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RookWar.net - Noob War Server [8.60] [BETA] [Free SMS SHOP]


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General Informations:
Name: Rook War
Ip: RookWar.net
Port: 7171
Client: Tibia 8.60
Server Type: Noobwar Hardcore
Start on 13 lvl with standard noobwar equipements and skills matched for each vocation.
Maximal level is 60.
When you die you keep all your skills and equipement, you lose only experience.
Skulls System:
White Skull: 50 frags
Green Skull: 150 frags
Yellow Skull: 400 frags
Red Skull: 1000 frags
Black Skull: 2000 frags
Addon Bonus:
Each addon has got his own bonuses. Please check the "Addon Bonus" page on our website.
Hunted List:
If you want kill someone but you need help you can put a prize on his head.
How to use : !hunt [nick], [prize] :
Example: !hunt Mark, 120000
Minimum prize is 50k [50 000 gp]
Frag Reward:
For killing players you get Marijuanas. When you reach 100 Marijuanas you can speak to NPC Rasta and change them for 25 green eggs (gives experience after use) or you can sell them to NPC Gardener for 1 crystal coin.
Own Trainers:
No more waste of time for searching a free Training Room. With this system every players have their own Training Room.
Automatic Events:
- Team war event (blue team vs red team)
- Rush
- Firestorm
- Zombie Infection
Those event will be accessible on our server. More info about them soon on our website.
Random Player Reward:
Every 6 hours one random online player will get one random reward.
Full edited Rookgard map, with 13 mini temples (!t 1 - !t 13).
North of rookgard temple
Desert for Open Battles
Marijuana Plantation
Quest Room
Cart Quest
Noob Annihilator
Training Room
Beta Test Server:
We launch beta test server with Free SMS SHOP for all because we want be sure everything is perfect for the official start.
The beta test server starts on wednesday 30 of march at 20:00.
We hope that you will be helpfull and you will report bugs.
For official start I will make a graphical presentation.

Today i've added the last event i wanted to, FireStorm event. More info in this link : RookWar.net - Firestorm
In plans, today I want to add cigarette system, !bug report command and finish the last quests.

We've added too Donate button on our website, if someone would like to help us to buy otservlist.org countdown for the official RookWar start. Every person who will donate and contact me, will have 2x more points then our website offer for the official RookWar start!

Today I made last fixes on the server. We are now ready for beta tests! We hope for big interest from Your side.
If you have few propositions or any questions please comment here I answer as soon as possible.

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