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Sobre SidSjn


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SidSjn's Achievements

  1. Esse são os codigos dos pokemons dento da BOX , e assim foi o unico jeito q consegui criar o pokemon dentro da pokebola. Se tiver jeito mais facil por favor me falem ,pois sou novo como ADM em um OT pokemon! Vai minha dica: box +4 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'venusaur Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'charizard Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'blastoise Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'pidgeot Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'nidoqueen Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'nidoking Pokeball'}, [7] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'ninetales Pokeball'}, [8] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'arcanine Pokeball'}, [9] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'poliwrath Pokeball'}, [10] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'alakazam Pokeball'}, [11] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'machamp Pokeball'}, [12] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'tentacruel Pokeball'}, [13] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'golem Pokeball'}, [14] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'dewgong Pokeball'}, [15] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'gengar Pokeball'}, [16] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'rhydon Pokeball'}, [17] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'scyther Pokeball'}, [18] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'jynx Pokeball'}, [19] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'electabuzz Pokeball'}, [20] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'magmar Pokeball'}, [21] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'gyarados Pokeball'}, [22] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'lapras Pokeball'}, [23] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'omastar Pokeball'}, [24] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'kabutops Pokeball'}, [25] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'aerodactyl Pokeball'}, [26] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'snorlax Pokeball'}, [27] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'dragonair Pokeball'}, [28] ={msg = "You opened the box [+4]",np = 'dragonite Pokeball'} box +3 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'ivysaur Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'charmeleon Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'wartortle Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'raichu Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'fearow Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'vileplume Pokeball'}, [7] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'venomoth Pokeball'}, [8] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'parasect Pokeball'}, [9] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'clefable Pokeball'}, [10] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'wigglytuff Pokeball'}, [11] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'sandslash Pokeball'}, [12] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'dugtrio Pokeball'}, [13] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'golduck Pokeball'}, [14] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'primeape Pokeball'}, [15] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'kadabra Pokeball'}, [16] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'machoke Pokeball'}, [17] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'victreebel Pokeball'}, [18] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'graveler Pokeball'}, [19] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'rapidash Pokeball'}, [20] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'slowbro Pokeball'}, [21] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'magnemite Pokeball'}, [22] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'farfetchd Pokeball'}, [23] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'dodrio Pokeball'}, [24] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'cloyster Pokeball'}, [25] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'haunter Pokeball'}, [26] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'onix Pokeball'}, [27] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'hypno Pokeball'}, [28] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'kingler Pokeball'}, [29] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'voltorb Pokeball'}, [30] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'exeggutor Pokeball'}, [31] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'marowak Pokeball'}, [32] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'hitmonlee Pokeball'}, [33] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'hitmonchan Pokeball'}, [34] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'lickitung Pokeball'}, [35] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'chansey Pokeball'}, [36] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'tangela Pokeball'}, [37] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'kangaskhan Pokeball'}, [38] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'seadra Pokeball'}, [39] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'starmie Pokeball'}, [40] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'mr.mime Pokeball'}, [41] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'pinsir Pokeball'}, [42] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'tauros Pokeball'}, [43] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'ditto Pokeball'}, [44] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'vaporeon Pokeball'}, [45] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'jolteon Pokeball'}, [46] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'flareon Pokeball'}, [47] ={msg = "You opened the box [+3]",np = 'porygon Pokeball'}, box +2 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'bulbasaur Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'squirtle Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'charmander Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'pidgeotto Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'raticate Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'pikachu Pokeball'}, [7] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'butterfree Pokeball'}, [8] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'beedrill Pokeball'}, [9] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'ekans Pokeball'}, [10] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'arbok Pokeball'}, [11] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'gloom Pokeball'}, [12] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidoran f Pokeball'}, [13] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidorina Pokeball'}, [14] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidoran m Pokeball'}, [15] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'nidorino Pokeball'}, [16] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'golbat Pokeball'}, [17] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'jigglypuff Pokeball'}, [18] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'clefairy Pokeball'}, [19] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'venonat Pokeball'}, [20] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'sandshrew Pokeball'}, [21] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'vulpix Pokeball'}, [22] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'meowth Pokeball'}, [23] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'persian Pokeball'}, [24] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'psyduck Pokeball'}, [25] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'mankey Pokeball'}, [26] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'growlithe Pokeball'}, [27] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'poliwhirl Pokeball'}, [28] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'abra Pokeball'}, [29] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'machop Pokeball'}, [30] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'weepinbell Pokeball'}, [31] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'tentacool Pokeball'}, [32] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'geodude Pokeball'}, [33] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'ponyta Pokeball'}, [34] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'slowpoke Pokeball'}, [35] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'doduo Pokeball'}, [36] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'seel Pokeball'}, [37] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'grimer Pokeball'}, [38] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'muk Pokeball'}, [39] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'gastly Pokeball'}, [40] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'drowzee Pokeball'}, [41] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'voltorb Pokeball'}, [42] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'cubone Pokeball'}, [43] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'koffing Pokeball'}, [44] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'weezing Pokeball'}, [45] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'rhyhorn Pokeball'}, [46] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'seaking Pokeball'}, [47] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'staryu Pokeball'}, [48] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'eevee Pokeball'}, [49] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'omanyte Pokeball'}, [50] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'kabuto Pokeball'}, [51] ={msg = "You opened the box [+2]",np = 'dratini Pokeball'}, box +1 [1] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'caterpie Pokeball'}, [2] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'rattata Pokeball'}, [3] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'zubat Pokeball'}, [4] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'nidoran f Pokeball'}, [5] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'nidoran m Pokeball'}, [6] ={msg = "You opened the box [+1]",np = 'bellsprout Pokeball'}, Como usar: 1passo: digite /i n° box,n°pokemomn n° das boxes box4=7891 box3=7888 box2=7887 box1=7886 ex: /i 7891,26 (você criara o Snorlax dentro da pokebola) Obs: naum sei se o ID muda de OT para OT Acho q criei o topico no lugar erradao malz ae sou novo aqui!
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