LuckXL 4 Posted September 26, 2018 Share Posted September 26, 2018 Em 25/09/2018 em 12:12, Visitante disse: Atualizando tópico com o target. Como faco desvio condicional e inclusão? eu sou amador ainda Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Refe 320 Posted September 28, 2018 Author Share Posted September 28, 2018 Em 26/09/2018 em 17:39, LuckXL disse: Como faco desvio condicional e inclusão? eu sou amador ainda No tutorial tá tudo direitinho, mas resumidamente: Desvio condicional é o nome dado para os if/else/else if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Refe 320 Posted February 24, 2019 Author Share Posted February 24, 2019 2 minutos atrás, Thalles Vitor disse: Desculpa reviver o tópico mas, em vez de if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { Não seria if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { Não. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Refe 320 Posted February 24, 2019 Author Share Posted February 24, 2019 2 minutos atrás, Thalles Vitor disse: Aqui eu tentei botar na function if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { Deu vários erros. Segue o tutorial direito, pois ninguém teve erro. Se sua source for editada, você vai ter que adaptar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayron5 40 Posted February 24, 2019 Share Posted February 24, 2019 Vou fazer aqui tbm ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayron5 40 Posted February 25, 2019 Share Posted February 25, 2019 23 horas atrás, Thalles Vitor disse: Desculpa reviver o tópico mas, em vez de if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { Não seria if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { No meu tbm tive erro na compilação .-. jfsdjfshf aí me toquei no que era. 23 horas atrás, Refe disse: Segue o tutorial direito, pois ninguém teve erro. Se sua source for editada, você vai ter que adaptar. Mano é que na minha source está assim Spoiler if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } Note que se seguir o tutorial, essa parte g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); Ela se encontra na minha pelo menos kkk aqui if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { Seguindo como está falando lá, vai ficar assim Spoiler if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(tarfe->getHeight(), tarfe->getWidth())*scaleFactor), tarfe); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { ImagePtr tarf = Image::load("data/images/target.png"); TexturePtr tarfe = TexturePtr(new Texture(tarf, false)); g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } Que na hora da compilação... Vai gerar um errinho e não vai compilar .-. Então eu mudei e fiz assim... joguei tudo na if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { Spoiler if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { ImagePtr tarf = Image::load("data/images/target.png"); TexturePtr tarfe = TexturePtr(new Texture(tarf, false)); g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(tarfe->getHeight(), tarfe->getWidth())*scaleFactor), tarfe); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } Com isso deu tudo certo... vejam ^^ Spoiler É isso... Vlw pelo tutor ^^ Thalles Vitor and aline533 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayron5 40 Posted February 25, 2019 Share Posted February 25, 2019 2 horas atrás, Thalles Vitor disse: Erro persiste Meu creature.cpp: Mostrar conteúdo oculto /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creature.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "game.h" #include "effect.h" #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "lightview.h" #include <framework/graphics/graphics.h> #include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h> #include <framework/core/clock.h> #include <framework/graphics/paintershaderprogram.h> #include <framework/graphics/ogl/painterogl2_shadersources.h> #include <framework/graphics/texturemanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/framebuffermanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/image.h> #include "spritemanager.h" Creature::Creature() : Thing() { m_id = 0; m_healthPercent = 100; m_speed = 200; m_direction = Otc::South; m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; m_walkedPixels = 0; m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_skull = Otc::SkullNone; m_shield = Otc::ShieldNone; m_emblem = Otc::EmblemNone; m_icon = Otc::NpcIconNone; m_lastStepDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_nameCache.setFont(g_fonts.getFont("verdana-11px-rounded")); m_nameCache.setAlign(Fw::AlignTopCenter); m_footStep = 0; m_speedFormula.fill(-1); m_outfitColor = Color::white; } void Creature::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, LightView *lightView) { if(!canBeSeen()) return; Point animationOffset = animate ? m_walkOffset : Point(0,0); if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } internalDrawOutfit(dest + animationOffset * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, animate, m_direction); m_footStepDrawn = true; if(lightView) { Light light = rawGetThingType()->getLight(); if(m_light.intensity != light.intensity || m_light.color != light.color) light = m_light; // local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness if(isLocalPlayer() && (g_map.getLight().intensity < 64 || m_position.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR)) { light.intensity = std::max<uint8>(light.intensity, 3); if(light.color == 0 || light.color > 215) light.color = 215; } if(light.intensity > 0) lightView->addLightSource(dest + (animationOffset + Point(16,16)) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Creature::internalDrawOutfit(Point dest, float scaleFactor, bool animateWalk, bool animateIdle, Otc::Direction direction, LightView *lightView) { g_painter->setColor(m_outfitColor); // outfit is a real creature if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) { int animationPhase = animateWalk ? m_walkAnimationPhase : 0; if(isAnimateAlways() && animateIdle) { int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / getAnimationPhases(); animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (ticksPerFrame * getAnimationPhases())) / ticksPerFrame; } // xPattern => creature direction int xPattern; if(direction == Otc::NorthEast || direction == Otc::SouthEast) xPattern = Otc::East; else if(direction == Otc::NorthWest || direction == Otc::SouthWest) xPattern = Otc::West; else xPattern = direction; int zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); dest -= datType->getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); dest += getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; zPattern = std::min<int>(1, getNumPatternZ() - 1); } PointF jumpOffset = m_jumpOffset * scaleFactor; dest -= Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); // yPattern => creature addon for(int yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { // continue if we dont have this addon if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; auto datType = rawGetThingType(); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase, yPattern == 0 ? lightView : nullptr); if(getLayers() > 1) { Color oldColor = g_painter->getColor(); Painter::CompositionMode oldComposition = g_painter->getCompositionMode(); g_painter->setCompositionMode(Painter::CompositionMode_Multiply); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getHeadColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskYellow, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getBodyColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskRed, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getLegsColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskGreen, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getFeetColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskBlue, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(oldColor); g_painter->setCompositionMode(oldComposition); } } // outfit is a creature imitating an item or the invisible effect } else { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory()); int animationPhase = 0; int animationPhases = type->getAnimationPhases(); int animateTicks = Otc::ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME; // when creature is an effect we cant render the first and last animation phase, // instead we should loop in the phases between if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) { animationPhases = std::max<int>(1, animationPhases-2); animateTicks = Otc::INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME; } if(animationPhases > 1) { if(animateIdle) animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (animateTicks * animationPhases)) / animateTicks; else animationPhase = animationPhases-1; } if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) animationPhase = std::min<int>(animationPhase+1, animationPhases); type->draw(dest - (getDisplacement() * scaleFactor), scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); } g_painter->resetColor(); } void Creature::drawOutfit(const Rect& destRect, bool resize) { int exactSize; if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) exactSize = getExactSize(); else exactSize = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory())->getExactSize(); if(g_graphics.canUseFBO()) { const FrameBufferPtr& outfitBuffer = g_framebuffers.getTemporaryFrameBuffer(); outfitBuffer->resize(Size(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS)); outfitBuffer->bind(); g_painter->setAlphaWriting(true); g_painter->clear(Color::alpha); internalDrawOutfit(Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) + getDisplacement(), 1, false, true, Otc::South); outfitBuffer->release(); Rect srcRect; if(resize) srcRect.resize(exactSize, exactSize); else srcRect.resize(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f); srcRect.moveBottomRight(Point(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - 1, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - 1)); outfitBuffer->draw(destRect, srcRect); } else { float scaleFactor; if(resize) scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)exactSize; else scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f); Point dest = destRect.bottomRight() - (Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor; internalDrawOutfit(dest, scaleFactor, false, true, Otc::South); } } void Creature::drawInformation(const Point& point, bool useGray, const Rect& parentRect, int drawFlags) { if(m_healthPercent < 1) // creature is dead return; Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) fillColor = m_informationColor; // calculate main rects Rect backgroundRect = Rect(point.x-(13.5), point.y, 27, 4); backgroundRect.bind(parentRect); Size nameSize = m_nameCache.getTextSize(); Rect textRect = Rect(point.x - nameSize.width() / 2.0, point.y-12, nameSize); textRect.bind(parentRect); // distance them if( == backgroundRect.moveTop( + 12); if(backgroundRect.bottom() == parentRect.bottom()) textRect.moveTop( - 12); // health rect is based on background rect, so no worries Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent / 100.0) * 25); // draw if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameBlueNpcNameColor) && isNpc() && m_healthPercent == 100 && !useGray) fillColor = Color(0x66, 0xcc, 0xff); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawBars && (!isNpc() || !g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameHideNpcNames))) { g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_painter->setColor(fillColor); g_painter->drawFilledRect(healthRect); } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawNames) { if(g_painter->getColor() != fillColor) g_painter->setColor(fillColor); m_nameCache.draw(textRect); } if(m_skull != Otc::SkullNone && m_skullTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect skullRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_skullTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(skullRect, m_skullTexture); } if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldTexture && m_showShieldTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect shieldRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_shieldTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(shieldRect, m_shieldTexture); } if(m_emblem != Otc::EmblemNone && m_emblemTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect emblemRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_emblemTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(emblemRect, m_emblemTexture); } if(m_icon != Otc::NpcIconNone && m_iconTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect iconRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_iconTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(iconRect, m_iconTexture); } } void Creature::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { // if is not walking change the direction right away if(!m_walking) setDirection(direction); // schedules to set the new direction when walk ends else m_walkTurnDirection = direction; } void Creature::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { if(oldPos == newPos) return; // get walk direction m_lastStepDirection = oldPos.getDirectionFromPosition(newPos); m_lastStepFromPosition = oldPos; m_lastStepToPosition = newPos; // set current walking direction setDirection(m_lastStepDirection); // starts counting walk m_walking = true; m_walkTimer.restart(); m_walkedPixels = 0; if(m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { m_walkFinishAnimEvent->cancel(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; } // no direction need to be changed when the walk ends m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; // starts updating walk nextWalkUpdate(); } void Creature::stopWalk() { if(!m_walking) return; // stops the walk right away terminateWalk(); } void Creature::jump(int height, int duration) { if(!m_jumpOffset.isNull()) return; m_jumpTimer.restart(); m_jumpHeight = height; m_jumpDuration = duration; updateJump(); } void Creature::updateJump() { int t = m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed(); double a = -4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration * m_jumpDuration); double b = +4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration); double height = a*t*t + b*t; int roundHeight = stdext::round(height); int halfJumpDuration = m_jumpDuration / 2; // schedules next update if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < m_jumpDuration) { m_jumpOffset = PointF(height, height); int diff = 0; if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; int nextT, i = 1; do { nextT = stdext::round((-b + std::sqrt(std::max<int>(b*b + 4*a*(roundHeight+diff*i), 0.0)) * diff) / (2*a)); ++i; if(nextT < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(nextT > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; } while(nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() == 0 && i < 3); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->updateJump(); }, nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed()); } else m_jumpOffset = PointF(0, 0); } void Creature::onPositionChange(const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos) { callLuaField("onPositionChange", newPos, oldPos); } void Creature::onAppear() { // cancel any disappear event if(m_disappearEvent) { m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_disappearEvent = nullptr; } // creature appeared the first time or wasn't seen for a long time if(m_removed) { stopWalk(); m_removed = false; callLuaField("onAppear"); // walk } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position && m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1) && m_allowAppearWalk) { m_allowAppearWalk = false; walk(m_oldPosition, m_position); callLuaField("onWalk", m_oldPosition, m_position); // teleport } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position) { stopWalk(); callLuaField("onDisappear"); callLuaField("onAppear"); } // else turn } void Creature::onDisappear() { if(m_disappearEvent) m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_oldPosition = m_position; // a pair onDisappear and onAppear events are fired even when creatures walks or turns, // so we must filter auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_disappearEvent = g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_removed = true; self->stopWalk(); self->callLuaField("onDisappear"); // invalidate this creature position if(!self->isLocalPlayer()) self->setPosition(Position()); self->m_oldPosition = Position(); self->m_disappearEvent = nullptr; }); } void Creature::onDeath() { callLuaField("onDeath"); } void Creature::updateWalkAnimation(int totalPixelsWalked) { // update outfit animation if(m_outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) return; int footAnimPhases = getAnimationPhases() - 1; int footDelay = getStepDuration(true) / 3; // Since mount is a different outfit we need to get the mount animation phases if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), m_outfit.getCategory()); footAnimPhases = type->getAnimationPhases() - 1; } if(footAnimPhases == 0) m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; else if(m_footStepDrawn && m_footTimer.ticksElapsed() >= footDelay && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_footStep++; m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); m_footStepDrawn = false; m_footTimer.restart(); } else if(m_walkAnimationPhase == 0 && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); } if(totalPixelsWalked == 32 && !m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { if(!self->m_walking || self->m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= self->getStepDuration(true)) self->m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; self->m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; }, std::min<int>(footDelay, 200)); } } void Creature::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked - 32; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked - 32; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; } void Creature::updateWalkingTile() { // determine new walking tile TilePtr newWalkingTile; Rect virtualCreatureRect(Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.x - getDisplacementX()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.y - getDisplacementY()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++xi) { for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++yi) { Rect virtualTileRect((xi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, (yi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); // only render creatures where bottom right is inside tile rect if(virtualTileRect.contains(virtualCreatureRect.bottomRight())) { newWalkingTile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(m_position.translated(xi, yi, 0)); } } } if(newWalkingTile != m_walkingTile) { if(m_walkingTile) m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); if(newWalkingTile) { newWalkingTile->addWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); // recache visible tiles in map views if(newWalkingTile->isEmpty()) g_map.notificateTileUpdate(newWalkingTile->getPosition()); } m_walkingTile = newWalkingTile; } } void Creature::nextWalkUpdate() { // remove any previous scheduled walk updates if(m_walkUpdateEvent) m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); // do the update updateWalk(); // schedules next update if(m_walking) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; self->nextWalkUpdate(); }, getStepDuration() / 32); } } void Creature::updateWalk() { float walkTicksPerPixel = getStepDuration(true) / 32; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min<int>(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // needed for paralyze effect m_walkedPixels = std::max<int>(m_walkedPixels, totalPixelsWalked); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(m_walkedPixels); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk if(m_walking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration()) terminateWalk(); } void Creature::terminateWalk() { // remove any scheduled walk update if(m_walkUpdateEvent) { m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; } // now the walk has ended, do any scheduled turn if(m_walkTurnDirection != Otc::InvalidDirection) { setDirection(m_walkTurnDirection); m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; } if(m_walkingTile) { m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); m_walkingTile = nullptr; } m_walking = false; m_walkedPixels = 0; // reset walk animation states m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; } void Creature::setName(const std::string& name) { m_nameCache.setText(name); m_name = name; } void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent) { if(m_name.find("[ADM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x8c, 0x17, 0x17); else if(m_name.find("[GM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[CM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[HELP]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x7f, 0x00); else if(m_name.find("[TUTOR]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x7f, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 92) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xBC, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 60) m_informationColor = Color(0x50, 0xA1, 0x50); else if(healthPercent > 30) m_informationColor = Color(0xA1, 0xA1, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 8) m_informationColor = Color(0xBF, 0x0A, 0x0A); else if(healthPercent > 3) m_informationColor = Color(0x91, 0x0F, 0x0F); else m_informationColor = Color(0x85, 0x0C, 0x0C); m_healthPercent = healthPercent; callLuaField("onHealthPercentChange", healthPercent); if(healthPercent <= 0) onDeath(); } void Creature::setDirection(Otc::Direction direction) { assert(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection); m_direction = direction; } void Creature::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { Outfit oldOutfit = m_outfit; if(outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) { if(!g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getAuxId(), outfit.getCategory())) return; m_outfit.setAuxId(outfit.getAuxId()); m_outfit.setCategory(outfit.getCategory()); } else { if(outfit.getId() > 0 && !g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature)) return; m_outfit = outfit; } m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; // might happen when player is walking and outfit is changed. callLuaField("onOutfitChange", m_outfit, oldOutfit); } void Creature::setOutfitColor(const Color& color, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorUpdateEvent) { m_outfitColorUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = nullptr; } if(duration > 0) { Color delta = (color - m_outfitColor) / (float)duration; m_outfitColorTimer.restart(); updateOutfitColor(m_outfitColor, color, delta, duration); } else m_outfitColor = color; } void Creature::updateOutfitColor(Color color, Color finalColor, Color delta, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed() < duration) { m_outfitColor = color + delta * m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed(); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { self->updateOutfitColor(color, finalColor, delta, duration); }, 100); } else { m_outfitColor = finalColor; } } void Creature::setSpeed(uint16 speed) { uint16 oldSpeed = m_speed; m_speed = speed; // speed can change while walking (utani hur, paralyze, etc..) if(m_walking) nextWalkUpdate(); callLuaField("onSpeedChange", m_speed, oldSpeed); } void Creature::setSkull(uint8 skull) { m_skull = skull; callLuaField("onSkullChange", m_skull); } void Creature::setShield(uint8 shield) { m_shield = shield; callLuaField("onShieldChange", m_shield); } void Creature::setEmblem(uint8 emblem) { m_emblem = emblem; callLuaField("onEmblemChange", m_emblem); } void Creature::setIcon(uint8 icon) { m_icon = icon; callLuaField("onIconChange", m_icon); } void Creature::setSkullTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_skullTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setShieldTexture(const std::string& filename, bool blink) { m_shieldTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); m_showShieldTexture = true; if(blink && !m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } m_shieldBlink = blink; } void Creature::setEmblemTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_emblemTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setIconTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_iconTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setSpeedFormula(double speedA, double speedB, double speedC) { m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] = speedA; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] = speedB; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] = speedC; } bool Creature::hasSpeedFormula() { return m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] != -1; } void Creature::addTimedSquare(uint8 color) { m_showTimedSquare = true; m_timedSquareColor = Color::from8bit(color); // schedule removal auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->removeTimedSquare(); }, VOLATILE_SQUARE_DURATION); } void Creature::updateShield() { m_showShieldTexture = !m_showShieldTexture; if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } else if(!m_shieldBlink) m_showShieldTexture = true; } Point Creature::getDrawOffset() { Point drawOffset; if(m_walking) { if(m_walkingTile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * m_walkingTile->getDrawElevation(); drawOffset += m_walkOffset; } else { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(); if(tile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * tile->getDrawElevation(); } return drawOffset; } int Creature::getStepDuration(bool ignoreDiagonal, Otc::Direction dir) { int speed = m_speed; if(speed < 1) return 0; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw)) speed *= 2; int groundSpeed = 0; Position tilePos; if(dir == Otc::InvalidDirection) tilePos = m_lastStepToPosition; else tilePos = m_position.translatedToDirection(dir); if(!tilePos.isValid()) tilePos = m_position; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos); if(tile) { groundSpeed = tile->getGroundSpeed(); if(groundSpeed == 0) groundSpeed = 150; } int interval = 1000; if(groundSpeed > 0 && speed > 0) interval = 1000 * groundSpeed; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw) && hasSpeedFormula()) { int formulatedSpeed = 1; if(speed > -m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) { formulatedSpeed = std::max<int>(1, (int)floor((m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] * log((speed / 2) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC]) + 0.5)); } interval = std::floor(interval / (double)formulatedSpeed); } else interval /= speed; if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 900) interval = (interval / g_game.getServerBeat()) * g_game.getServerBeat(); float factor = 3; if(g_game.getClientVersion() <= 810) factor = 2; interval = std::max<int>(interval, g_game.getServerBeat()); if(!ignoreDiagonal && (m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthEast || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthEast)) interval *= factor; return interval; } Point Creature::getDisplacement() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return Point(8, 8); else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return Point(0, 0); return Thing::getDisplacement(); } int Creature::getDisplacementX() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementX(); } return Thing::getDisplacementX(); } int Creature::getDisplacementY() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementY(); } return Thing::getDisplacementY(); } int Creature::getExactSize(int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { int exactSize = 0; animationPhase = 0; xPattern = Otc::South; zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) zPattern = 1; for(yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; for(layer = 0; layer < getLayers(); ++layer) exactSize = std::max<int>(exactSize, Thing::getExactSize(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase)); } return exactSize; } const ThingTypePtr& Creature::getThingType() { return g_things.getThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } ThingType* Creature::rawGetThingType() { return g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } Mostre o erro que está dando. 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Refe 320 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Share Posted February 25, 2019 3 horas atrás, Thalles Vitor disse: Erro persiste Meu creature.cpp: Mostrar conteúdo oculto /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creature.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "game.h" #include "effect.h" #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "lightview.h" #include <framework/graphics/graphics.h> #include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h> #include <framework/core/clock.h> #include <framework/graphics/paintershaderprogram.h> #include <framework/graphics/ogl/painterogl2_shadersources.h> #include <framework/graphics/texturemanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/framebuffermanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/image.h> #include "spritemanager.h" Creature::Creature() : Thing() { m_id = 0; m_healthPercent = 100; m_speed = 200; m_direction = Otc::South; m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; m_walkedPixels = 0; m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_skull = Otc::SkullNone; m_shield = Otc::ShieldNone; m_emblem = Otc::EmblemNone; m_icon = Otc::NpcIconNone; m_lastStepDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_nameCache.setFont(g_fonts.getFont("verdana-11px-rounded")); m_nameCache.setAlign(Fw::AlignTopCenter); m_footStep = 0; m_speedFormula.fill(-1); m_outfitColor = Color::white; } void Creature::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, LightView *lightView) { if(!canBeSeen()) return; Point animationOffset = animate ? m_walkOffset : Point(0,0); if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } internalDrawOutfit(dest + animationOffset * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, animate, m_direction); m_footStepDrawn = true; if(lightView) { Light light = rawGetThingType()->getLight(); if(m_light.intensity != light.intensity || m_light.color != light.color) light = m_light; // local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness if(isLocalPlayer() && (g_map.getLight().intensity < 64 || m_position.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR)) { light.intensity = std::max<uint8>(light.intensity, 3); if(light.color == 0 || light.color > 215) light.color = 215; } if(light.intensity > 0) lightView->addLightSource(dest + (animationOffset + Point(16,16)) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Creature::internalDrawOutfit(Point dest, float scaleFactor, bool animateWalk, bool animateIdle, Otc::Direction direction, LightView *lightView) { g_painter->setColor(m_outfitColor); // outfit is a real creature if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) { int animationPhase = animateWalk ? m_walkAnimationPhase : 0; if(isAnimateAlways() && animateIdle) { int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / getAnimationPhases(); animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (ticksPerFrame * getAnimationPhases())) / ticksPerFrame; } // xPattern => creature direction int xPattern; if(direction == Otc::NorthEast || direction == Otc::SouthEast) xPattern = Otc::East; else if(direction == Otc::NorthWest || direction == Otc::SouthWest) xPattern = Otc::West; else xPattern = direction; int zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); dest -= datType->getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); dest += getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; zPattern = std::min<int>(1, getNumPatternZ() - 1); } PointF jumpOffset = m_jumpOffset * scaleFactor; dest -= Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); // yPattern => creature addon for(int yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { // continue if we dont have this addon if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; auto datType = rawGetThingType(); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase, yPattern == 0 ? lightView : nullptr); if(getLayers() > 1) { Color oldColor = g_painter->getColor(); Painter::CompositionMode oldComposition = g_painter->getCompositionMode(); g_painter->setCompositionMode(Painter::CompositionMode_Multiply); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getHeadColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskYellow, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getBodyColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskRed, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getLegsColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskGreen, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getFeetColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskBlue, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(oldColor); g_painter->setCompositionMode(oldComposition); } } // outfit is a creature imitating an item or the invisible effect } else { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory()); int animationPhase = 0; int animationPhases = type->getAnimationPhases(); int animateTicks = Otc::ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME; // when creature is an effect we cant render the first and last animation phase, // instead we should loop in the phases between if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) { animationPhases = std::max<int>(1, animationPhases-2); animateTicks = Otc::INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME; } if(animationPhases > 1) { if(animateIdle) animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (animateTicks * animationPhases)) / animateTicks; else animationPhase = animationPhases-1; } if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) animationPhase = std::min<int>(animationPhase+1, animationPhases); type->draw(dest - (getDisplacement() * scaleFactor), scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); } g_painter->resetColor(); } void Creature::drawOutfit(const Rect& destRect, bool resize) { int exactSize; if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) exactSize = getExactSize(); else exactSize = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory())->getExactSize(); if(g_graphics.canUseFBO()) { const FrameBufferPtr& outfitBuffer = g_framebuffers.getTemporaryFrameBuffer(); outfitBuffer->resize(Size(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS)); outfitBuffer->bind(); g_painter->setAlphaWriting(true); g_painter->clear(Color::alpha); internalDrawOutfit(Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) + getDisplacement(), 1, false, true, Otc::South); outfitBuffer->release(); Rect srcRect; if(resize) srcRect.resize(exactSize, exactSize); else srcRect.resize(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f); srcRect.moveBottomRight(Point(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - 1, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - 1)); outfitBuffer->draw(destRect, srcRect); } else { float scaleFactor; if(resize) scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)exactSize; else scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f); Point dest = destRect.bottomRight() - (Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor; internalDrawOutfit(dest, scaleFactor, false, true, Otc::South); } } void Creature::drawInformation(const Point& point, bool useGray, const Rect& parentRect, int drawFlags) { if(m_healthPercent < 1) // creature is dead return; Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) fillColor = m_informationColor; // calculate main rects Rect backgroundRect = Rect(point.x-(13.5), point.y, 27, 4); backgroundRect.bind(parentRect); Size nameSize = m_nameCache.getTextSize(); Rect textRect = Rect(point.x - nameSize.width() / 2.0, point.y-12, nameSize); textRect.bind(parentRect); // distance them if( == backgroundRect.moveTop( + 12); if(backgroundRect.bottom() == parentRect.bottom()) textRect.moveTop( - 12); // health rect is based on background rect, so no worries Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent / 100.0) * 25); // draw if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameBlueNpcNameColor) && isNpc() && m_healthPercent == 100 && !useGray) fillColor = Color(0x66, 0xcc, 0xff); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawBars && (!isNpc() || !g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameHideNpcNames))) { g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_painter->setColor(fillColor); g_painter->drawFilledRect(healthRect); } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawNames) { if(g_painter->getColor() != fillColor) g_painter->setColor(fillColor); m_nameCache.draw(textRect); } if(m_skull != Otc::SkullNone && m_skullTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect skullRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_skullTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(skullRect, m_skullTexture); } if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldTexture && m_showShieldTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect shieldRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_shieldTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(shieldRect, m_shieldTexture); } if(m_emblem != Otc::EmblemNone && m_emblemTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect emblemRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_emblemTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(emblemRect, m_emblemTexture); } if(m_icon != Otc::NpcIconNone && m_iconTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect iconRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_iconTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(iconRect, m_iconTexture); } } void Creature::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { // if is not walking change the direction right away if(!m_walking) setDirection(direction); // schedules to set the new direction when walk ends else m_walkTurnDirection = direction; } void Creature::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { if(oldPos == newPos) return; // get walk direction m_lastStepDirection = oldPos.getDirectionFromPosition(newPos); m_lastStepFromPosition = oldPos; m_lastStepToPosition = newPos; // set current walking direction setDirection(m_lastStepDirection); // starts counting walk m_walking = true; m_walkTimer.restart(); m_walkedPixels = 0; if(m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { m_walkFinishAnimEvent->cancel(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; } // no direction need to be changed when the walk ends m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; // starts updating walk nextWalkUpdate(); } void Creature::stopWalk() { if(!m_walking) return; // stops the walk right away terminateWalk(); } void Creature::jump(int height, int duration) { if(!m_jumpOffset.isNull()) return; m_jumpTimer.restart(); m_jumpHeight = height; m_jumpDuration = duration; updateJump(); } void Creature::updateJump() { int t = m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed(); double a = -4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration * m_jumpDuration); double b = +4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration); double height = a*t*t + b*t; int roundHeight = stdext::round(height); int halfJumpDuration = m_jumpDuration / 2; // schedules next update if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < m_jumpDuration) { m_jumpOffset = PointF(height, height); int diff = 0; if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; int nextT, i = 1; do { nextT = stdext::round((-b + std::sqrt(std::max<int>(b*b + 4*a*(roundHeight+diff*i), 0.0)) * diff) / (2*a)); ++i; if(nextT < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(nextT > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; } while(nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() == 0 && i < 3); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->updateJump(); }, nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed()); } else m_jumpOffset = PointF(0, 0); } void Creature::onPositionChange(const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos) { callLuaField("onPositionChange", newPos, oldPos); } void Creature::onAppear() { // cancel any disappear event if(m_disappearEvent) { m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_disappearEvent = nullptr; } // creature appeared the first time or wasn't seen for a long time if(m_removed) { stopWalk(); m_removed = false; callLuaField("onAppear"); // walk } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position && m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1) && m_allowAppearWalk) { m_allowAppearWalk = false; walk(m_oldPosition, m_position); callLuaField("onWalk", m_oldPosition, m_position); // teleport } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position) { stopWalk(); callLuaField("onDisappear"); callLuaField("onAppear"); } // else turn } void Creature::onDisappear() { if(m_disappearEvent) m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_oldPosition = m_position; // a pair onDisappear and onAppear events are fired even when creatures walks or turns, // so we must filter auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_disappearEvent = g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_removed = true; self->stopWalk(); self->callLuaField("onDisappear"); // invalidate this creature position if(!self->isLocalPlayer()) self->setPosition(Position()); self->m_oldPosition = Position(); self->m_disappearEvent = nullptr; }); } void Creature::onDeath() { callLuaField("onDeath"); } void Creature::updateWalkAnimation(int totalPixelsWalked) { // update outfit animation if(m_outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) return; int footAnimPhases = getAnimationPhases() - 1; int footDelay = getStepDuration(true) / 3; // Since mount is a different outfit we need to get the mount animation phases if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), m_outfit.getCategory()); footAnimPhases = type->getAnimationPhases() - 1; } if(footAnimPhases == 0) m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; else if(m_footStepDrawn && m_footTimer.ticksElapsed() >= footDelay && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_footStep++; m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); m_footStepDrawn = false; m_footTimer.restart(); } else if(m_walkAnimationPhase == 0 && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); } if(totalPixelsWalked == 32 && !m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { if(!self->m_walking || self->m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= self->getStepDuration(true)) self->m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; self->m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; }, std::min<int>(footDelay, 200)); } } void Creature::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked - 32; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked - 32; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; } void Creature::updateWalkingTile() { // determine new walking tile TilePtr newWalkingTile; Rect virtualCreatureRect(Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.x - getDisplacementX()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.y - getDisplacementY()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++xi) { for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++yi) { Rect virtualTileRect((xi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, (yi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); // only render creatures where bottom right is inside tile rect if(virtualTileRect.contains(virtualCreatureRect.bottomRight())) { newWalkingTile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(m_position.translated(xi, yi, 0)); } } } if(newWalkingTile != m_walkingTile) { if(m_walkingTile) m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); if(newWalkingTile) { newWalkingTile->addWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); // recache visible tiles in map views if(newWalkingTile->isEmpty()) g_map.notificateTileUpdate(newWalkingTile->getPosition()); } m_walkingTile = newWalkingTile; } } void Creature::nextWalkUpdate() { // remove any previous scheduled walk updates if(m_walkUpdateEvent) m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); // do the update updateWalk(); // schedules next update if(m_walking) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; self->nextWalkUpdate(); }, getStepDuration() / 32); } } void Creature::updateWalk() { float walkTicksPerPixel = getStepDuration(true) / 32; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min<int>(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // needed for paralyze effect m_walkedPixels = std::max<int>(m_walkedPixels, totalPixelsWalked); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(m_walkedPixels); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk if(m_walking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration()) terminateWalk(); } void Creature::terminateWalk() { // remove any scheduled walk update if(m_walkUpdateEvent) { m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; } // now the walk has ended, do any scheduled turn if(m_walkTurnDirection != Otc::InvalidDirection) { setDirection(m_walkTurnDirection); m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; } if(m_walkingTile) { m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); m_walkingTile = nullptr; } m_walking = false; m_walkedPixels = 0; // reset walk animation states m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; } void Creature::setName(const std::string& name) { m_nameCache.setText(name); m_name = name; } void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent) { if(m_name.find("[ADM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x8c, 0x17, 0x17); else if(m_name.find("[GM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[CM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[HELP]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x7f, 0x00); else if(m_name.find("[TUTOR]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x7f, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 92) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xBC, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 60) m_informationColor = Color(0x50, 0xA1, 0x50); else if(healthPercent > 30) m_informationColor = Color(0xA1, 0xA1, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 8) m_informationColor = Color(0xBF, 0x0A, 0x0A); else if(healthPercent > 3) m_informationColor = Color(0x91, 0x0F, 0x0F); else m_informationColor = Color(0x85, 0x0C, 0x0C); m_healthPercent = healthPercent; callLuaField("onHealthPercentChange", healthPercent); if(healthPercent <= 0) onDeath(); } void Creature::setDirection(Otc::Direction direction) { assert(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection); m_direction = direction; } void Creature::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { Outfit oldOutfit = m_outfit; if(outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) { if(!g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getAuxId(), outfit.getCategory())) return; m_outfit.setAuxId(outfit.getAuxId()); m_outfit.setCategory(outfit.getCategory()); } else { if(outfit.getId() > 0 && !g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature)) return; m_outfit = outfit; } m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; // might happen when player is walking and outfit is changed. callLuaField("onOutfitChange", m_outfit, oldOutfit); } void Creature::setOutfitColor(const Color& color, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorUpdateEvent) { m_outfitColorUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = nullptr; } if(duration > 0) { Color delta = (color - m_outfitColor) / (float)duration; m_outfitColorTimer.restart(); updateOutfitColor(m_outfitColor, color, delta, duration); } else m_outfitColor = color; } void Creature::updateOutfitColor(Color color, Color finalColor, Color delta, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed() < duration) { m_outfitColor = color + delta * m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed(); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { self->updateOutfitColor(color, finalColor, delta, duration); }, 100); } else { m_outfitColor = finalColor; } } void Creature::setSpeed(uint16 speed) { uint16 oldSpeed = m_speed; m_speed = speed; // speed can change while walking (utani hur, paralyze, etc..) if(m_walking) nextWalkUpdate(); callLuaField("onSpeedChange", m_speed, oldSpeed); } void Creature::setSkull(uint8 skull) { m_skull = skull; callLuaField("onSkullChange", m_skull); } void Creature::setShield(uint8 shield) { m_shield = shield; callLuaField("onShieldChange", m_shield); } void Creature::setEmblem(uint8 emblem) { m_emblem = emblem; callLuaField("onEmblemChange", m_emblem); } void Creature::setIcon(uint8 icon) { m_icon = icon; callLuaField("onIconChange", m_icon); } void Creature::setSkullTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_skullTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setShieldTexture(const std::string& filename, bool blink) { m_shieldTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); m_showShieldTexture = true; if(blink && !m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } m_shieldBlink = blink; } void Creature::setEmblemTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_emblemTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setIconTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_iconTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setSpeedFormula(double speedA, double speedB, double speedC) { m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] = speedA; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] = speedB; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] = speedC; } bool Creature::hasSpeedFormula() { return m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] != -1; } void Creature::addTimedSquare(uint8 color) { m_showTimedSquare = true; m_timedSquareColor = Color::from8bit(color); // schedule removal auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->removeTimedSquare(); }, VOLATILE_SQUARE_DURATION); } void Creature::updateShield() { m_showShieldTexture = !m_showShieldTexture; if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } else if(!m_shieldBlink) m_showShieldTexture = true; } Point Creature::getDrawOffset() { Point drawOffset; if(m_walking) { if(m_walkingTile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * m_walkingTile->getDrawElevation(); drawOffset += m_walkOffset; } else { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(); if(tile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * tile->getDrawElevation(); } return drawOffset; } int Creature::getStepDuration(bool ignoreDiagonal, Otc::Direction dir) { int speed = m_speed; if(speed < 1) return 0; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw)) speed *= 2; int groundSpeed = 0; Position tilePos; if(dir == Otc::InvalidDirection) tilePos = m_lastStepToPosition; else tilePos = m_position.translatedToDirection(dir); if(!tilePos.isValid()) tilePos = m_position; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos); if(tile) { groundSpeed = tile->getGroundSpeed(); if(groundSpeed == 0) groundSpeed = 150; } int interval = 1000; if(groundSpeed > 0 && speed > 0) interval = 1000 * groundSpeed; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw) && hasSpeedFormula()) { int formulatedSpeed = 1; if(speed > -m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) { formulatedSpeed = std::max<int>(1, (int)floor((m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] * log((speed / 2) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC]) + 0.5)); } interval = std::floor(interval / (double)formulatedSpeed); } else interval /= speed; if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 900) interval = (interval / g_game.getServerBeat()) * g_game.getServerBeat(); float factor = 3; if(g_game.getClientVersion() <= 810) factor = 2; interval = std::max<int>(interval, g_game.getServerBeat()); if(!ignoreDiagonal && (m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthEast || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthEast)) interval *= factor; return interval; } Point Creature::getDisplacement() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return Point(8, 8); else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return Point(0, 0); return Thing::getDisplacement(); } int Creature::getDisplacementX() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementX(); } return Thing::getDisplacementX(); } int Creature::getDisplacementY() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementY(); } return Thing::getDisplacementY(); } int Creature::getExactSize(int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { int exactSize = 0; animationPhase = 0; xPattern = Otc::South; zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) zPattern = 1; for(yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; for(layer = 0; layer < getLayers(); ++layer) exactSize = std::max<int>(exactSize, Thing::getExactSize(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase)); } return exactSize; } const ThingTypePtr& Creature::getThingType() { return g_things.getThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } ThingType* Creature::rawGetThingType() { return g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } Se quiser ajuda tenta postar o erro, eu não sou nenhum tipo de vidente não Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixtrop10 0 Posted August 4, 2019 Share Posted August 4, 2019 desculpe reviver o tópico, mas como eu faço pra puxar em um effect? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixtrop10 0 Posted August 7, 2019 Share Posted August 7, 2019 Em 05/08/2019 em 12:53, Renzyx disse: Acredito que seja algo assim: EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(aq tu coloca o id); Vou testar aqui e te aviso Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixtrop10 0 Posted August 10, 2019 Share Posted August 10, 2019 Em 07/08/2019 em 21:19, Renzyx disse: Provavél que também tenha que mecher no Rect. é me manda a parte ent né Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drakopoulos 219 Posted August 10, 2019 Share Posted August 10, 2019 13 minutos atrás, mixtrop10 disse: é me manda a parte ent né Troque if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } por if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(379); g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); Rect rect = Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(rect, effect->getThingType()->getTexture(0)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(379); g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); Rect rect = Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(rect, effect->getThingType()->getTexture(0)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } Só mudar o id 379 pela id certa mixtrop10 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyaki 19 Posted October 9, 2019 Share Posted October 9, 2019 Em 09/08/2019 em 22:32, Drakopoulos disse: Troque if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } por if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(379); g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); Rect rect = Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(rect, effect->getThingType()->getTexture(0)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(379); g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); Rect rect = Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(rect, effect->getThingType()->getTexture(0)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } Só mudar o id 379 pela id certa Deu este erro ao mudar do jeito que você falou: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kamus9629 8 Posted November 29, 2019 Share Posted November 29, 2019 Po parece interessante mais eu nao sei como ele ficaria tem como postar imagen ? para eu ver como ficaria Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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