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Infernal_Frog.gif Infernal Frog

Vida: 655

Exp: 190/285


Habilidades: Corpo a corpo (0-20), Stalagmite (16-32), Strong Haste.

Dano Estimado: 42 hp / turno


Imune Contra: Terra Invisibilidade

Neutro Contra: Físico Sagrado Morte Fogo Energia Gelo

Passa por: Veneno


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><monster name="Infernal Frog" nameDescription="a infernal frog" race="blood" experience="190" speed="220" manacost="0">	<health now="655" max="655"/>	<look type="224" head="69" body="66" legs="69" feet="66" corpse="6079"/>	<targetchange interval="4000" chance="10"/>	<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>	<flags>		<flag summonable="0"/>		<flag attackable="1"/>		<flag hostile="1"/>		<flag illusionable="0"/>		<flag convinceable="0"/>		<flag pushable="0"/>		<flag canpushitems="1"/>		<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>		<flag targetdistance="1"/>		<flag staticattack="90"/>		<flag runonhealth="40"/>	</flags>	<attacks>		<attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-0" max="-20"/>		<attack name="earth" interval="2000" chance="30" target="1" min="-16" max="-32">			<attribute key="shootEffect" value="poison"/>		</attack>	</attacks>	<defenses armor="5" defense="5">		<defense name="speed" interval="2000" chance="20" speedchange="400" duration="8000">			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>		</defense>	</defenses>	<immunities>		<immunity earth="1"/>		<immunity invisible="1"/>	</immunities>	<voices interval="5000" chance="10">		<voice sentence="Ribbit!"/>		<voice sentence="Ribbit! Ribbit!"/>		<voice sentence="No Kisses for you!"/>	</voices>	<loot>		<item id="2148" countmax="65" chance="77000"/><!-- gold coins -->	</loot></monster>


<monster name="Infernal Frog" file="Frogs/infernal frog.xml" />


Ou, baixe o arquivo: infernal frog.xml

infernal frog.xml



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