IP:KORYKORA.ORG PORT:7171 ver. 8.4
WEB: http://ots.korykora.org/
Forums: http://forum.korykora.org/
1-20: 40x
21-50: 35x
51-100: 25x
101-200: 20x
201+: 10x
Mlvl- 10x
Skills- 30x
Loot- 2x
The server than anything else!
The mixture of RPG and the server facilitating factors as:
-Teleports to the main-exp
-You know the city processed Venore [Venoris] (indicating that it is NOT RL map)
-We begin by 8LVL
-A lot of new and for those already well-known quests such as:
* Anihilator
* Demon Helmet Quest
* Ascient Helmet
* Demon Oak
Map here