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TFS 1.3 - Casks e Kegs não funcionam.



Olá a todos,


Utilizo o TFS 1.3.

Meu problema é o seguinte:


Nada acontece ao usar as Casks e Kegs dentro (no caso das kegs) ou fora da mochila (ambas).
Segue abaixo o código do script:



local targetIdList = {
     --health potions casks
    [28555] = {itemId = 7636, transform = 7618}, [28579] = {itemId = 7636, transform = 7618}, -- Health Potion --
     [28556] = {itemId = 7634, transform = 7588}, [28580] = {itemId = 7634, transform = 7588}, -- Strong Health --
     [28557] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 7591}, [28581] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 7591}, -- Great Health --
     [28558] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 8473}, [28582] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 8473}, -- Ultimate Health --
     [28559] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 26031}, [28583] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 26031}, -- Supreme Health --
     --mana potions casks
     [28565] = {itemId = 7636, transform = 7620}, [28584] = {itemId = 7636, transform = 7620}, -- Mana Potion --
     [28566] = {itemId = 7634, transform = 7589}, [28585] = {itemId = 7634, transform = 7589}, -- Strong Mana --
     [28567] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 7590}, [28586] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 7590}, -- Great Mana --
     [28568] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 26029}, [28587] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 26029}, -- Ultimate Mana --
     --spirit potions caks
     [28575] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 8472}, [28589] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 8472}, -- Great Spirit --
     [28576] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 26030}, [28590] = {itemId = 7635, transform = 26030}, --Ultimate Spirit --

function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
    if target:getId() >= 28535 and target:getId() <= 28590 then
    local house = player:getTile():getHouse()
    if house and house:canEditAccessList(SUBOWNER_LIST, player) and house:canEditAccessList(doorId, player) or target:getId() >= 28579 then
    elseif target:getId() >= 28535 and target:getId() < 28579 then
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'Sorry, casks only can be useds inside house.')
        return false
        return false

    if target then
        local charges = target:getCharges()
         if item:getCount() > charges then
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, string.format('Sorry, only Remaining %s charges.', charges))
            return false

         local targetId = targetIdList[target:getId()]
         if targetId then
             if item:getId() == targetId.itemId then
                charges = charges - item:getCount()
                target:transform(target:getId(), charges)
                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, string.format('Remaining %s charges.', charges))

                if charges == 0 then
    return true



<action fromid="7634" toid="7636" script="others/variables/caskKegs.lua"/>


Edited by d0gw4r
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