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tfs 0.4 [Ajuda] Yalahar Quest (8.6)
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moskitinho 164
Galera vou ser bem objetivo no problema.
Consegui montar a Yalahar Quest no server. E está funcionando normal, as waves, o sqm no void, só poder clicar 1x no globo, os portais fechando...
O que não funcionou é que em certo momento o Azerus da sala DEVERIA ser removido, para entrar o Azerus1. Mas isso não funciona e ficam dois Azerus na sala.
Bem como o clear da room também não funciona e os próximos a fazer já começam com bixos que sobraram.
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)--Config-->local queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 50001)--EndConfig--> if item.actionid == 1974 and queststatus == -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "It seems by defeating Azerus you have stoped this army from entering your world! Better leave this ghastly place forever.") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 4765, 1) return TRUEendif item.actionid == 1973 and queststatus == -1 then-- Here is the code start:starting={x = 480, y = 178, z = 7, stackpos = 253}checking={x=starting.x, y=starting.y, z=starting.z, stackpos=starting.stackpos}ending={x = 500, y = 199, z = 7, stackpos = 253}players=0totalmonsters=0monster = {}repeatcreature= getThingfromPos(checking) if creature.itemid > 0 then if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) == 0 then players=players+1 end if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 0 and getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 3 then totalmonsters=totalmonsters+1 monster[totalmonsters]=creature.uid end endchecking.x=checking.x+1 if checking.x>ending.x then checking.x=starting.x checking.y=checking.y+1 enduntil checking.y>ending.yif players==0 thentrash= {x = 470, y = 188, z = 7}current=0repeatcurrent=current+1doTeleportThing(monster[current],trash)until current>=totalmonstersend-- Here is the end of itdoTeleportThing(cid, player_pos_entrada)doSendMagicEffect(player_pos_entrada, 10)elsedoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'You already done this quest!')endend
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) --Config-->local statue_pos = {x = 490, y = 188, z = 7}local new_portal_pos = {x = 490, y = 189, z = 7, stackpos = 1}local new_pos = {x = 542, y = 196, z = 5}local crystal_pos = {x = 490, y = 197, z = 7}--End Config--> function Potwoory1() doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster("Azerus", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) addEvent(Potwoory2, 7 * 700)end function Potwoory2() doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster("Azerus", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) addEvent(Potwory2, 30 * 1000)end function Potwoory3() removeFieldsTile() removeAzerusMonstersInArea() doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Brood', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('Rift Worm', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster("Azerus1", {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) addEvent(Potwory3, 35 * 1000)end function Potwoory4()removeFieldsTile() removeAzerusMonstersInArea() doCreateMonster('Azerus', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x+1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y+1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x, y = statue_pos.y-1, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253}) doCreateMonster('War Golem', {x = statue_pos.x-1, y = statue_pos.y, z = statue_pos.z, stackpos = 253})end function NewPortal()doCreateTeleport(1387, new_pos, new_portal_pos)addEvent(RemoveAll, 30 * 1000)end function RemoveAll()doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).uid,1)doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 7493).uid, "aid", 57500)end if item.aid == 57500 and getThingfromPos(new_portal_pos).itemid ~= 17668 thendoCreateItem(17668,1,new_portal_pos)addEvent(Potwoory1, 0)doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(crystal_pos, 7493).uid, "aid", 57501)elsedoPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,18,"Sorry, not possible.")endreturn TRUEend
Agradeço quem puder ajudar.
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