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  1. Upvote
    juninhonx deu reputação a \Mattheus ~* em [Action] Ajuda Aeww   
    Secão Errada .
    Reportado :button_cancel:
    Poste no Lugar certo que eu te ajudarei .
  2. Upvote
    juninhonx deu reputação a sonkis em [Encerrado] Tibia Erro 10061   
    Bom está aparecendo esse erro porque o servidor está offline.
    Você não deve ter configurado ele certo.
    Tente Configurar de novo
  3. Upvote
    juninhonx deu reputação a Kreuus em [8.54 A 8.60] Kreuus Otserv V 1.0 Sem Debugs   
    Kreuus Otserv V 1.0 SEM DEBUGS
    Nova versão ;D
    Mapa propio
    Criado por mim!
    Gostou? entre na comunidade! do Sv
    Canal youtube! Entre e aprenda jogar no mapa
    Versão V 0.10 19/02/2010
    Versão V 0.20 02/03/2010
    Versão V 1.00 09/07/2010
    Account do ADM
    ScreenShots do Mapa
    As imagens demoram para caregar pois a qualidade e impecavel
    Update V 0.20

    Update outifit e potions!

    Download do Kreuus V 1.0
    4 shared ;D Clique ake!
    Scan Livre de virus!
    Link akee.
    Link pra baixa o remeres aqui! -> Aqui! <-

    AdminKreuus LeozeraRox Shynzo Fezzin Comedinhasss
    • Ele e ativado sempre quando o ot esta online
    • Não precisa mexe e automatico!
    • Thanks comedinhas ;D
    Bom pessoal postem oque acham, e se achar bug reporte para um de meus contatos ou aqui em baixo!
    Pits of Inferno Link.
    Rep +
  4. Upvote
    juninhonx deu reputação a DevilMoon em [ Action ]Pokeball System   
    PokeBall System!
    Ola Xtibianos, Vim hoje postar um Famoso Script de Pokeball System feito pelo Genioso Nahruto, claro pedi a autorização dele para postar.
    A Todos que forem pegar Scripts de outras Pessoas, lembre-se de sempre pedir autorização e claro colocar os creditos.
    Para Tfs: 0.34 , 0.35 e 0.36 Essas Forao Testadas E Funfo.
    Versoes: 8.42 - 8.50 - 8.52 - 8.54 - 8.6.
    Ots Testados: Snowz Yurots - Alissow Server - Styller Yurots
    Primeiramente Vamos Fuçar em Function.lua, se voce nao Sabe onde fica vá em:
    Abra e Coloque Isto:

    _warpzone = 2147483648 -- start storing strings here (THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM VALUE FOR THIS) _maxlength = 1024 -- multiply by 3 to get the true length. setPlayerStorageInteger = setPlayerStorageValue getPlayerStorageInteger = getPlayerStorageValue function setPlayerStorageString(cid, key, value) if #value > (_maxlength-1) * 3 - 1 then -- Last word is reserved for 0 termination of the string. error("Storage string is too long") end if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength local word = 0 local wordwrap = 0 local wordcount = 0 local i = 1 while i <= #value do local byte = string.byte(string.sub(value, i, i)) word = bit.bor(word, bit.lshift(byte, wordwrap)) wordwrap = wordwrap + 8 if wordwrap == 24 then --[[ In the ideal world we would be able to store 4 characters per word, however, as the default return value for getPlayerStorageValue is -1, we cant use the last bit. ]]-- setPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount, word) word = 0 wordwrap = 0 wordcount = wordcount + 1 end i = i + 1 end -- store the last word setPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount, word) end function getPlayerStorageString(cid, key) if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength local wordcount = 0 local str = "" while true do if wordcount >= _maxlength then break end local word = getPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount) if word == -1 then -- end of string break else -- Extract the 3 characters from the value byte =, 255) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 16711680), 16) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end end wordcount = wordcount + 1 end return str end
    E Isso!

    function doConvinceSummon(cid, creature, amount, pos) summonplayerpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z, stackpos=253} summonplayer = getThingfromPos(summonplayerpos) if(summonplayer ~= nil and summonplayer.itemid > 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"There is not enough room to summon here.") ret = 0 else convince = doSummonCreature(creature, pos) doConvinceCreature(cid, convince) ret = 1 end return ret end
    Agora Vamos Fazer o Script Vá em Pasta do Seu Ot > Data > Actions > Scripts Crie uma Pasta chamada pokeball.lua
    e bote isso dentro

    local notAllowed = {"Ferumbras", "Demon"} local storage = { status = 25650, pokeName = 25651 } local actionid_used = 7510 function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, item2, toPos) local pokeballStatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status) local pokeName = getPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName) pos = getPlayerPosition(cid) pos.stackpos = 0 if pokeballStatus == -1 then toPos.stackpos = 253 local pokeThing = getThingfromPos(toPos) if isCreature(pokeThing.uid) == TRUE then if isPlayer(pokeThing.uid) == FALSE then local pokename_ = getCreatureName(pokeThing.uid) if item.actionid ~= actionid_used then -- local maxHealth = 400 -- local creatureHealth = getCreatureHealth(pokeThing.uid) -- local divNum = (string.len(maxHealth)-1)^2 -- local result = math.floor((creatureHealth/divNum)/10) -- local chance = math.random(1, math.random(4, math.random(7, math.max(result, 7)))) -- if chance == result then if isInTable(notAllowed, pokename_) == TRUE then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot catch this creature") else setPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName, pokename_) doRemoveCreature(pokeThing.uid) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it contains a " .. pokename_ .. ".") doSetItemActionId(item.uid, actionid_used) end -- else -- doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2) -- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "The Pokemom Escaped") -- end elseif item.actionid == actionid_used and pokename_ == pokeName then doPlayerSay(cid, pokeName .. " Back!!", TALKTYPE_SAY) doRemoveCreature(pokeThing.uid) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it contains a " .. pokename_ .. ".") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37) else doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokeball is already used") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot catch this creature") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Creature not found") end elseif pokeballStatus == 1 then summons = getCreatureSummons(cid) -- if #summons >= 2 then -- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot call more pokemons") -- else doConvinceSummon(cid, pokeName, 0, toPos) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37) doPlayerSay(cid, pokeName .. " Go!!", TALKTYPE_SAY) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, -1) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it is empty.") -- end end else return 1 end function isInTable(t, val) for _, v in pairs(t) do if v == val then return TRUE end end return LUA_ERROR end
    para TFS

    local notAllowed = {"Ferumbras", "Demon"} local storage = { status = 15244, pokeName = 15212 } local actionid_used = 7510 function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, item2, toPos) local pokeballStatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status) local pokeName = getPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName) pos = getPlayerPosition(cid) pos.stackpos = 0 if pokeballStatus <= 0 then toPos.stackpos = 253 local pokeThing = getThingfromPos(toPos) if isCreature(pokeThing.uid) == TRUE then if isPlayer(pokeThing.uid) == FALSE then local pokename_ = getCreatureName(pokeThing.uid) if item.actionid ~= actionid_used then -- local maxHealth = 400 -- local creatureHealth = getCreatureHealth(pokeThing.uid) -- local divNum = (string.len(maxHealth)-1)^2 -- local result = math.floor((creatureHealth/divNum)/10) -- local chance = math.random(1, math.random(4, math.random(7, math.max(result, 7)))) -- if chance == result then if isInTable(notAllowed, pokename_) == TRUE then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot catch this creature") else setPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName, pokename_) doRemoveCreature(pokeThing.uid) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it contains a " .. pokename_ .. ".") doSetItemActionId(item.uid, actionid_used) end -- else -- doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2) -- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "The Pokemom Escaped") -- end elseif item.actionid == actionid_used and pokename_ == pokeName then doCreatureSay(cid, pokeName .. " Back!!", TALKTYPE_SAY) doRemoveCreature(pokeThing.uid) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it contains a " .. pokename_ .. ".") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37) else doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This pokeball is already used") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot catch this creature") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Creature not found") end elseif pokeballStatus == 1 then -- summons = doCreatureSummons(cid) -- if #summons >= 2 then -- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot call more pokemons") -- else doConvinceSummon(cid, pokeName, 0, toPos) doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37) doCreatureSay(cid, pokeName .. " Go!!", TALKTYPE_SAY) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 0) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "it is empty.") -- end end return 1 end function isInTable(t, val) for _, v in pairs(t) do if v == val then return TRUE end end return LUA_ERROR end
    Agora Vamos Adicionar as Tags, vá em Data>Actions.xml e Adicione as Tags Corretas´

    <action itemid="xxxx" script="pokeball.lua" allowfaruse="1" blockwalls="1" />
    [font-"Georgia"]em <action itemid="xxxx" nos 4 X voce coloca o Number Id Do seu Item que Será como uma "Pokeball"[/font]
    Oque o Script Faz Realmente:
    - Guarda monstros dentro de objetos e salva seu status, você pode colocar pra salvar em qlqr objeto.. seria ótimo para projetos pokemons..
    Print Screen's:
    Snorlax Saindo da Pokeball:

    Snorlax Voltando para a Pokeball

    Look da Pokeball ( o Player so Ve assim You See a Pokeball , Have Snorlax )]

    Lembrando que eu nao Adicionei o Efeito da Pokeball Abrindo e Jogando o Monstro.
    Para fazer este Tipo de efeito voce vai ter que saber direitinho o LookType da Pokeball Fechando e Saindo, e transformar para um efeito e depois modificar no Script, aqui no xtibia Existe varios Tutoriais explicando isto, é so procurar!

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