","limpar", "clear"}, param) then [7/8/2019 22:57:23] setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[1], -1) [7/8/2019 22:57:23] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Your list has been cleaned.") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:23] elseif isInArray({"start","stop","on","off"}, param) then [7/8/2019 22:57:23] setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) <= 0 and 1 or 0) [7/8/2019 22:57:23] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[3]) > 0 and "Stopped" or "Started")..".") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:23] elseif isInArray({"money","gold","gps","dinheiro"}, param) then [7/8/2019 22:57:23] setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) <= 0 and 1 or 0) [7/8/2019 22:57:23] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Gold Colleting "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[2]) > 0 and "Activated" or "disabled")..".") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:23] elseif isInArray({"autoselling","autosell","autovender","vender"}, param) then [7/8/2019 22:57:23] setPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[4], getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[4]) <= 0 and 1 or 0) [7/8/2019 22:57:23] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"[Auto Loot] Automatic Itens Selling "..(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, info.Storages[4]) > 0 and "Activated" or "disabled")..".") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] end [7/8/2019 22:57:24] local item = ExistItemByName(tostring(param)) [7/8/2019 22:57:24] if not item then [7/8/2019 22:57:24] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] end [7/8/2019 22:57:24] local item = getItemIdByName(tostring(param)) [7/8/2019 22:57:24] if not item then [7/8/2019 22:57:24] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item does not exist.") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] elseif isInArray({2148,2152,2160},item) then [7/8/2019 22:57:24] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Enter !autoloot money to add money in your list!") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] elseif isInArray(info.BlockItemsList, item) then [7/8/2019 22:57:24] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can not add this item in the list!") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] elseif #getPlayerStorageTable(cid, info.Storages[1]) >= slots then [7/8/2019 22:57:24] doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "max "..slots.." from auto loot") return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] end [7/8/2019 22:57:24] local var = isInTable(cid, item) [7/8/2019 22:57:24] if not var then [7/8/2019 22:57:24] addItemTable(cid, item) [7/8/2019 22:57:24] else [7/8/2019 22:57:24] removeItemTable(cid, item) [7/8/2019 22:57:24] end [7/8/2019 22:57:24] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,not var and "you added the item "..param.." in the list" or "you removed the item "..param.." from the list") [7/8/2019 22:57:24] return true [7/8/2019 22:57:24] Description: [7/8/2019 22:57:24] [string "info = {..."]:41: attempt to index a nil value
como para andar com o char e poder remover o item para parar de treinar???
- 12 respostas
- moveevents
- item
- (e 4 mais)
eu estou tentando colocar esse autoloot no otx 2.9 mais ta dando este erro.. estou usando sem site para testar... data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:onLogin Description: data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:54: attempt to call global 'doSendPlayerExtendedOpcode' (a nil value) stack traceback: data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:54: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:6> sqlite3_prepare_v2(): SQLITE ERROR: near "LIMIT": syntax error (UPDATE "players" SET "broadcasting" = 0, "viewers" = 0 WHERE "id" = 2 LIMIT 1) Pegas has logged out.
no meu ot ele não conta os monstros - tfs 0.3.7 ja tentei varias formas e nao deu certo
Obrigado eu consegui resolver
Tudo bom amigo, hoje consegui resolveer fui testando umas coisas e este aqui deu certo... casterTargetOrDirection="1" essa magia eu adicionei tirando ideia de outras magias que tem aqui no tibiaking
oi, eu quero que ele saiu depois de 2 segundos mais no target( monstro).. e não na posição onde eu estava quando soltei a magia
Galera preciso de ajudar para mudar essa spell * Essa magia esta saindo após segundos - Preciso que ela saia no target - porem ela esta saindo no ultimo local onde o player esteve <instant name="" words="hailstorm" lvl="60" range="7" icon="5" mana="165" exhaustion="2000" groups="4,1000" prem="0" needlearn="0" event="script" value="curandeiro/magiadois.lua"> <vocation id="6"/> </instant> -- Areas/Combat for 2000ms local combat20_Brush = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat20_Brush, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 185) setCombatParam(combat20_Brush, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE) setCombatArea(combat20_Brush,createCombatArea({ {1, 1, 1}, {1, 3, 1}, {1, 1, 1}})) function onGetFormulaValues(cid, level, maglevel) local levelTotal = level / 7 local min = levelTotal + (maglevel * 6.0) local max = levelTotal + (maglevel * 6.5) return -min, -max end -- =============== CORE FUNCTIONS =============== local function RunPart(c,cid,var,dirList,dirEmitPos) -- Part local target = getCreatureTarget(cid) if target < 1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need a target to cast this spell.") return true end if (isCreature(cid)) then doCombat(cid, c, var) if (dirList ~= nil) then -- Emit distance effects local i = 2; while (i < #dirList) do doSendDistanceShoot(dirEmitPos,{x=dirEmitPos.x-dirList[i],y=dirEmitPos.y-dirList[i+1],z=dirEmitPos.z},dirList[1]) i = i + 2 return true end end end end setCombatCallback(combat20_Brush, CALLBACK_PARAM_LEVELMAGICVALUE, "onGetFormulaValues") function onCastSpell(cid, var) local startPos = getCreatureTarget(cid) addEvent(RunPart,2000,combat20_Brush,cid,var) return true end
Obrigado, consegui corrigir, com um posto do vod
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