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Duvida Interval Forgotten Server 0.4


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Bom dia, gostaria de saber se alguem pode me informar como funciona o sistema de interval do forgotten server?


exemplo.: <globalevent name="Lotery" interval="7200" event="script" value="lotery.lua"/>


Erro no server:


05:22 [1ST PLACE] Winner: Hakeshou, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:22 [2ST PLACE] Winner: Batman, Reward: 1 stealth ring, Congratulations!

05:22 (Next Lottery in 3 hours.)

05:22 [1ST PLACE] Winner: [Vip] [Hoster] Alk, Reward: 1 stealth ring, Congratulations!

05:22 [2ST PLACE] Winner: Robinn, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:22 (Next Lottery in 3 hours.)

05:22 [1ST PLACE] Winner: Batman, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:22 [2ST PLACE] Winner: Hakeshou, Reward: 1 stealth ring, Congratulations!

05:22 (Next Lottery in 3 hours.)

05:22 [1ST PLACE] Winner: Hakeshou, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:22 [2ST PLACE] Winner: Batman, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:22 (Next Lottery in 3 hours.)

05:23 [1ST PLACE] Winner: Robinn, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:23 [2ST PLACE] Winner: Batman, Reward: 2 crystal coin, Congratulations!

05:23 (Next Lottery in 3 hours.)




Pelo que entendi nos foruns, inclusive no do sistema da lottery dizem que 7200 equivale a 2 horas, no meu server estou tendo que usar esse interval (

<globalevent name="Lotery" interval="8400000" event="script" value="lotery.lua"/>) para ficar aproximadamente 2 horas.




Se alguem puder me ajudar, agradeço com rep+ e mais a minha gratidão :D

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