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[Germany] [7.72] Belvedera74 Mid-Rate Real Map, PvP - Enforced, Friday 22/2 - 18:00 !


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Server Informations 



IP : belvedera74.net
Web : Belvedera74 (http://belvedera74.net/)
Client : Custom Client ( 7.1/7.4 Spirites )
Uptime : 24/7
Hosting Location : Germany, Frankfurt ( Europe )

Server Configurations 



Anti-Bot Client 
No Pz-Zone on Boats
Custom Spawns/Quests (Click Here)
30+ Added Tasks (Click Here)
NPC Runes 1x, Conjured Runes 2x
Djinn/Rashid is Free
NPC Runes (bp sd, bp mf, bp mwall etc...)

PvP Configurations 34717 34718 34719 :

White Skull Time : 10 Minutes
Red Skull : 5 Frags (1 Day Red Skull)
Banishment : 6 Frags (2 Days Banishment)

Stages & Regeneration 34720:

1 - 20 = 25x
21 - 30 = 20x
31 - 40 = 18x
41 - 50 = 16x
51 - 60 = 14x
61 - 70 = 12x
71 - 80 = 10x
81 - 90 = 8x
91 - 100 = 6x
101 - 110 = 4x
111 - 120 = 2x
121+ = 1x

Rate Skill = 6x
Rate Loot = 3x
Rate Magic = 2x
Exp From Players = 2x

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