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  1. Olá, o Adriano Swatt estava fazendo um script pra mim, mas devido a alguns problemas e aos corres do dia-a-dia ele não teve tempo de terminar, gostaria da ajuda para terminar esse script... O script consiste em: O boost é ativado ao summonar o monstro e não usando algum item como ja vi em outro post O cálculo do dano adicionado é feito através da soma do level e do ML, o resultado disso se toma como porcentagem a adicionar no dano que o monstro iria hitar, ex; level = 50 + ML = 35, result = 85, o hit do monstro ficaria 350(exemplo) + 85% dos 350, o mesmo serve no caso do monstro se auto healar (MONK por exemplo), mas o boost é pra qualquer summon A vida do monstro segue a mesma logica só que ao invés do hit aumentar é a vida obviamente local eventName = "00testing"local percent_limit = 500function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) print('LUTA OCORRENDO') if type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS and value >= 1 then -- print('LIST TARGET: '..getMonsterTargetList(attacker)[1]..'') -- Retorna UID registerCreatureEvent(getCreatureTarget(attacker), eventName) print('REGISTRANDO EVENTO EM: '..getCreatureName(attacker):lower()..' ATACANDO UM '..getCreatureName(getCreatureTarget(attacker)):lower()..'.') if getCreatureMaster(attacker) then ownSummon = getCreatureMaster(attacker) print('TEMOS: '..getCreatureName(attacker):lower()..' ATACANDO UM '..getCreatureName(cid):lower()..'.') if isPlayer(ownSummon) then local overflow_protection = {} if overflow_protection[attacker] then overflow_protection[attacker] = nil return true end getML = getPlayerMagLevel(ownSummon) getLvL = getPlayerLevel(ownSummon) addDMG = getML + getLvL -- Percent if addDMG < percent_limit then percDMG = math.floor(value*(addDMG/100)) newValue = (value+percDMG) print('True Value: '..value..' // PercDMG: '..percDMG..' // NewValue: '..newValue..' [ML: '..getML..'/ LVL: '..getLvL..].') else percDMG = math.floor(value*(percent_limit/100)) newValue = (value+percDMG) print('True Value: '..value..' // PercDMG: '..percDMG..' // NewValue: '..newValue..' [ML: '..getML..'/ LVL: '..getLvL..].') end overflow_protection[attacker] = true doPlayerSendTextMessage(ownSummon, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, "Your "..getCreatureName(attacker).." deals "..newValue.." [hit "..value.." + "..percDMG.." boost damage] to "..(getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(cid)).description)..".") doTargetCombatHealth(attacker, cid, combat, -newValue, -newValue, CONST_ME_NONE) return false else print('SUMMON ISN\'T BY PLAYER // ATTACKER: '..getCreatureName(attacker)..' -> CID: '..getCreatureName(cid)..'.') end else print('NOT IS A SUMMON // ATTACKER: '..getCreatureName(attacker)..' -> CID: '..getCreatureName(cid)..'.') end else print('SEM PERDA DE VIDA // CID: '..getCreatureName(cid)..'.') endreturn trueend
  2. Sabem que quando nós jogamos um item sobre a bp ele entra? queria remover isso, queria que so entrasse ao jogar diretamente dentro creio que seja nesse arquivo container.cpp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or// (at your option) any later version.//// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the// GNU General Public License for more details.//// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "otpch.h"#include "container.h"#include "game.h"#include "iomap.h"#include "player.h"extern Game g_game;ContainerContainer(uint16_t type) : Item(type){ maxSize = items[type].maxItems; serializationCount = 0; totalWeight = 0.0;}Container~Container(){ for(ItemListiterator cit = itemlist.begin(); cit != itemlist.end(); ++cit) { (*cit)->setParent(NULL); (*cit)->unRef(); } itemlist.clear();}Item* Containerclone() const{ Container* _item = static_cast<Container*>(Itemclone()); for(ItemListconst_iterator it = itemlist.begin(); it != itemlist.end(); ++it) _item->addItem((*it)->clone()); return _item;}Container* ContainergetParentContainer(){ if(Cylinder* cylinder = getParent()) { if(Item* item = cylinder->getItem()) return item->getContainer(); } return NULL;}void ContaineraddItem(Item* item){ itemlist.push_back(item); item->setParent(this);}Attr_ReadValue ContainerreadAttr(AttrTypes_t attr, PropStream& propStream){ switch(attr) { case ATTR_CONTAINER_ITEMS: { uint32_t count; if(!propStream.getLong(count)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; serializationCount = count; return ATTR_READ_END; } default: break; } return ItemreadAttr(attr, propStream);}bool ContainerunserializeItemNode(FileLoader& f, NODE node, PropStream& propStream){ if(!ItemunserializeItemNode(f, node, propStream)) return false; uint32_t type; for(NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(node, type); nodeItem; nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type)) { //load container items if(type != OTBM_ITEM) return false; PropStream itemPropStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, itemPropStream); Item* item = ItemCreateItem(itemPropStream); if(!item) return false; if(!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, itemPropStream)) return false; addItem(item); updateItemWeight(item->getWeight()); } return true;}void ContainerupdateItemWeight(double diff){ totalWeight += diff; if(Container* parent = getParentContainer()) parent->updateItemWeight(diff);}double ContainergetWeight() const{ return ItemgetWeight() + totalWeight;}stdstring ContainergetContentDescription() const{ stdstringstream s; return getContentDescription(s).str();}stdstringstream& ContainergetContentDescription(stdstringstream& s) const{ bool begin = true; Container* evil = const_cast<Container*>(this); for(ContainerIterator it = evil->begin(); it != evil->end(); ++it) { Container* tmp = (*it)->getContainer(); if(tmp && !tmp->empty()) continue; if(!begin) s << ", "; else begin = false; s << (*it)->getNameDescription(); } if(begin) s << "nothing"; return s;}Item* ContainergetItem(uint32_t index){ size_t n = 0; for(ItemListconst_iterator cit = getItems(); cit != getEnd(); ++cit) { if(n == index) return *cit; else ++n; } return NULL;}uint32_t ContainergetItemHoldingCount() const{ uint32_t counter = 0; for(ContainerIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) ++counter; return counter;}bool ContainerisHoldingItem(const Item* item) const{ for(ContainerIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { if((*it) == item) return true; } return false;}void ContaineronAddContainerItem(Item* item){ const Position& cylinderMapPos = getPosition(); SpectatorVec list; SpectatorVeciterator it; g_game.getSpectators(list, cylinderMapPos, false, false, 2, 2, 2, 2); //send to client Player* player = NULL; for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if((player = (*it)->getPlayer())) player->sendAddContainerItem(this, item); } //event methods for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if((player = (*it)->getPlayer())) player->onAddContainerItem(this, item); }}void ContaineronUpdateContainerItem(uint32_t index, Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType, Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType){ const Position& cylinderMapPos = getPosition(); SpectatorVec list; SpectatorVeciterator it; g_game.getSpectators(list, cylinderMapPos, false, false, 2, 2, 2, 2); //send to client Player* player = NULL; for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if((player = (*it)->getPlayer())) player->sendUpdateContainerItem(this, index, oldItem, newItem); } //event methods for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if((player = (*it)->getPlayer())) player->onUpdateContainerItem(this, index, oldItem, oldType, newItem, newType); }}void ContaineronRemoveContainerItem(uint32_t index, Item* item){ const Position& cylinderMapPos = getPosition(); SpectatorVec list; SpectatorVeciterator it; g_game.getSpectators(list, cylinderMapPos, false, false, 2, 2, 2, 2); //send change to client Player* player = NULL; for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if((player = (*it)->getPlayer())) player->sendRemoveContainerItem(this, index, item); } //event methods for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if((player = (*it)->getPlayer())) player->onRemoveContainerItem(this, index, item); }}ReturnValue Container__queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const{ if(((flags & FLAG_CHILDISOWNER) == FLAG_CHILDISOWNER)) { //a child container is querying, since we are the top container (not carried by a player) //just return with no error. return RET_NOERROR; } const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; if(!item->isPickupable()) return RET_CANNOTPICKUP; if(item == this) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; if(const Container* container = item->getContainer()) { for(const Cylinder* cylinder = getParent(); cylinder; cylinder = cylinder->getParent()) { if(cylinder == container) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; } } if(index == INDEX_WHEREEVER && !((flags & FLAG_NOLIMIT) == FLAG_NOLIMIT) && full()) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; const Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(topParent != this) return topParent->__queryAdd(INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, count, flags | FLAG_CHILDISOWNER); return RET_NOERROR;}ReturnValue Container__queryMaxCount(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t& maxQueryCount, uint32_t flags) const{ const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) { maxQueryCount = 0; return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; } if(((flags & FLAG_NOLIMIT) == FLAG_NOLIMIT)) { maxQueryCount = stdmax((uint32_t)1, count); return RET_NOERROR; } int32_t freeSlots = stdmax((int32_t)(capacity() - size()), (int32_t)0); if(item->isStackable()) { uint32_t n = 0; if(index != INDEX_WHEREEVER) { const Thing* destThing = __getThing(index); const Item* destItem = NULL; if(destThing) destItem = destThing->getItem(); if(destItem && destItem->getID() == item->getID()) n = 100 - destItem->getItemCount(); } maxQueryCount = freeSlots * 100 + n; if(maxQueryCount < count) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; } else { maxQueryCount = freeSlots; if(maxQueryCount == 0) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; } return RET_NOERROR;}ReturnValue Container__queryRemove(const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const{ int32_t index = __getIndexOfThing(thing); if(index == -1) return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(item == NULL) return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; if(count == 0 || (item->isStackable() && count > item->getItemCount())) return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; if(!item->isMovable() && !hasBitSet(FLAG_IGNORENOTMOVABLE, flags)) return RET_NOTMOVABLE; return RET_NOERROR;}Cylinder* Container__queryDestination(int32_t& index, const Thing*, Item** destItem, uint32_t&){ if(index == 254 /*move up*/) { index = INDEX_WHEREEVER; *destItem = NULL; Container* parentContainer = dynamic_cast<Container*>(getParent()); if(parentContainer) return parentContainer; else return this; } else if(index == 255 /*add wherever*/) { index = INDEX_WHEREEVER; *destItem = NULL; return this; } else { if(index >= (int32_t)capacity()) { /* if you have a container, maximize it to show all 20 slots then you open a bag that is inside the container you will have a bag with 8 slots and a "grey" area where the other 12 slots where from the container if you drop the item on that grey area the client calculates the slot position as if the bag has 20 slots */ index = INDEX_WHEREEVER; } if(index != INDEX_WHEREEVER) { Thing* destThing = __getThing(index); if(destThing) *destItem = destThing->getItem(); if(Cylinder* subCylinder = dynamic_cast<Cylinder*>(*destItem)) { index = INDEX_WHEREEVER; *destItem = NULL; return subCylinder; } } } return this;}void Container__addThing(Creature* actor, Thing* thing){ return __addThing(actor, 0, thing);}void Container__addThing(Creature*, int32_t index, Thing* thing){ if(index >= (int32_t)capacity()) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__addThing], index:" << index << ", index >= capacity()" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__addThing] item == NULL" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; }#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ if(index != INDEX_WHEREEVER && size() >= capacity()) { stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__addThing] size() >= capacity()" << stdendl; return /*RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM*/; }#endif item->setParent(this); itemlist.push_front(item); totalWeight += item->getWeight(); if(Container* parentContainer = getParentContainer()) parentContainer->updateItemWeight(item->getWeight()); //send change to client if(getParent() && getParent() != VirtualCylindervirtualCylinder) onAddContainerItem(item);}void Container__updateThing(Thing* thing, uint16_t itemId, uint32_t count){ int32_t index = __getIndexOfThing(thing); if(index == -1) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__updateThing] index == -1" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__updateThing] item == NULL" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } const ItemType& oldType = Itemitems[item->getID()]; const ItemType& newType = Itemitems[itemId]; const double oldWeight = item->getWeight(); item->setID(itemId); item->setSubType(count); const double diffWeight = -oldWeight + item->getWeight(); totalWeight += diffWeight; if(Container* parentContainer = getParentContainer()) parentContainer->updateItemWeight(diffWeight); //send change to client if(getParent()) onUpdateContainerItem(index, item, oldType, item, newType);}void Container__replaceThing(uint32_t index, Thing* thing){ Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__replaceThing] item == NULL" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } uint32_t count = 0; ItemListiterator cit = itemlist.end(); for(cit = itemlist.begin(); cit != itemlist.end(); ++cit) { if(count == index) break; ++count; } if(cit == itemlist.end()) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__updateThing] item not found" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } totalWeight -= (*cit)->getWeight(); totalWeight += item->getWeight(); if(Container* parentContainer = getParentContainer()) parentContainer->updateItemWeight(-(*cit)->getWeight() + item->getWeight()); itemlist.insert(cit, item); item->setParent(this); //send change to client if(getParent()) { const ItemType& oldType = Itemitems[(*cit)->getID()]; const ItemType& newType = Itemitems[item->getID()]; onUpdateContainerItem(index, *cit, oldType, item, newType); } (*cit)->setParent(NULL); itemlist.erase(cit);}void Container__removeThing(Thing* thing, uint32_t count){ Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__removeThing] item == NULL" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } int32_t index = __getIndexOfThing(thing); if(index == -1) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__removeThing] index == -1" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } ItemListiterator cit = stdfind(itemlist.begin(), itemlist.end(), thing); if(cit == itemlist.end()) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__removeThing] item not found" << stdendl;#endif return /*RET_NOTPOSSIBLE*/; } if(item->isStackable() && count != item->getItemCount()) { const double oldWeight = -item->getWeight(); item->setItemCount(stdmax(0, (int32_t)(item->getItemCount() - count))); const double diffWeight = oldWeight + item->getWeight(); totalWeight += diffWeight; //send change to client if(getParent()) { if(Container* parentContainer = getParentContainer()) parentContainer->updateItemWeight(diffWeight); const ItemType& it = Itemitems[item->getID()]; onUpdateContainerItem(index, item, it, item, it); } } else { //send change to client if(getParent()) { if(Container* parentContainer = getParentContainer()) parentContainer->updateItemWeight(-item->getWeight()); onRemoveContainerItem(index, item); } totalWeight -= item->getWeight(); item->setParent(NULL); itemlist.erase(cit); }}Thing* Container__getThing(uint32_t index) const{ if(index > size()) return NULL; uint32_t count = 0; for(ItemListconst_iterator cit = itemlist.begin(); cit != itemlist.end(); ++cit) { if(count == index) return *cit; else ++count; } return NULL;}int32_t Container__getIndexOfThing(const Thing* thing) const{ uint32_t index = 0; for(ItemListconst_iterator cit = getItems(); cit != getEnd(); ++cit) { if(*cit == thing) return index; else ++index; } return -1;}int32_t Container__getFirstIndex() const{ return 0;}int32_t Container__getLastIndex() const{ return size();}uint32_t Container__getItemTypeCount(uint16_t itemId, int32_t subType /*= -1*/) const{ uint32_t count = 0; for(ItemListconst_iterator it = itemlist.begin(); it != itemlist.end(); ++it) { if((*it) && (*it)->getID() == itemId && (subType == -1 || subType == (*it)->getSubType())) count += (*it)->getItemCount(); } return count;}stdmap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& Container__getAllItemTypeCount(stdmap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& countMap) const{ for(ItemListconst_iterator it = itemlist.begin(); it != itemlist.end(); ++it) countMap[(*it)->getID()] += (*it)->getItemCount(); return countMap;}void ContainerpostAddNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* oldParent, int32_t index, CylinderLink_t/* link = LINK_OWNER*/){ Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(!topParent->getCreature()) { if(topParent == this) { //let the tile class notify surrounding players if(topParent->getParent()) topParent->getParent()->postAddNotification(actor, thing, oldParent, index, LINK_NEAR); } else topParent->postAddNotification(actor, thing, oldParent, index, LINK_PARENT); } else topParent->postAddNotification(actor, thing, oldParent, index, LINK_TOPPARENT);}void ContainerpostRemoveNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* newParent, int32_t index, bool isCompleteRemoval, CylinderLink_t/* link = LINK_OWNER*/){ Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(!topParent->getCreature()) { if(topParent == this) { //let the tile class notify surrounding players if(topParent->getParent()) topParent->getParent()->postRemoveNotification(actor, thing, newParent, index, isCompleteRemoval, LINK_NEAR); } else topParent->postRemoveNotification(actor, thing, newParent, index, isCompleteRemoval, LINK_PARENT); } else topParent->postRemoveNotification(actor, thing, newParent, index, isCompleteRemoval, LINK_TOPPARENT);}void Container__internalAddThing(Thing* thing){ __internalAddThing(0, thing);}void Container__internalAddThing(uint32_t#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ index#endif , Thing* thing){#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "[Container::__internalAddThing] index: " << index << stdendl;#endif if(!thing) return; Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(item == NULL) {#ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ stdclog << "Failure: [Container::__internalAddThing] item == NULL" << stdendl;#endif return; } itemlist.push_front(item); item->setParent(this); totalWeight += item->getWeight(); if(Container* parentContainer = getParentContainer()) parentContainer->updateItemWeight(item->getWeight());}void Container__startDecaying(){ for(ItemListconst_iterator it = itemlist.begin(); it != itemlist.end(); ++it) (*it)->__startDecaying();}ContainerIterator Containerbegin(){ ContainerIterator cit(this); if(!itemlist.empty()) { cit.over.push(this); cit.current = itemlist.begin(); } return cit;}ContainerIterator Containerend(){ ContainerIterator cit(this); return cit;}ContainerIterator Containerbegin() const{ Container* evil = const_cast<Container*>(this); return evil->begin();}ContainerIterator Containerend() const{ Container* evil = const_cast<Container*>(this); return evil->end();}ContainerIteratorContainerIterator():base(NULL) {}ContainerIteratorContainerIterator(Container* _base):base(_base) {}ContainerIteratorContainerIterator(const ContainerIterator& rhs):base(rhs.base), over(rhs.over), current(rhs.current) {}bool ContainerIteratoroperator==(const ContainerIterator& rhs){ return !(*this != rhs);}bool ContainerIteratoroperator!=(const ContainerIterator& rhs){ assert(base); if(base != rhs.base) return true; if(over.empty() && rhs.over.empty()) return false; if(over.empty()) return true; if(rhs.over.empty()) return true; if(over.front() != rhs.over.front()) return true; return current != rhs.current;}ContainerIterator& ContainerIteratoroperator=(const ContainerIterator& rhs){ this->base = rhs.base; this->current = rhs.current; this->over = rhs.over; return *this;}Item* ContainerIteratoroperator*(){ assert(base); return *current;}Item* ContainerIteratoroperator->(){ return *(*this);}ContainerIterator& ContainerIteratoroperator++(){ assert(base); if(Item* item = *current) { Container* container = item->getContainer(); if(container && !container->empty()) over.push(container); } ++current; if(current == over.front()->itemlist.end()) { over.pop(); if(over.empty()) return *this; current = over.front()->itemlist.begin(); } return *this;}ContainerIterator ContainerIteratoroperator++(int32_t){ ContainerIterator tmp(*this); ++*this; return tmp;}
  3. Opa, pessoal, eu extrai o cast system do summ de um tfs 0.4 8.60 e coloquei no meu 0.4 8.71, e qdo alguem está sendo o caster ele não consegue falar nada no chat do cast, e quem está assistindo só recebe uma imagem parada do momento em que ele entrou no cast, alguem saberia me ajudar?
  4. Queria saber como faço pra meu servidor de game port 7174 e world_id 2, aceitar os chars dos world_ids 0 e 1 sem usar o multiworld pra isso, um cara me disse que é no iologindata.cpp porém só disse até ai pois não sabe mexer com database, queria saber oque eu deveria alterar, eu tentei assim: #ifndef __LOGIN_SERVER__ query << "SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `account_id` = " << accountId << " AND `world_id` = 0 or `world_id` = 1 AND `deleted` = 0"; e aparecia todos os chars independente de ser da conta ou não PS1: dai tentei assim : #ifndef __LOGIN_SERVER__ query << "SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `account_id` = " << accountId << " AND `deleted` = 0"; e apareceu os chars só da conta, porém deu um erro dizendo que não pode carregar o char "couldn't be loaded" PS2: Já resolvi, faltava remover o world_id de outro local, pode fechar se quiser
  5. Gostaria de um sistema de mining, os que eu achei não eram como eu gostaria, tipo, preciso que seja assim: 1. Ao usar a pick, ele retorne numa skill normal ao invés de storages, skill_id 7 por exemplo, e retorne em tries igual skill de combate normal 2. Haverá diferença entre pick e dwarven pickaxe, se for com a pick tem suas porcentagens, mas se for com a pickaxe tem 10% a mais do que a pick 3. A cada número X de level aumenta a % de conseguir algo 4. Cada item que pode ser pego terá uma % diferente uma da outra, baseando-se nas skills (EX: small stone com skill 3 = 2%, com skill 20 = 6% e se for gold com skill 3 = 0.2%, com skill 20 = 1%) 4.1. Serão de 3 a 4 itens diferentes (ainda não decididos) 5. Tem que ter grounds e stone definidos para poder mineirar 6. Ao mineirar na pedra, cada batida na pedra tem uma % alta de a pedra se desfazer caso seja a pedra pequena, se for a grande ela decay pra outra e da outra ela vira a pequena, que então se desfaz, e demora de 2h~5h pra pedra voltar 7. Ao mineirar no chão, a chance de o chão 'secar' e ao secar ele decay para outro, e leva também de 2h~5h pra voltar ao normal 8. Qualquer um pode mineirar, mas se for premium tem mais 8% de chances de conseguir o item 9. E por último, se for vocation > 3 ganha mais 3% de chances, tem que ser vocation e não promotion
  6. Gostaria de uma ajuda pra remover o autostacking, de preferencia se tiver como fazer pra só remover de item XXXX e item YYYY melhor, se não pode ser de todos Obs: pra que não sabe o que é autostacking, é aquele sistema que junta os itens agrupáveis automaticamente
  7. É possível com um script fazer com que item xxxx tenha stack máximo de 50 e item yyyy pode ter stack maior que 100? Se sim alguém poderia fazer?
  8. Eu estou tendo erro quando tento compilar as sources do tibiaeditor alguém poderia me ensinar a resolver este problema? nunca usei o "visual studio 2015 community" mas foi este que um usuario de outro forum disse que usou junto com o "build tools for vs 2010" e deu certo mas ele não quis me ensinar a resolver o problema, alguém pode me ajudar?
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