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Bom, muitos anos afastados do xtibia, a pouco tempo resolvi voltar e começar de onde eu mais tinha dificuldade. Suezo - Monster Rancher Todas minhas sprites atuais Alguns móveis! Free for use! Obs.: SadBoy da otland sou eu
Seguinte instalei o rme no meu pc tentei varios instaladores mais da erro ao tentar abrir um map 8.6 vi varios tutoriais pedindo pra baixar o client no site do rme mais la nao tem a versão 8.6 eu localizo a pasta do tibia no caso a 8.6 no map da erro (erro 1) aee quando eu desmarco a caixa la check signatures e tento abrir o map da o seguinte erro (erro 2) abaixo anexo das imagens com os erros nao sei mais o que fazer desde ja agradeço.
Então seguinte queria saber se tem como alguem criar uma magia pra min estilo mas flam ou mas frigo so que em vez de gelo e fogo uma com atack de psychal com efeito de coração tpw exevo mas love desde ja agradeço.
Olá, eu estou pensando em abrir um servidor nessas férias e decidi fazer uma pesquisa antes, será que você poderia me ajudar?, são só cinco questões de múltipla escolha não demora mais que 2 minutos para responder. Link; Obrigado.
Então eu queria um script de quest tlg vi uns no site e tals mais não entendi mt bem queria um simples e funfavel para 8.6 desde ja agradeço.
Procuro vaga em OtServ (de preferência: Poketibia) O que sei fazer: Sou Spriter; Sei o básico de Mapping e Scripting; Faço Client Próprio (claro); Auxilio externamente no que for preciso; Desenvolvo e administro SITES de OtServ (de preferencia sem criador de acc - acho melhor sem...); Tenho MUITA experiência como ADM geral de Otserv (ADM geral > Auxilia no que for necessário os outros membros da Staff e os Players). Disponibilidade (online no server): Todos os dias a partir das 18h; Exceções: Segunda (a partir das 19h30), Sexta (a partir das 15h), fins da semana e feriados. (Horários podem variar dependendo do dia). Disponibilidade (trabalhos externos): Varia bastante dependendo do trabalho. Procuro: Server sério, com pessoas dispostas a trabalhar duro para melhorar a jogabilidade e o entretenimento dos players, mesmo que o planejamento e a execução sejam trabalhosos e demorados. Meu ultimo server fechou (hoster desistiu), e agora procuro um lugar onde possa exercer minhas funções ("procuro emprego"). E-mail de contato (Skype): ~~ Balboa Rocky
Tpw gente a maioria dos ots as parada la tem God,Cm,Cm... e tals so q tpw eu baixei um ot daki msm do site ele é global 8.6 so q so tem até group 4 q no caso seria Gm mais nesse server é god como eu faço pra tpw ficar nomal exemplo: God Group6; Cm Group 5; Gm group 4.... e tals se alguem souber como eu faço por favor me ajd
Tpw gente eu tenho um ot global compacto aki do site msm e tals 9.7 e tpw começa lvl 500 eu ja mechi no config.lua colokei lvl 8 la e td mais e n da certo se alguem souber oq ta acontecendo por favor me ajd.
Quero saber como eu faço pra tpw assim eu quero criar uma quest com a finalidade tpw do global vc faz ela e passa no trono tpw POI so q ao inves de vc poder ir pra outra parte quando vc passa no trono vc poder pegar certos certos itens em baus de quests q eu criei se tiver como vcs me ajudarem
Bom gente eu criei um site vendo tutorial aki do xtibia mesmo e tals crio certin msm so q o problema é q msm eu desbloqueando as portas 80 e 8090 no firewall e no roteador,nos arquivos do xamp la so eu acesso os outros n conseguem entrar e tpw outra duvida tem problema eu criar o site aki no pc q eu uso sendo q o ot fica em outro pc tpw assim eu tenho uma copia dos arquivos no meu pc pra editar e tals pra testes se eu criar um site com os arquivos do meu pc tem problema ou n? Desde ja agradeço!!!
Bom gente queria saber como ue faço pra dechar o servidor 24hrs e tpw eu vo começar a trampar dai n vo poder dechar o pc ligado então eu quero colokar um dedicado so q n sei como faço e pra q server isso hos eu sei q é pra site e tals eu acho q é isso queria saber pra q server e como eu faço depois q eu comprar o dedicado pra dechar on o server e tals me ajudem por favor.
Bom gente oq eu tenho q fazer pq tpw eu tenho o ot subwat baixado aki msm no site so q tpw quando eu tento abrir a barra de skill la pra ver o level e tals eu tomo debug quando tento abrir a bp tomo debug oq eu tenho q fazer?
Gente do xtibia vcs são fodas preciso da ajd de vcs mais uma vez ja me ajudaram mts vezes preciso mais uma vez de ajd como eu faço pra mecher no max lvl do tibia exemplo td mundo sabe q o maximo de lvl q um player em ot pode chegar é 717k certo n passa desse lvl então como eu faço pra mudar isso tpw eu quero passar desse lvl ir adiante 1kk, 2kk, 3kk e assim por diante como eu fasso tem script pra isso preciso de mecher em algo me ajudem preciso disso urgente desde ja mt obrigado.
Bom gente tenho esse evento no meu ot so q ta com um problema quando tentam pegar a flag n pega ela continua no msm lugar seila o pq ta ai umas prints pra ajd um pouco. aki ta o script do evento <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mod name="CTF" version="1.0" author="Doggynub" contact="" enabled="yes"> <config name="toto"><![CDATA[ --[[ Storage Settings]]-- Owner = 1900 -- put empty storage FLAG2_INn = 4000 -- put empty storage FLAG_IN = 4001 -- put empty storage TEAM1_FLAGS = 3030 -- put empty storage TEAM2_FLAGS = 3031 -- put empty storage Event_Start = 3032 -- put empty storage Event_timeend = 3033 -- put empty storage Event_Tile_Close = 3039 -- put empty storage joined = 2023 --put empty storage Timer = 1010 --put empty storage -------------------------------------- --[[ Places setting ]]-- BLUE_FLAG = {x=900,y=225,z=7} -- Blue flag Place RED_FLAG = {x=992,y=217,z=7} --red flag Place Tp_Place = {x=171,y=60,z=7} -- Place where the event teleport will be created. Wait_Place = {x=647,y=613,z=7} -- Positions Players will be sent when the enter event's teleport frompos = {x=643, y=608, z=7} --start sqm in the waiting room(1 floor) topos = {x=653,y=617,z=7} -- end sqm in the waiting room(1 floor) Red_Position = {x=989,y=217,z=7} -- Red team temple pos Blue_Position = {x=907,y=224,z=7} -- Blue team temple pos --------------------------------------- --[[Event setting ]]-- Event_WaitTime = 2 -- time for the collection of player then event will start (in minutes) Event_MaxTime = 2 --- in minutes ( this is the max time for an event to bb running ) Players_Speed = 20000 -- put the level of base speed in event ( like if you want the speed of lvl 300 then wright 300) Flag_Holder_Speed = 2000 -- [Old-Styled feature] speed for the player when he hold a flag better not to increase. TEAM2_NAME = "Red" -- team 2 name TEAM1_NAME = "Green" -- team 1 name FLAG_SCORE = 3 -- score when team gets he wins Teleport_On_Score = true -- this teleport all players to their team main position when some one score a flag , make false to disable. Players_Least_Number = 2 -- this means if there is less than 2 players joined the event will be cancelled Min_Join_Level = 100 -- min lvl for a player to join event rewards_random = { [60] = { -- Rewards of 60% , if it is then it will randomly give one of the items in the items verible if there you put more than one item there items = {2475,2471,2494} }, [30] = { -- Rewards of 30% items = {32366,8918,2495} }, [10] = { -- Rewards of 10% items = {6132,9693} } } ]]></config> <lib name="CTF-lib"><![CDATA[ function isTeamTwo(cid) return (isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5054) > -1) end function isTeamOne(cid) return (isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,5055) > -1) end function resetTheTeams(cid) return (isPlayer(cid) and setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5054,-1) and setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5055,-1)) end function setflagOwner(cid) return setPlayerStorageValue(cid,Owner,1) end function flagOwner(cid) return (isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,Owner) > 0) end function releaseBF(cid) setGlobalStorageValue(FLAG_IN,-1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,103, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,Owner,-1) return true end function releaseRF(cid) setGlobalStorageValue(FLAG2_INn,-1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,103, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,Owner,-1) return true end function setFirstTeam(cid) return setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5055,1) end function setSecondTeam(cid) return setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5054,2) end function addToRed() return setGlobalStorageValue(TEAM2_FLAGS,getGlobalStorageValue(TEAM2_FLAGS)+1) end function addToBlue() return setGlobalStorageValue(TEAM1_FLAGS,getGlobalStorageValue(TEAM1_FLAGS)+1) end function getBlueScore() return getGlobalStorageValue(TEAM1_FLAGS) end function getRedScore() return getGlobalStorageValue(TEAM2_FLAGS) end function getTheSpeed(level) value = (220 +(2 *(level -1))) return value end function resetTheStorage() setGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start,-1) setGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend,-1) setGlobalStorageValue(TEAM1_FLAGS,0) setGlobalStorageValue(FLAG2_INn,-1) setGlobalStorageValue(FLAG_IN,-1) setGlobalStorageValue(TEAM2_FLAGS,0) return true end function blueStolen() return getGlobalStorageValue(FLAG_IN) end function redStolen() return getGlobalStorageValue(FLAG2_INn) end function giveReward(cid) local t = math.random(1,100) if t <= 10 then local rare = rewards_random[10].items[math.random(1,#rewards_random[10].items)] doPlayerAddItem(cid,rare,1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"Rare rate Reward : you won "..getItemNameById(rare)..".") elseif t > 10 and t <= 40 then local semi = rewards_random[30].items[math.random(1,#rewards_random[30].items)] doPlayerAddItem(cid,semi,1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"Semi rate Reward : you won "..getItemNameById(semi)..".") elseif t > 40 then local aver = rewards_random[60].items[math.random(1,#rewards_random[60].items)] doPlayerAddItem(cid,aver,1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"Averege rate Reward : you won "..getItemNameById(aver)..".") end return true end ]]></lib> <event type="login" name="Tutorial Login" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function onLogin(cid) if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) < 1 then if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then resetTheTeams(cid) end end registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Attk") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ctff") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "prepare") return true end ]]></event> <event type="combat" name="Attk" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function onCombat(cid, target) if isTeamOne(cid) and isTeamOne(target) then return false end if isTeamTwo(cid) and isTeamTwo(target) then return false end return true end ]]></event> <event type="statschange" name="prepare" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') local corpse_ids = { [0] = 3065, -- female [1] = 3058 -- male } function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if combat == COMBAT_HEALING then return true end if getCreatureHealth(cid) > value then return true end if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 then if flagOwner(cid) then if isTeamOne(cid) then doItemSetAttribute(doCreateItem(corpse_ids[getPlayerSex(cid)], 1, getThingPos(cid)), "description", "You recognize "..getCreatureName(cid)..". He was killed by "..(isMonster(attacker) and "a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(attacker)) or isCreature(attacker) and getCreatureName(attacker) or "a field item").."[Flag Holder].") doTeleportThing(cid,Blue_Position,false) doSendMagicEffect(Blue_Position,10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid,getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) doCreatureAddMana(cid,getCreatureMaxMana(cid)) releaseRF(cid) for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " has died with the "..TEAM2_NAME.." team flag. The flag is returned back to the "..TEAM1_NAME.." team.") end end return false elseif isTeamTwo(cid) then doItemSetAttribute(doCreateItem(corpse_ids[getPlayerSex(cid)], 1, getThingPos(cid)), "description", "You recognize "..getCreatureName(cid)..". He was killed by "..(isMonster(attacker) and "a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(attacker)) or isCreature(attacker) and getCreatureName(attacker) or "a field item").."[Flag Holder].") doTeleportThing(cid,Red_Position,false) doSendMagicEffect(Red_Position,10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid,getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) doCreatureAddMana(cid,getCreatureMaxMana(cid)) releaseBF(cid) for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " has died with the "..TEAM1_NAME.." team flag. The flag is returned back to the "..TEAM1_NAME.." team.") end end return false end else if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then doItemSetAttribute(doCreateItem(corpse_ids[getPlayerSex(cid)], 1, getThingPos(cid)), "description", "You recognize "..getCreatureName(cid)..". He was killed by "..(isMonster(attacker) and "a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(attacker)) or isCreature(attacker) and getCreatureName(attacker) or "a field item").."[Normal kill].") doTeleportThing(cid,( isTeamTwo(cid) and Red_Position or Blue_Position ),false) doSendMagicEffect(Red_Position,10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid,getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) doCreatureAddMana(cid,getCreatureMaxMana(cid)) return false end end end return true end ]]></event> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6000" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function eventEnds() doBroadcastMessage('CTF-Event : The '..TEAM2_NAME..' team won and reciaved their reward.') for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamTwo(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) giveReward(cid) elseif isTeamOne(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'Your team have lost.') resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) end end addEvent(resetTheStorage,5) end function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 and getGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend) > 0 then if isTeamTwo(cid) and redStolen() < 0 then if not flagOwner(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "This is your team flag, you cant take it!") end elseif isTeamTwo(cid) and redStolen() > 0 and blueStolen() < 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your team's Flag has been stolen, go get it back!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) return true end if isTeamTwo(cid) and flagOwner(cid) and blueStolen() > 0 and redStolen() < 0 then if getRedScore() == FLAG_SCORE -1 then addEvent(eventEnds,1000) addToRed() doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Players_Speed) - getCreatureSpeed(cid) ) releaseBF(cid) for _,tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(tid) or isTeamTwo(tid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(tid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " have captured the last flag and earned match win to the ".. TEAM2_NAME.." team!") end end else releaseBF(cid) addToRed() doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Players_Speed) - getCreatureSpeed(cid) ) for _,tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(tid) or isTeamTwo(tid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(tid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " have captured the flag and earned 1 point to the ".. TEAM2_NAME.." team!") if Teleport_On_Score == true then doTeleportThing(tid,( isTeamTwo(tid) and Red_Position or Blue_Position ), false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(tid),10) end end end end end if isTeamOne(cid) then if blueStolen() < 0 and redStolen() > 0 then if flagOwner(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You already holding the flag!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) elseif (not flagOwner(cid)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your Team mates already stole the oponent flag, defend him!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) end elseif blueStolen() > 0 and redStolen() < 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your team's flag is taken you can't capture or steel a flag!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) end if redStolen() < 0 and blueStolen() < 0 then setGlobalStorageValue(FLAG2_INn,1) setflagOwner(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,103, os.time()+300) doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Flag_Holder_Speed)- getCreatureSpeed(cid) ) for _,tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(tid) or isTeamTwo(tid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(tid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " stolen the "..TEAM2_NAME.." team flag!") end end end end end return true end ]]></movevent> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="3435" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor) if getStorage(Event_Tile_Close) > 0 then if getPlayerLevel(cid) < Min_Join_Level then doTeleportThing(cid,fromPosition,false) doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition,10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,21,"Only players of level "..Min_Join_Level.." are allowed to pass.") else doTeleportThing(cid,Wait_Place,false) doSendMagicEffect(Wait_Place,10) end else doTeleportThing(cid,fromPosition,false) doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition,10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,21,"Come back later, event is closed now.") end return true end ]]></movevent> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6001" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function eventEnded() if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 and getGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend) > 0 then doBroadcastMessage('CTF-Event : The '.. TEAM1_NAME..' team won and reciaved their reward.') for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) giveReward(cid) elseif isTeamTwo(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'Your team have lost.') resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) end end end addEvent(resetTheStorage,5) end function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 and getGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend) > 0 then if isTeamOne(cid) and blueStolen() < 0 then if not flagOwner(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "This is your team flag, you cant take it!") end elseif isTeamOne(cid) and blueStolen() > 0 and redStolen() < 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your team's Flag has been stolen, go get it back!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) return true end if isTeamOne(cid) and flagOwner(cid) and redStolen() > 0 and blueStolen() < 0 then if getBlueScore() == FLAG_SCORE -1 then addEvent(eventEnded,1000) addToBlue() doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Players_Speed) - getCreatureSpeed(cid) ) releaseRF(cid) for _,tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(tid) or isTeamTwo(tid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(tid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " have captured the last flag and earned match win to the ".. TEAM1_NAME.." team!") end end else releaseRF(cid) addToBlue() doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Players_Speed) - getCreatureSpeed(cid) ) for _,tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(tid) or isTeamTwo(tid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(tid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " have captured the flag and earned 1 point to the ".. TEAM1_NAME.." team!") if Teleport_On_Score == true then doTeleportThing(tid,( isTeamTwo(tid) and Red_Position or Blue_Position ), false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(tid),10) end end end end end if isTeamTwo(cid) then if blueStolen() > 0 and redStolen() < 0 then if flagOwner(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You already holding the flag!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) elseif (not flagOwner(cid)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your Team mates already stole the oponent flag, defend him!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) end elseif redStolen() > 0 and blueStolen() < 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your team's flag is taken you can't capture or steel a flag!") doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),2) end if blueStolen() < 0 and redStolen() < 0 then setGlobalStorageValue(FLAG_IN,1) setflagOwner(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,103, os.time()+300) doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition,TRUE) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Flag_Holder_Speed)- getCreatureSpeed(cid) ) for _,tid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(tid) or isTeamTwo(tid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(tid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " stolen the "..TEAM1_NAME.." team flag!") end end end end end return true end ]]></movevent> <globalevent name="ctf" interval="120" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') local players = {} local bmale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(bmale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(bmale, {lookType = math.random(128,134), lookHead = 115, lookBody =114, lookLegs = 81, lookFeet = 81, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local bfemale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(bfemale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(bfemale, {lookType = math.random(136,142), lookHead = 115, lookBody =114, lookLegs = 81, lookFeet = 81, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local rmale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(rmale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(rmale, {lookType = math.random(128,134), lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local rfemale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(rfemale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(rfemale, {lookType = math.random(136,142),lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local fight = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT) setConditionParam(fight, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) function eventEnd() if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 and getGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend) > 0 then if getRedScore() > getBlueScore() then doBroadcastMessage('CTF-Event : The '.. TEAM2_NAME..' team won and recieved their reward.') for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamTwo(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) giveReward(cid) elseif isTeamOne(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'Your team have lost.') resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) end end elseif getRedScore() < getBlueScore() then doBroadcastMessage('CTF-Event : The '.. TEAM1_NAME..' team won and recieved their reward.') for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) giveReward(cid) elseif isTeamTwo(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'Your team have lost.') resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) end end elseif getRedScore() == getBlueScore() then doBroadcastMessage('CTF-Event : The Event ended with a draw between both teams.') for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamTwo(cid) or isTeamOne(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),false) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)),10) doRemoveConditions(cid,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'It was a draw between both teams.') resetTheTeams(cid) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(getPlayerLevel(cid)) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) end end end addEvent(resetTheStorage,1000) end end function eventStart() doSetStorage(Event_Tile_Close,-1) setGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend,1) setGlobalStorageValue(Timer, os.time() + Event_MaxTime*60) addEvent(eventEnd,Event_MaxTime*60*1000) for v = frompos.x , topos.x do for k = frompos.y , topos.y do for i = 1, 200 do position = {x = v, y = k, z = 7, stackpos = i} pid = getThingfromPos(position).uid if(pid ~= nil and isPlayer(pid)) then table.insert(players, pid) end end end end if math.mod(#players, 2) ~= 0 then doTeleportThing(players[#players],getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(players[#players])),false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPosition(players[#players]),10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(players[#players], 19, "Sorry, you have been kicked from event to balance teams.") table.remove(players) end if #players < Players_Least_Number then doBroadcastMessage("CTF event was cancelled because less than "..Players_Least_Number.." players joined") resetTheStorage() if #players > 0 then for i = 1,#players do doTeleportThing(players[i],getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(players[i])),false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(players[i]), 10) end end else doBroadcastMessage("CTF started") for i = 1, math.floor(#players/2) do setFirstTeam(players[i]) end for i = math.floor(#players/2)+1 , #players do setSecondTeam(players[i]) end for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then doAddCondition(cid, bmale) elseif getPlayerSex(cid) ~= 1 then doAddCondition(cid, bfemale) end doAddCondition(cid, fight) doTeleportThing(cid,Blue_Position,false) doSendMagicEffect(Blue_Position, 10) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Players_Speed) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) elseif isTeamTwo(cid) then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then doAddCondition(cid, rmale) elseif getPlayerSex(cid) ~= 1 then doAddCondition(cid, rfemale) end doAddCondition(cid, fight) doTeleportThing(cid,Red_Position,false) doSendMagicEffect(Red_Position, 10) doChangeSpeed(cid, getTheSpeed(Players_Speed) - getCreatureSpeed(cid)) end end players = {} end end function onThink(interval) if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) < 0 then setGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start,1) doSetStorage(Event_Tile_Close,1) doBroadcastMessage("CTF event is opened and teleport is created. It will start in "..Event_WaitTime.." minutes.") players = {} if getTileItemById(Tp_Place, 1387).uid < 1 then doItemSetAttribute(doCreateItem(1387,1, Tp_Place), "aid", 3435) end f= Event_WaitTime - 1 for i = 1,Event_WaitTime-1 do addEvent(doBroadcastMessage,i*60*1000,"CTF event is opened and teleport is created. It will start in "..f.." minutes.") f= f-1 end addEvent(eventStart,Event_WaitTime*60*1000) end return true end ]]></globalevent> <event type="think" name="ctff" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') local bl = BLUE_FLAG local re = RED_FLAG function onThink(interval) if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 and getGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend) > 0 then if redStolen() < 0 then doSendAnimatedText(re,"FLAG!",TEXTCOLOR_DARKRED) doSendMagicEffect(re, CONST_ME_SOUND_RED) end if blueStolen() < 0 then doSendAnimatedText(bl,"FLAG!",TEXTCOLOR_GREEN) doSendMagicEffect(bl, CONST_ME_SOUND_GREEN) end for _, cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if flagOwner(cid) then if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then if hasCondition(cid,CONDITION_HASTE) then doRemoveCondition(cid,CONDITION_HASTE) end end pl = getThingPos(cid) if isTeamTwo(cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,103) < os.time() then releaseBF(cid) for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " wasted 5 minutes with FLAG."..TEAM2_NAME.." flag is again on spawn!") end end else doSendAnimatedText(pl,"FLAG!",TEXTCOLOR_GREEN) doSendMagicEffect(pl, CONST_ME_SOUND_GREEN) end elseif isTeamOne(cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,103) < os.time() then releaseRF(cid) for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,getCreatureName(cid) .. " wasted 5 minutes with FLAG."..TEAM1_NAME.." flag is again on spawn!") end end else doSendAnimatedText(pl,"FLAG!",COLOR_RED) doSendMagicEffect(pl, CONST_ME_SOUND_RED) end end end end end return true end ]]></event> <globalevent name="timer" interval="0.4" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function onThink(interval) for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isTeamOne(cid) or isTeamTwo(cid) then if getGlobalStorageValue(Event_Start) > 0 and getGlobalStorageValue(Event_timeend) > 0 then if getGlobalStorageValue(Timer)- os.time() >= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Time -> ".."%M:%S ",getGlobalStorageValue(Timer)- os.time()) .. " | ".. TEAM1_NAME.." Score : "..getBlueScore(cid).."/"..FLAG_SCORE.." captures | ".. TEAM2_NAME.." Score : "..getRedScore(cid).."/"..FLAG_SCORE.." captures") end end end end return true end ]]></globalevent> <globalevent name="starting" type="startup" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('toto') domodlib('CTF-lib') function onStartup() resetTheStorage() return true end ]]></globalevent> </mod> desde ja agradeço
Ai alguem sabe onde eu consigo baixar o map do mafia easy game n sei se alguem ja ouvio falar mais eu to procurando esse map faz tempo se alguem souber onde arrumo ele rep+ por mt tempo. obrigado.
Bom queria saber como eu faço pra mudar a aparência da magia quando usada tpw assim quando o player fala utani gran hur em vez de sai normal tpw como se vc tivesse falado q nem no global msm so sai igual baiak laranja como muda isso n sei se é a seção certa me ajudem por favor
Bom gente quando eu abro o map do map editor e tals eu quero juntar os maps pra ficar mais foda so q tpw quando eu cliko pra abri um map novo da erro no rme tpw assim "O Rme Parou de funcionar" algo assim ñ sei o pq eu achei um tutorial aki no site msm mais n consegui fazer pq fica dando erro ai ta a imagem do erro \/
Bom getne quando eu abro o servidor e vo tentar logar com a conta do god ou a do acc manager qual seja da esse erro ae: desde ja agradeço ot server versão 9.71 global e tals [Warning - Protocol::RSA_decrypt] Not valid pact size <IP:>
Bom gente eu tenho esse evento no meu ot e tals abre td direitin o tp aparece e td mais so q quando os players entram na sala de espera eles n vão para o evento ficam na sala de esperar e quando entram pisam no sqm da bandeira e n conseguem pegar a bandeira creio q seja nessa parte aki mais eu n sako mt bem eu pegeui do script original pra postar aki --[[ Places setting ]]-- BLUE_FLAG = {x=3536,y=3537,z=7} -- Blue flag Place RED_FLAG = {x=3536,y=3537,z=7} --red flag Place Tp_Place = {x=1007,y=991,z=15} -- Place where the event teleport will be created. Wait_Place = {x=3551,y=3554,z=7} -- Positions Players will be sent when the enter event's teleport frompos = {x=3553, y=3559, z=7} --start sqm in the waiting room(1 floor) topos = {x=3556,y=3566,z=7} -- end sqm in the waiting room(1 floor) Red_Position = {x=3615,y=3602,z=7} -- Red team temple pos Blue_Position = {x=3546,y=3536,z=7} -- Blue team temple pos desde ja agradeço
tpw eu tenho um globa 8.7 e ele quando vai criar a acc pelo 1/1 vc so pode criar o passaword o account o server escolhe tem cm tirar isso???
tpw gente quando vai criar o account no meu ot não da pra criar a vocação master sorcerer aparece que eu digitei errado o nome da vocação me ajudem por favor
Bom gente eu so meio novo em assuntos de site para tibia e tals ai eu peguei um site com o video que eu achei aki no site msm e tals fiz td certo criei o site instalei td e tals so que ai vem o problema pessoas ñ conseguem acessar o site eu desblokiei as portas 80 e 8090 mais msm assim n tem como as pessoas acessarem so eu acesso pelo localhost.. se alguem souber pq da isso... desde ja agradeço
Tpw eu queria um npc q vendesse uma outra promotion por exemplo o meu ot é global ai tem o npc la em carlin q vende a second promotion la q é royal,elite,master e elder eu queria um npc tpw esse so q desse outra promotion por exemplo Assassin Paladin,Assassin Knight,Assassin Druid e Assassin Sorcerer se tiver como me ajd desde ja agradeço.
Bom gente eu tenho esse script aki no meu ot global na qual ele enche a staminia do player so q ele some eu queria saber se tem como fazer ele ficar infinito para que quando o player usar ñ sumir desde ja agradeço. function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local cfg = {} cfg.refuel = 42 * 60 * 1000 if(getPlayerStamina(cid) >= cfg.refuel) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your stamina is already full.") elseif(not isPremium(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You must have a premium account.") else doPlayerSetStamina(cid, cfg.refuel) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Your stamina has been refilled.") doRemoveItem(item.uid) end return true end