rafersiq 21 Posted March 8, 2022 Share Posted March 8, 2022 bom dia a todos eu to tendo um problema com um script que aconteceu quando eu posco e fico matando ele e deu esse erro Citar [08/03/2022 10:03:40] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [08/03/2022 10:03:40] datapack/creaturescripts/scripts/pokeadvance.lua:onKill [08/03/2022 10:03:40] Description: [08/03/2022 10:03:40] datapack/creaturescripts/scripts/pokeadvance.lua:698: attempt to index local 'Buceta' (a nil value) [08/03/2022 10:03:40] stack traceback: [08/03/2022 10:03:40] datapack/creaturescripts/scripts/pokeadvance.lua:698: in function <datapack/creaturescripts/scripts/pokeadvance.lua:651> se alguem poder ajudar eu agradeço Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 VelhoBarreiro 52 Posted March 8, 2022 Share Posted March 8, 2022 Joga o pokeadvance.lua aqui! Frenvius 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 rafersiq 21 Posted March 8, 2022 Author Share Posted March 8, 2022 pokeadvance.luapokeadvance.lua Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 VelhoBarreiro 52 Posted March 16, 2022 Share Posted March 16, 2022 Em 08/03/2022 em 11:28, rafersiq disse: pokeadvance.lua 21.28 kB · 1 download pokeadvance.lua 21.28 kB · 1 download To sem nenhuma base pokemon aqui, mas... A linha do erro retorna isso: if isPlayer(target) == FALSE and getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") < levelMax and getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "exp") >= 0 and (Buceta.exp + exp) < (level * expStart) + (expStart *(level - 1)) then Tem uns values chamados de "buceta", te recomendo testar alguns pokeadvance.lua de outras bases, ou só mudar da linha 651 pra baixo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Marshmello 270 Posted March 23, 2022 Share Posted March 23, 2022 Citar --[[ Feito por : Brendo Hiesttfer e Lucas Silva tag xml : <event type="kill" name="PokeLevel" script="pokelevel.lua"/> Registrar isso no login.lua registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PokeLevel") ]] local BrendoXp = { ---------1º Geração--------- ["Abra"] = {exp = 6}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {exp = 26}, ["Alakazam"] = {exp = 24}, ["Arbok"] = {exp = 6}, ["Arcanine"] = {exp = 15}, ["Articuno"] = {exp = 450}, ["Beedrill"] = {exp = 11}, ["Bellsprout"] = {exp = 5}, ["Blastoise"] = {exp = 26}, ["Bulbasaur"] = {exp = 5}, ["Butterfree"] = {exp = 9}, ["Caterpie"] = {exp = 3}, ["Chansey"] = {exp = 10}, ["Charizard Halloween"] = {exp = 1}, ["Charizard"] = {exp = 19}, ["Charmander"] = {exp = 9}, ["Charmeleon"] = {exp = 14}, ["Clefable"] = {exp = 21}, ["Clefairy"] = {exp = 5}, ["Cloyster"] = {exp = 6}, ["Cubone"] = {exp = 5}, ["Dewgong"] = {exp = 5}, ["Diglett"] = {exp = 9}, ["Ditto"] = {exp = 9}, ["Dodrio"] = {exp = 9}, ["Doduo"] = {exp = 7}, ["Dragonair"] = {exp = 18}, ["Dragonite"] = {exp = 30}, ["Dratini"] = {exp = 22}, ["Drowzee"] = {exp = 21}, ["Dugtrio"] = {exp = 12}, ["Eevee"] = {exp = 12}, ["Ekans"] = {exp = 9}, ["Ekans"] = {exp = 9}, ["Electabuzz"] = {exp = 16}, ["Electrode"] = {exp = 16}, ["Exeggcute"] = {exp = 19}, ["Exeggutor"] = {exp = 20}, ["Farfetch'd"] = {exp = 19}, ["Fearow"] = {exp = 17}, ["Furious Charizard"] = {exp = 1}, ["Gastly"] = {exp = 10}, ["Gengar"] = {exp = 25}, ["Geodude"] = {exp = 9}, ["Giant Gengar"] = {exp = 22}, ["Gloom"] = {exp = 12}, ["Golbat"] = {exp = 5}, ["Goldeen"] = {exp = 4}, ["Golduck"] = {exp = 16}, ["Golem"] = {exp = 24}, ["Graveler"] = {exp = 15}, ["Growlithe"] = {exp = 16}, ["Gyarados"] = {exp = 20}, ["Haunter"] = {exp = 12}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {exp = 9}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {exp = 8}, ["Horsea"] = {exp = 4}, ["Hypno"] = {exp = 8}, ["Ivysaur"] = {exp = 4}, ["jeuhgw"] = {exp = 3}, ["Jolteon"] = {exp = 13}, ["Jynx"] = {exp = 19}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {exp = 14}, ["Kabuto"] = {exp = 19}, ["Kabutops"] = {exp = 16}, ["Kadabra"] = {exp = 14}, ["Kakuna"] = {exp = 4}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {exp = 16}, ["Kingler"] = {exp = 12}, ["Koffing"] = {exp = 11}, ["Krabby"] = {exp = 7}, ["Lapras"] = {exp = 20}, ["Lickitung"] = {exp = 20}, ["Machamp"] = {exp = 16}, ["Machoke"] = {exp = 15}, ["Machop"] = {exp = 21}, ["Magikarp"] = {exp = 10}, ["Magmar"] = {exp = 22}, ["Magnemite"] = {exp = 21}, ["Magneton"] = {exp = 17}, ["Mankey"] = {exp = 12}, ["Marowak Halloween"] = {exp = 1}, ["Marowak"] = {exp = 16}, ["Meowth"] = {exp = 14}, ["Metapod"] = {exp = 13}, ["Mew"] = {exp = 210}, ["Mewtwo"] = {exp = 290}, ["Moltres"] = {exp = 300}, ["Mr. Mime"] = {exp = 13}, ["Muk"] = {exp = 12}, ["Nidoking"] = {exp = 20}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {exp = 21}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {exp = 18}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {exp = 18}, ["Nidorina"] = {exp = 19}, ["Nidorino"] = {exp = 14}, ["Ninetales"] = {exp = 16}, ["Oddish"] = {exp = 12}, ["Omanyte"] = {exp = 10}, ["Omastar"] = {exp = 11}, ["Onix"] = {exp = 16}, ["Paras"] = {exp = 16}, ["Parasect"] = {exp = 19}, ["Persian"] = {exp = 6}, ["Pidgeot"] = {exp = 19}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {exp = 18}, ["Pidgey"] = {exp = 16}, ["Pikachu"] = {exp = 17}, ["Pinsir"] = {exp = 13}, ["Poliwag"] = {exp = 10}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {exp = 20}, ["Poliwrath"] = {exp = 16}, ["Ponyta"] = {exp = 22}, ["Porygon"] = {exp = 22}, ["Primeape"] = {exp = 16}, ["Psyduck"] = {exp = 14}, ["Raichu"] = {exp = 21}, ["Rapidash"] = {exp = 21}, ["Raticate"] = {exp = 11}, ["Rattata"] = {exp = 9}, ["Rhydon"] = {exp = 21}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {exp = 29}, ["Sandshrew"] = {exp = 12}, ["Sandslash"] = {exp = 16}, ["Scyther"] = {exp = 14}, ["Seadra"] = {exp = 15}, ["Seaking"] = {exp = 12}, ["Seel"] = {exp = 10}, ["Shellder"] = {exp = 11}, ["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {exp = 78}, ["Shiny Caterpie"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Chansey"] = {exp = 61}, ["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {exp = 55}, ["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {exp = 61}, ["Shiny Gloom"] = {exp = 51}, ["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {exp = 48}, ["Shiny Lapras"] = {exp = 72}, ["Shiny Magmar"] = {exp = 72}, ["Shiny Porygon"] = {exp = 82}, ["Shiny Staryu"] = {exp = 61}, ["Shiny Wartortle"] = {exp = 51}, ["Shiny Weezing"] = {exp = 65}, ["Slowbro"] = {exp = 15}, ["Slowpoke"] = {exp = 19}, ["Snorlax"] = {exp = 25}, ["Spearow"] = {exp = 6}, ["Squirtle"] = {exp = 6}, ["Starmie"] = {exp = 10}, ["Staryu"] = {exp = 11}, ["Tangela"] = {exp = 21}, ["Tauros"] = {exp = 20}, ["Tentacool"] = {exp = 12}, ["Tentacruel"] = {exp = 29}, ["Vaporeon"] = {exp = 26}, ["Venomoth"] = {exp = 23}, ["Venonat"] = {exp = 14}, ["Venusaur"] = {exp = 44}, ["Victreebel"] = {exp = 31}, ["Vileplume"] = {exp = 27}, ["Voltorb"] = {exp = 19}, ["Vulpix"] = {exp = 14}, ["Wartortle"] = {exp = 20}, ["Weedle"] = {exp = 9}, ["Weepinbell"] = {exp = 22}, ["Weezing"] = {exp = 19}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {exp = 11}, ["Zapdos"] = {exp = 302}, ["Zubat"] = {exp = 12}, ----------2ºGeração-------- ["Aipom"] = {exp = 12}, ["Ampharos"] = {exp = 16}, ["Ariados"] = {exp = 10}, ["Azumarill"] = {exp = 16}, ["Bayleef"] = {exp = 9}, ["Bellossom"] = {exp = 8}, ["Blissey"] = {exp = 19}, ["Celebi"] = {exp = 350}, ["Chikorita"] = {exp = 6}, ["Chinchou"] = {exp = 7}, ["Cleffa"] = {exp = 10}, ["Corsola"] = {exp = 5}, ["Crobat"] = {exp = 17}, ["Croconaw"] = {exp = 5}, ["Cyndaquil"] = {exp = 4}, ["Delibird"] = {exp = 15}, ["Donphan"] = {exp = 11}, ["Dunsparce"] = {exp = 6}, ["Elekid"] = {exp = 4}, ["Entei"] = {exp = 290}, ["Espeon"] = {exp = 29}, ["Feraligatr"] = {exp = 21}, ["Flaaffy"] = {exp = 16}, ["Forretress"] = {exp = 13}, ["Furret"] = {exp = 11}, ["Girafarig"] = {exp = 19}, ["Gligar"] = {exp = 6}, ["Granbull"] = {exp = 4}, ["Heracross"] = {exp = 12}, ["Hitmontop"] = {exp = 15}, ["Ho-oh"] = {exp = 490}, ["Hoothoot"] = {exp = 11}, ["Hoppip"] = {exp = 7}, ["Houndoom"] = {exp = 12}, ["Houndour"] = {exp = 10}, ["Igglybuff"] = {exp = 4}, ["Jumpluff"] = {exp = 3}, ["Kingdra"] = {exp = 16}, ["Lanturn"] = {exp = 13}, ["Larvitar"] = {exp = 5}, ["Ledian"] = {exp = 13}, ["Ledyba"] = {exp = 10}, ["Lugia"] = {exp = 410}, ["Magby"] = {exp = 12}, ["Mantine"] = {exp = 13}, ["Mareep"] = {exp = 12}, ["Marill"] = {exp = 8}, ["Meganium"] = {exp = 20}, ["Miltank"] = {exp = 19}, ["Misdreavus"] = {exp = 19}, ["Murkrow"] = {exp = 12}, ["Natu"] = {exp = 10}, ["Noctowl"] = {exp = 27}, ["Octillery"] = {exp = 16}, ["Phanpy"] = {exp = 6}, ["Pichu"] = {exp = 5}, ["Piloswine"] = {exp = 8}, ["Pineco"] = {exp = 4}, ["Politoed"] = {exp = 11}, ["Porygon2"] = {exp = 16}, ["Pupitar"] = {exp = 15}, ["Quagsire"] = {exp = 12}, ["Quilava"] = {exp = 15}, ["Qwilfish"] = {exp = 12}, ["Raikou"] = {exp = 390}, ["Remoraid"] = {exp = 5}, ["Scizor"] = {exp = 12}, ["Sentret"] = {exp = 12}, ["Shiny Blissey"] = {exp = 66}, ["Shiny Kingdra"] = {exp = 55}, ["Shiny Miltank"] = {exp = 51}, ["Shiny Steelix"] = {exp = 61}, ["Shiny Typhlosion"] = {exp = 57}, ["Shiny Tyranitar"] = {exp = 64}, ["Shuckle"] = {exp = 4}, ["Skarmory"] = {exp = 15}, ["Skiploom"] = {exp = 13}, ["Slowking"] = {exp = 16}, ["Slugma"] = {exp = 6}, ["Smoochum"] = {exp = 12}, ["Sneasel"] = {exp = 13}, ["Spinarak"] = {exp = 4}, ["Stantler"] = {exp = 6}, ["Steelix"] = {exp = 20}, ["Sudowoodo"] = {exp = 15}, ["Suicune"] = {exp = 410}, ["Sunflora"] = {exp = 12}, ["Sunkern"] = {exp = 9}, ["Swinub"] = {exp = 9}, ["Teddiursa"] = {exp = 10}, ["Togepi"] = {exp = 19}, ["Togetic"] = {exp = 25}, ["Totodile"] = {exp = 16}, ["Typhlosion"] = {exp = 31}, ["Tyranitar"] = {exp = 26}, ["Tyrogue"] = {exp = 19}, ["Umbreon"] = {exp = 17}, ["Unown"] = {exp = 6}, ["Ursaring"] = {exp = 15}, ["Wobbuffet"] = {exp = 16}, ["Wooper"] = {exp = 12}, ["Xatu"] = {exp = 9}, ["Yanma"] = {exp = 10}, -------- 3º Geração--------- ["Absol"] = {exp = 22}, ["Aggron"] = {exp = 9}, ["Altaria"] = {exp = 12}, ["Anorith"] = {exp = 7}, ["Armaldo"] = {exp = 10}, ["Aron"] = {exp = 6}, ["Bagon"] = {exp = 4}, ["Baltoy"] = {exp = 5}, ["Banette"] = {exp = 4}, ["Barboach"] = {exp = 8}, ["Beautifly"] = {exp = 7}, ["Beldum"] = {exp = 2}, ["Blaziken"] = {exp = 34}, ["Breloom"] = {exp = 19}, ["Budew"] = {exp = 6}, ["Cacnea"] = {exp = 7}, ["Cacturne"] = {exp = 9}, ["Camerupt"] = {exp = 12}, ["Carvanha"] = {exp = 9}, ["Cascoon"] = {exp = 5}, ["Castform"] = {exp = 4}, ["Chimecho"] = {exp = 21}, ["Chingling"] = {exp = 4}, ["Clamperl"] = {exp = 13}, ["Claydol"] = {exp = 25}, ["Combusken"] = {exp = 15}, ["Corphish"] = {exp = 11}, ["Cradily"] = {exp = 12}, ["Crawdaunt"] = {exp = 9}, ["Delcatty"] = {exp = 15}, ["Dusclops"] = {exp = 19}, ["Dusknoir"] = {exp = 32}, ["Duskull"] = {exp = 9}, ["Dustox"] = {exp = 10}, ["Electrike"] = {exp = 12}, ["Exploud"] = {exp = 16}, ["Feebas"] = {exp = 3}, ["Feebas"] = {exp = 3}, ["Flygon"] = {exp = 44}, ["Froslass"] = {exp = 22}, ["Gallade"] = {exp = 26}, ["Gardevoir"] = {exp = 22}, ["Glalie"] = {exp = 18}, ["Glalie"] = {exp = 16}, ["Groudon"] = {exp = 500}, ["Grovyle"] = {exp = 20}, ["Grumpig"] = {exp = 12}, ["Gulpin"] = {exp = 12}, ["Hariyama"] = {exp = 11}, ["Huntail"] = {exp = 9}, ["Illumise"] = {exp = 12}, ["Jirachi"] = {exp = 350}, ["Kecleon"] = {exp = 6}, ["Kirlia"] = {exp = 10}, ["Kyogre"] = {exp = 700}, ["Lairon"] = {exp = 10}, ["Lileep"] = {exp = 6}, ["Linoone"] = {exp = 8}, ["Lombre"] = {exp = 9}, ["Lotad"] = {exp = 7}, ["Loudred"] = {exp = 9}, ["Loudred"] = {exp = 9}, ["Ludicolo"] = {exp = 12}, ["Lunatone"] = {exp = 15}, ["Luvdisc"] = {exp = 21}, ["Magnezone"] = {exp = 27}, ["Makuhita"] = {exp = 11}, ["Manectric"] = {exp = 13}, ["Marshtomp"] = {exp = 16}, ["Masquerain"] = {exp = 11}, ["Mawile"] = {exp = 10}, ["Medicham"] = {exp = 20}, ["Meditite"] = {exp = 16}, ["Metagross"] = {exp = 25}, ["Metang"] = {exp = 14}, ["Mightyena"] = {exp = 22}, ["Milotic"] = {exp = 23}, ["Minun"] = {exp = 14}, ["Mudkip"] = {exp = 9}, ["Nincada"] = {exp = 11}, ["Ninjask"] = {exp = 14}, ["Nosepass"] = {exp = 13}, ["Numel"] = {exp = 16}, ["Nuzleaf"] = {exp = 21}, ["Palkia"] = {exp = 250}, ["Pelipper"] = {exp = 15}, ["Phione"] = {exp = 14}, ["Plusle"] = {exp = 11}, ["Poochyena"] = {exp = 10}, ["Primal Kyogre"] = {exp = 410}, ["Probopass"] = {exp = 24}, ["Ralts"] = {exp = 14}, ["Rayquaza"] = {exp = 410}, ["Regice"] = {exp = 354}, ["Regirock"] = {exp = 354}, ["Registeel"] = {exp = 354}, ["Relicanth"] = {exp = 20}, ["Roselia"] = {exp = 14}, ["Roserade"] = {exp = 25}, ["Sableye"] = {exp = 25}, ["Salamence"] = {exp = 26}, ["Sceptile"] = {exp = 24}, ["Sealeo"] = {exp = 22}, ["Seedot"] = {exp = 19}, ["Seviper"] = {exp = 17}, ["Sharpedo"] = {exp = 13}, ["Shedinja"] = {exp = 16}, ["Shelgon"] = {exp = 13}, ["Shiftry"] = {exp = 19}, ["Shiny Absol"] = {exp = 55}, ["Shiny Aggron"] = {exp = 48}, ["Shiny Aron"] = {exp = 42}, ["Shiny Beldum"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Cradily"] = {exp = 38}, ["Shiny Flygon"] = {exp = 51}, ["Shiny Gallade"] = {exp = 55}, ["Shiny Gardevoir"] = {exp = 57}, ["Shiny Lairon"] = {exp = 39}, ["Shiny Lileep"] = {exp = 38}, ["Shiny Metagross"] = {exp = 69}, ["Shiny Metang"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Milotic"] = {exp = 65}, ["Shiny Probopass"] = {exp = 66}, ["Shiny Salamence"] = {exp = 64}, ["Shiny Sceptile"] = {exp = 64}, ["Shiny Shelgon"] = {exp = 55}, ["Shiny Treecko"] = {exp = 33}, ["Shiny Tropius"] = {exp = 77}, ["Shroomish"] = {exp = 20}, ["Shuppet"] = {exp = 21}, ["Silcoon"] = {exp = 16}, ["Skitty"] = {exp = 14}, ["Slaking"] = {exp = 25}, ["Slakoth"] = {exp = 22}, ["Snorunt"] = {exp = 23}, ["Solrock"] = {exp = 21}, ["Spheal"] = {exp = 14}, ["Spinda"] = {exp = 10}, ["Spoink"] = {exp = 10}, ["Surskit"] = {exp = 15}, ["Swablu"] = {exp = 15}, ["Swalot"] = {exp = 16}, ["Swampert"] = {exp = 13}, ["Swellow"] = {exp = 13}, ["Taillow"] = {exp = 15}, ["Torchic"] = {exp = 10}, ["Torkoal"] = {exp = 12}, ["Trapinch"] = {exp = 11}, ["Treecko"] = {exp = 8}, ["Tropius"] = {exp = 29}, ["Vibrava"] = {exp = 20}, ["Vigoroth"] = {exp = 11}, ["Volbeat"] = {exp = 12}, ["Wailmer"] = {exp = 13}, ["Wailord"] = {exp = 20}, ["Walrein"] = {exp = 14}, ["Whiscash"] = {exp = 14}, ["Whismur"] = {exp = 11}, ["Wingull"] = {exp = 10}, ["Wurmple"] = {exp = 13}, ["Zangoose"] = {exp = 16}, ["Zigzagoon"] = {exp = 16}, -------- 4º Geração--------- ["Abomasnow"] = {exp = 21}, ["Ambipom"] = {exp = 22}, ["Bastiodon"] = {exp = 26}, ["Bibarel"] = {exp = 19}, ["Bonsly"] = {exp = 12}, ["Bronzong"] = {exp = 16}, ["Bronzor"] = {exp = 14}, ["Buizel"] = {exp = 11}, ["Buneary"] = {exp = 14}, ["Burmy"] = {exp = 16}, ["Carnivine"] = {exp = 20}, ["Chatot"] = {exp = 12}, ["Cherrim"] = {exp = 11}, ["Cherubi"] = {exp = 9}, ["Chimchar"] = {exp = 11}, ["Combee"] = {exp = 11}, ["Cranidos"] = {exp = 21}, ["Croagunk"] = {exp = 21}, ["Darkrai Nightmare"] = {exp = 189}, ["Darkrai"] = {exp = 310}, ["Drapion"] = {exp = 26}, ["Drifblim"] = {exp = 24}, ["Drifloon"] = {exp = 16}, ["Electivire"] = {exp = 14}, ["Empoleon"] = {exp = 33}, ["Finneon"] = {exp = 19}, ["Floatzel"] = {exp = 14}, ["Gabite"] = {exp = 9}, ["Garchomp"] = {exp = 24}, ["Gastrodon"] = {exp = 19}, ["Gible"] = {exp = 13}, ["Giratina"] = {exp = 480}, ["Glaceon"] = {exp = 21}, ["Glameow"] = {exp = 19}, ["Gliscor"] = {exp = 24}, ["Grotle"] = {exp = 19}, ["Happiny"] = {exp = 14}, ["Heatran"] = {exp = 16}, ["Hippopotas"] = {exp = 17}, ["Hippowdon"] = {exp = 13}, ["Honchkrow"] = {exp = 27}, ["Infernape"] = {exp = 26}, ["Kricketot"] = {exp = 21}, ["Kricketune"] = {exp = 19}, ["Leafeon"] = {exp = 19}, ["Lickilicky"] = {exp = 25}, ["Lopunny"] = {exp = 25}, ["Lucario"] = {exp = 25}, ["Lumineon"] = {exp = 16}, ["Luxio"] = {exp = 13}, ["Luxray"] = {exp = 9}, ["Magmortar"] = {exp = 26}, ["Mamoswine"] = {exp = 24}, ["Mantyke"] = {exp = 21}, ["Mime Jr."] = {exp = 22}, ["Mismagius"] = {exp = 19}, ["Monferno"] = {exp = 10}, ["Mothim"] = {exp = 7}, ["Pachirisu"] = {exp = 9}, ["Piplup"] = {exp = 4}, ["Prinplup"] = {exp = 10}, ["Purugly"] = {exp = 6}, ["Rampardos"] = {exp = 22}, ["Regigigas"] = {exp = 244}, ["Riolo"] = {exp = 22}, ["Shaymin"] = {exp = 22}, ["Shellos"] = {exp = 16}, ["Shieldon"] = {exp = 13}, ["Shinx"] = {exp = 13}, ["Shiny Drapion"] = {exp = 53}, ["Shiny Gliscor"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Lucario"] = {exp = 66}, ["Shiny Spiritomb"] = {exp = 74}, ["Shiny Togekiss"] = {exp = 74}, ["Skorupi"] = {exp = 16}, ["Skuntank"] = {exp = 11}, ["Snover"] = {exp = 9}, ["Spiritomb"] = {exp = 55}, ["Staraptor"] = {exp = 19}, ["Staravia"] = {exp = 19}, ["Starly"] = {exp = 8}, ["Stunky"] = {exp = 9}, ["Tangrowth"] = {exp = 34}, ["Togekiss"] = {exp = 55}, ["Torterra"] = {exp = 26}, ["Toxicroak"] = {exp = 22}, ["Turtwig"] = {exp = 16}, ["Uxie"] = {exp = 9}, ["Vespiquen"] = {exp = 9}, ["Weavile"] = {exp = 6}, ["Wormadam Grass"] = {exp = 6}, ["Wormadam steel"] = {exp = 6}, ["Wormadam Ground"] = {exp = 6}, ["Yanmega"] = {exp = 7}, ----------Especiais---------- ["Cresselia"] = {exp = 200}, ["Dragonite Milenar"] = {exp = 100}, ["Horder Leader Alakazam"] = {exp = 100}, ["Giant Gallade"] = {exp = 90}, ["Natal Machine"] = {exp = 90}, ["Rocket Machine"] = {exp = 90}, ---------Shinys-------------- ["Shiny Abra"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Alakazam"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Ariados"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Beedrill"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Charizard"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Clefable"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Cubone"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Dratini"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Electrode"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Fearow"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Flareon"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Gengar"] = {exp = 60}, ["Shiny Golbat"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Golem"] = {exp = 44}, ["Grimer"] = {exp = 11}, ["Shiny Grimer"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Growlithe"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Hitmontop"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Hypno"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Jynx"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Kingler"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Krabby"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Magby"] = {exp = 44}, ["Shiny Magikarp"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Marowak"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Magneton"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Muk"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Nidoking"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Oddish"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Onix"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Paras"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Parasect"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Pinsir"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Politoed"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Raichu"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Raticate"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Rattata"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Rhydon"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Rhyperior"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Roserade"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Scyther"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Seadra"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Stantler"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Tangela"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Tangrowth"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Umbreon"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Venonat"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Vileplume"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Voltorb"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Zubat"] = {exp = 26}, ["Shiny Arbok"] = {exp = 46}, ---------Boss--------------- ["Guardian Magmar"] = {exp = 1}, ["Boss Togekiss"] = {exp = 1}, ["Boss Metagross"] = {exp = 1}, ["Maquina Magmar"] = {exp = 900}, -----------6º Geração------------- ["Chandelure"] = {exp = 10}, ["Hydreigon"] = {exp = 12}, ["Emboar"] = {exp = 12}, ["Serperior"] = {exp = 13}, ["Shiny Serperior"] = {exp = 19}, ["Shiny Hydreigon"] = {exp = 19}, ["Shiny Emboar"] = {exp = 19}, ["Shiny Chandelure"] = {exp = 19}, ["Zorua"] = {exp = 19}, ["Latios"] = {exp = 350}, ["Latias"] = {exp = 360}, ["Gient Gallede"] = {exp = 120}, ["Joker Gengar"] = {exp = 120}, --------CASTLE---------- ["Castle Mewtwo"] = {exp = 120}, ["Castle Charizard"] = {exp = 50}, ["Castle Blastoise"] = {exp = 50}, ["Castle Venusaur"] = {exp = 50}, ["Castle Snorlax"] = {exp = 50}, } function onKill(cid, target) local posss = getCreaturePosition(cid) local Buceta = BrendoXp[getCreatureName(target)] local Buceta2 = math.random(1,5) if not buceta then buceta = {exp = math.random(30,50) end local feet = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET) local chck = getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "exp") local chckc = getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") local summons = getPlayerPokemons(cid) if #summons == 0 then return true end if getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") == levelMax then return true end if getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).pvp then return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990) > 0 then return true end if isSummon(cid) and getCreatureStorage(cid,10) == "guardian" then return true end local pk = getPlayerPokemons(cid)[1] if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE and isSummon(target) == true then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your Pokemon dont gain experience in Duel") return TRUE end ---------------------------------------------------------------- level 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- if isPlayer(target) == FALSE and getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") == False then return true end local level = getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") local exp = getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "exp") local pk = getPlayerPokemons(cid)[1] if isPlayer(target) == FALSE and getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") < levelMax and getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "exp") >= 0 and (Buceta.exp + exp) < (level * expStart) + (expStart *(level - 1)) then doItemSetAttribute(feet.uid, "exp", chck +Buceta.exp) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "Seu "..getPokeName(getPlayerPokemons(cid)[1]).." ganhou ".. Buceta.exp.." de experiência por derrotar "..getCreatureName(target)..".") return true end if isPlayer(target) == FALSE and getItemAttribute(feet.uid, "level") < levelMax and (Buceta.exp + exp) >= (level * expStart) + (expStart *(level - 1)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "Seu "..getCreatureName(getPlayerPokemons(cid)[1]).." avançou do nível "..level.." para o nível "..level + 1 ..".") doItemSetAttribute(feet.uid, "level", level +1) doItemSetAttribute(feet.uid, "exp", 0) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerPokemons(cid)[1]), "LEVEL UP!", 215) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerPokemons(cid)[1]), 211) adjustStatus(pk, feet.uid, true, true, true) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rafersiq 21
bom dia a todos eu to tendo um problema com um script que aconteceu quando eu posco e fico matando ele
e deu esse erro
se alguem poder ajudar eu agradeço
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