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Grande Bruno, cara, eu gostaria muito de saber em qual sistema operacional tu tá rodando o seu servidor, e em qual arquitetura, caso for a 64bits, me diga se ainda persiste aquele bug dos npcs que tinha até um tempo atrás e eu não ouvi falar mais ...


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Grande Bruno, cara, eu gostaria muito de saber em qual sistema operacional tu tá rodando o seu servidor, e em qual arquitetura, caso for a 64bits, me diga se ainda persiste aquele bug dos npcs que tinha até um tempo atrás e eu não ouvi falar mais ...



Rodo no OTPanel da serversoft, ubuntu 64 bits.

Sem nenhum tipo de bug.


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entendo, geral fala desse tal otpanel, mas eu não tenho grana pra contratar o serviço... mas então nada de erros com npcs? ai, tu ta usando os npcs do orts né?

outra dúvida, sobre o novo otb, tu tentou atualizar o otb oficial com o item editor ? se sim, notou que bugo muitas coisas, será que não é viável utilizar aquele otb que os caras fizeram pro RME 10.81 daqui do forum?

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Como faço pro rashid vender item sem precisar de quest?


cara, acho que vc pode colocar essa linha dentro do seu login.lua


player:setStorageValue(Storage.TravellingTrader.Mission07, 1)

ai os players novos terão o storage da quest...

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Rodo no OTPanel da serversoft, ubuntu 64 bits.

Sem nenhum tipo de bug.


Bruno, boa noite ou bom dia.. sei lá.. haha

Estou usando o OTPanel da ServerSoft, porém meu ot está com muitos bugs, como faço para corrigir?

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Bruno Minervino Pode ajudar nesse erro apos criar character quando vou entrar no jogo da esse erro no servidor e o personagem não entra no jogo.

Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: attempt to call metho
d 'getOfflineTrainingSkill' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getOfflineTrainingSkill'
        data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: in function <
Haidyn has logged out.
Sasa has logged in.

Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: attempt to call metho
d 'getOfflineTrainingSkill' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getOfflineTrainingSkill'
        data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: in function <
Sasa has logged out.

Edited by tiodarsa
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Bruno Minervino Pode ajudar nesse erro apos criar character quando vou entrar no jogo da esse erro no servidor e o personagem não entra no jogo.

Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: attempt to call metho
d 'getOfflineTrainingSkill' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getOfflineTrainingSkill'
        data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: in function <
Haidyn has logged out.
Sasa has logged in.

Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: attempt to call metho
d 'getOfflineTrainingSkill' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getOfflineTrainingSkill'
        data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: in function <
Sasa has logged out.


Boa tarde, tive o mesmo problema, tente substituir o conteúdo do script por este:


function onLogin(player)

local lastLogout = player:getLastLogout()

local offlineTime = lastLogout ~= 0 and math.min(os.time() - lastLogout, 86400 * 21) or 0

local offlineTrainingSkill = player:getOfflineTrainingSkill()

if offlineTrainingSkill == -1 then

player:addOfflineTrainingTime(offlineTime * 1000)

return true





if offlineTime < 600 then

player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You must be logged out for more than 10 minutes to start offline training.")

return true



local trainingTime = math.max(0, math.min(offlineTime, math.min(43200, player:getOfflineTrainingTime() / 1000)))

player:removeOfflineTrainingTime(trainingTime * 1000)


local remainder = offlineTime - trainingTime

if remainder > 0 then

player:addOfflineTrainingTime(remainder * 1000)



if trainingTime < 60 then

return true



local text = "During your absence you trained for"

local hours = math.floor(trainingTime / 3600)

if hours > 1 then

text = string.format("%s %d hours", text, hours)

elseif hours == 1 then

text = string.format("%s 1 hour", text)



local minutes = math.floor((trainingTime % 3600) / 60)

if minutes ~= 0 then

if hours ~= 0 then

text = string.format("%s and", text)



if minutes > 1 then

text = string.format("%s %d minutes", text, minutes)


text = string.format("%s 1 minute", text)




text = string.format("%s.", text)

player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, text)


local vocation = player:getVocation()

local promotion = vocation:getPromotion()

local topVocation = not promotion and vocation or promotion


local updateSkills = false

if isInArray({SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_AXE, SKILL_DISTANCE}, offlineTrainingSkill) then

local modifier = topVocation:getAttackSpeed() / 1000

updateSkills = player:addOfflineTrainingTries(offlineTrainingSkill, (trainingTime / modifier) / (offlineTrainingSkill == SKILL_DISTANCE and 4 or 2))

elseif offlineTrainingSkill == SKILL_MAGLEVEL then

local gainTicks = topVocation:getManaGainTicks() * 2

if gainTicks == 0 then

gainTicks = 1



updateSkills = player:addOfflineTrainingTries(SKILL_MAGLEVEL, trainingTime * (vocation:getManaGainAmount() / gainTicks))



if updateSkills then

player:addOfflineTrainingTries(SKILL_SHIELD, trainingTime / 4)



return true




Te ajudei? REP+

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Boa tarde, tive o mesmo problema, tente substituir o conteúdo do script por este:


function onLogin(player)

local lastLogout = player:getLastLogout()

local offlineTime = lastLogout ~= 0 and math.min(os.time() - lastLogout, 86400 * 21) or 0

local offlineTrainingSkill = player:getOfflineTrainingSkill()

if offlineTrainingSkill == -1 then

player:addOfflineTrainingTime(offlineTime * 1000)

return true





if offlineTime < 600 then

player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You must be logged out for more than 10 minutes to start offline training.")

return true



local trainingTime = math.max(0, math.min(offlineTime, math.min(43200, player:getOfflineTrainingTime() / 1000)))

player:removeOfflineTrainingTime(trainingTime * 1000)


local remainder = offlineTime - trainingTime

if remainder > 0 then

player:addOfflineTrainingTime(remainder * 1000)



if trainingTime < 60 then

return true



local text = "During your absence you trained for"

local hours = math.floor(trainingTime / 3600)

if hours > 1 then

text = string.format("%s %d hours", text, hours)

elseif hours == 1 then

text = string.format("%s 1 hour", text)



local minutes = math.floor((trainingTime % 3600) / 60)

if minutes ~= 0 then

if hours ~= 0 then

text = string.format("%s and", text)



if minutes > 1 then

text = string.format("%s %d minutes", text, minutes)


text = string.format("%s 1 minute", text)




text = string.format("%s.", text)

player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, text)


local vocation = player:getVocation()

local promotion = vocation:getPromotion()

local topVocation = not promotion and vocation or promotion


local updateSkills = false

if isInArray({SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_AXE, SKILL_DISTANCE}, offlineTrainingSkill) then

local modifier = topVocation:getAttackSpeed() / 1000

updateSkills = player:addOfflineTrainingTries(offlineTrainingSkill, (trainingTime / modifier) / (offlineTrainingSkill == SKILL_DISTANCE and 4 or 2))

elseif offlineTrainingSkill == SKILL_MAGLEVEL then

local gainTicks = topVocation:getManaGainTicks() * 2

if gainTicks == 0 then

gainTicks = 1



updateSkills = player:addOfflineTrainingTries(SKILL_MAGLEVEL, trainingTime * (vocation:getManaGainAmount() / gainTicks))



if updateSkills then

player:addOfflineTrainingTries(SKILL_SHIELD, trainingTime / 4)



return true




Te ajudei? REP+


É o mesmo script, padrão do tfs, nada mudou.

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Estava com o mesmo erro que ele, porém usando este script funcionou perfeitamente. :D

Mais não tem o porque.

Fazendo a comparação entre os dois scripts não tem diferença.

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não resolveu nada continuou o mesmo erro ;(

Haidyn has logged in.

Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: attempt to call metho
d 'getOfflineTrainingSkill' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getOfflineTrainingSkill'
        data/creaturescripts/scripts/others/offlinetraining.lua:4: in function <
Haidyn has logged out.
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