Sou novo nesses Ots 10.x, estou tentando jogar offline em um global 10.00
Configurei todo o banco de dados, e o config.lua, mas ainda assim, não consigo logar no jogo.
O exe inicia nirmalmente, mas quando tento entrar só da senha invalida.
achei alguns tutoriais falando pra trocar
PassowordType = "plain" por
encryptionType = "plain"
fiz isso e ainda assim não deu certo.
Segue meu config.lua
-- Combat settings
-- NOTE: valid values for worldType are: "pvp", "no-pvp" and "pvp-enforced"
worldType = "pvp"
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true
protectionLevel = 8
killsToRedSkull = 6
killsToBlackSkull = 10
pzLocked = 60 * 1000
removeChargesFromRunes = true
timeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
stairJumpExhaustion = 2 * 1000
experienceByKillingPlayers = false
expFromPlayersLevelRange = 75
-- Connection Config
-- NOTE: maxPlayers set to 0 means no limit
ip = "localhost"
bindOnlyGlobalAddress = false
loginProtocolPort = 7171
gameProtocolPort = 7172
statusProtocolPort = 7171
maxPlayers = 2000
motd = "Welcome To Tibia-Global! OpenServer - Prey System + Imbuiment System and More..."
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = true
allowClones = false
serverName = "Tibia-Global"
statusTimeout = 5 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = true
maxPacketsPerSecond = 50
enableLiveCasting = true
liveCastPort = 7173
-- Store in-Game Config
coinPacketSize = 1
coinImagesURL = ""
-- PVP-Expert Config
expertPvp = false
-- Depot Limit
freeDepotLimit = 2000
premiumDepotLimit = 10000
depotBoxes = 17
-- Deaths
-- NOTE: Leave deathLosePercent as -1 if you want to use the default
-- death penalty formula. For the old formula, set it to 10. For
-- no skill/experience loss, set it to 0.
deathLosePercent = -1
-- Houses
-- NOTE: set housePriceEachSQM to -1 to disable the ingame buy house functionality
housePriceEachSQM = 1000
houseRentPeriod = "weekly"
-- Item Usage
timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000
-- Map
-- NOTE: set mapName WITHOUT .otbm at the end
mapName = "global"
mapAuthor = "Cipsoft"
-- Market
marketOfferDuration = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
premiumToCreateMarketOffer = false
checkExpiredMarketOffersEachMinutes = 60
maxMarketOffersAtATimePerPlayer = 100
-- MySQL
mysqlHost = "localhost"
mysqlUser = "root"
mysqlPass = ""
mysqlDatabase = "realmap"
mysqlPort = 3306
encryptionType = "plain"
mysqlSock = ""
-- Misc.
allowChangeOutfit = true
freePremium = true
kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 15
maxMessageBuffer = 4
emoteSpells = false
classicEquipmentSlots = true
allowWalkthrough = false
-- Rates
-- NOTE: rateExp is not used if you have enabled stages in data/XML/stages.xml
rateExp = 100
rateSkill = 300
rateLoot = 20
rateMagic = 180
rateSpawn = 1
-- Monsters
deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50
-- Stamina
staminaSystem = true
-- Scripts
warnUnsafeScripts = true
convertUnsafeScripts = true
-- Startup
-- NOTE: defaultPriority only works on Windows and sets process
-- priority, valid values are: "normal", "above-normal", "high"
defaultPriority = "high"
startupDatabaseOptimization = true
-- Status server information
ownerName = "Qwizer"
ownerEmail = "onjogos.rs@gmail.com"
url = "http://www."
location = "Brasil"