VERSÕES: 10.99/10.00/11.04 - CLIENTE PRÓPRIO.
Rates Name Value Experience Stages 60x Skill 20x Magic 7x Loot 2.5x
Info Server Name Value World Type RPG/PVP Server motd Bem vindos, estamos em fase beta, caso veja algum bug, reporte no forum!
Frags Name Value White Skull Time 15 Minutos Frags Time 12 Horas Frags to Red Skull 5 Frags Frags to Black Skull 15 Frags
Onther information Name Value Premium Free Bank System Ativo Guild halls Inativo Kick Time 15 Minutos PZ Lock 60 Segundos Free Bless Level 50 Level to buy house 100 Level to create guild 50