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Zombie Event Para Heroserv

Nathan Fischer


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Zombie events




Testado em TFS 0.3.6.

Se alguem quiser testar em 0.4, e funcionar, avise!!



Vamos lá:





local config = {

playerCount = 2001, -- Global storage for counting the players left/entered in the event

zombieCount = 2002, -- Global storage for counting the zombies in the event

teleportActionId = 2000, -- Action id of the teleport needed for the movement script

teleportPosition = {x = 1135, y = 1077, z = 3, stackpos = 1}, -- Where the teleport will be created

teleportToPosition = {x = 1190, y = 1076, z = 7}, -- Where the teleport will take you

teleportId = 1387, -- Id of the teleport

timeToStartEvent = 5, -- Minutes, after these minutes the teleport will be removed and the event will be declared started

timeBetweenSpawns = 20, -- Seconds between each spawn of zombie

zombieName = "event zombie", -- Name of the zombie that should be summoned

playersNeededToStartEvent = 5, -- Players needed before the zombies can spawn.


-- Should be the same as in the creaturescript!

-- The zombies will spawn randomly inside this area

fromPosition = {x = 1186, y = 1072, z = 7}, -- top left cornor of the playground

toPosition = {x = 1195, y = 1081, z = 7}, -- bottom right cornor of the playground



function onTimer()

local tp = doCreateTeleport(config.teleportId, config.teleportToPosition, config.teleportPosition)

doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", config.teleportActionId)

doBroadcastMessage("Zombie event starting in " .. config.timeToStartEvent .. " minutes! The teleport will be closed when the event start!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

setGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount, 0)

setGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount, 0)

addEvent(startEvent, config.timeToStartEvent * 1000 * 60)




function startEvent()

local get = getThingfromPos(config.teleportPosition)

if get.itemid == config.teleportId then

doRemoveItem(get.uid, 1)



local fromp, top = config.fromPosition, config.toPosition


if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= config.playersNeededToStartEvent then

addEvent(spawnZombie, config.timeBetweenSpawns * 1000)

doBroadcastMessage("Good luck in the zombie event people! The teleport has closed!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)


for x = fromp.x, top.x do

for y = fromp.y, top.y do

for z = fromp.z, top.z do

areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}

getPlayers = getThingfromPos(areapos)

if isPlayer(getPlayers.uid) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(getPlayers.uid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "The first zombie will spawn in " .. config.timeBetweenSpawns .. " seconds! Good luck!")






doBroadcastMessage("The Zombie event could not start because of to few players participating.\n At least " .. config.playersNeededToStartEvent .. " players is needed!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

for x = fromp.x, top.x do

for y = fromp.y, top.y do

for z = fromp.z, top.z do

areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}

getPlayers = getThingfromPos(areapos)

if isPlayer(getPlayers.uid) then

doTeleportThing(getPlayers.uid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(getPlayers.uid)), false)

doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(getPlayers.uid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)








function spawnZombie()

if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= 2 then

pos = {x = math.random(config.fromPosition.x, config.toPosition.x), y = math.random(config.fromPosition.y, config.toPosition.y), z = math.random(config.fromPosition.z, config.toPosition.z)}

doSummonCreature(config.zombieName, pos)

doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MORTAREA)

setGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount, getGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount)+1)

doBroadcastMessage("A zombie has spawned! There is currently " .. getGlobalStorageValue(config.zombieCount) .. " zombies in the zombie event!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED)

addEvent(spawnZombie, config.timeBetweenSpawns * 1000)











local config = {

playerCount = 2001, -- Global storage for counting the players in the event maxPlayers = 15, -- Max players who can participate } function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor) if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) < config.maxPlayers then setGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount, getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount)+1) if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) == config.maxPlayers then doBroadcastMessage("The Zombie event is now full [" .. getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) .. " players]! The event will soon start.") else doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerName(cid) .. " entered the Zombie event! Currently " .. getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) .. " players have joined!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED) end else addEvent(tpBack, 1000, cid, fromPosition) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "The event is full. There is already " .. config.maxPlayers .. " players participating in the quest.") return false end print(getStorage(config.playerCount) .. " Players in the zombie event.") return trueend function tpBack(cid, fromPosition) doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)







local config = {

playerCount = 2001, -- Global storage for counting the players left/entered in the event goblet = 5805, -- id of the gold goblet you'll get when finishing the event. rewards = {2195, 2152, 2160}, -- You will get this + a gold goblet with your name on. -- {moneyId, count, using? 1 for using moneyReward, 0 for not using.} moneyReward = {2160, 10, 1}, -- Should be same as in the globalevent! -- The zombies will spawn randomly inside this area fromPosition = {x = 1186, y = 1072, z = 7}, -- top left cornor of the playground toPosition = {x = 1195, y = 1081, z = 7}, -- bottom right cornor of the playground } function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if isPlayer(cid) and isMonster(attacker) then if isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), config.fromPosition, config.toPosition) then if getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) >= 2 then doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerName(cid) .. " have been eated by Zombies!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED) local corpse = doCreateItem(3058, 1, getPlayerPosition(cid)) doItemSetAttribute(corpse, "description", "You recognize " .. getCreatureName(cid) .. ". He was killed by "..(isMonster(attacker) and "a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(attacker)) or isCreature(attacker) and getCreatureName(attacker) or "a field item")..".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)), false) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) setGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount, getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount)-1) elseif getGlobalStorageValue(config.playerCount) == 1 then if isInArea(getPlayerPosition(cid), config.fromPosition, config.toPosition) then doBroadcastMessage(getPlayerName(cid) .. " won the Zombie event! Congratulations!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) local goblet = doPlayerAddItem(cid, config.goblet, 1) doItemSetAttribute(goblet, "description", "Awarded to " .. getPlayerName(cid) .. " for winning the Zombie event.") local corpse = doCreateItem(3058, 1, getPlayerPosition(cid)) doItemSetAttribute(corpse, "description", "You recognize " .. getCreatureName(cid) .. ". He was killed by "..(isMonster(attacker) and "a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(attacker)) or isCreature(attacker) and getCreatureName(attacker) or "a field item")..".") doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)), false) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) for _,items in ipairs(config.rewards) do doPlayerAddItem(cid, items, 1) end if config.moneyReward[3] == 1 then doPlayerAddItem(cid, config.moneyReward[1], config.moneyReward[2]) end end for x = config.fromPosition.x, config.toPosition.x do for y = config.fromPosition.y, config.toPosition.y do for z = config.fromPosition.z, config.toPosition.z do areapos = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253} getMonsters = getThingfromPos(areapos) if isMonster(getMonsters.uid) then doRemoveCreature(getMonsters.uid) end end end end end return false end endreturn true




Login.lua (creaturescripts:



registerCreatureEvent(cid, "zombieevent")







<globalevent name="zombieevent" time="15:00" event="script" value="zombie event/globalevent.lua"/>




<movevent type="StepIn" actionid="2000" event="script" value="zombie event/movement.lua"/>




<event type="statschange" name="zombieevent" event="script" value="zombie event/creaturescript.lua"/>




Caso voce n tenha o monstro zombie, vai aki:


event zombie.xml



<monster name="Zombie Event" nameDescription="an event zombie" race="undead" experience="480" speed="170" manacost="0">

<health now="200000000" max="200000000"/>

<look type="311" corpse="9875"/>

<targetchange interval="5000" chance="50"/>

<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>


<flag summonable="0"/>

<flag attackable="1"/>

<flag hostile="1"/>

<flag illusionable="0"/>

<flag convinceable="0"/>

<flag pushable="0"/>

<flag canpushitems="1"/>

<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>

<flag targetdistance="1"/>

<flag staticattack="90"/>

<flag runonhealth="0"/>



<attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-1500" max="-2350"/>


<defenses armor="0" defense="0"/>


<immunity paralyze="1"/>

<immunity invisible="1"/>

<immunity fire="1"/>

<immunity energy="1"/>

<immunity poison="1"/>


<voices interval="5000" chance="10">

<voice sentence="You wont last long!"/>

<voice sentence="Mmmmh.. braains!"/>



<event name="ZombieThink"/>

<event name="ZombieDeath"/>











<monster name="Event zombie" file="event zombie.xml"/>


Edited by GuizitoG
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Desculpe pela zona que está dentro dos spoilers ;// não sei porque n ficou bunitinho linha por linha...


E não se esqueça de arrumar os files, (nas tags que vao nos xml tipo

<event type="statschange" name="zombieevent" event="script" value="zombie event/creaturescript.lua"/>

Coloquei todos em negrito pra facilitar!

Edited by GuizitoG
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Cara não deu -- Eu tenho esse script que peguei do Baiak Extreme

Os tipos de erro são:

- O zombie fica hitando até matar

- Erro Function Ontimer

- Quando inicia o evento -- fuction notfound (zombievent)


Tem como testar ai e passar por msn?? nathan-300@hotmail.com


Versão = Heroserv 0.0.6

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Bom, pra qm n sabe n consegui resolver pelo msn, mas para os que também teem a duvida e pra ele também (é pk ele ta off no msn) encontrei um zombie event para all tfs, nao testei, achei no ot land, vai aí:



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