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Posts postados por natanaelnsd

  1. @Slicer

    tava vendo aqui... alguns moves estão muito rapidos "a velôcidade dos efects"

    tava vendo aqui.. o npc de aura pode colocar quantas auras vc quizer, fazendo isso com o pokemon fora da pokeball o pokemon vai ficar com todas as auras que o player escolheu, só fica normal quando o player puxa e coloca o pokemon de novo.

    seria melhor se só coloquesse aura e nick com o pokemon dentro da pokeball.

    mas uma vez muito obrigado por postar! :)


    erro na spell:

    [29/04/2012 22:49:19] [Error - Spell Interface]

    [29/04/2012 22:49:19] In a timer event called from:

    [29/04/2012 22:49:19] data/spells/scripts/ps/Lick.lua:onCastSpell

    [29/04/2012 22:49:19] Description:

    [29/04/2012 22:49:19] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found


  2. @Kledstonsk8

    ta ae o starter.lua arrumado:


    local starterpokes = {

    ["Weedle"] = {x = 959, y = 1002, z = 5},

    ["Rattata"] = {x = 957, y = 1002, z = 5},

    ["Caterpie"] = {x = 955, y = 1002, z = 5},



    local level = 5

    local extrastr = 1.5

    local btype = "normal"


    function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)


    if getPlayerLevel(cid) > 1 then

    return true



    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14714) == 1 then

    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You have picked your pokemon!")

    return true



    local pokemon = ""


    for a, b in pairs (starterpokes) do

    if isPosEqualPos(topos, b) then

    pokemon = a




    if pokemon == "" then return true end


    local gender = getRandomGenderByName(pokemon)


    local mypoke = getPokemonStatus(pokemon)


    if not mypoke then return true end


    local offense = * level * extrastr

    local defense = mypoke.def * level * extrastr

    local speed = mypoke.agi * level * extrastr

    local vit = mypoke.vit * level * extrastr

    local spatk = mypoke.spatk * level * extrastr

    local happy = 180

    local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemon)


    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2394, 10)

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, 10)

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12222, 20)

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12346, 15)


    local item = doCreateItemEx(2219)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", pokemon)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "hp", 1)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", level)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", leveltable[level])

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", leveltable[level+1] - leveltable[level])

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", offense)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", defense)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", speed)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", vit)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", spatk)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", happy)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "gender", gender)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", "Contains a "..pokemon..".")

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "fakedesc", "Contains a "..pokemon..".")

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "firstpoke", getCreatureName(cid))

    doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true)


    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14714, 1)


    doTransformItem(item, pokeballs[btype].on)

    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You got your first pokemon! You also received some pokeballs to help you in your way.")

    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Don\'t forget to use your pokedex on every undiscovered pokemon!")

    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29)


    return TRUE




    Creditos ao Lucashgas pela ajuda :)

  3. @Kledstonk8

    coloca esse isso dentro do seu starter.lua


    local starterpokes = {

    ["Weedle"] = {x = 959, y = 1002, z = 5},

    ["Rattata"] = {x = 957, y = 1002, z = 5},

    ["Caterpie"] = {x = 955, y = 1002, z = 5},



    local level = 5

    local extrastr = 1.5

    local btype = "normal"


    function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)


    if getPlayerLevel(cid) > 1 then

    return true



    local pokemon = ""


    for a, b in pairs (starterpokes) do

    if isPosEqualPos(topos, b) then

    pokemon = a




    if pokemon == "" then return true end


    local gender = getRandomGenderByName(pokemon)


    local mypoke = getPokemonStatus(pokemon)


    if not mypoke then return true end


    local offense = * level * extrastr

    local defense = mypoke.def * level * extrastr

    local speed = mypoke.agi * level * extrastr

    local vit = mypoke.vit * level * extrastr

    local spatk = mypoke.spatk * level * extrastr

    local happy = 180

    local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemon)


    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2394, 10)

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2152, 10)

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12222, 20)

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12346, 15)


    local item = doCreateItemEx(2219)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", pokemon)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "hp", 1)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", level)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", leveltable[level])

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", leveltable[level+1] - leveltable[level])

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", offense)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", defense)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", speed)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", vit)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", spatk)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", happy)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "gender", gender)

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", "Contains a "..pokemon..".")

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "fakedesc", "Contains a "..pokemon..".")

    doItemSetAttribute(item, "firstpoke", getCreatureName(cid))

    doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true)


    doTransformItem(item, pokeballs[btype].on)


    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You got your first pokemon! You also received some pokeballs to help you in your way.")

    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Don\'t forget to use your pokedex on every undiscovered pokemon!")


    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29)

    doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)))

    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 27)

    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29)



    return TRUE



    OBS: nessa parte vermelha você muda pra qual pokemon vai ganhar e coloca a posição do seu baú. na parte verde é onde você vai escolher o level que o pokemon vai vir.


    local starterpokes = {

    ["Weedle"] = {x = 959, y = 1002, z = 5},

    ["Rattata"] = {x = 957, y = 1002, z = 5},

    ["Caterpie"] = {x = 955, y = 1002, z = 5},




    local level = 5 <--- Level do pokemon

    local extrastr = 1.5

    local btype = "normal"

  4. @Kois

    eu já tinha postado o Npc de food... ¬¬ ( mas oque vale é a intenção de ajudar :D )


    Eu fiz igual ao PxG dois Npc, Mark e Hugh com os mesmos preços dos PxG vou postar logo os dois.

    Npc Mark:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <npc name="Mark" script="default.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0">

    <health now="150" max="150"/>

    <look type="510" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/>


    <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello dear customer! Are you here to see my offers? Come on, lets {trade}!"/>

    <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_idletimeout" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/>

    <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="poke ball,2394,400;great ball,2391,1000;super ball,2393,1500;ultra ball,2392,2000;small potion,12347,500;super potion,12345,2000;great potion,12348,1500;ultra potion,12346,2200;full heal,12344,20000;revive,12343,30000;medicine,12349,300;recording camera,12330,100000;"/>

    <parameter key="shop_sellable" value="essence of fire,12162,200;small stone,12337,90;pot of moss bug,12171,250;screw,12164,85;straw,2694,65;water gems,12161,20;remains of magikarp,12334,100;teeth,12175,100;bottle of poison,12165,100;water pendant,12170,800;feather,12200,500;seed,12163,25;pair of leaves,12155,500;apple bite,12173,450;bat wing,12182,550;"/>





    Npc Hugh:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <npc name="Hugh" script="default.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0">

    <health now="150" max="150"/>

    <look type="523" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/>


    <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello dear customer! I buy rare items from Pokemon, Want to see my offers? Come on, let {} trade!"/>

    <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_idletimeout" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/>

    <parameter key="shop_sellable" value="bag of pollem,12153,8000;Belt of Champion,12195,100000;Bird Beak,12172,10000;Blue Vines,12341,40000;Bone,12208,4000;Bug Antenna,12184,3500;Bulv,12154,3250;Chansey egg,12211,100000;Comb,5946,10000;Crab Claw,12207,2200;Dragon Tooth,12159,61000;Electric Box,12176,2000;Electric Tail,12169,100000;Farfetch'd Stick,12199,61000;Fox Tail,12180,65000;Fur,12181,1300;Future Orb,12194,1550;Gosme,12202,2250;Gyarados Tail,12148,80000;Horn,12178,2500;Ice Orb,12201,3250;Imam,12198,6000;Iron Bracelet,12192,25000;Locksmith of Shell,12203,8000;Luck Medalion,12186,100000;Mimic Clothes,12166,100000;Mushroom,12183,8000;Nail,12157,1000;Onix Tail,12205,100000;Pot Of Lava,12152,1800;Psychic Spoon,12193,4000;Punch Machine,12191,4000;Ruby,12188,2000;Sandbag,12177,1500;Scythe,12167,100000;Slow Tail,12197,8000;Squirtle Hull,12158,3250;Stone Orb,12196,1650;Traces of ghost,12204,2650;Venom Flute,12210,30000;Wool Ball,12187,8000;Thunder Feather,12150,500000;Ice Feather,12149,500000;Fire Feather,12151,500000;Psyduck Mug,12189,61000;Tongue,12209,100000;"/>




    @Pra galera que não sabe fazer npc de Duel

    Eu vou postar um npc de Duel que fiz com base doque já tinha no server... vou postar porque tem gente que não sabe fazer :)

    1º - Crie um arquivo.xml e coloquei isso dentro do arquivo:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <npc name="Jack Black" script="duel jack black.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0" lookdir="2">


    <health now="150" max="150"/>


    <look type="494" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/>









    2º va na pasta scripts crie um arquivo .LUA com o nome de duel jack black.lua e coloque isso dentro do arquivo:


    local focus = 0

    local max_distance = 8

    local talk_start = 0

    local conv = 0

    local fighting = false

    local challenger = 0

    local afk_limit_time = 30 -- seconds

    local afk_time = 0 -- don't change

    local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change

    local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change

    local masterpos = {}

    local time_to_fight_again = 15 -- seconds, not ms (so 30 * 60 means 30 minutes)


    local can_walk = true -- true to make this npc walks randomly

    local max_distance = 5 -- maximum distance this npc can get far (sqms)

    local walk_delay = 7 -- every seconds make this npc walk


    local cooldown_table = {}


    local min_pokemons_to_battle = 1-- change to whatever you want

    local number_of_pokemons = 0 -- don't change


    local prizes = {

    [1] = {{itemid = 2152, count = 1}},

    [2] = {{itemid = 2152, count = 1}, {itemid = 2148, count = 50}},

    [3] = {{itemid = 2152, count = 2}, {itemid = 2148, count = 60}},

    [4] = {{itemid = 2152, count = 3}, {itemid = 2148, count = 70}},

    [5] = {{itemid = 2152, count = 4}, {itemid = 2148, count = 80}},

    [6] = {{itemid = 2152, count = 5}, {itemid = 2148, count = 90}}}


    local pokemons = {

    {name = "Rapidash", level = 55, extralevel = 55, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Rapidash", ball = "super"},

    {name = "Wartortle", level = 45, extralevel = 60, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "Wartortle", ball = "great"},

    {name = "Dugtrio", level = 40, extralevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Dugtrio", ball = "great"},

    {name = "Graveler", level = 45, extralevel = 45, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Graveler", ball = "super"},

    {name = "Tangela", level = 55, extralevel = 54, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "Tangela", ball = "super"},

    {name = "Raichu", level = 50, extralevel = 48, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "Raichu", ball = "ultra"},




    local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc)

    local this = npc

    if not isCreature(this) then return true end

    if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or focus == 0 then return true end

    local it = pokemons[battle_turn]


    local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1]

    local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect

    if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then

    balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect


    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect)

    setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect)

    setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or

    setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or

    doSetMonsterGym(summon, focus)

    local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s "

    setWildPokemonLevel(summon, it.level, getPokemonStatus(, (it.extralevel + it.level)), name, 1.5)

    doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1)

    fighting = true

    battle_turn = battle_turn + 1



    local function doWinDuel(cid, npc)

    if not isCreature(cid) then return true end

    local this = npc

    local x = prizes[number_of_pokemons]

    for n = 1, #x do

    doPlayerAddItem(cid, x[n].itemid, x[n].count)


    doCreatureSay(npc, "Congratulations! You won, here is your prize.", 1)

    cooldown_table[getCreatureName(cid)] = os.clock() + time_to_fight_again

    return true



    function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)


    local msg = string.lower(msg)


    if focus == cid then

    talk_start = os.clock()



    if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 4 then


    if cooldown_table[getCreatureName(cid)] and cooldown_table[getCreatureName(cid)] - os.clock() > 0 then

    selfSay("Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", I really enjoyed our last battle!")

    conv = 10


    selfSay("Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", are you up to a duel? I can give prizes if you win!")

    conv = 1



    focus = cid

    talk_start = os.clock()

    return true



    if (isDuelMsg(msg) or isConfirmMsg(msg)) and (conv == 1 or conv == 10) and focus == cid then


    if conv == 10 then

    selfSay("We have just battled! Please wait for me to recover from out last battle!")

    focus = 0

    return true



    if not hasPokemon(cid) then

    selfSay("You need pokemons to battle!")

    return true



    selfSay("Ok, tell me how many pokemons will fight.")

    conv = 2


    return true



    if conv == 2 and focus == cid then


    if not tonumber(msg) then

    selfSay("Tell me the number of pokemons that will battle.")

    return true

    elseif tonumber(msg) > #pokemons then

    selfSay("I have only "..#pokemons..", so the maximum is "..#pokemons.."!")

    return true

    elseif tonumber(msg) < min_pokemons_to_battle or tonumber(msg) < 1 then

    selfSay("It has to be more than "..min_pokemons_to_battle..".")

    return true


    number_of_pokemons = tonumber(msg)

    selfSay("Ok, the first that defeats "..number_of_pokemons.." wins, let's start!")

    challenger = focus

    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990, 1)

    addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 850, getThis())

    conv = 3

    return true




    return true



    if isNegMsg(msg) and conv == 1 and focus == cid then


    focus = 0

    selfSay("It is better for you to refuse a battle against me!")


    return true



    if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then

    selfSay('Bye and do your best trainer!')

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0

    return true




    local afk_warning = false

    local change = false

    local walkdelay = 0


    function onThink()


    if not masterpos.x then

    masterpos = getThingPos(getThis())



    if focus == 0 then


    fighting = false

    challenger = 0

    change = false

    challenger_turn = 0

    battle_turn = 1

    afk_time = 0

    afk_warning = false


    if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) >= 1 then

    setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], 1006, 0)

    doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1]))



    walkdelay = walkdelay - 0.5


    if walkdelay <= 0 then

    walkdelay = walk_delay

    local pos = getThingPos(getThis())

    local npos = {}

    for a = 0, 3 do

    if getDistanceBetween(getPosByDir(pos, a), masterpos) <= max_distance and canWalkOnPos(getPosByDir(pos, a), true, false, true, true, false) then

    table.insert(npos, getPosByDir(pos, a))




    if npos and #npos > 0 then

    doTeleportThing(getThis(), npos[math.random(#npos)])




    return true



    if not isCreature(focus) then

    focus = 0

    return true



    if fighting then


    talk_start = os.clock()


    if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getThis())) then

    if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then


    change = true

    afk_time = 0


    afk_time = afk_time + 0.5

    if change then

    change = false

    challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1





    if afk_time > afk_limit_time then

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0

    selfSay("I have waited too long, come back when you are ready!")

    return true



    if not afk_warning and afk_time > afk_limit_time / 2 then

    selfSay("Where's your pokemon? Let's fight!")

    afk_warning = true




    if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) == 0 then

    if battle_turn > number_of_pokemons then

    addEvent(doWinDuel, 1000, focus, getThis())

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0

    return true


    addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getThis())



    if not hasPokemon(challenger) or challenger_turn > 6 or challenger_turn >= number_of_pokemons then

    selfSay("You lost our duel! Maybe some other time you'll defeat me.")

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0

    return true





    local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())

    local focpos = getThingPos(focus)


    if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0

    selfSay("Bye then.")

    return true



    if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then

    selfSay("Good bye and keep training!")

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0



    if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > max_distance then

    setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)

    focus = 0

    return true



    local dir = doRedirectDirection(getDirectionTo(npcpos, focpos))



    return true


    pronto agora é só testar :)

    comando para criar npc com o GOD /n nome do npc

    Ajudei? REP+

  5. @Brunnoo

    ta é o npc de food:




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <npc name="Chris" script="default.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0">

    <health now="150" max="150"/>

    <look type="510" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/>


    <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hi, I Sell food for your Pokemons!"/>

    <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_idletimeout" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/>

    <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="Pizza,12222,500;Coconut,2678,200;vanilla churry,12221,250;cheeseburguer,12218,300;brownie,12217,400;cup of lemonade,12216,350;french fries,12214,550;hot dog,12215,460;"/>





    Te ajudei? REP+

  6. @Kois

    Cara eu fiz dois Npc igual ao PxG com os mesmos preços.

    Npc Mark e Npc Hugh o Mark ta igual ao PxG e o Hugh tambêm...

    postei só o Mark porque ele vende pokeballs,potions,revive etc...

    e o Hugh só compra loots como...

    Pot of Lava,Stone Orb etc...



    Boa Viagem mano, vai com DEUS :) até...!

  7. ta ae o npc Mark (vende, pokeballs,potions etc.. e compra loots.)




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <npc name="Mark" script="default.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0">

    <health now="150" max="150"/>

    <look type="510" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/>


    <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello dear customer! Are you here to see my offers? Come on, lets {trade}!"/>

    <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_idletimeout" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye!"/>

    <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/>

    <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="poke ball,2394,400;great ball,2391,1000;super ball,2393,1500;ultra ball,2392,2000;small potion,12347,500;super potion,12345,2000;great potion,12348,1500;ultra potion,12346,2200;full heal,12344,20000;revive,12343,30000;medicine,12349,300;recording camera,12330,100000;"/>

    <parameter key="shop_sellable" value="essence of fire,12162,200;small stone,12337,90;pot of moss bug,12171,250;screw,12164,85;straw,2694,65;water gems,12161,20;remains of magikarp,12334,100;teeth,12175,100;bottle of poison,12165,100;water pendant,12170,800;feather,12200,500;seed,12163,25;pair of leaves,12155,500;apple bite,12173,450;bat wing,12182,550;"/>





    Ajudei? REP+ :)

  8. @Slicer

    parece que sim mano no PxG o pokemon vai ate +50

    dai você vai no npc e escolhe a cor da aura. :D

    não sei muito bem se é o npc de dar nick. :/

    depois vejo com uns amigos aqui e edito.


    Slicer desculpa por está te abusando pelos moves mas é que eu esto ancioso pra ver!

    como está indo?



    o System que você fez que tira o nome Shinys dos pokemons Shinys, só funciona as vezes..

    tipo as vezes encotro shinys como o nome Ex:

    Shiny Tangela

    deveria só está Tangela.

    e outra coisa o Shiny Gengar não está atravessando paredes.

  9. @All

    Alguêm me ajuda com esse Bug:


    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] [Error - Action Interface]

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] data/actions/scripts/rarecandy.lua:onUse

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] Description:

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] data/lib/level system.lua:31: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'd' (a nil value)

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] stack traceback:

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] data/lib/level system.lua:31: in function 'getPokemonXMLOutfit'

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] data/lib/level system.lua:53: in function 'doStartEvolution'

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] data/lib/level system.lua:407: in function 'adjustPokemonLevel'

    [10/04/2012 18:01:20] data/actions/scripts/rarecandy.lua:43: in function <data/actions/scripts/rarecandy.lua:1>

    OBS: isso só acontece com os pokemons shinys!

    mesmo que eu n use o Rarecandy, for upando o pokemon normal quando ele pega o level que é pra envoluir da o mesmo erro no console, o pokemon n envolui :/

  10. @353009

    Mano desculpa, nem da pra eu postar porque to usando internet 3G "modem da vivo"

    a velôcidade ta uma porcaria... mas se n fosse isso eu postava :)

    eu não mechi no client pra trocar a posição da pokebag pelo coins case, só mente mechi no items.xml,item.otb e em alguns script...


    pode me mandar o seu msn por PM?


    Depois fasso um Tutorial de como trocar de lugar a pokebag e o coins case.

    Galera vocês não acham melhor se fosse só os shinys que tem no pxg?

    tipow... eu acho que 151 Shinys deixa o server pesado.


    foi você que fez os portrats?

    se foi você vc poderia fazer os portrats dos shinys?

    tipow eu to mudando a spriter dos shinys pra ficar igual ao pxg... dai a cor do pokemon muda mais o portrait fica diferente =/


    erro da pokedex:


    [08/04/2012 15:11:02] [Error - Action Interface]

    [08/04/2012 15:11:02] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:onUse

    [08/04/2012 15:11:02] Description:

    [08/04/2012 15:11:02] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:44: attempt to index a boolean value

    [08/04/2012 15:11:02] stack traceback:

    [08/04/2012 15:11:02] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:44: in function <data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:3>

    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] Error while executing function "getPlayerInfoAboutPokemon("Novo, Iglybuff)", Iglybuff doesn't exist.


    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] [Error - Action Interface]

    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:onUse

    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] Description:

    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:44: attempt to index a boolean value

    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] stack traceback:

    [08/04/2012 15:11:04] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:44: in function <data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:3>



  11. @Slicer

    eu coloquei 5000 no script, só que ficou muito pior kkkkk'

    tipo... demora 5 segundos pra executar o script, dai quando o pokemon anda o efect fica no lugar que o pokemon tava :x

    dai o pokemon vai embora e o efect da aura fica lá parado kkkkkk'.

    aconteceu um bug agora da Pokebar, puxei o pokemon por ela, dai saiu 2 :X

    ex: eu puxei o magmar dai saiu o Magmar e Shiny Jynx, o Magmar ficou com o nome (Jynx)

    ;s e o pior foi que não deu erro no console ¬¬ jájá posto SS aqui pra você ver como que ficou essa prezepada kkkkkk'


    aff deixa pra lá o imageshack não ta upando a imagen =/ e a net aqui ta uma M...


    tenho um amigo que pode me arruma o tempo de todos os CD's caso eu conciga eu faço e posto aqui! =)

  12. @Slicer

    iae mano blz?

    eu to com um problema aqui...

    eu to usando a Aura System do ZerefShiro, então... o efect da aura tá aperecendo muito rapido, eu queria que aparece só em 5 em 5 segundos...

    o script é esse:


    function onThink(cid, interval)

    if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET) == nil or getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid == nil then return true end

    if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then return true end


    if getPlayerSlotItem(cid,CONST_SLOT_FEET) ~= nil or getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid ~= nil then

    if getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid, "boost") == 50 then

    --[[race = {

    ["grass"] = {effect = 248},

    ["poison"] = {effect = 208},

    ["rock"] = {effect = 247},

    ["psychic"] = {effect = 246},

    ["fire"] = {effect = 251},

    ["bug"] = {effect = 248},

    ["normal"] = {effect = 245},

    ["ice"] = {effect = 250},

    ["ground"] = {effect = 247},

    ["steel"] = {effect = 247},

    ["dragon"] = {effect = 249},

    ["flying"] = {effect = 249},

    ["dark"] = {effect = 208},

    ["electric"] = {effect = 244},

    ["ghost"] = {effect = 208},

    ["water"] = {effect = 250},

    ["fight"] = {effect = 245},


    local namepoke = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])

    info = pokes[namepoke].type

    local elemento = race[info]


    addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 200, getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 208)





    Erro no Catch System.lua




    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] [Error - Action Interface]

    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] In a timer event called from:

    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] data/actions/scripts/catch.lua:onUse

    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] Description:

    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] data/lib/catch system.lua:103: attempt to index a nil value

    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] stack traceback:

    [07/04/2012 22:11:19] data/lib/catch system.lua:103: in function <data/lib/catch system.lua:89>



  13. @SUAJA

    você já adicionou a tag no items.xml ?



    <item id="12326" article="a" name="pokebag">

    <attribute key="weight" value="0" />

    <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <--- isso é a quantidade de slot na backpack



    espero que eu tenha ajudado se não, não sei como ajudar =/

  14. @FlamesAdmin

    Vlw mano agora entendi! =)

    (eu sei oque é pvp '-')


    to colocando os level dos pokemons iguais ao do pxg Ex: Magmar level 80,Charizard level 85 etc...

    mais queria a ajuda de vocês porque n sei os level decorados se alguêm saber add no msn ae:

    (se a galera querer, posto aqui)


    como anda os moves mano?

    vai deixar igual o PXG?

    se for vlw ae! ^^


  15. @Slicer

    Desculpa mas não estou entendendo muito bem esse seu sistema "Sistema "Ir para PvP e voltar na City q entro no PvP"..."

    eu não estou usando mapa global "kpdo" estou fazendo um mapa propio, então... me explica essa parte aqui:

    --[actionID do piso] = {storage}

    [33691] = {181778}, -- Cinnabar

    [33692] = {181779}, -- pewter

    [33693] = {181780}, -- cerulean

    [33694] = {181781}, -- saffron

    [33695] = {181782}, -- vermillion

    [33696] = {181783}, -- fuchsia

    [33697] = {181784}, -- viridian

    [33698] = {181785}, -- celadon


    Qual ID devo colocar?

  16. @Slicer

    você poderia fazer as magias do PXG?

    ficarei muito grato, eu sei que não é facil mais vc falou que já tinha feito, entaõ pode fazer de novo?

    tipow: "Magma Storm"

    "Eu acharia mais legal se a jogabilidade do server fosse igual ao PXG só que com os sistemas diferenciados tipo.. Sexy System,Catch etc.."

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