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[ERRO] Meu otc com duas janela de loguin



Olá caros xtibianos, estou com um problema que pra mim e difícil mas pra muito de vocês pode ser simples, meu OTC quando abro ele aparece duas janelas para login. postarei a imagem e as .outi





EnterGame = { } = ""G.port = 7171G.protocolVersion = 854G.clientVersion = 854-- private variableslocal loadBoxlocal enterGamelocal motdWindowlocal motdButtonlocal enterGameButtonlocal motdEnabled = true-- private functionslocal function onError(protocol, message, errorCode)  if loadBox then    loadBox:destroy()    loadBox = nil  end  -- if not errorCode then    -- EnterGame.clearAccountFields()  -- end  local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), message)  connect(errorBox, { onOk = })endlocal function onMotd(protocol, motd)  G.motdNumber = tonumber(motd:sub(0, motd:find("\n")))  G.motdMessage = motd:sub(motd:find("\n") + 1, #motd)  if motdEnabled then    motdButton:show()  endendlocal function onCharacterList(protocol, characters, account)  if enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox'):isChecked() then    local account = g_crypt.encrypt(G.account)    local password = g_crypt.encrypt(G.password)    g_settings.set('account', account)    g_settings.set('password', password)    g_settings.set('autologin', enterGame:getChildById('autoLoginBox'):isChecked())  else    EnterGame.clearAccountFields()  end  loadBox:destroy()  loadBox = nil  CharacterList.create(characters, account)  if motdEnabled then    local lastMotdNumber = g_settings.getNumber("motd")    if G.motdNumber and G.motdNumber ~= lastMotdNumber then      g_settings.set("motd", motdNumber)      motdWindow = displayInfoBox(tr('Message of the day'), G.motdMessage)      connect(motdWindow, { onOk = function() motdWindow = nil end })      CharacterList.hide()    end  endendlocal function onUpdateNeeded(protocol, signature)  loadBox:destroy()  loadBox = nil  if EnterGame.updateFunc then    local continueFunc =    local cancelFunc =    EnterGame.updateFunc(signature, continueFunc, cancelFunc)  else    local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Update needed'), tr('Your client needs updating, try redownloading it.'))    connect(errorBox, { onOk = })  endend-- public functionsfunction EnterGame.init()  enterGame = g_ui.displayUI('entergame')  enterGameButton = modules.client_topmenu.addCustomLeftButton('enterGameButton', tr('Login') .. ' (Ctrl + G)', '/images/ui/pxg/topMenu_icons/entrar_icon', EnterGame.openWindow, false)    motdButton = modules.client_topmenu.addCustomLeftButton('motdButton', tr('Message of the day'), '/images/ui/pxg/topMenu_icons/news_icon', EnterGame.displayMotd, false)  motdButton:hide()  g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+G', EnterGame.openWindow)  if motdEnabled and G.motdNumber then    motdButton:show()  end  local account = g_settings.get('account')  local password = g_settings.get('password')  local autologin = g_settings.getBoolean('autologin')  EnterGame.setAccountName(account)  EnterGame.setPassword(password)  enterGame:getChildById('autoLoginBox'):setChecked(autologin)  enterGame:hide()  -- só usa quando recarrega o module  -- if g_app.isRunning() and not g_game.isOnline() then    -- enterGame:show()  -- endendfunction EnterGame.firstShow()  local account = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('account'))  local password = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('password'))  local autologin = g_settings.getBoolean('autologin')  if #password > 0 and #account > 0 and autologin then    addEvent(function()      if not g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') then return end      EnterGame.doLogin()    end)  endendfunction EnterGame.terminate()  g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+G')  enterGame:destroy()  enterGame = nil  enterGameButton:destroy()  enterGameButton = nil  if motdWindow then    motdWindow:destroy()    motdWindow = nil  end  if motdButton then    motdButton:destroy()    motdButton = nil  end  if loadBox then    loadBox:destroy()    loadBox = nil  end  if protocolLogin then    protocolLogin:cancelLogin()    protocolLogin = nil  end  EnterGame = nilendfunction  if loadBox then return end  enterGame:show()  enterGame:raise()  enterGame:focus()endfunction EnterGame.hide()  enterGame:hide()endfunction EnterGame.openWindow()  if g_game.isOnline() then  elseif not g_game.isLogging() and not CharacterList.isVisible() then  endendfunction EnterGame.setAccountName(account)  local account = g_crypt.decrypt(account)  enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setText(account)  enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setCursorPos(-1)  enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox'):setChecked(#account > 0)endfunction EnterGame.setPassword(password)  local password = g_crypt.decrypt(password)  enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):setText(password)endfunction EnterGame.clearAccountFields()  enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):clearText()  enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):clearText()  enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):focus()  g_settings.remove('account')  g_settings.remove('password')endfunction EnterGame.doLogin()  G.account = enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):getText()  G.password = enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):getText()  EnterGame.hide()  if g_game.isOnline() then    local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), tr('Cannot login while already in game.'))    connect(errorBox, { onOk = })    return  end  protocolLogin = ProtocolLogin.create()  protocolLogin.onLoginError = onError  protocolLogin.onMotd = onMotd  protocolLogin.onCharacterList = onCharacterList  protocolLogin.onUpdateNeeded = onUpdateNeeded  loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Connecting to login server...'))  connect(loadBox, { onCancel = function(msgbox)                                  loadBox = nil                                  protocolLogin:cancelLogin()                                                        end })  g_game.chooseRsa(  g_game.setClientVersion(G.clientVersion)  g_game.setProtocolVersion(G.protocolVersion)  if modules.game_things.isLoaded() then    protocolLogin:login(, G.port, G.account, G.password)  else    loadBox:destroy()    loadBox = nil  endendfunction EnterGame.displayMotd()  if not motdWindow then    motdWindow = displayInfoBox(tr('Message of the day'), G.motdMessage)    motdWindow.onOk = function() motdWindow = nil end  endendfunction EnterGame.disableMotd()  motdEnabled = false  motdButton:hide()end




Logo < UIImageView  image-source: /images/entergame  image-smooth: false  image-fixed-ratio: false  size: 236 82EnterGameWindow < MainWindow  size: 269 280EnterGameButton < Button  width: 64EnterGameWindow  id: enterGame  !text: tr('Enter Game')  @onEnter: EnterGame.doLogin()    Logo    anchors.left: parent.left  MenuLabel    !text: tr('Conta')    anchors.left: parent.left    margin-top: 87    text-auto-resize: true  TextEdit    id: accountNameTextEdit    anchors.left: parent.left    anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom    margin-top: 2  MenuLabel    !text: tr('Senha')    anchors.left: prev.left prev.bottom    margin-top: 8    text-auto-resize: true  PasswordTextEdit    id: accountPasswordTextEdit    anchors.left: parent.left    anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom    margin-top: 2  CheckBox    id: rememberPasswordBox    !text: tr('Remember password')    !tooltip: tr('Remember account and password when starts client')    anchors.left: parent.left    anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom    margin-top: 10    @onCheckChange: self:getParent():getChildById('autoLoginBox'):setEnabled(self:isChecked())  CheckBox    id: autoLoginBox    enabled: false    !text: tr('Auto login')    !tooltip: tr('Open charlist automatically when starting client')    anchors.left: parent.left    anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom    margin-top: 2  EnterGameButton    !text: tr('Entrar')    anchors.right: parent.right    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom    @onClick: EnterGame.doLogin()


Caso seja necessário algum outro para o bom entendedor do problema apenas me diga onde e como fazer.

Editado por amoxicilinaaaaa
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Em 22/02/2017 at 10:36, amoxicilinaaaaa disse:


 --> client_entergame <--



Substitui e testa arruma o ip tb



Editado por Crypter
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Agora, Crypter disse:


Esse ai da certo mais sóque eu queria o meu mesmo pra que apareça o nome do meu server no EnterGame. tendeu? mais vlw vou dar um gostei caso consiga arrumar oque eu postei darei outro gostei sz.


Duvida não sanada ainda.

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1 hora atrás, amoxicilinaaaaa disse:


Esse ai da certo mais sóque eu queria o meu mesmo pra que apareça o nome do meu server no EnterGame. tendeu? mais vlw vou dar um gostei caso consiga arrumar oque eu postei darei outro gostei sz.


Duvida não sanada ainda.

Voce quer muda a janela de login é isso?

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